869 resultados para Internalized Stigma
Background Early intervention services (EIS) comprise low-stigma, youth-friendly mental health teams for young people undergoing first-episode psychosis (FEP). Engaging with the family of the young person is central to EIS policy and practice. Aims By analysing carers' accounts of their daily lives and affective challenges during a relative's FEP against the background of wider research into EIS, this paper explores relationships between carers' experiences and EIS. Method Semi-structured longitudinal interviews with 80 carers of young people with FEP treated through English EIS. Results Our data suggest that EIS successfully aid carers to support their relatives, particularly through the provision of knowledge about psychosis and medications. However, paradoxical ramifications of these user-focused engagements also emerge; they risk leaving carers' emotions unacknowledged and compounding an existing lack of help-seeking. Conclusions By focusing on EIS's engagements with carers, this paper draws attention to an urgent broader question: as a continuing emphasis on care outside the clinic space places family members at the heart of the care of those with severe mental illness, we ask: who can, and should, support carers, and in what ways?
Atualmente, a internacionalização é uma estratégia adotada por muitas empresas, independentemente da sua dimensão com o intuito de enfrentar o abrandamento económico no seu mercado doméstico e impulsionar o seu crescimento. No caso das PME, as principais razões que as levam a sair do seu mercado doméstico e a arriscar em mercados externos prendem-se com motivações reativas e muitas vezes exógenas, como sejam a saturação do mercado doméstico, as pressões da concorrência e as relações com os clientes. Assim, a crise financeira no país, aliada à crise no setor da construção civil, leva esta PME portuguesa, do ramo da carpintaria de limpo, a procurar novas oportunidades no exterior. No entanto, como tem consciência da falta de experiência e conhecimento nos mercados internacionais, começa por abordar os mercados numa lógica de procura de novas oportunidades, aproveitando as oportunidades que lhe são dirigidas e vendo nestas uma forma de aprofundar relacionamentos e ganhar experiência neste âmbito. Posteriormente, este conhecimento e experiência permitir-lhe-á enveredar por uma estratégia de internacionalização mais ativa, abandonando/diminuindo a lógica de oportunidade e apostando numa lógica mais estruturada e planeada. Este trabalho, ao tirar proveito de um único estudo de caso, pretende analisar a perspetiva evolutiva da empresa, e como uma estratégia empreendedora, a confiança e a incorporação em redes de relacionamentos facilitam o processo de abertura aos mercados externos.
Bakgrund: HIV är en infektionssjukdom som kan överföras vid bland annat oskyddade samlag, via blod och transplanterad vävnad. Då det idag finns antivirala läkemedel ses HIV inte längre som en dödlig utan en kronisk sjukdom. Personer med HIV/AIDS upplever att sjukdomen påverkar den fysiska och psykiska hälsan negativt. Sjuksköterskor har bristande kunskaper om sjukdomen samt är ovilliga att ge omvårdnad till dessa personer. Syfte: Syftet med litteraturöversikten var att beskriva personers upplevelser av att leva med HIV/AIDS. Metod: Litteraturöversikten baserades på 13 artiklar med kvalitativ design som analyserades enligt Fribergs femstegsmodell. En induktiv ansats användes. Resultat: Huvudtemat stigmatisering identifierades tillsammans med temat transition med tillhörande fem underteman samt temat rädsla med tillhörande tre underteman. Slutsats: Personerna med HIV/AIDS upplevde sig stigmatiserade av närstående, i samhället och i kontakt med hälso- och sjukvården. För att stigmatiseringen ska upphöra behöver sjuksköterskor mer kunskap om HIV/AIDS. För att nå ett personcentrerat förhållningssätt behöver sjuksköterskor se personerna bakom sjukdomen samt medvetandegöra sina attityder och förutfattade meningar mot personerna som lever med HIV/AIDS.
A presente dissertação analisa o calçado ortopédico sob as diferentes dimensões do produto. O estudo tem principal enfoque no estigma durante o uso do calçado ortopédico, tendo sido realizada em ambiente empresarial, designadamente na fábrica de calçado ortopédico Nimco Made4you. Colocase a questão: Como pode o design contribuir para a minimização do estigma no uso do calçado ortopédico? Produzir calçado portador de dimensão simbólica dos produtos de modo informado e consciente, é admitir que os portadores de deficiências físicas podem construir representações simbólicas minimizadoras do estigma, recorrendo a valores estéticos e sociais contemporâneos. O presente trabalho pretende contribuir para a descontrução do estigma no uso destes produtos numa perpectiva de design social, isto é, o design para todos. O trabalho é composto por uma introdução explicativa da problemática e sua relevância, estudo de mercado baseado numa análise de concorrência através de cronologias com análises comparativas e desenvolvimento de exercícios de design na procura de um caminho solucionário para a problemática. A dissertação termina com um capítulo conclusivo sobre a resposta dada e necessidades futuras para alcance da melhor solução possível. O contexto empresarial em que se desenvolve a dissertação na empresa Nimco Made4you, contribui fortemente para o entendimento da complexidade do problema, bem como na qualidade de respostas dadas ao mesmo. Se por um lado esta dissertação constitui um desenvolvimento de produtos que compreende uma dimensão simbólica no contexto particular em que se enquadram, por outro lado constitui também uma integração de competências de design a operar a partir de dentro da empresa.
The +Contigo Project is a longitudinal research project based on a multilevel network intervention aimed at promoting mental health and well-being and preventing suicidal behaviors. Students participate in social skills training sessions on the stigma of mental disorders, adolescence, self-esteem, problem-solving skills, and wellbeing. Problem statement: To identify the qualitative impact of the +Contigo Project. Objectives: To identify the importance of the project for students, the problem situations which it helped to solve, and its impact on an individual level. Research methods: Content analysis (Bardin, 2009) with a posteriori categorical identification. Semi-structured interview guide with 5 questions. A convenience sample of 16 students, from three schools of one school cluster in the Center Region of Portugal, was used. The ethical aspects of parental consent, voluntary participation and data confidentiality were addressed. Findings: Fourteen categories emerged from the data analysis. The answers to Question 4 'How was this project important to you?' were particularly relevant. Students mentioned that it improved their self-esteem by increasing self-confidence and interpersonal skills, and that it increased their reflection and awareness on problems with which they learned how to cope during the sessions. Conclusions: All interviewees considered that the +Contigo project helped them to solve problems, improve their interpersonal skills and cope with the adolescence period. Students improved their self-esteem and self-knowledge, and were able to apply what they had learned in the sessions in their daily lives. We concluded that the project had a positive impact on the students' mental health.
Nos últimos anos, assistimos ao crescimento do conhecimento sobre o trabalho sexual e os seus atores. No entanto, poucos estudos envolvem os/as trabalhadores/as do sexo (TS) como participantes ativos. Esta tese apresenta uma pesquisa de investigação-ação participativa (IAP) composta por dois estudos que, de forma complementar, pretendem contribuir para o desenvolvimento de uma proposta socioeducativa de intervenção centrada nos direitos e necessidades dos/as TS. O estudo preliminar pretende refletir sobre os discursos institucionais produzidos em torno do trabalho sexual e dar a conhecer as práticas socioeducativas empreendidas pelas instituições que dirigem serviços a TS, em Portugal. O segundo estudo apresenta o processo e os resultados de uma IAP, com TS de rua e uma equipa de outreach. O propósito do segundo estudo consistiu em identificar as necessidades e as vontades das TS e de uma equipa de outreach, com a finalidade de encorajar os/as participantes na construção de um modelo socioeducativo de intervenção. O estudo preliminar foi efetuado junto das 23 instituições que, à data deste estudo (de outubro de 2012 a março de 2013), prestavam apoio a TS. Concluímos que os serviços são bastante similares, focados na redução de riscos decorrentes do trabalho sexual, sobretudo a nível da promoção e educação para a saúde, assumindo uma intervenção tradicional centrada na epidemiologia. De forma menos expressiva, encontrámos instituições que se centram no apoio ao abandono da atividade. Todas assumem um papel fundamental no debate social e político sobre a prostituição enquanto trabalho ou opressão. Estes resultados conduziram-nos à formulação das seguintes questões: 1) Os serviços tradicionais centrados na epidemiologia reforçam inadvertidamente o estigma do/a TS?; 2) Quais são as preocupações, necessidades e vontades reais dos/as TS?; 3) O que pensam sobre serem envolvidos/as no desenho, implementação e avaliação de projetos que lhes dizem respeito? Assim, identificámos uma falta de participação dos/as TS em projetos a si dirigidos, corroborada pela literatura científica. O segundo estudo foi desenvolvido, de setembro de 2012 a junho de 2015, através de três ciclos de planificação-ação-reflexão com TS de rua e uma equipa de outreach, em Coimbra, tendo envolvido 28 participantes formais. Através de entrevistas e da reinterpretação conjunta dos resultados das mesmas, verificámos a existência de preocupações comuns, designadamente no que se refere à saúde e segurança ocupacionais, mas pouca coesão entre as TS. As iniciativas de conscientização, desenvolvidas no âmbito da IAP, providenciaram um sentido de controlo, mas a transformação da subjetividade em ação coletiva continua a ser premente. Por tal, propomos um modelo de intervenção socioeducativa com TS, segundo uma abordagem centrada na relação e na prática reflexiva, através do recurso a métodos e à filosofia da IAP. Propomos, ainda, algumas recomendações em torno da educação/formação dos profissionais de proximidade, das/os TS e, a um nível macro, iniciativas educativas centrada na desconstrução social do género.
Mental illness affects a sizable minority of Americans at any given time, yet many people with mental illness (hereafter PWMI) remain unemployed or underemployed relative to the general population. Research has suggested that part of the reason for this is discrimination toward PWMI. This research investigated mechanisms that affect employment discrimination against PWMI. Drawing from theories on stigma and power, three studies assessed 1) the stereotyping of workers with mental illness as unfit for workplace success, 2) the impact of positive information on countering these negative stereotypes, and whether negatively-stereotyped conditions elicited discrimination; and 3) the effects of power on mental illness stigma components. I made a series of predictions related to theories on the Stereotype Content Model, illness attribution, the contact hypothesis, gender and mental health, and power. Studies tested predictions using, 1) an online vignette survey measuring attitudes, 2) an online survey measuring responses to fictitious applications for a middle management position, and 3) a laboratory experiment in which some participants were primed to feel powerful and some were not. Results of Study 1 demonstrated that PWMI were routinely stigmatized as incompetent, dangerous, and lacking valued employment attributes, relative to a control condition. This was especially evident for workers presented as having PTSD from wartime service and workers with schizophrenia, and when the worker was a woman. Study 2 showed that, although both war-related PTSD and schizophrenia evoke negative stereotypes, only schizophrenia evoked hiring discrimination. Finally, Study 3 found no effect of being primed to feel powerful on stigmatizing attitudes toward a person with symptoms of schizophrenia. Taken together, findings suggest that employment discrimination towards PWMI is driven by negative stereotypes; but, stereotypes might not lead to actual hiring discrimination for some labeled individuals.
El principal objetivo de este estudio fue investigar lo que produce la vulnerabilidad de las consumidoras adolescentes en un ambiente virtual. Se eligió un enfoque cualitativo, utilizando como método la investigación documental. Los datos fueron recolectados en el entorno virtual de la Revista Capricho, específicamente en las secciones de Moda y Belleza entre enero de 2013 y junio de 2014. Los resultados de la investigación identificaron como factores agravantes de la vulnerabilidad de las consumidoras adolescentes: el género; autoconcepto; condición socioeconómica; la falta de conocimiento y la poca experiencia en el consumo; motivación; el estigma y la discriminación; las normas de la subcultura adolescente; el exceso de información; y el uso excesivo de internet. Las características de vulnerabilidad más relevantes fueron: no tienen confianza en términos de autoimagen; materialismo; inseguridad; perdida de bienestar; incapacidad de resistir a las presiones de grupo; estado de confusión y vicio en internet
This thesis examines the regulatory and legislative approach taken in the United Kingdom to deal with deaths arising from work related activities and, in particular, deaths that can be directly attributed to the behaviour of corporations and other organisations. Workplace health and safety has traditionally been seen in the United Kingdom as a regulatory function which can be traced to the very earliest days of the Industrial Revolution. With an emphasis on preventing workplace accidents and ill-health through guidance, advice and support, the health and safety legislation and enforcement regime which had evolved over the best part of two centuries was considered inadequate to effectively punish corporations considered responsible for deaths caused by their activities following a series of disasters in the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries. To address this apparent inadequacy, the Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act 2007 was introduced creating the offence of corporate manslaughter and corporate homicide. Based on a gross breach of a relevant duty of care resulting in the death of a person, the Act effectively changed what had previously considered a matter of regulation, an approach that had obvious weaknesses and shortcomings, to one of crime and criminal law. Whether this is the best approach to dealing with deaths caused by an organisation is challenged in this thesis and the apparent distinction between ‘criminal’ and ‘regulatory’ offences is also examined. It was found that an amended Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 to include a specific offence of corporate killing, in conjunction with the Health and Safety (Offences) Act 2008 would almost certainly have resulted in a more effective approach to dealing with organisations responsible for causing deaths as consequence of their activities. It was also found that there was no substantive difference between ‘regulatory’ and ‘criminal’ law other than the stigma associated with the latter, and that distinction would almost certainly disappear, at least in the context of worker safety, as a consequence of the penalties available following the introduction of the Health and Safety (Offences) Act 2008.
Résumé : Les enfants de maternelle dont la préparation scolaire est limitée risquent de présenter des difficultés comportementales nuisibles à leur adaptation ultérieure. L’implication des parents à l’école, plus précisément la collaboration famille-école (CFE), peut représenter un facteur de protection favorisant l’adaptation de l’enfant tout au long de son parcours scolaire. Les écrits scientifiques suggèrent que la CFE jouerait un rôle important dans l’explication des difficultés de comportement, surtout auprès des enfants provenant de familles défavorisées. Cette étude porte sur le rôle de la CFE dans l’explication des difficultés de comportement intériorisé et extériorisé des enfants de maternelle qui présentaient des lacunes sur le plan de leur préparation scolaire. Les analyses de régression linéaire montrent que pour l’ensemble des familles de l’échantillon (n=47), plus il y a de communication entre le parent et l’enseignant, plus il y a présence de comportements extériorisés et intériorisés. Par contre, la CFE modère la relation entre un indice d’adversité constitué du cumul de cinq facteurs de risque sociodémographiques et les difficultés de comportement intériorisé. Ainsi, chez les familles défavorisées, une communication plus fréquente est associée à moins de comportements de type intériorisé.
Background: Interspecific hybridization is a useful tool in ornamental breeding to increase genetic variability and introduce new valuable traits into existing cultivars. The successful formation of interspecific hybrids is frequently limited by the presence of pre- and post-fertilization barriers. In the present study, we investigated the nature of hybridization barriers occurring in crosses between Kalanchoe species and evaluated possibilities of obtaining interspecific hybrids. Results: The qualitative and quantitative analyses of pollen tube growth in situ were performed following intra-and interspecific pollinations. They revealed occurrence of pre-fertilization barriers associated with inhibition of pollen germination on the stigma and abnormal growth of pollen tubes. Unilateral incongruity related to differences in pistil length was also observed. The pollen quality was identified as a strong factor influencing the number of pollen tubes germinating in the stigma. In relation to post-fertilization barriers, endosperm degeneration was a probable barrier hampering production of interspecific hybrids. Moreover, our results demonstrate the relation of genetic distance estimated by AFLP marker analysis of hybridization partners with cross-compatibility of Kalanchoe species. At the same time, differences in ploidy did not influence the success of interspecific crosses. Conclusions: Our study presents the first comprehensive analysis of hybridization barriers occurring within Kalanchoe genus. Reproductive barriers were detected on both, pre- and post-fertilization levels. This new knowledge will contribute to further understanding of reproductive isolation of Kalanchoe species and facilitate breeding of new cultivars. For the first time, interspecific hybrids between K. nyikae as maternal plant and K. blossfeldiana as well as K. blossfeldiana and K. marnieriana were generated.
This thesis examines the intersections of gay and bisexual identity with body size, or fatness. Gay and bisexual identity and fatness are marginalized social identities that seem to be incompatible (Bond, 2013). While a sense of collective identity with the gay and bisexual community has been shown to be a protective factor against internalized homonegativity in gay and bisexual men (Halpin & Allen, 2004), the degree to which this protective factor persists for fat people in an anti-fat environment like the gay and bisexual community (Wrench & Knapp, 2008) has not been explored. This intersection of identities and anti-fat culture seemed to suggest there might be a relationship between fatness and internalized homophobia. Fatness did not moderate the relationship between sense of belonging to the gay and bisexual community and internalized homonegativity, but a significant positive relationship was found between belongingness to the gay and bisexual community and body shame.
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