948 resultados para Contexto rural


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Dissertação apresentada à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Arquitetura e Urbanismo


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Dissertação apresentada à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Psicologia, ramo de Psicologia Clínica e da Saúde


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This study on the ecology of Irish hedgehogs (Erinaceus europaeus) has provided information on detection techniques, home range, habitat selection, hedgehog prey, nesting, courtship, genetics, road mortality, parasites, ageing and morphology of this species. Data were obtained from a focal study area in rural Cork, in which 24 radio tagged hedgehogs were monitored from June 2008 to June 2010. Further data were obtained through road kill surveys and the collection of hedgehog carcasses from around Ireland. Hedgehogs of both sexes were found to display philopatry. Habitat was not used in proportion to its availability, but certain habitats were selected and a similar pattern of habitat selection was evident in successive years. Hedgehogs preferred arable land in September and October and, unlike studies elsewhere, were observed to forage in the centre of fields. Badgers were regularly seen at the study site and did not appear to negatively affect hedgehogs’ use of the area. Instead the intra- and inter-habitat distribution of hedgehogs was closely correlated with that of their potential prey. Male hedgehogs had a mean annual home range of 56 ha and females 16.5 ha, although monthly home ranges were much more conservative. Male home range peaked during the breeding season (April-July) and a peak in road deaths was observed during these months. The majority of road kill (54%) were individuals of one year old or less, however, individuals were found up to eight and nine years of age. Genetic analysis showed a distinct lack of genetic variation amongst Irish hedgehogs and suggests colonisation by a small number of individuals. The ectoparasites, Archaeopsylla erinacei, Ixodes hexagonus and Ixodes canisuga were recorded in addition to the endoparasites Crenosoma striatum and Capillaria erinacei. In light of the reported decline in many areas of the hedgehogs’ range, it is a species of conservation concern, and this is the first study examining the ecology of the hedgehog in Ireland.


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This study selected six geographically-similar villages with traditional and alternative cultivation methods (two groups of three, one traditional and two alternatives) in two counties of Henan Province, China—a representative area of the Huang-huai-hai Plain representing traditional rural China. Soil heavy metal concentrations, floral and faunal biodiversity, and socio-economic data were recorded. Heavy metal concentrations of surface soils from three sites in each village were analysed using Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS, chromium, nickel, copper, cadmium, and lead) and Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS, zinc). The floral biodiversity of four land-use types was recorded following the Braun-Blanquet coverage-abundance method using 0.5×0.5m quadrats. The faunal biodiversity of two representative farmland plots was recorded using 0.3×0.3m quadrats at four 0.1m layers. The socio-economic data were recorded through face-to-face interviews of one hundred randomly selected households at each village. Results demonstrate different cultivation methods lead to different impact on above variables. Traditional cultivation led to lower heavy metal concentrations; both alternative managements were associated with massive agrochemical input causing heavy metal pollution in farmlands. Floral distribution was significantly affected by village factors. Diverse cultivation supported high floral biodiversity through multi-scale heterogeneous landscapes containing niches and habitats. Faunal distribution was also significantly affected by village factor nested within soil depth. Different faunal groups responded differently, with Acari being taxonomically diverse and Collembola high in densities. Increase in manual labour and crop number in villages using alternative cultivation may positively affect biodiversity. The results point to the conservation potential of diverse cultivation methods in traditional rural China and other regions under social and political reforms, where traditional agriculture is changing to unified, large-scale mechanized agriculture. This study serves as a baseline for conservation in small-holding agricultural areas of China, and points to the necessity of further studies at larger and longer scales.


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This study examines the relationship between rural livelihoods and livestock keeping in Sidama Zones, southern Ethiopia. The livelihood context, assets and strategies of households are the key features of rural livelihoods considered in the study; while households’ livestock ownership, dependence on livestock and livestock management are the main aspects of livestock keeping examined. The study used the sustainable livelihood approach as a framework for data collection and analysis. Describing the main features of rural livelihoods and livestock keeping, and the general pattern of relationship between them, this study mainly aims at identifying the main livelihood factors that determine livestock keeping in the study area. Descriptive statistics, pair wise correlations, mean comparisons and analysis of variance were used to describe rural livelihoods and livestock keeping as well as the relationship between them. Tobit regressions were used to examine the effect of the various livelihood factors on households’ livestock ownership and dependence; Poisson regressions are used to investigate the factors that influence the intensity of livestock management measured by the use of different technologies and inputs. The findings indicated that a number of livelihood factors - assets, livelihood strategies, livelihood shocks and institutional supports - significantly determine the different aspects of livestock keeping. These include: human assets such as age, education and family size; social assets such as membership to social groups; financial assets such as credit; natural assets such as land, and household physical assets; and livelihood strategies such as diversification into farm and nonfarm activities, and coping mechanisms. In addition the livelihood vulnerability context such as shocks and institutional support are among the main determinants of livestock keeping. The results, by and large, matched the findings of previous studies, and it is concluded that households livestock keeping depends on their livelihoods. Accordingly, it is recommended that policies aiming at livestock asset building and productivity improvement should take the livelihoods of rural households in to consideration. As such the study contribute to scholarly works in the area of rural livelihoods, in general, and livestock keeping, in particular. It also contributes to a better understanding of the problems of livestock keeping within the context of rural livelihoods in the country and to the formulation of appropriate policy for the development of the sector.


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This thesis argues that examining the attitudes, perceptions, behaviors, and knowledge of a community towards their specific watershed can reveal their social vulnerability to climate change. Understanding and incorporating these elements of the human dimension in coastal zone management will lead to efficient and effective strategies that safeguard the natural resources for the benefit of the community. By having healthy natural resources, ecological and community resilience to climate change will increase, thus decreasing vulnerability. In the Pacific Ocean, climate and SLR are strongly modulated by the El Niño Southern Oscillation. SLR is three times the global average in the Western Pacific Ocean (Merrifield and Maltrud 2011; Merrifield 2011). Changes in annual rainfall in the Western North Pacific sub‐region from 1950-2010 show that islands in the east are getting much less than in the past, while the islands in the west are getting slightly more rainfall (Keener et al. 2013). For Guam, a small island owned by the United States and located in the Western Pacific Ocean, these factors mean that SLR is higher than any other place in the world and will most likely see increased precipitation. Knowing this, the social vulnerability may be examined. Thus, a case-study of the community residing in the Manell and Geus watersheds was conducted on the island of Guam. Measuring their perceptions, attitudes, knowledge, and behaviors should bring to light their vulnerability to climate change. In order to accomplish this, a household survey was administered from July through August 2010. Approximately 350 surveys were analysed using SPSS. To supplement this quantitative data, informal interviews were conducted with the elders of the community to glean traditional ecological knowledge about perceived climate change. A GIS analysis was conducted to understand the physical geography of the Manell and Geus watersheds. This information about the human dimension is valuable to CZM managers. It may be incorporated into strategic watershed plans, to better administer the natural resources within the coastal zone. The research conducted in this thesis is the basis of a recent watershed management plan for the Guam Coastal Management Program (see King 2014).


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BACKGROUND: Poor access to prompt and effective treatment for malaria contributes to high mortality and severe morbidity. In Kenya, it is estimated that only 12% of children receive anti-malarials for their fever within 24 hours. The first point of care for many fevers is a local medicine retailer, such as a pharmacy or chemist. The role of the medicine retailer as an important distribution point for malaria medicines has been recognized and several different strategies have been used to improve the services that these retailers provide. Despite these efforts, many mothers still purchase ineffective drugs because they are less expensive than effective artemisinin combination therapy (ACT). One strategy that is being piloted in several countries is an international subsidy targeted at anti-malarials supplied through the retail sector. The goal of this strategy is to make ACT as affordable as ineffective alternatives. The programme, called the Affordable Medicines Facility - malaria was rolled out in Kenya in August 2010. METHODS: In December 2010, the affordability and accessibility of malaria medicines in a rural district in Kenya were evaluated using a complete census of all public and private facilities, chemists, pharmacists, and other malaria medicine retailers within the Webuye Demographic Surveillance Area. Availability, types, and prices of anti-malarials were assessed. There are 13 public or mission facilities and 97 medicine retailers (registered and unregistered). RESULTS: The average distance from a home to the nearest public health facility is 2 km, but the average distance to the nearest medicine retailer is half that. Quinine is the most frequently stocked anti-malarial (61% of retailers). More medicine retailers stocked sulphadoxine-pyramethamine (SP; 57%) than ACT (44%). Eleven percent of retailers stocked AMFm subsidized artemether-lumefantrine (AL). No retailers had chloroquine in stock and only five were selling artemisinin monotherapy. The mean price of any brand of AL, the recommended first-line drug in Kenya, was $2.7 USD. Brands purchased under the AMFm programme cost 40% less than non-AMFm brands. Artemisinin monotherapies cost on average more than twice as much as AMFm-brand AL. SP cost only $0.5, a fraction of the price of ACT. CONCLUSIONS: AMFm-subsidized anti-malarials are considerably less expensive than unsubsidized AL, but the price difference between effective and ineffective therapies is still large.


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Insecticide-treated nets (ITNs) are one of the most important and cost-effective tools for malaria control. Maximizing individual and community benefit from ITNs requires high population-based coverage. Several mechanisms are used to distribute ITNs, including health facility-based targeted distribution to high-risk groups; community-based mass distribution; social marketing with or without private sector subsidies; and integrating ITN delivery with other public health interventions. The objective of this analysis is to describe bednet coverage in a district in western Kenya where the primary mechanism for distribution is to pregnant women and infants who attend antenatal and immunization clinics. We use data from a population-based census to examine the extent of, and factors correlated with, ownership of bednets. We use both multivariable logistic regression and spatial techniques to explore the relationship between household bednet ownership and sociodemographic and geographic variables. We show that only 21% of households own any bednets, far lower than the national average, and that ownership is not significantly higher amongst pregnant women attending antenatal clinic. We also show that coverage is spatially heterogeneous with less than 2% of the population residing in zones with adequate coverage to experience indirect effects of ITN protection.


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In this study, we explored how adolescents in rural Kenya apply religious coping in sexual decision-making in the context of high rates of poverty and Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 34 adolescents. One-third (13) reported religious coping related to economic stress, HIV, or sexual decision-making; the majority (29) reported religious coping with these or other stressors. Adolescents reported praying for God to partner with them to engage in positive behaviors, praying for strength to resist unwanted behaviors, and passive strategies characterized by waiting for God to provide resources or protection from HIV. Adolescents in Sub-Saharan Africa may benefit from HIV prevention interventions that integrate and build upon their use of religious coping.


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Contraceptive prevalence in Haiti remains low despite extensive foreign aid targeted at improving family planning. [1] Earlier studies have found that peer-informed learning have been successful in promoting sexual and reproductive health. [2-5] This pilot project was implemented as a three-month, community-based, educational intervention to assess the impact of peer education in increasing contraceptive knowledge among women in Fondwa, Haiti. Research investigators conducted contraceptive information trainings to pre-identified female leaders of existing women’s groups in Fondwa, who were recruited as peer educators (n=4). Later, these female leaders shared the knowledge from the training with the test participants in the women’s group (n=23) through an information session. Structured surveys measuring knowledge of contraceptives were conducted with all participants before the intervention began, at the end of the intervention, and four weeks after the intervention. The surveys measured general contraceptive knowledge, knowledge about eight selected types of modern contraceptives and contraceptive preferences and attitudes. Only test participants showed significant improvement in their general contraceptive knowledge score (p<0.001), but both test participants and peer educators showed significant improvement in overall knowledge scores for identifying the types and uses of modern contraceptive methods. Assessment for knowledge retention remained significantly higher four weeks after the intervention than prior to the intervention. Therefore, a one-time, three-hour peer-based educational intervention using existing social structures is effective, and might be valuable in a population with minimal access to education and little to no knowledge about contraceptives.


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Los cambios climáticos ponen en riesgo la producción agrícola, la seguridad alimentaria y los programas de desarrollo rural. Es posible que los programas de desarrollo rural tengan mayor éxito en el cumplimiento de sus objetivos cuando integren a sus propuestas los conocimientos de distintos actores. La presente investigación propone el estudio de percepciones sobre cambios climáticos por parte de diferentes actores sociales en Anchieta, SC, Brasil El caso de estudio fue elegido por su relevante experiencia en el desarrollo de estrategias de adaptación para las adversidades climáticas locales. Para llevar a cabo, el estudio fueron entrevistados 32 personas, (agricultores que utilizan una variedad local, agricultores que utilizan variedades industriales y tomadores de decisión) respecto de 4 aspectos centrales: A- Creencias sobre cambios climáticos, B- Influencia de los cambios climáticos en su vida, C- Posibilidad de intervención en los cambios climáticos y D- Medidas posibles, evaluación de estrategias de adaptación. El cambio climático fue identificado en las sequías, evidenciándose distintas acciones humanas como promotoras de la intensificación de estos cambios. Los resultados se relacionan con la construcción social de los problemas y las estructuras que condinan los discursos humanos


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La presente investigación 'Participación, resolución de problemáticas y empoderamiento: el caso de la Asociación de Pequeños Productores y Familias Rurales' indaga si el trabajo asociativo en A.Pe.P.Fa.R. facilita el empoderamiento de sus miembros. El estudio se desarrolló bajo un enfoque etnográfico. Se administraron encuestas semi estructuradas y entrevistas en profundidad a: miembros y ex socios de A.Pe.P.Fa.R., integrantes del equipo técnico y referentes políticos y sociales del territorio. La autora realizó -además- observación participante, consulta bibliográfica, análisis de información secundaria y triangulación de datos. Para comprender el contexto se describieron características fitogeográficas, socio-económicas y técnico-productivas y se relevaron las organizaciones campesinas del área rural del Departamento Rosario Vera Peñaloza, Chepes, La Rioja. Se detallaron, también, los rasgos distintivos de los pequeños productores asociados a A.Pe.P.Fa.R. tipificándolos como 'clase'. Se constató que la participación en la asociación se encuentra íntimamente relacionada a la satisfacción de objetivos personales y a la posibilidad de los integrantes de ser escuchados y valorados en sus opiniones. Se verificó el estrecho vínculo entre participación, información, comunicación, motivaciones, relaciones intra e interinstitucionales, conflictos y poder. Se demostró que entre las innumerables problemáticas presentes en el territorio se abordaron desde A.Pe.P.Fa.R. prioritariamente las económicas y/o materiales, sólo algunas sociales; pero ninguna de las ambientales. Finalmente se concluye que -según la visión de miembros de A.Pe.P.Fa.R. y del equipo técnico- existe un incipiente empoderamiento de los pequeños productores asociados atribuible al trabajo desarrollado en y desde la organización.


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El presente trabajo trata sobre la Feria Promocional de Avellaneda, que funciona desde el año 2002 en la ciudad homónima del norte santafesino y está integrada por pequeños productores agropecuarios. Con esta experiencia se ha contribuido al establecimiento de un canal de comercialización alternativo que es gestionado actualmente por la organización de feriantes, producto del proceso mencionado. El Programa Social Agropecuario (PSA) ha intervenido durante las etapas de creación y posterior funcionamiento de esta feria, sustentándose en dos enfoques: el Desarrollo Rural con Enfoque Territorial y en la Intervención Comunitaria como propuesta metodológica desde la perspectiva de la Educación Popular. Este trabajo tiene por objetivo analizar la experiencia de la Feria Promocional de Avellaneda para la comprensión del proceso de intervención y la generación de lecciones aprendidas. El abordaje metodológico se basa en los principios básicos de una sistematización de experiencias, entendida como un proceso de reflexión participativa efectuado en conjunto con las familias que integran la feria y con los distintos actores locales relacionados con ella: los técnicos del PSA, los funcionarios de la Municipalidad de Avellaneda y los clientes. Finalmente se sintetizan las lecciones aprendidas que se enuncian como un listado de buenas prácticas para ser tenidas en cuenta por otras iniciativas que se propongan desarrollar una actividad similar.


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Desafíos complejos como el desarrollo rural sustentable requieren de la integración de las ciencias sociales y ecológicas, y de un papel activo de las ciencias agropecuarias como interfaz conceptual y metodológica. El objetivo general de la tesis es estudiar la vulnerabilidad y robustez de los sistemas trashumantes en el norte de Neuquén, Argentina, analizando la heterogeneidad de componentes y procesos socio-ecológicos y su relación con factores de disturbio o cambios de contexto, considerando las percepciones de diferentes actores sociales. El estudio incorpora una perspectiva del uso del paisaje basado en el análisis de las redes de movimientos de trashumancia y conectividad entre ambientes a escala regional, en tanto constituye una adaptación a la heterogeneidad espacial y temporal biofísica. Se evaluaron las implicancias de los cambios en la organización y dinámicas sociales promovidos por la urbanización. A su vez, se abordaron las perspectivas sobre amenazas, problemas y oportunidades mediante estudios de las percepciones de los agentes de intervención y los crianceros. La vulnerabilidad y la robustez socio-ecológica en sistemas trashumantes varían espacial y temporalmente, y estuvieron influenciadas por un componente de subjetividad, que dependió del sujeto social indagado. La robustez del sistema trashumante depende de la movilidad como estrategia socio-productiva, y de la flexibilidad y capacidad de adaptación ya no sólo frente a la heterogeneidad biofísica, sino también a cambios de origen social. La dependencia de las redes trashumantes respecto de ciertas zonas o nodos clave y de los servicios ecológicos como principal medio de vida, sugieren una mayor sensibilidad a cambios que afecten dichos nodos. Uno de los principales desafíos a futuro es la construcción de una gobernanza activa y plural y una mayor articulación urbano-rural. Se requieren instituciones flexibles y la gobernanza debiera adaptarse a la dinámica socio-productiva regional, con participación de diferentes actores sociales y perspectivas de acción.


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En la actualidad, uno de los procesos con mayor impacto ambiental y social en Latinoamérica es el cambio de usos del suelo, provocado por el aumento de la demanda global de alimentos y biocombustibles. Este cambio antropogénico se concreta en el territorio a partir de la reconfiguración espacial de la producción y de la expansión de la frontera agropecuaria. La situación planteada se reproduce a nivel nacional y, con sus particularidades, en la Provincia de La Pampa. En este marco, la formulación de políticas de ordenamiento territorial (OT) se posiciona como una tarea indelegable del Estado. Sin embargo, al momento, nuestro país no cuenta con una arquitectura conceptual, normativa e institucional propia y la participación social no tiene un impacto real en el diseño, implementación y evaluación de las estrategias de intervención. Ante el contexto presentado, el objetivo general de la investigación es contribuir a la reflexión crítica acerca del ordenamiento territorial como herramienta de política pública que permitiría avanzar en la construcción participativa de un modelo de desarrollo sustentable. El tema se analiza a partir de una extensa revisión bibliográfica, del análisis de la Política Nacional de Desarrollo y Ordenamiento Territorial (PNDT), y de la experiencia adquirida durante nuestra intervención en el Departamento Loventué, Provincia de La Pampa. La construcción de una política de OT en Argentina requiere avanzar hacia contextos de mayor precisión conceptual, así como en la delimitación de las competencias institucionales, lo que permitiría clarificar la especificidad de los campos de acción, facilitando su inserción en una estructura político-institucional que le asigne fuentes específicas de financiamiento. Por su parte, la activa participación social facilita el acercamiento entre las aspiraciones territoriales que sustentan los cuadros técnicos y los imaginarios sociales acerca del territorio, al tiempo que fortalece la legitimidad simbólica de la regulación jurídico-política del ordenamiento territorial.