992 resultados para Engagement strategy
To evaluate whether screening for hypertension should start early in life, information on the risk of diseases associated with the level of blood pressure in childhood or adolescence is needed. The study by Leiba et al. that is reported in the current issue of Pediatric Nephrology demonstrates convincingly that hypertensive adolescents are at higher risk of cardiovascular death than normotensive adolescents. Nevertheless, it can be shown that this excess risk is not sufficient to justify a screen-and-treat strategy. Since the large majority of cardiovascular deaths occur among normotensive adolescents, measures for primordial prevention of cardiovascular diseases could have a much larger impact at the population level.
Les empreses intenten obrir mercats nous constantment, aconseguint atraure nous clients objectiu i augmentar el reconeixement de la marca. Aquest treball investiga el cóm i per què el patrocini d'atletes, per a que aquests representin els productes d'una empresa, ja que és una eina cada vegada més àmplia i popular en el màrqueting mix de les empreses. Michael Jordan, un estel retirada de bàsquet, ha rebut molta atenció dels mitjans publicitaris i ha representat sota patrocini a diversos productes. Especialment el seu contracte de patrocini amb Nike, Inc. s'ha convertit en un excel·lent cas d'estudi per analitzar la tendència actual que suposa patrocinar atletes en el mercat internacional. Els resultats d'aquest cas d'estudi ajuden a entendre els factors que poden influir en èxit de les empreses quan decideixen patrocinar a un atleta com a part de la seva estratègia de màrqueting.
L'adoption de l'IRM dans le parcours diagnostique a déterminé la transition des biopsies aléatoires aux biopsies ciblées vers les lésions visibles à l'imagerie. L'utilisation de logiciels rendant possible la fusion d'images IRM et échographiques permet d'améliorer significativement la précision diagnostique de ces biopsies. De plus, pour déterminer l'éligibilité d'un patient à une thérapie focale, davantage de précision diagnostique est requise au niveau de toute la glande ; par conséquent, des biopsies avec une densité d'échantillonnage plus élevée par voie transpérinéale peuvent être proposées.Les nouvelles techniques de biopsie de la prostate permettent une prise en charge personnalisée grâce à une meilleure caractérisation de l'agressivité et de l'extension locale du cancer de la prostate. The adoption of multiparametric MRI within the diagnostic pathway has allowed urologists to move from random biopsy to targeted biopsy directed towards MR-visible lesions. The use of software for MR to TRUS fusion may enhance the diagnostic accuracy of targeted biopsy. To determine the eligibility for tissue-preserving approaches, further precision is required, and template prostate mapping biopsy may be offered. The employment of novel biopsy techniques provide better characterisation of the disease, and allows a tailored approach to a single subject.
The objective of the thesis is to enhance the understanding about the management of the front end phases of the innovation process in a networked environment. The thesis approaches the front end of innovation from three perspectives, including the strategy, processes and systems of innovation. The purpose of the use of different perspectives in the thesis is that of providing an extensive systemic view of the front end, and uncovering the complex nature of innovation management. The context of the research is the networked operating environment of firms. The unit of analysis is the firm itself or its innovation processes, which means that this research approaches the innovation networks from the point of view of a firm. The strategy perspective of the thesis emphasises the importance of purposeful innovation management, the innovation strategy of firms. The role of innovation processes is critical in carrying out innovation strategies in practice, supporting the development of organizational routines for innovation, and driving the strategic renewal of companies. The primary focus of the thesis from systems perspective is on idea management systems, which are defined as a part of innovation management systems, and defined for this thesis as any working combination of methodology and tools (manual or IT-supported) that enhance the management of innovations within their early phases. The main contribution of the thesis are the managerial frameworks developed for managing the front end of innovation, which purposefully “wire” the front end of innovation into the strategy and business processes of a firm. The thesis contributes to modern innovation management by connecting the internal and external collaboration networks as foundational elements for successful management of the early phases of innovation processes in a dynamic environment. The innovation capability of a firm is largely defined by its ability to rely on and make use of internal and external collaboration already during the front end activities, which by definition include opportunity identification and analysis, idea generation, profileration and selection, and concept definition. More specifically, coordination of the interfaces between these activities, and between the internal and external innovation environments of a firm is emphasised. The role of information systems, in particular idea management systems, is to support and delineate the innovation-oriented behaviour and interaction of individuals and organizations during front end activities. The findings and frameworks developed in the thesis can be used by companies for purposeful promotion of their front end processes. The thesis provides a systemic strategy framework for managing the front end of innovation – not as a separate process, but as an elemental bundle ofactivities that is closely linked to the overall innovation process and strategy of a firm in a distributed environment. The theoretical contribution of the thesis relies on the advancement of the open innovation paradigm in the strategic context of a firm within its internal and external innovation environments. This thesis applies the constructive research approach and case study methodology to provide theoretically significant results, which are also practically beneficial.
The thesis examines System Integration and original equipment manufacturer (OEM) channel in the St. Petersburg drives market. The aim of the study was to increase understanding the relationship between OEM and SI and producers, problems and ongoing trends. The collected data was analyzed in order to find out which features of a power electronic drive product exercise a significant influence for the Russian companies decision. An essential part of this study was interviews as primary information sources, organized with SI and OEM companies which represented the basic SPb industry segments. The wholesalers and end users are left out from the analysis. The collected data was analyzed in order to find out which features of a power electronic drive product exercise a significant influence for the Russian companies decision.
It has been suggested that decisionmaking depends on sensitive feelings associatedwith cognitive processing rather than cognitiveprocessing alone. From human lesions, we knowthe medial anterior inferior-ventral prefrontalcortex processes the sensitivity associated withcognitive processing, it being essentiallyresponsible for decision making.In this fMRI (functional Magnetic ResonanceImage) study 15 subjects were analyzed usingmoral dilemmas as probes to investigate the neuralbasis for painful-emotional sensitivity associatedwith decision making. We found that a networkcomprising the posterior and anterior cingulateand the medial anterior prefrontal cortex wassignificantly and specifically activated by painfulmoral dilemmas, but not by non-painful dilemmas.These findings provide new evidence that thecingulate and medial anterior prefrontal areinvolved in processing painful emotionalsensibility, in particular, when decision makingtakes place. We speculate that decision makinghas a cognitive component processed by cognitivebrain areas and a sensitivity component processedby emotional brain areas. The structures activatedsuggest that decision making depends on painfulemotional feeling processing rather than cognitiveprocessing when painful feeling processinghappens
The medial temporal lobe (MTL)-comprising hippocampus and the surrounding neocortical regions-is a targeted brain area sensitive to several neurological diseases. Although functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) has been widely used to assess brain functional abnormalities, detecting MTL activation has been technically challenging. The aim of our study was to provide an fMRI paradigm that reliably activates MTL regions at the individual level, thus providing a useful tool for future research in clinical memory-related studies. Twenty young healthy adults underwent an event-related fMRI study consisting of three encoding conditions: word-pairs, face-name associations and complex visual scenes. A region-of-interest analysis at the individual level comparing novel and repeated stimuli independently for each task was performed. The results of this analysis yielded activations in the hippocampal and parahippocampal regions in most of the participants. Specifically, 95% and 100% of participants showed significant activations in the left hippocampus during the face-name encoding and in the right parahippocampus, respectively, during scene encoding. Additionally, a whole brain analysis, also comparing novel versus repeated stimuli at the group level, showed mainly left frontal activation during the word task. In this group analysis, the face-name association engaged the HP and fusiform gyri bilaterally, along with the left inferior frontal gyrus, and the complex visual scenes activated mainly the parahippocampus and hippocampus bilaterally. In sum, our task design represents a rapid and reliable manner to study and explore MTL activity at the individual level, thus providing a useful tool for future research in clinical memory-related fMRI studies.
Most Finnish periodical magazines have a website, often an online service. The objective of this thesis is to understand the magazines’ resources and capabilities and match them with online strategies’ goals and objectives. The thesis’ theoretical part focuses on explaining and classifying resources, capabilities, goals and objectives, and applying everything into Finnish magazine publishing context. In the empirical part, there is a comparative case study of four magazines. The findings indicate that with cooperating, advertising and community hosting capabilities magazines may utilize their human, brand, content and customer base resources. The resources can be further addressed to reach profitability, customer-centricity and brand congruency goals.
Tutkielman tarkoituksena on tutkia sidosryhmävuorovaikutuksen roolia ammattikorkeakoulun yhteiskuntavastuutehtävän toteuttamisessa. Tavoitteena on selvittää, millaisista ulottuvuuksista ammattikorkeakoulun yhteiskuntavastuu sidosryhmien näkökulmasta muodostuu, miten ammattikorkeakoulut toteuttavat sidosryhmävuorovaikutusta sekä mitä arvoa vuorovaikutus tuottaa osapuolille. Tutkimusstrategiana on laadullinen tapaustutkimus, jonka aineistonkeruumenetelmänä on teemahaastattelu ja tutkimusmetodina sisällönanalyysi. Tutkimusaineisto koostuu kolmen sidosryhmän ja kohdeorganisaation edustajien haastatteluista. Kohdeorganisaatio on Kymenlaakson ammattikorkeakoulu. Tutkimustulosten mukaan ammattikorkeakoulun yhteiskuntavastuu on pitkälle säädelty, laaja ja verkostomainen kokonaisuus, jossa sidosryhmät jakavat vastuuta. Lakisääteiset tehtävät muodostavat yhteiskuntavastuun rungon, jonka lisäksi ammattikorkeakoululla on samat vastuut kuin yrityksillä. Lakisääteisen ja valtionohjauksen perustason ylittäminen on mahdollista strategian, profiloitumisen ja laadunvarmistuksen avulla. Yhteiskuntavastuu ja siihen liittyvä vuorovaikutus integroituvat osaksi ammattikorkeakoulun toimintaa. Strategia suuntaa sidosryhmävuorovaikutukseen liittyvää ja käytössä olevien resurssien edellyttämää priorisointia. Vuorovaikutus on tutkielman perusteella strategista toimintaa, jonka moraaliset ja arvoa luovat ominaisuudet määräytyvät sekä valtionohjauksen että ammattikorkeakoulun vapaaehtoisesti ottamien vastuiden kautta.
The objective of this master’s thesis was to examine the role of preannouncing in innovation launch strategy. Preannouncing was studied from three different angles that were preannouncement usage, preannouncement timing and preannouncement goals and from two different perspectives that were the firm’s internal strategy and the external circumstances. The firm’s internal strategy encompassed the product strategy the firm had chosen. The external circumstances consisted of the industry, the nature of competition and the nature of market. Additionally, the product’s performance in the short term was studied in order to be able to speak out whether it is advantageous to preannounce. The empirical study was conducted as a partial replication study. The data for the empirical part was collected with a wide mailing and Internet enquiry in October 2008 – June 2009. Sample (N = 713) consisted of Finnish firms representing different industries and innovation activities. The data collection produced 272 answers and thus, the final response rate of the study was 38.15 %. The data was analyzed by using Microsoft Excel and statistical analysis program SAS Enterprise Guide. As a conclusion, the major results indicate that even if the firms use preannouncing quite often (54.8 % of the respondents), preannouncing behavior cannot be explained by industry. However, out of other external circumstances, the customer related turbulence affects on preannouncing usage. It was also revealed that the product type has an effect on preannouncing behavior. Additionally, preannouncement timing was noticed to differ according to audiences (distributors and end users).
The skill of programming is a key asset for every computer science student. Many studies have shown that this is a hard skill to learn and the outcomes of programming courses have often been substandard. Thus, a range of methods and tools have been developed to assist students’ learning processes. One of the biggest fields in computer science education is the use of visualizations as a learning aid and many visualization based tools have been developed to aid the learning process during last few decades. Studies conducted in this thesis focus on two different visualizationbased tools TRAKLA2 and ViLLE. This thesis includes results from multiple empirical studies about what kind of effects the introduction and usage of these tools have on students’ opinions and performance, and what kind of implications there are from a teacher’s point of view. The results from studies in this thesis show that students preferred to do web-based exercises, and felt that those exercises contributed to their learning. The usage of the tool motivated students to work harder during their course, which was shown in overall course performance and drop-out statistics. We have also shown that visualization-based tools can be used to enhance the learning process, and one of the key factors is the higher and active level of engagement (see. Engagement Taxonomy by Naps et al., 2002). The automatic grading accompanied with immediate feedback helps students to overcome obstacles during the learning process, and to grasp the key element in the learning task. These kinds of tools can help us to cope with the fact that many programming courses are overcrowded with limited teaching resources. These tools allows us to tackle this problem by utilizing automatic assessment in exercises that are most suitable to be done in the web (like tracing and simulation) since its supports students’ independent learning regardless of time and place. In summary, we can use our course’s resources more efficiently to increase the quality of the learning experience of the students and the teaching experience of the teacher, and even increase performance of the students. There are also methodological results from this thesis which contribute to developing insight into the conduct of empirical evaluations of new tools or techniques. When we evaluate a new tool, especially one accompanied with visualization, we need to give a proper introduction to it and to the graphical notation used by tool. The standard procedure should also include capturing the screen with audio to confirm that the participants of the experiment are doing what they are supposed to do. By taken such measures in the study of the learning impact of visualization support for learning, we can avoid drawing false conclusion from our experiments. As computer science educators, we face two important challenges. Firstly, we need to start to deliver the message in our own institution and all over the world about the new – scientifically proven – innovations in teaching like TRAKLA2 and ViLLE. Secondly, we have the relevant experience of conducting teaching related experiment, and thus we can support our colleagues to learn essential know-how of the research based improvement of their teaching. This change can transform academic teaching into publications and by utilizing this approach we can significantly increase the adoption of the new tools and techniques, and overall increase the knowledge of best-practices. In future, we need to combine our forces and tackle these universal and common problems together by creating multi-national and multiinstitutional research projects. We need to create a community and a platform in which we can share these best practices and at the same time conduct multi-national research projects easily.
The goal of this research was to make an overall sight to VIX® and how it can be used as a stock market indicator. Volatility index often referred as the fear index, measures how much it costs for investor to protect his/her S&P 500 position from fluctuations with options. Over the relatively short history of VIX it has been a successful timing coordinator and it has given incremental information about the market state adding its own psychological view of the amount of fear and greed. Correctly utilized VIX information gives a considerable advantage in timing market actions. In this paper we test how VIX works as a leading indicator of broad stock market index such as S&P 500 (SPX). The purpose of this paper is to find a working way to interpret VIX. The various tests are made on time series data ranging from the year 1990 to the year 2010. The 10-day simple moving average strategy gave significant profits from the whole time when VIX data is available. Strategy was able to utilize the increases of SPX in example portfolio value and was able to step aside when SPX was declining. At the times when portfolio was aside of S it was on safety fund like on treasury bills getting an annual yield of 3 percent. On the other side just a static number’s of VIX did not work as indicators in a profit making way.