863 resultados para Government and press
The ICN, a state agency, is the country’s premier fiber-optic Network, committed to continued enhancement of distance learning and providing Iowans with convenient, equal access to education, government, and healthcare. This newsletter is produced monthly by the ICN of all the programs and activities of this department.
The ICN, a state agency, is the country’s premier fiber-optic Network, committed to continued enhancement of distance learning and providing Iowans with convenient, equal access to education, government, and healthcare. This newsletter is produced monthly by the ICN of all the programs and activities of this department.
The ICN, a state agency, is the country’s premier fiber-optic Network, committed to continued enhancement of distance learning and providing Iowans with convenient, equal access to education, government, and healthcare. This newsletter is produced monthly by the ICN of all the programs and activities of this department.
Paying for college doesn’t have to be financially overwhelming. There are several types of aid, including federal, state and institutional grants; scholarships from numerous sources; college savings plans; student and parent loans; and student employment options available to help you pay for college. In fact, most students attending Iowa colleges and universities receive some form of financial assistance. To be considered for most financial aid programs, you must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Applying for admission is not the same as applying for financial aid - you need to do both. To receive financial aid, it is necessary to file a completed FAFSA and submit an admissions application to the colleges and universities that interest you most. Follow the steps in this brochure to be considered for funds from the state of Iowa, the federal government and the colleges or universities of your choice.
The ICN, a state agency, is the country’s premier fiber-optic Network, committed to continued enhancement of distance learning and providing Iowans with convenient, equal access to education, government, and healthcare. This newsletter is produced monthly by the ICN of all the programs and activities of this department.
The ICN, a state agency, is the country’s premier fiber-optic Network, committed to continued enhancement of distance learning and providing Iowans with convenient, equal access to education, government, and healthcare. This newsletter is produced monthly by the ICN of all the programs and activities of this department.
The ICN, a state agency, is the country’s premier fiber-optic Network, committed to continued enhancement of distance learning and providing Iowans with convenient, equal access to education, government, and healthcare. This newsletter is produced monthly by the ICN of all the programs and activities of this department.
The ICN, a state agency, is the country’s premier fiber-optic Network, committed to continued enhancement of distance learning and providing Iowans with convenient, equal access to education, government, and healthcare. This newsletter is produced monthly by the ICN of all the programs and activities of this department.
This is a summary of some of the activities the Board was involved with in 2011. More information about the Board’s work is available in the agendas, minutes, reports and press releases on the website, www.medicalboard.iowa.gov, and the Board’s page on Facebook. Much has been accomplished in the past year, but much more remains to be done. The Board looks forward to the many challenges that lie ahead and will continue to strengthen and enhance services to the public and licensees. I am very proud of the staff and Board members and their commitment to excellent service to the citizens of Iowa.
Koneuusintojen sekä täysin uusien konelinjojen myötä SC-paperin valmistuskapasiteettia on tullut ja tulee paljon lisää 2000-luvulla. Uudistettujen sekä uusien linjojen tuottavuudet ja laatutasot ylittävät huomattavasti Myllykoski Paperin PK7:n nykyisen tason. Tämän vuoksi PK7:lla tulee pystyä valmistamaan vähemmän kilpailtuja ja jalostusarvoltaan parempia laatuja kuin mitä suurimmat SC-tuottajat valmistavat. Työn tavoitteena oli antaa vastauksia investointitarpeisiin, jos PK7:n tuotesuuntaa ollaan muuttamassa. Toisena tavoitteena oli luoda puristin- ja viiraosan vedenpoiston kannalta ajoikkuna, jossa muuttujna ovat neliömassa, paperikoneen nopeus sekä massatärkkelyksen määrä Kirjallisuusosassa tarkasteltiin SC-paperikoneen viira- ja puristinosan vedenpoistoa. PK7:n nykyisen listakenkäformerin vedenpoistokapasiteetti voi olla riittämätön nykyisellä laatutasolla ja hiokemassoilla suurempia ajonopeuksia tavoiteltaessa. Ongelmiksi voivat tulla listakengän vedenpoisto ja viiraosan jälkeinen kuiva-aine. Puristinosalla paksut lajit, alhainen kuiva-aine sekä nopea ja äkillinen vedenpoisto voivat aiheuttaa telanipissä kurausta. Kokeellisessa osassa selvitettiin raskaiden ja ohuiden neliömassojen sekä eripaperilajien mahdolliset vedenpoiston rajoitukset viira- ja puristinosalla. Formeritelan ja listakengän sekä 1. puristimen vedenpoistokapasiteetit tulivat koeajon perusteella kriittiseksi raskailla lajeilla ja suurilla massatärkkelysmäärillä, kun koneen nopeus nousi yli 1240 m/min.
In this thesis membrane filtration of paper machnie clear filtrate was studied. The aim of the study was to find membrane processes which are able to produce economically water of sufficient purity from paper machine white water or its saveall clarified fractions for reuse in the paper machnie short circulation. Factors affecting membrane fouling in this application were also studied. The thesis gives an overview af experiments done on a laboratory and a pilot scale with several different membranes and membrane modules. The results were judged by the obtained flux, the fouling tendency and the permeate quality assessed with various chemical analyses. It was shown that membrane modules which used a turbulence promotor of some kind gave the highest fluexes. However, the results showed that the greater the reduction in the concentration polarisation layer caused by increased turbulence in the module, the smaller the reductions in measured substances. Out of the micro-, ultra- and nanofiltration membranes tested, only nanofiltration memebranes produced permeate whose quality was very close to that of the chemically treated raw water used as fresh water in most paper mills today and which should thus be well suited for reuse as shower water both in the wire and press section. It was also shown that a one stage nanofiltration process was more effective than processes in which micro- or ultrafiltration was used as pretreatment for nanofiltration. It was generally observed that acidic pH, high organic matter content, the presence of multivalent ions, hydrophobic membrane material and high membrane cutoff increased the fouling tendency of the membranes.
This study focuses on corporate social responsibility (or CSR)as the latest dimension to emerge in the corporate responsibility and sustainability agenda, which in the recent past has rapidly risen to the top of the list of concerns for civil societies worldwide. Despite the continuing debates and discussions about the scope, benefits, and impacts of CSR to business and community in various sectors, levels, and types of society, many companies have moved forward to confront the opportunities and challenges of CSR. Thus, this study is about those proactive companies with a focus on the importance of CSR and its management inside and outside the company. It is an exploration and learning from the experience of Finnish companies, as well as other actors interested or involved in shaping the course of CSR, locally and globally. It also looks closely at how national culture affects the views, thinking, and management of CSR in a welfare state. This dissertation primarily draws on the analyses of information collected from a series of qualitative interviews and the existing literature in the area. This is complemented by an analysis of written and published documents on CSR from various sources. The results of the study give insightful information and detailed descriptions of a roadmap useful in learning and understanding CSR in Finnish companies. Despite the varying conceptual connotations, essential roadmap indicators point to the importance of framing CSR within the corporate responsibility concept, Finnish development and the welfare state system, globalization, stakeholders, and the pursuit of sustainable development as the main drivers of CSR, the remarkable progress of CSR in companies, and identification of key management areas and practices relevant to CSR. Similarly,the study reveals the importance of culture as essential in understanding and learning CSR. Finnish culture has a positive influence on the views, thinking, and management practices of CSR issues. Such a positive influence of culture, therefore, makes it easy for business people to discuss and understand CSR, because those CSR issues are already considered common and taken-for-granted by Finns and are implicit in the welfare state provisions. The experience of Finnish companies in implementing CSR policies in the supply chain is a concrete proactive step in advancing the message of CSR, that is, to bring companies and suppliers together to work on improving and strengthening relationships towards socially responsible practices worldwide. Such a forward step to deal with CSR issues in the supply chain reflects the companies' commitments and belief that CSR can be managed with the suppliers and gain positive benefits. Despite the problems and complexities, particularly in the global supply chain, managing CSR for Finnish companies presents new opportunities and challenges that are expected to intensify in the near future. The focus on CSR policy implementation inthe supply chain points to the importance of companies taking initiatives and forging cooperation with suppliers with the aim of addressing and improving CSR questions in the supply chains. The proactive stance of Finnish companies toward CSR is complemented by the active supporting role of important societalactors such as the government and NGOs. These actors carry out various promotional efforts and campaigns, thus bringing CSR into the mainstream of Finnish companies and strengthening the synergistic learning about CSR within the Finnish business and civil circles. The efforts of the government and NGOs to promote CSR are indicative of the importance of multipartite involvement and the emergence of better civil regulations. Likewise, their drive to learn from each other, exchange experiences, and contribute in CSR debates facilitated the evolution of CSRnetworks in the country. The results of this study add to the mounting evidence that CSR, in general, has created a new dimension in managing corporate sustainability. This study provides compelling empirical evidence and some direct quotations about CSR in the Finnish context. This information can be used to learn and gain new useful insights, approaches, and concepts for managing CSR.
The aim of this research was to determine whether a cash basis financial statement would give additional value for the financial management of a local government and whether the cash flow statement would assist in getting a true and fair view of the financial position of the local government. The goal was to develop a cash flow statement and cash flow based key ratios for the needs of local government and the possibilities to utilise them were studied. In the theoretical part of this work, the literature review section,municipal economy, the main objectives and key ratios of financial control in municipal financial management, central control systems, control instruments and different financial statements were studied. In the empirical part the possibilities of utilising the information of these different financial statements as onecontrol instrument of municipal financial management were compared. Also empirical testing of the exploitation of these financial statements was carried out. The suggestion for municipal cash flow statement and its key ratios were defined on the basis of the theoretical and empirical parts. The results show that the municipal cash flow statement is most effective in a three-part form: cash flow from ordinary operations, cash flow from investments and funding cash flow. The added value of the cash flow statement comes from its ability to better attest the financial ability for investments better than the profit and loss account. Themunicipal cash flow statement is therefore especially suitable when analysing of the sufficiency of money. In addition to absolute ratios, such as the financial margin, also relative cash basis ratios such as the financial margin percentage, liquidity percentage and investment income financing percentage are important. Also the simple cash based calculation about receiving and using money is applicable to local governments. The statement could be a part of municipal financial statements, budgets and annual reports. On the other hand, working capital flow and expense and revenue flow statements do not give added value for municipal financial management.
La repressió dels eclesiàstics absolutistes lleidatans al Trienni Liberal: el cas del bisbe Renteria
El bisbe Simón Renteria y Reyes va ocupar la Mitra de la diòcesi de Lleida durant el període 1819-1824. Al Trienni Liberal Renteria va esdevenir un eix molt important de l’absolutisme a la ciutat de Lleida ja que va oposar-se notablement a les reformes legislatives liberals, defensant una clara tendència al conservadorisme i al tradicionalisme dins de l’àmbit del pensament polític. Per aquest motiu va protestar contra les noves lleis i Decrets del govern liberal i va enviar tot un seguit de cartes i oficis amb l’objectiu de capgirar la política de les Corts Constitucionals. Fruit d’aquesta oposició al règim liberal les autoritats lleidatanes el van expulsar de la ciutat. També altres membres de l’Església van patir, en diferent grau, la repressió del poder liberal. Amb el retorn un altre cop de l’absolutisme a finals de l’any 1823 els religiosos que s’havien mantingut fidels al tradicionalisme van rebre diverses recompenses.
El objetivo del estudio es describir el proceso de profesionalización de la enfermería en Lleida a partir de la llegada de las Hijas de la Caridad de San Vicente de Paúl en el Hospital de Santa María. MATERIAL Y MÉTODO: Estudio histórico mediante técnica de observación documental y análisis de documentos legislativos. Los documentos utilizados son: copia de la escritura del establecimiento de las Hijas de la Caridad en el Hospital de Santa María (1792) y las Constituciones para el gobierno del Santo Hospital General de la Ciudad de Lérida (1797). RESULTADOS: En la copia de la escritura se establece que las hermanas se encargarán del régimen y cuidados de los enfermos según las reglas de su instituto; y que tanto el gobierno y dirección interior y exterior de ellas dependerá de la Congregación. En las Constituciones del 1797 se acredita que han resultado beneficiosas tanto para la organización del hospital como para la atención sanitaria. Ponen énfasis en posibles divulgaciones negativas con respecto a ellas. CONCLUSIONES Y DISCUSIÓN: El establecimiento de las Hijas de la Caridad mejoró la atención sanitaria de los enfermos y la salubridad del centro. La contraprestación económica nos ayuda para que podamos hablar de profesionalización de enfermería.