999 resultados para Histórico - PSF


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The purpose of the present research, of qualitative nature, was to analyzethe historical process of talent selection in soccer, specifically, themethodology used to identify goalkeepers, used by professionals who workedin Brazilian soccer clubs in the period of 1970 to 2005. Through the techniqueof semi-structured interviews, were collected the testimony of thirteenprofessionals who worked in soccer during the stated period. It was foundthat the process of identifying goalkeepers occurred predominantly duringthe collective training (traditional game) and the specific position training, inwhich technical fundamentals are observed. It was also found that theanthropometric characteristics (height) and the psychological aspects werementioned by respondents as the most observed ones in the process ofidentifying goalkeepers.


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The idea of "mature development" is based, frequently, on explanations of school failure: the student does not learn because he is immature and the school has to wait until he gets "mature". When one says that a child is not mature compared to the development already attained by an adult, one focuses only the quantitative differences between them and forgets that these new qualities of the adult did not arise by the maturation, but by the permanent appropriation process of the human culture. Thus, this idea of "maturity of development" expresses a deep biologization of the human being, reducing social and educational problems explanation to the biological apparatus of the individual. The purpose of this essay is to analyze the relationship between maturation and development, pointing out the limits of biologists’ explanations of human phenomena and the possibilities of explanation formulated by the historical-cultural theory to the organization of pedagogical work. This concept gives a new configuration to the role of maturation in the learning process and gives the school education a central role in the development of higher psychological functions. Thus, the school does not have to wait for the child’s maturation. Rather, it is its duty to create conditions for his/her maturation to become effective.


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Brazil was one of the four countries of Latin America to be elected in this century, the first time a woman for president. But does the fact of having a woman in the highest office of the Republic reflects the reality of women's political participation in Brazil? And how will the female representation in the media of the country? To answer these questions, this article is a literature review of these topics, showing that, despite having a woman in the highest office of the Republic, women's political participation and their representation in the media is lagging behind.


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This work deals with the historical survey of the class for the Devonian layers, general characteristics of the group and taphonomic preservation standards associated with the group. It was analyzed specimens of scientific collections from brazilian museums and universities. The taxonomic group is represented by four genera in the basins of Parana, Parnaiba and Amazon: Tentaculites, Homoctenus, Styliolina and Volynites. The tentaculitids occur from Ordovician to the Devonian, having its peak in the Middle Devonian. The class has three known orders: Tentaculitida, animals of benthic habit, Homoctenida and Dacryoconarida, animals of habit planktonic. It was also noticed the presence of two patterns of taphonomic conservation: isolated and grouped specimens.


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Since journalistic report is subject to certain pre-coded forms of narration, so that the recognized journalistic discourse is subject to a specific and standardized way of narrating the events, in this article, we will discuss the historical status of reality effects engendered narratively by news stories. Over time, although the use of reality effects is constant in news, the narrative techniques that harbor these effects have changed. In different historical periods, different narration codes had assumed the role of making the journalistic stories more credible. As material of analysis, we will show certain narrative techniques linked to reality effects used by magazines such as Revista da Semana (1900-1958), O Cruzeiro (1928-1975) and Manchete (1952-2000). Each one of these used certain storytelling techniques that have been abandoned in subsequent periods and that show the historical status of reality effects linguistically constructed in journalism.


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This research investigated the process of personal sense attribution to the study activity of students in Elementary School. The theoretical reference is the Historical-Cultural Psychology. It was conducted with students from 4th grade in a public school. The methodological procedures were: observation the daily life of a classroom; learning oriented situations; focus groups; interviews. As a result, we sought to define the analysis unit: the relation between the study activity motives and the objectives of study actions. It is defended the thesis that for the scholar learning to happen, the study actions of the students must have a personal sense correspondent to the motives and to the social meanings of the study activity, towards the human development promotion.


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This article highlights the theoretical and methodological unity existing between the culturalhistorical psychology and the historical-critical pedagogy, taking the category of mediation as a central element of analysis. This fact is justified since that category is emerging as an essential premise of the historical-materialist dialectical method; and this method, in turn, is the foundation of both the historicalcultural psychology and the pedagogy historical-critical. For achieving the stated aim, the text is organized around two themes. The first goes back to the historical-cultural conception of psychism, highlighting of internalization of signs as a condition for the development of that psychism; the second brings into focus the relationship between internalization of signs and concept formation, in order to demonstrate that the quality of the concepts in the training school is the intervening variable in the psychological development. By the way of concluding remarks, it is said the internalization of signs as a central element of mediation between historical-cultural psychology and historical-critical pedagogy.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Educação - FCT


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O antigo edifício do Matadouro Municipal, aparece no cenário do município de Presidente Prudente como um importante elemento do imaginário social urbano e de forte valor arquitetônico e histórico. É possível perceber a presença de alguns marcos e lugares que revelam uma leitura da arquitetura histórica da cidade, sendo a área do Museu e Arquivo Histórico de Presidente Prudente um conjunto de interesse cultural neste espaço urbano. Este trabalho elabora uma análise detalhada da paisagem antiga e atual e quais são os registros histórico/culturais materializados no antigo matadouro e propõe adequar o edifício histórico às novas funções urbanas contemporâneas, com o propósito de preservar a função de museu e arquivo histórico e recuperar esta herança para cidade e seu valor patrimonial


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This paper discusses issues related to the relationship of the Associação Atlética Acadêmica Unesp Bauru with stakeholders, its acquired image and the construction of this image throughout its history. Through a survey of former members, deepening interviews, image search analysis with campus students in 2011 and redemption of the entity's files entity is proposed a public relations plan aimed at improving the position of Atlética strategically with the new demands of its stakeholders. Thus the work aims to analyze the image of the members based on their institutional memory and students regarding the entity and thus propose a plan that is as faithful as possible to the dualistic views of these two public, improving the processes and actions of the Association


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O Cemitério Japonês de Álvares Machado - SP, marco histórico, cultural e simbólico, tombado pelo CONDEPHAAT, foi uma obra que surgiu diante da necessidade dos imigrantes japoneses que desbravaram a área e a colonizaram, ao qual dedicaram suas vidas, contribuindo enormemente para o povoamento e desenvolvimento do local. A chegada dos primeiro colonos japoneses coincide com o início do povoamento da porção sudoeste paulista, fato que foi impulsionado pela chegada da Estrada de Ferro Sorocabana à região. Passados mais de 90 anos, o sítio histórico apresenta boa conservação, no entanto há diversas ameaças à integridade física que urgem serem estudadas e sanadas. O presente trabalho visa levantar essas questões e propor soluções, tendo em vista a legislação, as recomendações de órgãos nacionais e internacionais de preservação de bens culturais, tais como UNESCO, ICOMOS, IPHAN, CONDEPHAAT e também através de pesquisa bibliográfica. Há também a proposta de intervenção arquitetônica, com o intuito de oferecer infraestrutura para recepção de visitantes, principalmente durante o evento anual do Shokonsai e a visita dos familiares que ali estão enterrados; oferecer novos usos para o local, de modo a ser ocupado e utilizado permanentemente, favorecendo a manutenção e ampliando a mensagem cultural, simbólica e da memória coletiva do local


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)