943 resultados para Buried Pipe
We present the synthesis of a copolymer structure, poly(9,9′-n-di-hexyl-2,7-fluorene-alt-2,5- bithiophene), referred to herein as LaPPS43, and its physico-chemical characterization. Thin films of this polymer mixed with phenyl-C61-butyric acid methyl ester (PCBM) were used as the active layer in photovoltaic devices using the ITO/PEDOT:PSS/LaPPS43: PCBM/Ca/Al bulk heterojunction structure. The devices of different active layer thicknesses were electrically studied using J-V curves and the Photo-Celiv technique. The obtained results show that LaPPS43 combined with PCBM is a promising system for photovoltaic devices. Device performance is discussed in terms of the mean drift distance x for charge carriers. Photophysical data showed that the excitonic species are all localized in the aggregated forms. The mechanism of exciton formation and dissociation is also discussed.
A low content of organic matter, which is largely refractory in nature, is characteristic of most sediments, meaning that aquatic deposit-feeders live on a very poor food source. The food is derived mainly from sedimenting phytodetritus, and in temperate waters like the Baltic Sea, from seasonal phytoplankton blooms. Deposit-feeders are either bulk-feeders, or selective feeders, which preferentially ingest the more organic-rich particles in the sediment, including phytodetritus, microbes and meiofauna. The soft-bottom benthos of the Baltic Sea has low species biodiversity and is dominated by a few macrobenthic species, among which the most numerous are the two deposit-feeding amphipods Monoporeia affinis and Pontoporeia femorata, and the bivalve Macoma balthica. This thesis is based on laboratory experiments on the feeding of these three species, and on the priapulid Halicryptus spinulosus. Feeding by benthic animals is often difficult to observe, but can be effectively studied by the use of tracers. Here we used the radioactive isotope 14C to label food items and to trace the organic matter uptake in the animals, while the stable isotopes 13C and 15N were used to follow feeding on aged organic matter in the sediment. The abundance of M. balthica and the amphipods tends to be negatively correlated, i.e., fewer bivalves are found at sites with dense populations of amphipods, with the known explanation that newly settled M. balthica spat are killed by the amphipods. Whether the postlarvae are just accidentally killed, or also ingested after being killed was tested by labelling the postlarvae with 14C and Rhodamine B. Both tracer techniques gave similar evidence for predation on and ingestion of postlarval bivalves. We calculated that this predation was likely to supply less than one percent of the daily carbon requirement for M. affinis, but might nevertheless be an important factor limiting recruitment of M. balthica. The two amphipods M. affinis and P. femorata are partly vertically segregated in the sediment, but whether they also feed at different depths was unknown. By adding fresh 14C-labelled algae either on the sediment surface or mixed into the sediment, we were able to distinguish surface from subsurface feeding. We found M. affinis and P. femorata to be surface and subsurface deposit-feeders, respectively. Whether the amphipods also feed on old organic matter, was studied by adding fresh 14C-labelled algae on the sediment surface, and using aged, one-year-old 13C- and 15N-labelled sediment as deep sediment. Ingestion of old organic matter, traced by the stable isotopes, differed between the two species, with a higher uptake for P. femorata, suggesting that P. femorata utilises the older, deeper-buried organic matter to a greater extent. Feeding studies with juveniles of both M. affinis and P. femorata had not been done previously. In an experiment with the same procedure and treatments as for the adults, juveniles of both amphipod species were found to have similar feeding strategies. They fed on both fresh and old sediment, with no partitioning of food resources, making them likely to be competitors for the same food resource. Oxygen deficiency has become more wide-spread in the Baltic Sea proper in the last half-century, and upwards of 70 000km2 are now devoid of macrofauna, even though part of that area does not have oxygen concentrations low enough to directly kill the macrofauna. We made week-long experiments on the rate of feeding on 14C-labelled diatoms spread on the sediment surface in different oxygen concentrations for both the amphipod species, M. balthica and H. spinulosus. The amphipods were the most sensitive to oxygen deficiency and showed reduced feeding and lower survival at low oxygen concentrations. M. balthica showed reduced feeding at the lowest oxygen concentration, but no mortality increase. The survival of H. spinulosus was unaffected, but it did not feed, showing that it is not a surface deposit-feeder. We conclude that low oxygen concentrations that are not directly lethal, but reduce food intake, may lead to starvation and death in the longer term.
The nature of the dark matter in the Universe is one of the greatest mysteries in modern astronomy. The neutralino is a nonbaryonic dark matter candidate in minimal supersymmetric extensions to the standard model of particle physics. If the dark matter halo of our galaxy is made up of neutralinos some would become gravitationally trapped inside massive bodies like the Earth. Their pair-wise annihilation produces neutrinos that can be detected by neutrino experiments looking in the direction of the centre of the Earth. The AMANDA neutrino telescope, currently the largest in the world, consists of an array of light detectors buried deep in the Antarctic glacier at the geographical South Pole. The extremely transparent ice acts as a Cherenkov medium for muons passing the array and using the timing information of detected photons it is possible to reconstruct the muon direction. A search has been performed for nearly vertically upgoing neutrino induced muons with AMANDA-B10 data taken over the three year period 1997-99. No excess above the atmospheric neutrino background expectation was found. Upper limits at the 90 % confidence level has been set on the annihilation rate of neutralinos at the centre of the Earth and on the muon flux induced by neutrinos created by the annihilation products.
[ES] El estudio de las inscripciones que se conservan en los tres cementerios ingleses de Canarias, así como de los propios monumentos funerarios en los que estas se inscriben, permite un acercamiento al ars moriendi, pero también a los mecanismos de autorrepresentación de los miembros de la comunidad británica radicada en Canarias cuyos restos reposan en estas necrópolis. El presente estudio pretende analizar estas escrituras últimas en el contexto de una historia social de la cultura escrita en Canarias que cuenta, como elemento de diferenciación con respecto a otras regiones españolas, con una importante presencia británica, evidenciada en la mayor concentración de cementerios protestantes de todo el país.
Asset Management (AM) is a set of procedures operable at the strategic-tacticaloperational level, for the management of the physical asset’s performance, associated risks and costs within its whole life-cycle. AM combines the engineering, managerial and informatics points of view. In addition to internal drivers, AM is driven by the demands of customers (social pull) and regulators (environmental mandates and economic considerations). AM can follow either a top-down or a bottom-up approach. Considering rehabilitation planning at the bottom-up level, the main issue would be to rehabilitate the right pipe at the right time with the right technique. Finding the right pipe may be possible and practicable, but determining the timeliness of the rehabilitation and the choice of the techniques adopted to rehabilitate is a bit abstruse. It is a truism that rehabilitating an asset too early is unwise, just as doing it late may have entailed extra expenses en route, in addition to the cost of the exercise of rehabilitation per se. One is confronted with a typical ‘Hamlet-isque dilemma’ – ‘to repair or not to repair’; or put in another way, ‘to replace or not to replace’. The decision in this case is governed by three factors, not necessarily interrelated – quality of customer service, costs and budget in the life cycle of the asset in question. The goal of replacement planning is to find the juncture in the asset’s life cycle where the cost of replacement is balanced by the rising maintenance costs and the declining level of service. System maintenance aims at improving performance and maintaining the asset in good working condition for as long as possible. Effective planning is used to target maintenance activities to meet these goals and minimize costly exigencies. The main objective of this dissertation is to develop a process-model for asset replacement planning. The aim of the model is to determine the optimal pipe replacement year by comparing, temporally, the annual operating and maintenance costs of the existing asset and the annuity of the investment in a new equivalent pipe, at the best market price. It is proposed that risk cost provide an appropriate framework to decide the balance between investment for replacing or operational expenditures for maintaining an asset. The model describes a practical approach to estimate when an asset should be replaced. A comprehensive list of criteria to be considered is outlined, the main criteria being a visà- vis between maintenance and replacement expenditures. The costs to maintain the assets should be described by a cost function related to the asset type, the risks to the safety of people and property owing to declining condition of asset, and the predicted frequency of failures. The cost functions reflect the condition of the existing asset at the time the decision to maintain or replace is taken: age, level of deterioration, risk of failure. The process model is applied in the wastewater network of Oslo, the capital city of Norway, and uses available real-world information to forecast life-cycle costs of maintenance and rehabilitation strategies and support infrastructure management decisions. The case study provides an insight into the various definitions of ‘asset lifetime’ – service life, economic life and physical life. The results recommend that one common value for lifetime should not be applied to the all the pipelines in the stock for investment planning in the long-term period; rather it would be wiser to define different values for different cohorts of pipelines to reduce the uncertainties associated with generalisations for simplification. It is envisaged that more criteria the municipality is able to include, to estimate maintenance costs for the existing assets, the more precise will the estimation of the expected service life be. The ability to include social costs enables to compute the asset life, not only based on its physical characterisation, but also on the sensitivity of network areas to social impact of failures. The type of economic analysis is very sensitive to model parameters that are difficult to determine accurately. The main value of this approach is the effort to demonstrate that it is possible to include, in decision-making, factors as the cost of the risk associated with a decline in level of performance, the level of this deterioration and the asset’s depreciation rate, without looking at age as the sole criterion for making decisions regarding replacements.
[EN]This paper is concerned with the vibration isolation efficiency analysis of total or partially buried thin walled wave barriers in poroelastic soils. A two-dimensional time harmonic model that treats soils and structures in a direct way by combining appropriately the conventional Boundary Element Method (BEM), the Dual BEM (DBEM) and the Finite Element Method es developed to this aim.
This work focuses on magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) mixed convection flow of electrically conducting fluids enclosed in simple 1D and 2D geometries in steady periodic regime. In particular, in Chapter one a short overview is given about the history of MHD, with reference to papers available in literature, and a listing of some of its most common technological applications, whereas Chapter two deals with the analytical formulation of the MHD problem, starting from the fluid dynamic and energy equations and adding the effects of an external imposed magnetic field using the Ohm's law and the definition of the Lorentz force. Moreover a description of the various kinds of boundary conditions is given, with particular emphasis given to their practical realization. Chapter three, four and five describe the solution procedure of mixed convective flows with MHD effects. In all cases a uniform parallel magnetic field is supposed to be present in the whole fluid domain transverse with respect to the velocity field. The steady-periodic regime will be analyzed, where the periodicity is induced by wall temperature boundary conditions, which vary in time with a sinusoidal law. Local balance equations of momentum, energy and charge will be solved analytically and numerically using as parameters either geometrical ratios or material properties. In particular, in Chapter three the solution method for the mixed convective flow in a 1D vertical parallel channel with MHD effects is illustrated. The influence of a transverse magnetic field will be studied in the steady periodic regime induced by an oscillating wall temperature. Analytical and numerical solutions will be provided in terms of velocity and temperature profiles, wall friction factors and average heat fluxes for several values of the governing parameters. In Chapter four the 2D problem of the mixed convective flow in a vertical round pipe with MHD effects is analyzed. Again, a transverse magnetic field influences the steady periodic regime induced by the oscillating wall temperature of the wall. A numerical solution is presented, obtained using a finite element approach, and as a result velocity and temperature profiles, wall friction factors and average heat fluxes are derived for several values of the Hartmann and Prandtl numbers. In Chapter five the 2D problem of the mixed convective flow in a vertical rectangular duct with MHD effects is discussed. As seen in the previous chapters, a transverse magnetic field influences the steady periodic regime induced by the oscillating wall temperature of the four walls. The numerical solution obtained using a finite element approach is presented, and a collection of results, including velocity and temperature profiles, wall friction factors and average heat fluxes, is provided for several values of, among other parameters, the duct aspect ratio. A comparison with analytical solutions is also provided, as a proof of the validity of the numerical method. Chapter six is the concluding chapter, where some reflections on the MHD effects on mixed convection flow will be made, in agreement with the experience and the results gathered in the analyses presented in the previous chapters. In the appendices special auxiliary functions and FORTRAN program listings are reported, to support the formulations used in the solution chapters.
ALICE, that is an experiment held at CERN using the LHC, is specialized in analyzing lead-ion collisions. ALICE will study the properties of quarkgluon plasma, a state of matter where quarks and gluons, under conditions of very high temperatures and densities, are no longer confined inside hadrons. Such a state of matter probably existed just after the Big Bang, before particles such as protons and neutrons were formed. The SDD detector, one of the ALICE subdetectors, is part of the ITS that is composed by 6 cylindrical layers with the innermost one attached to the beam pipe. The ITS tracks and identifies particles near the interaction point, it also aligns the tracks of the articles detected by more external detectors. The two ITS middle layers contain the whole 260 SDD detectors. A multichannel readout board, called CARLOSrx, receives at the same time the data coming from 12 SDD detectors. In total there are 24 CARLOSrx boards needed to read data coming from all the SDD modules (detector plus front end electronics). CARLOSrx packs data coming from the front end electronics through optical link connections, it stores them in a large data FIFO and then it sends them to the DAQ system. Each CARLOSrx is composed by two boards. One is called CARLOSrx data, that reads data coming from the SDD detectors and configures the FEE; the other one is called CARLOSrx clock, that sends the clock signal to all the FEE. This thesis contains a description of the hardware design and firmware features of both CARLOSrx data and CARLOSrx clock boards, which deal with all the SDD readout chain. A description of the software tools necessary to test and configure the front end electronics will be presented at the end of the thesis.
The theory of the 3D multipole probability tomography method (3D GPT) to image source poles, dipoles, quadrupoles and octopoles, of a geophysical vector or scalar field dataset is developed. A geophysical dataset is assumed to be the response of an aggregation of poles, dipoles, quadrupoles and octopoles. These physical sources are used to reconstruct without a priori assumptions the most probable position and shape of the true geophysical buried sources, by determining the location of their centres and critical points of their boundaries, as corners, wedges and vertices. This theory, then, is adapted to the geoelectrical, gravity and self potential methods. A few synthetic examples using simple geometries and three field examples are discussed in order to demonstrate the notably enhanced resolution power of the new approach. At first, the application to a field example related to a dipole–dipole geoelectrical survey carried out in the archaeological park of Pompei is presented. The survey was finalised to recognize remains of the ancient Roman urban network including roads, squares and buildings, which were buried under the thick pyroclastic cover fallen during the 79 AD Vesuvius eruption. The revealed anomaly structures are ascribed to wellpreserved remnants of some aligned walls of Roman edifices, buried and partially destroyed by the 79 AD Vesuvius pyroclastic fall. Then, a field example related to a gravity survey carried out in the volcanic area of Mount Etna (Sicily, Italy) is presented, aimed at imaging as accurately as possible the differential mass density structure within the first few km of depth inside the volcanic apparatus. An assemblage of vertical prismatic blocks appears to be the most probable gravity model of the Etna apparatus within the first 5 km of depth below sea level. Finally, an experimental SP dataset collected in the Mt. Somma-Vesuvius volcanic district (Naples, Italy) is elaborated in order to define location and shape of the sources of two SP anomalies of opposite sign detected in the northwestern sector of the surveyed area. The modelled sources are interpreted as the polarization state induced by an intense hydrothermal convective flow mechanism within the volcanic apparatus, from the free surface down to about 3 km of depth b.s.l..
The research activity described in this thesis is focused mainly on the study of finite-element techniques applied to thermo-fluid dynamic problems of plant components and on the study of dynamic simulation techniques applied to integrated building design in order to enhance the energy performance of the building. The first part of this doctorate thesis is a broad dissertation on second law analysis of thermodynamic processes with the purpose of including the issue of the energy efficiency of buildings within a wider cultural context which is usually not considered by professionals in the energy sector. In particular, the first chapter includes, a rigorous scheme for the deduction of the expressions for molar exergy and molar flow exergy of pure chemical fuels. The study shows that molar exergy and molar flow exergy coincide when the temperature and pressure of the fuel are equal to those of the environment in which the combustion reaction takes place. A simple method to determine the Gibbs free energy for non-standard values of the temperature and pressure of the environment is then clarified. For hydrogen, carbon dioxide, and several hydrocarbons, the dependence of the molar exergy on the temperature and relative humidity of the environment is reported, together with an evaluation of molar exergy and molar flow exergy when the temperature and pressure of the fuel are different from those of the environment. As an application of second law analysis, a comparison of the thermodynamic efficiency of a condensing boiler and of a heat pump is also reported. The second chapter presents a study of borehole heat exchangers, that is, a polyethylene piping network buried in the soil which allows a ground-coupled heat pump to exchange heat with the ground. After a brief overview of low-enthalpy geothermal plants, an apparatus designed and assembled by the author to carry out thermal response tests is presented. Data obtained by means of in situ thermal response tests are reported and evaluated by means of a finite-element simulation method, implemented through the software package COMSOL Multyphysics. The simulation method allows the determination of the precise value of the effective thermal properties of the ground and of the grout, which are essential for the design of borehole heat exchangers. In addition to the study of a single plant component, namely the borehole heat exchanger, in the third chapter is presented a thorough process for the plant design of a zero carbon building complex. The plant is composed of: 1) a ground-coupled heat pump system for space heating and cooling, with electricity supplied by photovoltaic solar collectors; 2) air dehumidifiers; 3) thermal solar collectors to match 70% of domestic hot water energy use, and a wood pellet boiler for the remaining domestic hot water energy use and for exceptional winter peaks. This chapter includes the design methodology adopted: 1) dynamic simulation of the building complex with the software package TRNSYS for evaluating the energy requirements of the building complex; 2) ground-coupled heat pumps modelled by means of TRNSYS; and 3) evaluation of the total length of the borehole heat exchanger by an iterative method developed by the author. An economic feasibility and an exergy analysis of the proposed plant, compared with two other plants, are reported. The exergy analysis was performed by considering the embodied energy of the components of each plant and the exergy loss during the functioning of the plants.
Kolloidale Suspensionen aus identischen kugelförmigen, geladenen Partikeln in wässrigen Medien stellen ein ideales Modellsystem zur Untersuchung des Gleichgewichtsverhaltens, aber auch des Nicht-Gleichgewichtsverhaltens Weicher Materie dar. So bilden derartige Systeme bei hinreichend starker und langreichweitiger elektrostatischer Repulsion fluid und kristallin geordnete Strukturen aus, die wegen der weitreichenden Analogie zu atomar kondensierter Materie als kolloidale Fluide und Kristalle bezeichnet werden. Von großem Vorteil ist dabei die Möglichkeit zur kontrollierten Einstellung der Wechselwirkung und die gute optische Zugänglichkeit für Mikroskopie und Lichtstreuung sowie die Weichheit der Materialien, aufgrund derer sich auch Zustände fernab des mechanischen Gleichgewichts gezielt präparieren lassen. Themenstellung der vorliegenden Arbeit ist die Untersuchung des Phasenverhaltens und der Fließmechanismen kolloidaler Kristalle in einer Rohrströmung. Im ersten Teil der Arbeit wird gezeigt, dass beim Fluss durch eine zylindrische Röhre Mehrphasenkoexistenz auftritt, wobei ein polykristalliner Kern von einer isotropen Scherschmelze umgeben ist. Zusätzlich treten an der Grenze zwischen diesen Phasen und an der Rohrwand Phasen hexagonal geordneter übereinander hinweggleitender Lagen auf. Der Vergleich zwischen auf der Basis der Navier-Stokes-Gleichung theoretisch berechneten und gemessenen Geschwindigkeitsprofilen zeigt, dass jede dieser Phasen für sich Newtonsches Fließverhalten aufweist. Die Gesamtviskosität ist hingegen durch die mit dem Durchsatz veränderliche Phasenzusammensetzung Nicht-Newtonsch. Damit gelang es, die erstmalig von Würth beschriebene Scherverdünnung auf eine Veränderung der Phasenzusammensetzung zurückzuführen. Im zweiten Teil der Arbeit wurde erstmals das Fließverhalten der Lagenphasen mittels Lichtstreuung und Korrelationsanalyse untersucht. Dafür wurde ein im Prinzip einfacher, aber leistungsstarker Aufbau realisiert, der es erlaubt, die zeitliche Veränderung der Bragg-Reflexe der Lagenphase in radialer und azimutaler Richtung zu verfolgen und mittels Fourieranalyse zu analysieren. In Abhängigkeit vom Durchsatz geht die zunächst rastend gleitende Lagenphase in eine frei gleitende Lagenphase über, wobei charakteristische Veränderungen der Spektren sowie der Korrelationsfunktionen auftreten, die detailliert diskutiert werden. Der Übergang im Gleitmechanismus ist mit einem Verlust der Autokorrelation der Rotationskomponente der periodischen Intra-Lagenverzerrung verbunden, während die Kompressionskomponente erhalten bleibt. Bei hohen Durchflüssen lassen die Reflexbewegungen auf das Auftreten einer Eigenschwingung der frei gleitenden Lagen schließen. Diese Schwingung lässt sich als Rotationsbewegung, gekoppelt mit einer transversalen Auslenkung in Vortexrichtung, beschreiben. Die Ergebnisse erlauben eine detaillierte Diskussion von verschiedenen Modellvorstellungen anderer Autoren.
In dieser Studie werden strukturgeologische, metamorphe und geochronologische Daten benutzt, um eine Quantifizierung tektonischer Prozesse vorzunehmen, die für die Exhumierung der Kykladischen Blauschiefereinheit in der Ägäis und der Westtürkei verantwortlich waren. Bei den beiden tektonischen Prozessen handelt es sich um: (1) Abschiebungstektonik und (2) vertikale duktile Ausdünnung. Eine finite Verformungsanalyse an Proben der Kykladischen Blauschiefereinheit ermöglicht eine Abschätzung des Beitrags von vertikaler duktiler Ausdünnung an der gesamten Exhumierung. Kalkulationen mit einem eindimensionalen, numerischen Model zeigt, daß vertikale duktile Ausdünnung nur ca. 10% an der gesamten Exhumierung ausmacht. Kinematische, metamorphe und geochronologische Daten erklären die tektonische Natur und die Evolution eines extensionalen Störungssystems auf der Insel Ikaria in der östlichen Ägäis. Thermobarometrische Daten lassen erkennen, daß das Liegende des Störungssystems aus ca. 15 km Tiefe exhumiert wurde. Sowohl Apatit- und Zirkonspaltspurenalter als auch Apatit (U-Th)/He-Alter zeigen, daß sich das extensionale Störungssystem zwischen 11-3 Ma mit einer Geschwindigkeit von ca. 7-8 km/Ma bewegte. Spät-Miozäne Abschiebungen trugen zur Exhumierung der letzten ~5-15 km der Hochdruckgesteine bei. Ein Großteil der Exhumierung der Kykladischen Blauschiefereinheit muß vor dem Miozän stattgefunden haben. Dies wird durch einen Extrusionskeil erklärt, der ca. 30-35 km der Kykladischen Blauschiefereinheit in der Westtürkei exhumierte. 40Ar/39Ar und 87Rb/86Sr Datierungen an Myloniten des oberen Abschiebungskontakts zwischen der Selçuk Decke und der darunterliegenden Ampelos/Dilek Decke der Kykladischen Blauschiefereinheit als auch des unteren Überschiebungskontakts zwischen der Ampelos/Dilek Decke und den darunterliegenden Menderes Decken zeigt, daß sich beide mylonitische Zonen um ca. ~35 Ma formten, was die Existenz eines Spät-Eozänen/Früh-Oligozänen Extrusionskeils beweist.
Particle concentration is a principal factor that affects erosion rate of solid surfaces under particle impact, such as pipe bends in pneumatic conveyors; it is well known that a reduction in the specific erosion rate occurs under high particle concentrations, a phenomenon referred to as the “shielding effect”. The cause of shielding is believed to be increased likelihood of inter-particulate collisions, the high collision probability between incoming and rebounding particles reducing the frequency and the severity of particle impacts on the target surface. In this study, the effects of particle concentration on erosion of a mild steel bend surface have been investigated in detail using three different particulate materials on an industrial scale pneumatic conveying test rig. The materials were studied so that two had the same particle density but very different particle size, whereas two had very similar particle size but very different particle density. Experimental results confirm the shielding effect due to high particle concentration and show that the particle density has a far more significant influence than the particle size, on the magnitude of the shielding effect. A new method of correcting for change in erosivity of the particles in repeated handling, to take this factor out of the data, has been established, and appears to be successful. Moreover, a novel empirical model of the shielding effects has been used, in term of erosion resistance which appears to decrease linearly when the particle concentration decreases. With the model it is possible to find the specific erosion rate when the particle concentration tends to zero, and conversely predict how the specific erosion rate changes at finite values of particle concentration; this is critical to enable component life to be predicted from erosion tester results, as the variation of the shielding effect with concentration is different in these two scenarios. In addition a previously unreported phenomenon has been recorded, of a particulate material whose erosivity has steadily increased during repeated impacts.
The aim of this thesis is to study how explosive behavior and geophysical signals in a volcanic conduit are related to the development of overpressure in slug-driven eruptions. A first suite of laboratory experiments of gas slugs ascending in analogue conduits was performed. Slugs ascended into a range of analogue liquids and conduit diameters to allow proper scaling to the natural volcanoes. The geometrical variation of the slug in response to the explored variables was parameterised. Volume of gas slug and rheology of the liquid phase revealed the key parameters in controlling slug overpressure at bursting. Founded on these results, a theoretical model to calculate burst overpressure for slug-driven eruptions was developed. The dimensionless approach adopted allowed to apply the model to predict bursting pressure of slugs at Stromboli. Comparison of predicted values with measured data from Stromboli volcano showed that the model can explain the entire spectrum of observed eruptive styles at Stromboli – from low-energy puffing, through normal Strombolian eruptions, up to paroxysmal explosions – as manifestations of a single underlying physical process. Finally, another suite of laboratory experiments was performed to observe oscillatory pressure and forces variations generated during the expansion and bursting of gas slugs ascending in a conduit. Two end-member boundary conditions were imposed at the base of the pipe, simulating slug ascent in closed base (zero magma flux) and open base (constant flux) conduit. At the top of the pipe, a range of boundary conditions that are relevant at a volcanic vent were imposed, going from open to plugged vent. The results obtained illustrate that a change in boundary conditions in the conduit concur to affect the dynamic of slug expansion and burst: an upward flux at the base of the conduit attenuates the magnitude of the pressure transients, while a rheological stiffening in the top-most region of conduit changes dramatically the magnitude of the observed pressure transients, favoring a sudden, and more energetic pressure release into the overlying atmosphere. Finally, a discussion on the implication of changing boundary on the oscillatory processes generated at the volcanic scale is also given.
Wir untersuchen die numerische Lösung des inversen Streuproblems der Rekonstruktion der Form, Position und Anzahl endlich vieler perfekt leitender Objekte durch Nahfeldmessungen zeitharmonischer elektromagnetischer Wellen mit Hilfe von Metalldetektoren. Wir nehmen an, dass sich die Objekte gänzlich im unteren Halbraum eines unbeschränkten zweischichtigen Hintergrundmediums befinden. Wir nehmen weiter an, dass der obere Halbraum mit Luft und der untere Halbraum mit Erde gefüllt ist. Wir betrachten zuerst die physikalischen Grundlagen elektromagnetischer Wellen, aus denen wir zunächst ein vereinfachtes mathematisches Modell ableiten, in welchem wir direkt das elektromagnetische Feld messen. Dieses Modell erweitern wir dann um die Messung des elektromagnetischen Feldes von Sendespulen mit Hilfe von Empfangsspulen. Für das vereinfachte Modell entwickeln wir, unter Verwendung der Theorie des zugehörigen direkten Streuproblems, ein nichtiteratives Verfahren, das auf der Idee der sogenannten Faktorisierungsmethode beruht. Dieses Verfahren übertragen wir dann auf das erweiterte Modell. Wir geben einen Implementierungsvorschlag der Rekonstruktionsmethode und demonstrieren an einer Reihe numerischer Experimente die Anwendbarkeit des Verfahrens. Weiterhin untersuchen wir mehrere Abwandlungen der Methode zur Verbesserung der Rekonstruktionen und zur Verringerung der Rechenzeit.