989 resultados para Histone Deacetylase Inhibition


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Background and purpose: The discovery of the pharmacological functions of nitric oxide has led to the development of NO donor compounds as therapeutic agents. A new generation of ruthenium NO donors, cis-[Ru(NO)(bpy)(2)L]X(n) , has been developed, and our aim was to show that these complexes are able to lyse Trypanosoma cruzi in vitro and in vivo. Experimental approach: NO donors were incubated with T. cruzi and their anti-T. cruzi activities evaluated as the percentage of lysed parasites compared to the negative control. In vivo, trypanocidal activity was evaluated by observing the levels of parasitaemia, survival rate and elimination of amastigotes in mouse myocardial tissue. The inhibition of GAPDH was monitored by the biochemical reduction of NAD+ to NADH. Key results: The NO donors cis-[Ru(NO)(bpy)(2)L]X(n) presented inhibitory effects on T. cruzi GAPDH (IC(50) ranging from 89 to 153 mu M). The crystal structure of the enzyme shows that the inhibitory mechanism is compatible with S-nitrosylation of the active cysteine (cys166) site. Compounds cis-[Ru(NO)(bpy)(2)imN](PF(6))(3) and cis-[Ru(NO)(bpy)(2)SO(3)]PF(6), at a dose of 385 nmol center dot kg-1, yielded survival rates of 80 and 60%, respectively, in infected mice, and eradicated any amastigotes from their myocardial tissue. Conclusions and implications: The ruthenium compounds exhibited potent in vitro and in vivo trypanocidal activities at doses up to 1000-fold lower than the clinical dose for benznidazole. Furthermore, one mechanism of action of these compounds is via the S-nitrosylation of Cys166 of T. cruzi GAPDH. Thus, these compounds show huge potential as candidates for the development of new drugs for the treatment of Chagas`s disease. This article is commented on by Machado et al., pp. 258-259 of this issue. To view this commentary visit http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1476-5381.2010.00662.x and to view a related paper in this issue by Guedes et al. visit http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1476-5381.2010.00576.x.


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Selectivity plays a crucial role in the design of enzyme inhibitors as novel antiparasitic agents, particularly in cases where the target enzyme is also present in the human host. Purine nucleoside phosphorylase from Schistosoma mansoni (SmPNP) is an attractive target for the discovery of potential antischistosomal agents. In the present work, kinetic studies were carried out in order to determine the inhibitory potency, mode of action and enzyme selectivity of a series of inhibitors of SmPNP. In addition, crystallographic studies provided important structural insights for rational inhibitor design, revealing consistent structural differences in the binding mode of the inhibitors in the active sites of the SmPNP and human PNP (HsPNP) structures. The molecular information gathered in this work should be useful for future medicinal chemistry efforts in the design of new inhibitors of SmPNP having increased affinity and selectivity. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Three plant proteinase inhibitors BbKI (kallikrein inhibitor) and BbCI (cruzipain inhibitor) from Bauhinia bouhinioides, and a BrTI (trypsin inhibitor) from B. rufa, were examined for other effects in Callosobruchus maculatus development; of these only BrTI affected bruchid emergence. BrTI and BbKI share 81% identities in their primary sequences and the major differences between them are the regions comprising the RGD and RGE motifs in BrTI. These sequences were shown to be essential for BrTI insecticidal activity, since a modified BbKI [that is a recombinant form (BbKIm) with some amino acid residues replaced by those found in BrTI sequence] also strongly inhibited insect development. By using synthetic peptides related to the BrTI sequence, YLEAPVARGDGGLA-NH(2) (RGE) and IVYYPDRGETGL-NH(2) (RGE), it was found that the peptide with an RGE sequence was able to block normal development of C. maculatus larvae (ED(50) 0.16% and LD(50) 0.09%), this being even more effective than the native protein. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Despite the therapeutic potential of tempol (4-hydroxy-2,2,6,6-tetra-methyl-1-piperidinyloxy) and related nitroxides as antioxidants, their effects on peroxidase-mediated protein tyrosine nitration remain unexplored. This posttranslational protein modification is a biomarker of nitric oxide-derived oxidants, and, relevantly, it parallels tissue injury in animal models of inflammation and is attenuated by tempol treatment. Here, we examine tempol effects on ribonuclease (RNase) nitration mediated by myeloperoxidase (MPO), a mammalian enzyme that plays a central role in various inflammatory processes.. Some experiments were also performed with horseradish peroxidase (HRP). We show that tempol efficiently inhibits peroxidase-mediated RNase nitration. For instance, 10 mu M tempol was able to inhibit by 90% the yield of 290 mu M 3-nitrotyrosine produced from 370 mu M RNase. The effect of tempol was not completely catalytic because part of it was consumed by recombination with RNase-tyrosyl radicals. The second-order rate constant of the reaction of tempol with MPO compound I and 11 were determined by stopped-flow kinetics as 3.3 x 10(6) and 2.6 x 10(4) M-1 s(-1), respectively (pH 7.4, 25 degrees C); the corresponding HRP constants were orders of magnitude smaller. Time-dependent hydrogen peroxide and nitrite consumption and oxygen production in the incubations were quantified experimentally and modeled by kinetic simulations. The results indicate that tempol inhibits peroxidase-mediated RNase nitration mainly because of its reaction with nitrogen dioxide to produce the oxammonium cation, which, in turn, recycles back to tempol by reacting with hydrogen peroxide and superoxide radical to produce oxygen and regenerate nitrite. The implications for nitroxide antioxidant mechanisms are discussed.


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Tempol (4-hydroxy-2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy) has long been known to protect experimental animals from the injury associated with oxidative and inflammatory conditions. In the latter case, a parallel decrease in tissue protein nitration levels has been observed. Protein nitration represents a shift in nitric oxide actions from physiological to pathophysiological and potentially damaging pathways involving its derived oxidants such as nitrogen dioxide and peroxynitrite. In infectious diseases, protein tyrosine nitration of tissues and cells has been taken as evidence for the involvement of nitric oxide-derived oxidants in microbicidal mechanisms. To examine whether tempol inhibits the microbicidal action of macrophages, we investigated its effects on Leishmania amazonensis infection in vitro (RAW 264.7 murine macrophages) and in vivo (C57B1/6 mice). Tempol was administered in the drinking water at 2 mM throughout the experiments and shown to reach infected footpads as the nitroxide plus the hydroxylamine derivative by EPR analysis. At the time of maximum infection (6 weeks), tempol increased footpad lesion size (120%) and parasite burden (150%). In lesion extracts, tempol decreased overall nitric oxide products and expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase to about 80% of the levels in control animals. Nitric oxide-derived products produced by radical mechanisms, such as 3-nitrotyrosine and nitrosothiol, decreased to about 40% of the levels in control mice. The results indicate that tempol worsened L. amazonensis infection by a dual mechanism involving down-regulation of iNOS expression and scavenging of nitric oxide-derived oxidants. Thus, the development of therapeutic strategies based on nitroxides should take into account the potential risk of altering host resistance to parasite infection. (c) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) were studied in detail in the past regarding their interaction with therapeutic and drug addiction related compounds. Using fast kinetic whole-cell recording, we have now studied effects of tacrine, an agent used clinically to treat Alzheimer`s disease, on currents elicited by activation of rat alpha(3)beta(4) nAChR heterologously expressed in KX alpha(3)beta(4)R2 cells. Characterization of receptor activation by nicotine used as agonist revealed a K(d) of 23 +/- 0.2 mu M and 4.3 +/- 1.3 for the channel opening equilibrium constant, Phi(-1). Experiments were performed to investigate whether tacrine is able to activate the alpha(3)beta(4) nAChR. Tacrine did not activate whole-cell currents in KX alpha(3)beta(4)R2 cells but inhibited receptor activity at submicromolar concentration. Dose response curves obtained with increasing agonist or inhibitor concentration revealed competitive inhibition of nAChRs by tacrine, with an apparent inhibition constant, K(I), of 0.8 mu M. The increase of Phi(-1) in the presence of tacrine suggests that the drug stabilizes a nonconducting open channel form of the receptor. Binding studies with TCP and MK-801 ruled out tacrine binding to common allosteric sites of the receptor. Our study suggests a novel mechanism for action of tacrine on nAChRs besides inhibition of acetylcholine esterase.


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The inhibition of human cysteine cathepsins B, L, S and K was evaluated by a set of hypervalent tellurium compounds (telluranes) comprising both organic and inorganic derivatives. All telluranes studied showed a time-and concentration-dependent irreversible inhibition of the cathepsins, and their second-order inactivation rate constants were determined. The organic derivatives were potent inhibitors of the cathepsins and clear specificities were detected, which were parallel to their known substrate specificities. In all cases, the activity of the tellurane-inhibited cathepsins was recovered by treatment of the inactivated enzymes with reducing agents. The maximum stoichiometry of the reaction between cysteine residues and telluranes were also determined. The presented data indicate that it is possible to design organic compounds with a tellurium(IV) moiety as a novel warhead that covalently modifies the catalytic cysteine, and which also form strong interactions with subsites of cathepsins B, L, S and K, resulting in more specific inhibition.


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The volatile oil composition and anti-acetyl cholinesterase activity were analyzed in two specimens of Marlierea racemosa growing in different areas of the Atlantic Rain Forest (Cananeia and Caraguatatuba, SP, Brazil). Component identifications were performed by GUMS and their acetyl cholinesterase inhibitory activity was measured through colorimetric analysis. The major constituent in both specimens was spathulenol (25.1 % in Cananeia and 31.9% in Caraguatatuba). However, the first one also presented monoterpenes (41.2%), while in the Carguatatuba plants, this class was not detected. The oils from the plants collected in Cananeia were able to inhibit the acetyl cholinesterase activity by LIP to 75%, but for oils from the other locality the maximal inhibition achieved was 35%. These results suggested that the monoterpenes are more effective in the inhibition of acetyl cholinesterase activity than sesquiterpenes as these compounds are present in higher amounts in the M. racemosa plants collected in Cananeia.


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Erythroxylum species have several traditional uses in different countries, including the treatment of hypertension. The ethanol extract from E. gonocladum aerial parts, a species endemic to the Brazilian cerrado, elicited a concentration-dependent inhibition of angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) (pIC(50)=4.53 +/- 0.05). Extract fractionation led to the isolation of two compounds, whose structures were assigned by spectrometric data as astilbin and beta-sitosterol, along with a mixture of palmitic, stearic and linolenic acids. This is the first report on the occurrence of these compounds on E. gonocladum. Astilbin promoted significant ACE inhibition in vitro (pIC(50)=5.86 +/- 0.33) and its activity did not differ from captopril, when both compounds were assayed at 10 mu M concentration. (C) 2009 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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The first naturally occurring angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors described are pyroglutamyl proline-rich oligopeptides, found in the venom of the viper Bothrops jararaca, and named as bradykinin-potentiating peptides (BPPs). Biochemical and pharmacological properties of these peptides were essential for the development of Captopril, the first active site-directed inhibitor of ACE, currently used for the treatment of human hypertension. However, a number of data have suggested that the pharmacological activity of BPPs could not only be explained by their inhibitory action on enzymatic activity of somatic ACE. In fact, we showed recently that the strong and long-lasting anti-hypertensive effect of BPP-10c [inhibition. On the other hand, nicotinic acetylcholine receptors expressed in blood vessels have been related to blood pressure regulation. Therefore, we have studied the effects of BPP-10c on acetylcholine receptor function in the PC12 pheochromocytoma cell line, which following induction to neuronal differentiation expresses most of the nicotinic receptor subtypes. BPP-10c did not induce receptor-mediated ion flux, nor potentiated carbamoylcholine-provoked receptor activity as determined by whole-cell recording. This peptide, however, alleviated MK-801-induced inhibition of nicotinic acetylcholine receptor activity. Although more data are needed for understanding the mechanism of the BPP-10c effect on nicotinic receptor activity and its relationship with the anti-hypertensive activity, this work reveals possible therapeutic applications for BPP-10c in establishing normal acetylcholine receptor activity. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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This work reports the utilization of two methodologies for carbaryl determination in tomatoes. The measurements were carried out using an amperometric biosensor technique based on the inhibition of acetylcholinesterase activity due to carbaryl adsorption and a HPLC procedure. The electrochemical experiments were performed in 0.1 mol L-1 phosphate buffer solutions at pH 7.4 with an incubation time of 8 min. The analytical curve obtained in pure solutions showed excellent linearity in the 5.0 x 10(-5) to 75 x 10(-5) mol L-1 range, with the limit of detection at 0.4 x 10(-3) gL(-1). The application of such a methodology in tomato samples involved solely liquidising the samples, which were spiked with 6.0 x 10(-6) and 5.0 x 10(-5) mol L-1 carbaryl. Recovery in such samples presented values of 99.0 and 92.4%, respectively. In order to obtain a comparison, HPLC experiments were also conducted under similar conditions. However, the tomato samples have to be manipulated by an extraction procedure (MSPD), which yielded much lower recovery values (78.3 and 84.8%, respectively). On the other hand, the detection limit obtained was much lower than that for the biosensor, i.e., 3.2 x 10(-6) g L-1. Finally, the biosensor methodology was employed to analyze carbaryl directly inside the tomato, without any previous manipulation. In this case, the biosensor was immersed in the tomato pulp, which had previously been spiked with the pesticide for 8 min, removed and inserted in the electrochemical cell. A recovery of 83.4% was obtained, showing very low interference of the matrix constituents. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The similarities between the theories of thinking as inhibited action developed by David Ferrier and Sigmund Freud are examined in the context of the changes in the behavior of Phineas Gage, which Ferrier tried to explain with his inhibitory-motor theory. Johannes Müller's concept of will, its development by Alexander Bain, and Bain's influence on Ferrier's conceptualization of inhibitory centers localized in the frontal lobes are traced. Elements of the Bain-Ferrier theory found in Freud's theory of thinking, which do not derive from Brücke, Meynert, or Jackson, are itemized, and the implications of Freud's opting for a mechanism of inhibition that was basically excitatory is examined. Possible reasons for Ferrier's abandoning his concept of inhibitory centers are discussed and are contrasted with the reasons that Freud had for keeping to an excitatory conceptualization. The sensory-motor physiology of the day and its application to willing and thinking as inhibited action provide reasonably certain connections between Phineas Gage, David Ferrier, and Sigmund Freud.


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Gray’s reinforcement sensitivity theory (RST) posits two separable neurological systems involved in the regulation of personality and behaviour. The behavioural approach and inhibition systems facilitate the expression of appetitive (impulsive-sensation seeking traits) and aversive motivation (anxiety traits), respectively. Inconsistent findings regarding associations between measures of personality and behavioural responses to appetitive and aversive stimuli has led to a modification of RST including the notion that, rather than separable as first hypothesised, the two systems jointly influence behaviour. The current study was designed to investigate this proposal with an additional focus on the role of reinforcement expectancies. Seventy-eight participants completed two questionnaire measures of BIS/BAS activity (EPQ-R, SPSRQ) and two behavioural measures (Q-TASK, Card Arranging Reward Responsivity Objective Task). Findings were in general consistent with the original separable systems approach, however they also showed that aversive responses were highest in high BAS/high BIS individuals, thus suggesting an interactive account of BIS/BAS processes. Further, stronger positive correlations between self-report BAS traits and behavioural reward responsiveness were found for participants who perceived the task as more rewarding than initially expected. Discussion focuses on the role of reward expectancies and on the issue regarding separable vs. joint BIS/BAS systems.


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A previous study investigating individuals' bitterness sensitivities found a close association among three compounds: L-tryptophan (L-trp), L-phenylalanine (L-phe) and urea (Delwiche et al., 2001, Percept. Psychophys. 63, 761-776). In the present experiment, psychophysical cross-adaptation and bitterness inhibition experiments were performed on these three compounds to determine whether the bitterness could be differentially affected by either technique. If the two experimental approaches failed to differentiate L-trp, L-phe and urea's bitterness, then we may infer they share peripheral physiological mechanisms involved in bitter taste. All compounds were intensity matched in each of 13 subjects, so the judgments of adaptation or bitterness inhibition would be based on equal initial magnitudes and, therefore, directly comparable. In the first experiment, cross-adaptation of bitterness between the amino acids was high (>80%) and reciprocal. Urea and quinine-HCl (control) did not cross-adapt with the amino acids symmetrically. In a second experiment, the sodium salts, NaCl and Na gluconate, did not differentially inhibit the bitterness of L-trp, L-phe and urea, but the control compound, MgSO4, was differentially affected. The bitter inhibition experiment supports the hypothesis that L-trp, L-phe and urea share peripheral bitter taste mechanisms, while the adaptation experiment revealed subtle differences between urea and the amino acids indicating that urea and the amino acids activate only partially overlapping bitter taste mechanisms.