982 resultados para Leitura escolar - Modelo
Pós-graduação em Educação - FCT
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA
The theme of the reading in the first year of the literacy cycle has become recurrent in academic papers, research groups, discussion forums, conferences etc. and raised different positions depending on the theoretical framework with which it is studied. While it is granted that reading instruction this school year is to ensure the ability to encode and decode and learn and understand the meanings and the meanings of what we read. In this work, it formed a general objective to investigate how reading skills are being developed in the classroom and the strategies used to develop decoding and understanding of meanings. The question that formed the north to the survey was as follows: The strategies and procedures being used in the teaching of reading in the early literacy process develop the coding and decoding skills beyond the grasp and understanding of the meanings of ideas? The specific objectives were established: a) investigate how is the teaching of reading in the first grade of elementary school; b) identify the teaching strategies and the design of reading and reader that the teacher of the class has observed and relate it to the way he teaches; c) verify that the teaching of reading in the first year of the literacy process, develop the early reading skills, decoding, and favors the development of the apprehension and understanding of the meanings of what we read. The methodology included field research, from a qualitative interpretation approach and had as direct data source the natural environment in which the teaching of reading has been developed. The work then displays data results analyzed in the light of literacy concepts distinguished by Soares (2011), and reading by Silva (1983), Foucambert (1994), Solé (1998), among others. The results were extracted inferences and interpretations. It is hoped that this work raises in literacy teachers, reflections on the teaching of reading in the literacy cicle, in order to establish the...
The books are part of the school routine in the course of our lives, currently, we are the gateway to the processes of social literacy that begins with the presentation of these objects for babies and children in early childhood education (EI). This research has the main question: to know how are the libraries or reading rooms in Early Childhood Education Centres (CEI) of Botucatu. Thus, the overall goal is to understand, characterize and analyze the CEIs libraries Botucatu. What implies: investigate and analyze the existing legislation on school libraries, their approach to the reality of the CEIs and the official documents of early childhood education; To investigate the relationship between the child and the playful objects (books, toys etc.) and finally discover and describe the reality of School Libraries in CEIs studied. The research is qualitative orientation, more precisely a Case Study. The space, proper equipment and support provide a rich learning that will serve as the basis for school achievements. However, the offering of School Libraries and Reading Rooms in many cases it is not a reality. The survey took into account which of the schools have assets, how is the organization of space, the playful activities with learners users and which functions, training and professional responsibilities designated as responsible for School Library/Reading Room. It is noteworthy to say the official documents as a basis and motive of this research as well as the fulfillment of established targets and carried out by the municipal, state and national governments on the implementation of School Libraries in schools, with the help of programs like National Fund Development of Education (ENDF), National School Library program (PNBE) and the National Book and Reading Plan (PNLL)
The Children's Literature is an invaluable tool for human formation, ethics, aesthetics and politics, as well as serves as an instrument for the formation of interdiscourse and transforms teaching procedures of text written production. Then, the investigation of how the literature is being worked in school. Therefore, in this work, constitutes the general objective, to investigate how the teaching of Children's Literature is organized in the early years of elementary school and if that organization promotes the development of literary literacy of the student, and language skills written and the reader behavior, making it critical on several topics. The question that served as a north to the research was the following one: is Teaching Children's Literature, in the early years of elementary school, organized to develop the literary literacy while acting as a catalyst tool for learning to read and write? Have been established the following objectives: a) describe how the teaching of children's literature is organized (teaching routine) in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th years of elementary school ; b) identify the literary genres that have worked in each school year, describe how they are worked out, analyze whether this work is related to the teaching of writing and the nature of that relation ship; c) verify if the Children's Literature teaching procedure seeks ways to articulate literary activities with the establishment of the interdiscourse as content for writing the textual production. The methodology that was included was the field research, from a qualitative interpretation approach and it had as direct data source the natural environment in which it was developed the teaching of Children's Literature. The work presents data results analyzed according to the concepts of Aesthetics of Reception (Iser, 1977; Jauss, 1977), and the functions of Literature, according to Candido (2000), Yasuda (2004), among others. From the results were extracted
The theme of the reading in the first year of the literacy cycle has become recurrent in academic papers, research groups, discussion forums, conferences etc. and raised different positions depending on the theoretical framework with which it is studied. While it is granted that reading instruction this school year is to ensure the ability to encode and decode and learn and understand the meanings and the meanings of what we read. In this work, it formed a general objective to investigate how reading skills are being developed in the classroom and the strategies used to develop decoding and understanding of meanings. The question that formed the north to the survey was as follows: The strategies and procedures being used in the teaching of reading in the early literacy process develop the coding and decoding skills beyond the grasp and understanding of the meanings of ideas? The specific objectives were established: a) investigate how is the teaching of reading in the first grade of elementary school; b) identify the teaching strategies and the design of reading and reader that the teacher of the class has observed and relate it to the way he teaches; c) verify that the teaching of reading in the first year of the literacy process, develop the early reading skills, decoding, and favors the development of the apprehension and understanding of the meanings of what we read. The methodology included field research, from a qualitative interpretation approach and had as direct data source the natural environment in which the teaching of reading has been developed. The work then displays data results analyzed in the light of literacy concepts distinguished by Soares (2011), and reading by Silva (1983), Foucambert (1994), Solé (1998), among others. The results were extracted inferences and interpretations. It is hoped that this work raises in literacy teachers, reflections on the teaching of reading in the literacy cicle, in order to establish the...
The books are part of the school routine in the course of our lives, currently, we are the gateway to the processes of social literacy that begins with the presentation of these objects for babies and children in early childhood education (EI). This research has the main question: to know how are the libraries or reading rooms in Early Childhood Education Centres (CEI) of Botucatu. Thus, the overall goal is to understand, characterize and analyze the CEIs libraries Botucatu. What implies: investigate and analyze the existing legislation on school libraries, their approach to the reality of the CEIs and the official documents of early childhood education; To investigate the relationship between the child and the playful objects (books, toys etc.) and finally discover and describe the reality of School Libraries in CEIs studied. The research is qualitative orientation, more precisely a Case Study. The space, proper equipment and support provide a rich learning that will serve as the basis for school achievements. However, the offering of School Libraries and Reading Rooms in many cases it is not a reality. The survey took into account which of the schools have assets, how is the organization of space, the playful activities with learners users and which functions, training and professional responsibilities designated as responsible for School Library/Reading Room. It is noteworthy to say the official documents as a basis and motive of this research as well as the fulfillment of established targets and carried out by the municipal, state and national governments on the implementation of School Libraries in schools, with the help of programs like National Fund Development of Education (ENDF), National School Library program (PNBE) and the National Book and Reading Plan (PNLL)
The Children's Literature is an invaluable tool for human formation, ethics, aesthetics and politics, as well as serves as an instrument for the formation of interdiscourse and transforms teaching procedures of text written production. Then, the investigation of how the literature is being worked in school. Therefore, in this work, constitutes the general objective, to investigate how the teaching of Children's Literature is organized in the early years of elementary school and if that organization promotes the development of literary literacy of the student, and language skills written and the reader behavior, making it critical on several topics. The question that served as a north to the research was the following one: is Teaching Children's Literature, in the early years of elementary school, organized to develop the literary literacy while acting as a catalyst tool for learning to read and write? Have been established the following objectives: a) describe how the teaching of children's literature is organized (teaching routine) in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th years of elementary school ; b) identify the literary genres that have worked in each school year, describe how they are worked out, analyze whether this work is related to the teaching of writing and the nature of that relation ship; c) verify if the Children's Literature teaching procedure seeks ways to articulate literary activities with the establishment of the interdiscourse as content for writing the textual production. The methodology that was included was the field research, from a qualitative interpretation approach and it had as direct data source the natural environment in which it was developed the teaching of Children's Literature. The work presents data results analyzed according to the concepts of Aesthetics of Reception (Iser, 1977; Jauss, 1977), and the functions of Literature, according to Candido (2000), Yasuda (2004), among others. From the results were extracted
Entre os registros culturais que participam do processo de produção de representações sobre a escola e o cotidiano escolar, a literatura brasileira dos séculos XIX e XX ocupa um lugar privilegiado. Tomando a escola como tema de fabulação, algumas das obras publicadas no período compõem imagens que remetem o leitor à vida cotidiana dessa instituição, em suas relações com a vida familiar e o mundo que a cerca. Ao referir-se aos objetos materiais, ao trabalho dos professores, à organização escolar, aos impressos que ali circulam, às relações que se estabelecem entre os seus integrantes, aos medos, angústias, alegrias, sensações e sentimentos que acompanham tal vivência, essas obras produzem representações que permitem uma identificação e uma aproximação entre a vida dos personagens e a do leitor. As representações sobre a escola e suas práticas, postas em circulação por meio das obras literárias, adquirem múltiplos sentidos e, de alguma forma, participam dos processos pelos quais atribuímos sentidos à nossa própria experiência escolar. Por meio da leitura de registros literários sobre a experiência da escolarização, este texto procura flagrar a escola em sua cotidianidade, indagando sobre os modos como os sujeitos representam a instituição escolar.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi descrever os aspectos fonoaudiológicos de processamento auditivo, leitura e escrita de um paciente do gênero masculino com diagnóstico de síndrome de Silver-Russell. Aos dois meses de idade o paciente apresentava déficit pôndero-estatural; frontal amplo; orelhas pequenas, proeminentes e com baixa implantação; palato ogival; discreta micrognatia; esclera azulada; manchas café-com-leite; sobreposição do primeiro e segundo artelhos à direita; refluxo gastroesofágico; voz e choro agudos; atraso leve no desenvolvimento neuropsicomotor; e dificuldade de ganhar peso, recebendo o diagnóstico da síndrome. Na avaliação psicológica, realizada aos 8 anos de idade, o paciente apresentou nível intelectual normal, com dificuldades cognitivas envolvendo atenção sustentada, concentração, memória verbal imediata e processos emocionais e comportamentais. Para avaliação da leitura e escrita e de seus processos subjacentes, realizada aos 9 anos de idade foram utilizados os testes de Compreensão Leitora de Textos Expositivos, Perfil das Habilidades Fonológicas, Teste de Discriminação Auditiva, escrita espontânea, Teste de Desempenho Escolar (TDE), teste de Nomeação Automática Rápida e prova de memória de trabalho fonológica. Apresentou dificuldades em todos os testes, estando as pontuações abaixo do esperado para sua idade. Na avaliação do processamento auditivo foram realizados testes monóticos, dióticos e dicóticos. Foram encontradas alterações nas habilidades de atenção auditiva sustentada e seletiva, memória sequencial para sons verbais e não-verbais, e resolução temporal. Conclui-se que o paciente apresenta alterações na aprendizagem da leitura e escrita que podem ser secundários a síndrome de Silver-Russell, porém tais dificuldades também podem ser decorrentes das alterações em habilidades do processamento auditivo.
Este artigo versa sobre uma pesquisa integrante do Núcleo de Apoio à Pesquisa em Estudos de Linguagem em Arquitetura e Cidade (N.ELAC), que desenvolve pesquisas em Linguagem e Representação. Entre as diversas formas de representação em arquitetura, a presente pesquisa traz o modelo tridimensional físico como ferramenta que proporciona maior facilidade de leitura do projeto, sendo mais concreta que os desenhos técnicos. Objetiva-se, assim, destacar a importância do modelo físico como meio de aproximação da população ao patrimônio arquitetônico. Como estudo de caso, foi escolhido o Edifício E1, obra de Ernest Mange e Hélio Duarte. Localizado no campus da USP em São Carlos, é considerado patrimônio da cidade, entretanto, encontra-se praticamente enclausurado no interior do campus, dificultando maior contato da comunidade com o edifício. O projeto do edifício utilizou apenas o desenho como representação, não incluindo nenhum tipo de modelo tridimensional (físico ou digital). A partir de um levantamento das representações gráficas utilizadas pelos projetistas, foi possível fazer uma comparação entre o nível de compreensão do projeto apenas com as peças gráficas dos arquitetos e a partir do modelo físico, produzido pela pesquisadora. Foi realizado um pré-teste em escola pública municipal, despertando o interesse desses alunos pelo edifício em questão.
O presente artigo vincula-se às pesquisas do Núcleo de Apoio à Pesquisa em Estudos de Linguagem em Arquitetura e Cidade (N.ELAC), que atua na área de Linguagem e Representação. Diante das diversas formas de representação em arquitetura (desenho, maquete, modelos digitais), nesta pesquisa o modelo tridimensional físico é trazido como ferramenta que proporciona maior facilidade de leitura do projeto e tratado como meio de aproximação da comunidade ao patrimônio arquitetônico, envolvendo, sobretudo, a arquitetura moderna paulista. Como estudo de caso, escolheu-se o Edifício E1, obra de Ernest Mange e Hélio Duarte. Localizado no campus da USP em São Carlos, é considerado patrimônio da cidade, entretanto, encontra-se praticamente enclausurado no interior do campus, dificultando maior contato da comunidade com o edifício. Durante sua execução, foi utilizado apenas o desenho como ferramenta de representação de projeto, não incluindo nenhum tipo de modelo tridimensional (físico ou digital). A partir do levantamento das representações gráficas utilizadas, foi possível fazer uma comparação entre o nível de compreensão do projeto apenas com as peças gráficas dos arquitetos e a partir do modelo físico, produzido pela pesquisadora. Realizou-se um pré-teste em escola pública municipal, que indicou um aumento no interesse desses alunos pelo edifício em questão.
[ES]El año 2000, un grupo de estudiantes de Bachillerato representaron a España en el Worldwide Young Researches for the Environment, una reunión organizada con ocasión de la Expo 2000 en Hannover. En 2005, otro equipo de bachilleres españoles obtuvo el primer premio en el XVII European Union Contest for Young Scientists celebrada en Moscú. Era la segunda ve< que la representación española conseguía esta mención en el certamen. Los estudiantes que acudieron a Hannover y a Moscú procedían de Gran canaria. ¿Es posible investigar en la ESO? ¿Es posible investigar en bachillerato? Los ejemplos mencionados responden ambas preguntas. Afortunadamente no son los únicos. las cifras del fracaso escolar ocultan los casos de excelencia escolar. La investigación en ESO y Bachillerato no sólo es posible sino necesaria.
[ES] En este artículo se presenta un resumen de la investigación desarrollada por el autor en la que los objetivos generales son: el primero, conocer la realidad del Deporte Escolar en la isla de Gran Canaria, particularmente el perfil personal de los entrenadores. El segundo objetivo planteado es diseñar un modelo o propuesta de organización y funcionamiento del Deporte Escolar en la isla de Gran Canaria. En la primera parte, exponemos someramente la evolución del deporte como fenómeno social. En la segunda parte, explicamos la metodología, resultados y conclusiones del Estudio Observacional del comportamiento de los Entrenadores en los partidos de competición.
[ES] El propósito de este artículo es describir el proceso de la planificación de aprendizajes motores y de desarrollo de la condición física en el contexto escolar, analizando las circunstancias que rodean a este proceso, con el fin de orientar a los profesores a planificar y que garanticen cierta eficacia en la intervención.