1000 resultados para ECONOMÍA - AUSTRALIA


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Because an individual's investment into the immune system may modify its dispersal rate, immune function may evolve rapidly in an invader. We collected cane toads (Rhinella marina) from sites spanning their 75-year invasion history in Australia, bred them, and raised their progeny in standard conditions. Evolved shifts in immune function should manifest as differences in immune responses among the progeny of parents collected in different locations. Parental location did not affect the offspring's cell-mediated immune response or stress response, but blood from the offspring of invasion-front toads had more neutrophils, and was more effective at phagocytosis and killing bacteria. These latter measures of immune function are negatively correlated with rate of dispersal in free-ranging toads. Our results suggest that the invasion of tropical Australia by cane toads has resulted in rapid genetically based compensatory shifts in the aspects of immune responses that are most compromised by the rigours of long-distance dispersal.


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The sandstone-hosted Beverley uranium deposit is located in terrestrial sediments in the Lake Frome basin in the North Flinders Ranges, South Australia. The deposit is 13 km from the U-rich Mesoproterozoic basement of the Mount Painter inlier, which is being uplifted 100 to 200 m above the basin by neotectonic activity that probably initiated in the early Pliocene. The mineralization was deposited mainly in organic matter-poor Miocene lacustrine sands and partly in the underlying reductive strata comprising organic matter-rich clays and silts. The bulk of the mineralization consists of coffinite and/or uraninite nodules, growing around Co-rich pyrite with an S isotope composition (delta S-34 = 1.0 +/- 0.3 parts per thousand), suggestive of an early diagenetic lacustrine origin. In contrast, authigenic sulfides in the bulk of the sediments have a negative S isotope signature (delta S-34 ranges from -26.2 to -35.5 parts per thousand), indicative of an origin via bacterially mediated sulfate reduction. Minor amounts of Zn-bearing native copper and native lead also support the presence of specific, reducing microenvironments in the ore zone. Small amounts of carnotite are associated with the coffinite ore and also occur beneath a paleosoil horizon overlying the uranium deposit. Provenance studies suggest that the host Miocene sediments were derived from the reworking of Early Cretaceous glacial or glaciolacustrine sediments ultimately derived from Paleozoic terranes in eastern Australia. In contrast, the overlying Pliocene strata were in part derived from the Mesoproterozoic basement inlier. Mass-balance and geochemical data confirm that granites of the Mount Painter domain were the ultimate source of U and BEE at Beverley. U-Pb dating of coffinite and carnotite suggest that the U mineralization is Pliocene (6.7-3.4 Ma). The suitability of the Beverley deposit for efficient mining via in situ leaching, and hence its economic value, are determined by the nature of the hosting sand unit, which provides the permeability and low reactivity required for high fluid flow and low chemical consumption. These favorable sedimentologic and geometrical features result from a complex conjunction of factors, including deposition in lacustrine shore environment, reworking of angular sands of glacial origin, deep Pliocene weathering, and proximity to an active fault exposing extremely U rich rocks.


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Denman 002 is a new Australian carbonaceous chondrite. A single stone of 30 g was recovered in 1991 May near Fisher Station on the Trans Australian Railway, Nullarbor Plain, South Australia (30-degrees-36'S, 130-degrees-04'E). Texture, mineral and chemical composition indicate that it is a CV3 chondrite of oxidised subgroup with several similarities to Allende. It is composed of sharply defined chondrules, Ca-Al rich inclusions up to 3.5 mm across, olivine aggregates and fine-grained, nearly opaque matrix (40 vol%). Silicates are compositionally highly heterogeneous (olivine Fa: 0.2-45.6 mol%, PMD: 109.7). Denman 002 shows shock effects of stage S1 and weathering of category A


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This study investigates the role of human agency in the gene flow and geographical distribution of the Australian baobab, Adansonia gregorii. The genus Adansonia is a charismatic tree endemic to Africa, Madagascar, and northwest Australia that has long been valued by humans for its multiple uses. The distribution of genetic variation in baobabs in Africa has been partially attributed to human-mediated dispersal over millennia, but this relationship has never been investigated for the Australian species. We combined genetic and linguistic data to analyse geographic patterns of gene flow and movement of word-forms for A. gregorii in the Aboriginal languages of northwest Australia. Comprehensive assessment of genetic diversity showed weak geographic structure and high gene flow. Of potential dispersal vectors, humans were identified as most likely to have enabled gene flow across biogeographic barriers in northwest Australia. Genetic-linguistic analysis demonstrated congruence of gene flow patterns and directional movement of Aboriginal loanwords for A. gregorii. These findings, along with previous archaeobotanical evidence from the Late Pleistocene and Holocene, suggest that ancient humans significantly influenced the geographic distribution of Adansonia in northwest Australia.


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Anthropogenic emissions of metals from sources such as smelters are an international problem, but there is limited published information on emissions from Australian smelters. The objective of this study was to investigate the regional distribution of heavy metals in soils in the vicinity of the industrial complex of Port Kembla, NSW, Australia, which comprises a copper smelter, steelworks and associated industries. Soil samples (n=25) were collected at the depths of 0-5 and 5-20 cm, air dried and sieved to < 2 mm. Aqua regia extractable amounts of As, Cr, Cu, Ph and Zn were analysed by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (lCP-MS) and inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES). Outliers were identified from background levels by statistical methods. Mean background levels at a depth of 0-5 cm were estimated at 3.2 mg/kg As, 12 mg/kg Cr, 49 mg/kg Cu, 20 mg/kg Ph and 42 mg/kg Zn. Outliers for elevated As and Cu values were mainly present within 4 km from the Port Kembla industrial complex, but high Ph at two sites and high Zn concentrations were found at six sites up to 23 km from Port Kembla. Chromium concentrations were not anomalous close to the industrial complex. There was no significant difference of metal concentrations at depths of 0-5 and 5-20 cm, except for Ph and Zn. Copper and As concentrations in the soils are probably related to the concentrations in the parent rock. From this investigation, the extent of the contamination emanating from the Port Kembla industrial complex is limited to 1-13 km, but most likely <4 km, depending on the element; the contamination at the greater distance may not originate from the industrial complex. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Juan Martínez Alier, un competente economista especializado en economia agraria, ha escrito un libro que quizá tenga un difícil camino entre sus más lógicos destinatarios. L'ecologisme i l'economia, que tal es su titulo, es, a primera vista, un libro militante, escrito desde un cierto ecologismo de izquierdas, que sin perder agresividad radical no tiene un ápice de anticientificismo ni de bucolismo. Después de leerlo uno sospecha que no pocos simpatizantes del ecologismo encontraran aquí una obra densa y difícil, cuyo rigor y erudición exigen lectura pausada y atenta, y que además carece de la pauta formal (casi obligada en la literatura ecológico-política al uso) de las profecías milenaristas. Esta sospecha de desapego se duplica cuando uno imagina la recepción que los economistas puedan dispensarle, especialmente los economistas más ortodoxos y académicos. Las críticas más numerosas y rotundas del ensayo que comentamos van dirigidas precisamente a la teoria económica convencional y a la practica corriente de 1os economistas, y esto además desde un utillaje analítics y un estilo expositivo poco frecuentes en el mundo universitario. Sin embargo, bien podria ser que historiadores, antropólogos y algunos otros especialistas en ciencias sociales, considerasen esta obra como un autentico regalo. Concretamente, hay muchas cosas en el ensayo de Martinez Alier que pueden interesar a un geógrafo, incluso si es un geógrafo muy académico. La mis evidente es su interesante reconstrucción histórica de las ideas ecológicas, aunque, como veremos, quizá hay algunas mas.


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El cuidado es una actividad indispensable en todos los hogares para la reproducción social y el bienestar en la vida diaria de las personas. La economía del cuidado hace referencia al espacio de actividades, bienes y servicios necesarios para la reproducción cotidiana de los individuos, siendo de suma importancia para el desarrollo económico de los países y el bienestar de sus poblaciones. Sin embargo, sigue siendo subvalorada por las sociedades y gobiernos de todo el mundo. El trabajo de cuidados o doméstico remunerado alcanza índices bajísimos de salarios mínimos, precarias condiciones laborales o se realiza desde la economía informal. El trabajo doméstico no remunerado es concebido por la sociedad como improductivo y vinculado a la mujer por razones de habilidades naturales de clara concepción machista. El resultado es la marginación de la mujer en las sociedades que la impide o le resta posibilidades de acceder a formación, empleo digno, ser parte de la esfera pública e incluso al sufragio.


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Ecosystems are complex systems and changing one of their components can alter their whole functioning. Decomposition and biodiversity are two factors that play a role in this stability, and it is vital to study how these two factors are interrelated and how other factors, whether of human origin or not, can affect them. This study has tested different hypotheses regarding the effects of pesticides and invasive species on the biodiversity of the soil fauna and litter decomposition rate. Decomposition was measured using the litterbags technique. Our results indicate that pesticides had a negative effect on decomposition whereas invasive species increased decomposition rate. At the same time, the diversity of the soil biota was unaffected by either factor. These results allow us to better understand the response of important ecosystem functions to human‐induced alterations, in order to mitigate harmful effects or restore them wherever necessary.


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El objetivo de este artículo es doble. Por un lado, cuantificar el nivel de cultura fiscal de los alumnos de Administración y Dirección de Empresas y de Economía antes de empezar a cursar asignaturas específicas de economía del sector público y de fiscalidad. Y, por otro lado, analizar los posibles factores determinantes de dicho nivel de cultura fiscal. Al tratarse de alumnos de segundo ciclo, éstos ya deberían conocer el funcionamiento de una economía de mercado y el papel que juega el sector público, lo que les debería comportar un mayor interés y una mayor motivación. La idea surgió del convencimiento de los profesores de que saber cuál es el nivel de conocimiento previo sobre cuestiones fiscales que tienen los estudiantes que van a cursar asignaturas de contenido fiscal es un input importante a considerar en el planteamiento de la docencia, puesto que permite mejorar el funcionamiento del curso, motivar el estudio de las asignaturas y mejorar los resultados.


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El objetivo de este artículo es doble. Por un lado, cuantificar el nivel de cultura fiscal de los alumnos de Administración y Dirección de Empresas y de Economía antes de empezar a cursar asignaturas específicas de economía del sector público y de fiscalidad. Y, por otro lado, analizar los posibles factores determinantes de dicho nivel de cultura fiscal. Al tratarse de alumnos de segundo ciclo, éstos ya deberían conocer el funcionamiento de una economía de mercado y el papel que juega el sector público, lo que les debería comportar un mayor interés y una mayor motivación. La idea surgió del convencimiento de los profesores de que saber cuál es el nivel de conocimiento previo sobre cuestiones fiscales que tienen los estudiantes que van a cursar asignaturas de contenido fiscal es un input importante a considerar en el planteamiento de la docencia, puesto que permite mejorar el funcionamiento del curso, motivar el estudio de las asignaturas y mejorar los resultados.