874 resultados para Complejidad computacional


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A integridade do sinal em sistemas digitais interligados de alta velocidade, e avaliada através da simulação de modelos físicos (de nível de transístor) é custosa de ponto vista computacional (por exemplo, em tempo de execução de CPU e armazenamento de memória), e exige a disponibilização de detalhes físicos da estrutura interna do dispositivo. Esse cenário aumenta o interesse pela alternativa de modelação comportamental que descreve as características de operação do equipamento a partir da observação dos sinais eléctrico de entrada/saída (E/S). Os interfaces de E/S em chips de memória, que mais contribuem em carga computacional, desempenham funções complexas e incluem, por isso, um elevado número de pinos. Particularmente, os buffers de saída são obrigados a distorcer os sinais devido à sua dinâmica e não linearidade. Portanto, constituem o ponto crítico nos de circuitos integrados (CI) para a garantia da transmissão confiável em comunicações digitais de alta velocidade. Neste trabalho de doutoramento, os efeitos dinâmicos não-lineares anteriormente negligenciados do buffer de saída são estudados e modulados de forma eficiente para reduzir a complexidade da modelação do tipo caixa-negra paramétrica, melhorando assim o modelo standard IBIS. Isto é conseguido seguindo a abordagem semi-física que combina as características de formulação do modelo caixa-negra, a análise dos sinais eléctricos observados na E/S e propriedades na estrutura física do buffer em condições de operação práticas. Esta abordagem leva a um processo de construção do modelo comportamental fisicamente inspirado que supera os problemas das abordagens anteriores, optimizando os recursos utilizados em diferentes etapas de geração do modelo (ou seja, caracterização, formulação, extracção e implementação) para simular o comportamento dinâmico não-linear do buffer. Em consequência, contributo mais significativo desta tese é o desenvolvimento de um novo modelo comportamental analógico de duas portas adequado à simulação em overclocking que reveste de um particular interesse nas mais recentes usos de interfaces de E/S para memória de elevadas taxas de transmissão. A eficácia e a precisão dos modelos comportamentais desenvolvidos e implementados são qualitativa e quantitativamente avaliados comparando os resultados numéricos de extracção das suas funções e de simulação transitória com o correspondente modelo de referência do estado-da-arte, IBIS.


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Viscoelastic treatments are one of the most efficient treatments, as far as passive damping is concerned, particularly in the case of thin and light structures. In this type of treatment, part of the strain energy generated in the viscoelastic material is dissipated to the surroundings, in the form of heat. A layer of viscoelastic material is applied to a structure in an unconstrained or constrained configuration, the latter proving to be the most efficient arrangement. This is due to the fact that the relative movement of both the host and constraining layers cause the viscoelastic material to be subjected to a relatively high strain energy. There are studies, however, that claim that the partial application of the viscoelastic material is just as efficient, in terms of economic costs or any other form of treatment application costs. The application of patches of material in specific and selected areas of the structure, thus minimising the extension of damping material, results in an equally efficient treatment. Since the damping mechanism of a viscoelastic material is based on the dissipation of part of the strain energy, the efficiency of the partial treatment can be correlated to the modal strain energy of the structure. Even though the results obtained with this approach in various studies are considered very satisfactory, an optimisation procedure is deemed necessary. In order to obtain optimum solutions, however, time consuming numerical simulations are required. The optimisation process to use the minimum amount of viscoelastic material is based on an evolutionary geometry re-design and calculation of the modal damping, making this procedure computationally costly. To avert this disadvantage, this study uses adaptive layerwise finite elements and applies Genetic Algorithms in the optimisation process.


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Muitos dos problemas de otimização em grafos reduzem-se à determinação de um subconjunto de vértices de cardinalidade máxima que induza um subgrafo k-regular. Uma vez que a determinação da ordem de um subgrafo induzido k-regular de maior ordem é, em geral, um problema NP-difícil, são deduzidos novos majorantes, a determinar em tempo polinomial, que em muitos casos constituam boas aproximações das respetivas soluções ótimas. Introduzem-se majorantes espetrais usando uma abordagem baseada em técnicas de programação convexa e estabelecem-se condições necessárias e suficientes para que sejam atingidos. Adicionalmente, introduzem-se majorantes baseados no espetro das matrizes de adjacência, laplaciana e laplaciana sem sinal. É ainda apresentado um algoritmo não polinomial para a determinação de umsubconjunto de vértices de umgrafo que induz umsubgrafo k-regular de ordem máxima para uma classe particular de grafos. Finalmente, faz-se um estudo computacional comparativo com vários majorantes e apresentam-se algumas conclusões.


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“Branch-and-cut” algorithm is one of the most efficient exact approaches to solve mixed integer programs. This algorithm combines the advantages of a pure branch-and-bound approach and cutting planes scheme. Branch-and-cut algorithm computes the linear programming relaxation of the problem at each node of the search tree which is improved by the use of cuts, i.e. by the inclusion of valid inequalities. It should be taken into account that selection of strongest cuts is crucial for their effective use in branch-and-cut algorithm. In this thesis, we focus on the derivation and use of cutting planes to solve general mixed integer problems, and in particular inventory problems combined with other problems such as distribution, supplier selection, vehicle routing, etc. In order to achieve this goal, we first consider substructures (relaxations) of such problems which are obtained by the coherent loss of information. The polyhedral structure of those simpler mixed integer sets is studied to derive strong valid inequalities. Finally those strong inequalities are included in the cutting plane algorithms to solve the general mixed integer problems. We study three mixed integer sets in this dissertation. The first two mixed integer sets arise as a subproblem of the lot-sizing with supplier selection, the network design and the vendor-managed inventory routing problems. These sets are variants of the well-known single node fixed-charge network set where a binary or integer variable is associated with the node. The third set occurs as a subproblem of mixed integer sets where incompatibility between binary variables is considered. We generate families of valid inequalities for those sets, identify classes of facet-defining inequalities, and discuss the separation problems associated with the inequalities. Then cutting plane frameworks are implemented to solve some mixed integer programs. Preliminary computational experiments are presented in this direction.


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For the past decades it has been a worldwide concern to reduce the emission of harmful gases released during the combustion of fossil fuels. This goal has been addressed through the reduction of sulfur-containing compounds, and the replacement of fossil fuels by biofuels, such as bioethanol, produced in large scale from biomass. For this purpose, a new class of solvents, the Ionic Liquids (ILs), has been applied, aiming at developing new processes and replacing common organic solvents in the current processes. ILs can be composed by a large number of different combinations of cations and anions, which confer unique but desired properties to ILs. The ability of fine-tuning the properties of ILs to meet the requirements of a specific application range by mixing different cations and anions arises as the most relevant aspect for rendering ILs so attractive to researchers. Nonetheless, due to the huge number of possible combinations between the ions it is required the use of cheap predictive approaches for anticipating how they will act in a given situation. Molecular dynamics (MD) simulation is a statistical mechanics computational approach, based on Newton’s equations of motion, which can be used to study macroscopic systems at the atomic level, through the prediction of their properties, and other structural information. In the case of ILs, MD simulations have been extensively applied. The slow dynamics associated to ILs constitutes a challenge for their correct description that requires improvements and developments of existent force fields, as well as larger computational efforts (longer times of simulation). The present document reports studies based on MD simulations devoted to disclose the mechanisms of interaction established by ILs in systems representative of fuel and biofuels streams, and at biomass pre-treatment process. Hence, MD simulations were used to evaluate different systems composed of ILs and thiophene, benzene, water, ethanol and also glucose molecules. For the latter molecules, it was carried out a study aiming to ascertain the performance of a recently proposed force field (GROMOS 56ACARBO) to reproduce the dynamic behavior of such molecules in aqueous solution. The results here reported reveal that the interactions established by ILs are dependent on the individual characteristics of each IL. Generally, the polar character of ILs is deterministic in their propensity to interact with the other molecules. Although it is unquestionable the advantage of using MD simulations, it is necessary to recognize the need for improvements and developments of force fields, not only for a successful description of ILs, but also for other relevant compounds such as the carbohydrates.


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Bioorganic ferroelectrics and piezoelectrics are becoming increasingly important in view of their intrinsic compatibility with biological environment and biofunctionality combined with strong piezoelectric effect and switchable polarization at room temperature. Here we study piezoelectricity and ferroelectricity in the smallest amino acid glycine, representing a broad class of non-centrosymmetric amino acids. Glycine is one of the basic and important elements in biology, as it serves as a building block for proteins. Three polymorphic forms with different physical properties are possible in glycine (α, β and γ), Of special interest for various applications are non-centrosymmetric polymorphs: β-glycine and γ-glycine. The most useful β-polymorph being ferroelectric took much less attention than the other due to its instability under ambient conditions. In this work, we could grow stable microcrystals of β-glycine by the evaporation of aqueous solution on a (111)Pt/Ti/SiO2/Si substrate as a template. The effects of the solution concentration and Pt-assisted nucleation on the crystal growth and phase evolution were characterized by X-ray diffraction analysis and Raman spectroscopy. In addition, spin-coating technique was used for the fabrication of highly aligned nano-islands of β-glycine with regular orientation of the crystallographic axes relative the underlying substrate (Pt). Further we study both as-grown and tip-induced domain structures and polarization switching in the β-glycine molecular systems by Piezoresponse Force Microscopy (PFM) and compare the results with molecular modeling and computer simulations. We show that β-glycine is indeed a room-temperature ferroelectric and polarization can be switched by applying a bias to non-polar cuts via a conducting tip of atomic force microscope (AFM). Dynamics of these in-plane domains is studied as a function of applied voltage and pulse duration. The domain shape is dictated by both internal and external polarization screening mediated by defects and topographic features. Thermodynamic theory is applied to explain the domain propagation induced by the AFM tip. Our findings suggest that β-glycine is a uniaxial ferroelectric with the properties controlled by the charged domain walls which in turn can be manipulated by external bias. Besides, nonlinear optical properties of β-glycine were investigated by a second harmonic generation (SHG) method. SHG method confirmed that the 2-fold symmetry is preserved in as-grown crystals, thus reflecting the expected P21 symmetry of the β-phase. Spontaneous polarization direction is found to be parallel to the monoclinic [010] axis and directed along the crystal length. These data are confirmed by computational molecular modeling. Optical measurements revealed also relatively high values of the nonlinear optical susceptibility (50% greater than in the z-cut quartz). The potential of using stable β-glycine crystals in various applications are discussed in this work.


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Neste trabalho é feita a optimização de estruturas laminadas do tipo placa-casca, construídas por materiais compósitos, fazendo-se uso de um modelo discreto baseado na Teoria de Kirchhoff em conjugação com a Teoria da Camada Única Equivalente.As análises estrutural e de sensibilidades de estruturas em regime estático com comportamento geometricamente não linear, em vibrações livres, e em estabilidade linear, são desenvolvidas para um elemento finito triangular plano de 3 nós, com 18 graus de liberdade. A optimização é feita considerando diferentes funções objectivo, tais como a maximização da energia elástica de deformação, a maximização da frequência fundamental e a maximização da carga crítica, e é baseada no método das sensibilidades. As sensibilidades destas funções objectivo em ordem ás variáveis de projeto são calculadas analíticamente, sendo a orientação das fibras as variáveis de projecto consideradas.


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Tese dout., Universidad de Huelva. Departamento de Economía Financiera, Contabilidad y Dirección de Operaciones.


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In this paper we present a monocular vision system for a navigation aid. The system assists blind persons in following paths and sidewalks, and it alerts the user to moving obstacles which may be on collision course. Path borders and the vanishing point are de-tected by edges and an adapted Hough transform. Opti-cal flow is detected by using a hierarchical, multi-scale tree structure with annotated keypoints. The tree struc-ture also allows to segregate moving objects, indicating where on the path the objects are. Moreover, the centre of the object relative to the vanishing point indicates whether an object is approaching or not.


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The goal of the project "SmartVision: active vision for the blind" is to develop a small and portable but intelligent and reliable system for assisting the blind and visually impaired while navigating autonomously, both outdoor and indoor. In this paper we present an overview of the prototype, design issues, and its different modules which integrate a GIS with GPS, Wi-Fi, RFID tags and computer vision. The prototype addresses global navigation by following known landmarks, local navigation with path tracking and obstacle avoidance, and object recognition. The system does not replace the white cane, but extends it beyond its reach. The user-friendly interface consists of a 4-button hand-held box, a vibration actuator in the handle of the cane, and speech synthesis. A future version may also employ active RFID tags for marking navigation landmarks, and speech recognition may complement speech synthesis.


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Disssertação de mest., Estudos Marinhos e Costeiros, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Univ. do Algarve, 2010


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Tese de dout., Engenharia Electrónica e Computação, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Univ. do Algarve, 2003


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Empirical studies concerning face recognition suggest that faces may be stored in memory by a few canonical representations. In cortical area V1 exist double-opponent colour blobs, also simple, complex and end-stopped cells which provide input for a multiscale line/edge representation, keypoints for dynamic feature routine, and saliency maps for Focus-of-Attention.


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Blavigator (blind navigator) is a vision aid for blind and visuaIIy impaired persons. It supports local navigation by detecting waIkable paths in the immediate vicinity of the user. It guides the user for centering on the path.


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Soluções de realidade virtual e aumentada têm vindo a ser utilizadas no segmento de ensino explorando diferentes modalidades de interação de forma a proporcionar ao aluno acesso efetivo de informação em situações de experiências imersivas em tempo real. Na internet podemos encontrar variadíssimas aplicações educacionais, que nos ajudam a todos, desde as crianças em idade escolar até a profissionais de todas as áreas, proporcionando o estudo mais interativo, divertido e mais envolvente. Neste artigo, onde assumimos que o contexto de ensino é propício para a experimentação de novos modelos de ensino/aprendizagem, apresentamos uma aplicação educacional na área da geometria com o objetivo de potencializar a transferência de conhecimento, salientando as características dimensionais dos sólidos.