900 resultados para Paget, Francis, Bishop of Oxford, 1851-1911.
- Introduction Clinical pharmacokinetic studies of antibiotics can establish evidence-based dosing regimens that improve the likelihood of eradicating the pathogen at the site of infection, reduce the potential for selection of resistant pathogens, and minimize harm to the patient. Innovations in small volume sampling (< 50 μL) or ‘microsampling’ may result in less-invasive sample collection, self-sampling and dried storage. Microsampling may open up opportunities in patient groups where sampling is challenging. - Areas Covered The challenges for implementation of microsampling to assure suitability of the results, include: acceptable study design, regulatory agency acceptance, and meeting bioanalytical validation requirements. This manuscript covers various microsampling methods, including dried blood/plasma spots, volumetric absorptive microsampling, capillary microsampling, plasma preparation technologies and solid-phase microextraction. - Expert Opinion The available analytical technology is being underutilized due to a lack of bridging studies and validated bioanalytical methods. These deficiencies represent major impediments to the application of microsampling to antibiotic pharmacokinetic studies. A conceptual framework for the assessment of the suitability of microsampling in clinical pharmacokinetic studies of antibiotics is provided. This model establishes a ‘contingency approach’ with consideration of the antibiotic and the type and location of the patient, as well as the more prescriptive bioanalytical validation protocols.
Knowledge generation and innovation have been a priority for global city administrators particularly during the last couple of decades. This is mainly due to the growing consensus in identifying knowledge-based urban development as a panacea to the burgeoning economic problems. Place making has become a critical element for success in knowledge-based urban development as planning and branding places is claimed to be an effective marketing tool for attracting investment and talent. This paper aims to investigate the role of planning and branding in place making by assessing the effectiveness of planning and branding strategies in the development of knowledge and innovation milieus. The methodology of the study comprises reviewing the literature thoroughly, developing an analysis framework, and utilizing this framework in analyzing Brisbane’s knowledge community precincts—namely Boggo Road Knowledge Precinct, Kelvin Grove Urban Knowledge Village, and Sippy Downs Knowledge Town. The analysis findings generate invaluable insights in Brisbane’s journey in place making for knowledge and innovation milieus and communities. The results suggest as much as good planning, branding strategies and practice, the requirements of external and internal conditions also need to be met for successful place making in knowledge community precincts.
Exploring emotions is a defining feature of psychotherapy. This study explores how therapists explore emotions when they cannot see or hear their clients. In analysing 1,279 sessions of online text-based Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) we focused on therapists’ commiserations (e.g., “I’m sorry to hear that”) and their affective inferences (e.g., “that sounds very scary for you”). Both practices routinely prefaced moves to pursue a range of therapeutic activities, many of which did not prioritise sustained focus on the emotion that had just been oriented to. By separating message composition from message transmission, the modality used for these therapy sessions enabled therapists to combine orientations to emotion with attempts to shift the focus of discussion. Our analysis finds that although physically co-present and computer-mediated psychotherapy share a common focus on emotional experience, the modality used for therapy can be relevant in the design and use of these orientations. Data are in British English.
An adolescent and young adult (AYA) cancer patient is defined as an individual of 15 to 39 years of age at the time of initial cancer diagnosis.1,2 The number of AYA cancer survivors has dramatically increased over the past decades due to availability of novel therapeutics, with the 5-year overall survival rate among adolescents aged 15 to 19 years old exceeds 80% for most cancers.3 AYA cancer survivors, however, often experience a myriad of treatment-related chronic and late toxicities that can lead to functional impairment at great economic, emotional and social cost.4 As the cure rates of AYA cancers continue to improve and survivors live longer, post-treatment health issues in these survivors are becoming increasingly relevant, and more in-depth research is needed in this group of patients...
There is on-going international interest in the relationships between assessment instruments, students’ understanding of science concepts and context-based curriculum approaches. This study extends earlier research showing that students can develop connections between contexts and concepts – called fluid transitions – when studying context-based courses. We provide an in-depth investigation of one student’s experiences with multiple contextual assessment instruments that were associated with a context-based course. We analyzed the student’s responses to context-based assessment instruments to determine the extent to which contextual tests, reports of field investigations, and extended experimental investigations afforded her opportunities to make connections between contexts and concepts. A system of categorizing student responses was developed that can inform other educators when analyzing student responses to contextual assessment. We also refine the theoretical construct of fluid transitions that informed the study initially. Implications for curriculum and assessment design are provided in light of the findings.
Resumen: Es insuficiente para comprender adecuadamente las causas sociales, políticas e ideológicas de la incorporación del matrimonio civil obligatorio a nuestra legislación, el analizar el período histórico próximo a la sanción de la ley 2.393. Por ello hemos organizado la investigación en tres capítulos: “Los matrimonios entre personas de distinta religión”, “Católicos y liberales” y “La Ley de Matrimonio Civil”. El primero abarca la problemática, las distintas soluciones y la legislación aplicable, en el Río de la Plata, desde el tiempo de la colonia hasta la sanción del Código Civil. El segundo, la concepción filosófica de los hombres de la generación del ochenta, protagonistas de la sanción de la ley 2.393, las dos corrientes de pensamiento enfrentadas por su concepto del hombre, la libertad y el Estado, la posición de la prensa, los criterios sustentados por los doctorandos de la época, el fenómeno inmigratorio y el proceso de secularización. Por último, el proyecto de ley, sus repercusiones en la sociedad, en la prensa, el clero y la opinión pública; y su tratamiento en el Congreso de la Nación. Buscamos discernir las causas verdaderas y principales y las ficticias que llevaron a la introducción del matrimonio civil en el derecho argentino, para ello no solo hemos consultado las fuentes habituales, sino que hemos examinado gran cantidad de fuentes originales de la época. Entre ellas, a) la totalidad de los artículos publicados en los diarios La Prensa y La Nación durante el período 1870–1888; b) las Cartas remitidas por el Obispo de Buenos Aires, Monseñor Aneiros y por el Obispo de Córdoba, Fray Reginaldo al Senado de la Nación; c) Actas de las Sesiones de las Cámaras de Diputados y Senadores y d) las tesis doctorales de Francisco Barroetaveña, Daniel Goytia, Julio Sánchez Viamonte, Leopoldo Tahiér, Federico Valdez, Alejandro González Vélez y Alejandro Garramuño.
Resumen: Mucho antes de que San Agustín y Santo Tomás afirmaran que las cosas son buenas por el mero hecho de ser, ya en el siglo II de nuestra era Ireneo expresaba su confianza en la bondad fundamental de la materia. En los últimos seis capítulos del Adversus haereses (V, 31-36), el Obispo de Lyon plantea una verdadera teología de la historia que tiene como centro al hombre plasmado por Dios y llamado a su plenificación definitiva en la temporalidad y en el mismo mundo que lo vio caer. Al describir este tramo final y decisivo de la experiencia humana en la historia, nuestro autor nos revela su peculiar concepción del tiempo a la par que despliega un realismo escatológico totalmente opuesto al gnosticismo espiritualista de la época, que consideraba todo lo material como proveniente del error y la defección. A su vez, esta concepción de Ireneo supera tanto a los milenarismos ingenuos de su tiempo como a las utopías posteriores, en que el realismo escatológico es trocado en escatologismo radical. Se trata, en definitiva, de un optimismo metafísico propio de la visión cristiana que resultó novedoso para el ambiente espiritual de la época en que se gestó y que alienta a una prometedora relación del hombre con la naturaleza, ya sea desde la perspectiva del trabajo humano como fuerza transformadora de la misma, o desde un enfoque ecológico sin compromiso con posturas extremas, tales como el panteísmo o la explotación y sojuzgamiento brutal de los recursos naturales.
Resumen: Este aporte intenta lograr una mirada sincrónica de la tragedia que se llevó de este mundo a Mons. Enrique Angelelli. La trama humana en su conjunto se desarrolla entre tristezas y alegrías y, también, lógicamente, la historia de la Iglesia posee los mismos condimentos. Pero, la clave está en la luz con la cual miramos estos acontecimientos que, en este caso, no sólo será científica o meramente sociológica sino, fundamentalmente, teológica. Así, al recoger los testimonios del pueblo de Dios, presentamos un hecho histórico reflejado a través del prisma de la fe.
Assignment submission work flow from the University of Oxford Department for Continuing Education Cascade project.
O presente trabalho discute a interdependência entre religião e política no âmbito da ação pastoral da Diocese de Nova Iguaçu no bispado de Dom Adriano Hypólito, que foi nomeado em 1966 bispo diocesano. No discurso e práticas sociais realizados por Dom Adriano Hypólito observa-se a base dessa interdependência. Por isso, a pesquisa procura analisar os discursos proferidos pelo bispo em documentos como A Folha e o Boletim Diocesano para mensurar seu posicionamento em relação à fé e política. Através das entrevistas concedidas por padres e leigos engajados busca-se regatar a memória do Bispo de Nova Iguaçu, que em decorrência de sua postura e opção preferencial pelos pobres sofre perseguições e é torturado no âmbito da Ditadura Civil-Militar no Brasil. Para corroborar tais elementos, procura-se fazer uma análise antropológica do memorial, construído um ano após de seu falecimento. Salienta-se que os objetos que se encontram nesse memorial se materializam como lugar-memória, e que se traduzem numa linguagem político-religiosa. Dessa forma, procura-se localizar nesse espaço como a memória de Dom Adriano está sendo transmitida e de que forma seu trabalho pastoral é recuperado nessa construção. A pesquisa também procura recuperar os discursos do Bispo Dom Adriano e a contribuição dos mesmos para a formação do laicato que através da conscientização e formação nas bases da Igreja engajar-se-ão em movimentos sociais, em partidos políticos e em sindicatos.
Wydział Teologiczny: Zakład Teologii Fundamentalnej i Ekumenicznej
Ballineaspig, anglicised Bishopstown, consists of two townlands which are Ballineaspigmore and Ballineaspigbeg. Taken together, both townlands occupy an area identifiable in modern day terms as lying approximately between the old Glasheen National School on the east side and what was, until recently, the University Farm Curraheen Road on the west. A townland is the smallest administrative land division in Ireland. Historians and other scholars are as yet inconclusive about the origins of these divisions. They are certainly as old as the seventeenth century. The townland with which this booklet is concerned is known as Ballineaspigmore. It extends west from the new Regional Hospital at Wilton and includes modern housing estates such as Uam-Var, Benvoirlich and Firgrove. The simplest translation of the townland name is the large land division of the bishop. To clarify a popular misconception, Bishopstown does not derive its name from the fact that in the early eighteenth century a bishop of Cork built his country residence there. The name is much older and can be found in sources dating back to the sixteenth century.