1000 resultados para Bed behavior
In search for competitive advantage, designing and managing supply chain networks have become a necessary competence for organizations. The target of this thesis is to answer a question, how to design a multiple supply chain network. The purpose is to study, what kind of different supply chain designs exist and, how to choose appropriate supply chain designs for a company. In the thesis, the focus is on the supply chain alignment to customers, more specifically to customer buying behavior. The research method was a case study. A framework for measuring customer buying behavior was developed based on the literature and it was used in the study of customer buying behavior in the case environment. In the case company structured interviews and data records were used as sources of evidence. Persons working in the customer-interface were interviewed face-to-face and through an e-mail questionnaire. When analyzing the data, a Quality function deployment matrix was used as one analysis method. As a result of the thesis, supply chain network of the case company is proposed to be divided into three separate supply chains, which focus on different areas and they could be called lean, agile and continuous replenishment supply chains. In conclusion, in the supply chain alignment to customer buying behavior several aspects have to be studied from different perspectives. According to the results, a multiple supply chain strategy is recommended to be implemented in the case company, since the diversity of the customer needs cannot be managed efficiently through a single supply chain.
Kandidaatintyössä luotiin CFD-malli mallintamaan jäähdytevirtausta kuulakekoreaktorin sydämessä käyttämällä Ansys Fluent -ohjelmaa. Mallin avulla tarkasteltiin virtauksen käyttäymistä ja painehäviötä ja saatuja tuloksia verrattiin aiempiin tutkimuksiin. Kandidaatin työssä on myös kerrottu mallintamisen etenemisestä ja laskentateoriaa.
Comprehensive understanding of the heat transfer processes that take place during circulating fluidized bed (CFB) combustion is one of the most important issues in CFB technology development. This leads to possibility of predicting, evaluation and proper design of combustion and heat transfer mechanisms. The aim of this thesis is to develop a model for circulating fluidized bed boiler operation. Empirical correlations are used for determining heat transfer coefficients in each part of the furnace. The proposed model is used both in design and offdesign conditions. During off-design simulations fuel moisture content and boiler load effects on boiler operation have been investigated. In theoretical part of the thesis, fuel properties of most typical classes of biomass are widely reviewed. Various schemes of biomass utilization are presented and, especially, concerning circulating fluidized bed boilers. In addition, possible negative effects of biomass usage in boilers are briefly discussed.
The present study sought to observe the behavior of soils in natural state and in mixtures, in different ratios, with the industrial solid residue called whitewash mud. The work was conducted with samples of typical soils from the region of Alagoinhas, Bahia-Brazil. Wet chemical analysis and atomic absorption spectrophotometry were used in order to obtain the classification of the industrial solid residue. Solubilization and leaching tests were performed and X-ray diffraction and electron microscopy techniques were carried out. The results showed that the whitewash mud was classified as non-inert, but with great capacity of heavy metal retention largely owed to the kaolinite and goethite presence in the clay fraction of the soils, making it difficult to have heavy metals readily available for exchange.
The consumption of manganese is increasing, but huge amounts of manganese still end up in waste in hydrometallurgical processes. The recovery of manganese from multi-metal solutions at low concentrations may not be economical. In addition, poor iron control typically prevents the production of high purity manganese. Separation of iron from manganese can be done with chemical precipitation or solvent extraction methods. Combined carbonate precipitation with air oxidation is a feasible method to separate iron and manganese due to the fast kinetics, good controllability and economical reagents. In addition the leaching of manganese carbonate is easier and less acid consuming than that of hydroxide or sulfide precipitates. Selective iron removal with great efficiency from MnSO4 solution is achieved by combined oxygen or air oxidation and CaCO3 precipitation at pH > 5.8 and at a redox potential of > 200 mV. In order to avoid gypsum formation, soda ash should be used instead of limestone. In such case, however, extra attention needs to be paid on the reagents mole ratios in order to avoid manganese coprecipitation. After iron removal, pure MnSO4 solution was obtained by solvent extraction using organophosphorus reagents, di-(2-ethylhexyl)phosphoric acid (D2EHPA) and bis(2,4,4- trimethylpentyl)phosphinic acid (CYANEX 272). The Mn/Ca and Mn/Mg selectivities can be increased by decreasing the temperature from the commonly used temperatures (40 –60oC) to 5oC. The extraction order of D2EHPA (Ca before Mn) at low temperature remains unchanged but the lowering of temperature causes an increase in viscosity and slower phase separation. Of these regents, CYANEX 272 is selective for Mn over Ca and, therefore, it would be the better choice if there is Ca present in solution. A three-stage Mn extraction followed by a two-stage scrubbing and two-stage sulfuric acid stripping is an effective method of producing a very pure MnSO4 intermediate solution for further processing. From the intermediate MnSO4 some special Mn- products for ion exchange applications were synthesized and studied. Three types of octahedrally coordinated manganese oxide materials as an alternative final product for manganese were chosen for synthesis: layer structured Nabirnessite, tunnel structured Mg-todorokite and K-kryptomelane. As an alternative source of pure MnSO4 intermediate, kryptomelane was synthesized by using a synthetic hydrometallurgical tailings. The results show that the studied OMS materials adsorb selectively Cu, Ni, Cd and K in the presence of Ca and Mg. It was also found that the exchange rates were reasonably high due to the small particle dimensions. Materials are stable in the studied conditions and their maximum Cu uptake capacity was 1.3 mmol/g. Competitive uptake of metals and acid was studied using equilibrium, batch kinetic and fixed-bed measurements. The experimental data was correlated with a dynamic model, which also accounts for the dissolution of the framework manganese. Manganese oxide micro-crystals were also bound onto silica to prepare a composite material having a particle size large enough to be used in column separation experiments. The MnOx/SiO2 ratio was found to affect significantly the properties of the composite. The higher the ratio, the lower is the specific surface area, the pore volume and the pore size. On the other hand, higher amount of silica binder gives composites better mechanical properties. Birnesite and todorokite can be aggregated successfully with colloidal silica at pH 4 and with MnO2/SiO2 weight ratio of 0.7. The best gelation and drying temperature was 110oC and sufficiently strong composites were obtained by additional heat-treatment at 250oC for 2 h. The results show that silica–supported MnO2 materials can be utilized to separate copper from nickel and cadmium. The behavior of the composites can be explained reasonably well with the presented model and the parameters estimated from the data of the unsupported oxides. The metal uptake capacities of the prepared materials were quite small. For example, the final copper loading was 0.14 mmol/gMnO2. According to the results the special MnO2 materials are potential for a specific environmental application to uptake harmful metal ions.
This thesis presents a three-dimensional, semi-empirical, steady state model for simulating the combustion, gasification, and formation of emissions in circulating fluidized bed (CFB) processes. In a large-scale CFB furnace, the local feeding of fuel, air, and other input materials, as well as the limited mixing rate of different reactants produce inhomogeneous process conditions. To simulate the real conditions, the furnace should be modelled three-dimensionally or the three-dimensional effects should be taken into account. The only available methods for simulating the large CFB furnaces three-dimensionally are semi-empirical models, which apply a relatively coarse calculation mesh and a combination of fundamental conservation equations, theoretical models and empirical correlations. The number of such models is extremely small. The main objective of this work was to achieve a model which can be applied to calculating industrial scale CFB boilers and which can simulate all the essential sub-phenomena: fluid dynamics, reactions, the attrition of particles, and heat transfer. The core of the work was to develop the model frame and the required sub-models for determining the combustion and sorbent reactions. The objective was reached, and the developed model was successfully used for studying various industrial scale CFB boilers combusting different types of fuel. The model for sorbent reactions, which includes the main reactions for calcitic limestones, was applied for studying the new possible phenomena occurring in the oxygen-fired combustion. The presented combustion and sorbent models and principles can be utilized in other model approaches as well, including other empirical and semi-empirical model approaches, and CFD based simulations. The main achievement is the overall model frame which can be utilized for the further development and testing of new sub-models and theories, and for concentrating the knowledge gathered from the experimental work carried out at bench scale, pilot scale and industrial scale apparatus, and from the computational work performed by other modelling methods.
Traditionally limestone has been used for the flue gas desulfurization in fluidized bed combustion. Recently, several studies have been carried out to examine the use of limestone in applications which enable the removal of carbon dioxide from the combustion gases, such as calcium looping technology and oxy-fuel combustion. In these processes interlinked limestone reactions occur but the reaction mechanisms and kinetics are not yet fully understood. To examine these phenomena, analytical and numerical models have been created. In this work, the limestone reactions were studied with aid of one-dimensional numerical particle model. The model describes a single limestone particle in the process as a function of time, the progress of the reactions and the mass and energy transfer in the particle. The model-based results were compared with experimental laboratory scale BFB results. It was observed that by increasing the temperature from 850 °C to 950 °C the calcination was enhanced but the sulfate conversion was no more improved. A higher sulfur dioxide concentration accelerated the sulfation reaction and based on the modeling, the sulfation is first order with respect to SO2. The reaction order of O2 seems to become zero at high oxygen concentrations.
I takt med den ekonomiska tillväxten har CO2-utsläppen till atmosfären ständigt ökat, och utan kraftiga åtgärder kommer de att fortsätta att öka i allt snabbare takt. Konsekvenserna av en påtagligt förhöjd atmosfärisk CO2-halt är fortfarande osäkra (men eventuellt katastrofala) och fenomenet går under namnet global uppvärmning eller klimatförändring. CCS från engelskans ”carbon dioxide capture and storage” framstår som ett alternativ för att bekämpa de ständigt ökande CO2-utsläppen. Ett av de mer intressanta, och för Finlands del ända CCS-alternativet, baserar sig på naturens egna sätt att begränsa atmosfärisk CO2, nämligen vittring. Naturlig vittring, som förenklat innefattar nedbrytningen av sten/berg (även känd som erosion) och de därpå följande reaktionerna med CO2-mättat regnvatten. Slutresultatet är en utfällning av fasta mineraler som nu bundit CO2 i form av kalcium- och magnesiumkarbonat. Kalciumkarbonat är även bättre känt som kalksten, d.v.s. CO2 blir bundet i sten. Det gäller dock att snabba upp denna process, som i naturen är ytterst långsam, på ett ekonomiskt och miljömässigt hållbart sätt. Hittills har ett antal metoder för att påskynda naturlig vittring, eller med andra ord öka CO2-upptagningsförmågan av olika mineraler föreslagits. De mera etablerade uttrycken (lånade från engelskan) talar om mineralkarbonatisering och CO2-mineralisering. Till skillnad från många andra CO2-mineraliseringsalternativ är det alternativ som behandlas i denna avhandling i hög grad baserat på möjligheten att utnyttja den värme som frigörs vid karbonatisering. I teorin är det möjligt att föreställa sig en mineraliseringsprocess som inte kräver extern energi, men tillsvidare har man dock inte lyckats uppnå detta mål. Den process som presenteras i denna avhandling går ut på att man utvinner magnesium ur i naturen vanligt förekommande magnesiumrika mineraler, konverterar det till magnesiumhydroxid och därefter karbonatiserar det till magnesiumkarbonat. I rätta förhållanden kan magnesiumhydroxid reagera med CO2 mycket snabbt och i nuläget har processen potential att minska CO2-utsläppen från industri där spillvärme finns till förfogande (t.ex. cement- och stålindustrin). Fortsatt forskning är dock ett måste för att kunna påverka CO2-utsläppen i en globalt signifikant skala.
Syövän käyttäytymiseen ja ennusteeseen vaikuttavat monet tekijät, muun muassa muutokset syöpäsoluissa sekä kasvainta ympäröivässä mikroympäristössä. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli tutkia uusia prediktiivisiä ja prognostisia ennustetekijöitä syöpäsoluissa (EGFR geenikopiomäärä, EGFR, onkogeeni pim-1) sekä syöpäkasvaimen mikroympäristöön kuuluvissa imuteissä (CLEVER-1, podoplaniini), makrofageissa (CD68, CLEVER-1) ja T lymfosyyteissä (CD3) kolorektaalisyövässä. Lisäksi tutkittiin imuteiden molekulaarisia ominaisuuksia tarkemmin (CD73, LYVE-1, podoplaniini) kuten myös lymfosyyttien ja dendriittisolujen liikennöintiä imuteissä. Tutkimustulokset osoittavat että korkea Pim-1 ekspressiotaso, suuri peritumoraalinen CD68+ makrofagimäärä sekä varhaisen vaiheen taudissa suuri CLEVER-1+ peritumoraalinen makrofagimäärä ovat hyvän ennusteen tekijöitä kolorektaalisyövässä. Metastaattisessa taudissa sen sijaan suuri määrä CLEVER-1+ makrofageja, sekä intra- että peritumoraalisesti, liittyy huonoon tautiennusteeseen. EGFR geenikopiomäärä, EGFR proteiinipitoisuuden ohjaaman hopea in situ hybridisaatiomenetelmän avulla määritettynä, ennusti vastetta anti-EGFR hoidolle metastaattisessa kolorektaalisyövässä tarkemmin kuin nykyisin rutiinisti käytössä oleva KRAS määritys. Lisäksi havaittiin että imutiet ovat monimuotoisia imutiemarkkeri ekspressionsa suhteen sekä normaali- että syöpäkudoksissa. CD73 molekyylin funktio imuteissä poikkesi selvästi molekyylin funktiosta verisuonissa. Yhteenvetona voidaan todeta että kolorektaalisyövän ennusteeseen vaikuttavien tekijöiden merkitys vaihtelee taudin levinneisyysasteen sekä imuteiden että makrofagien sijainnin perusteella. Korkea Pim-1 ilmentyminen on yhteydessä hyvään kolorektaalisyöpäennusteeseen. Lisäksi EGFR geenikopiomäärä osoittautui lupaavaksi uudeksi prediktiiviseksi ennustetekijäksi KRAS villintyypin metastaattista kolorektaalisyöpää sairastavilla potilailla.
A sequential batch reactor with suspended biomass and useful volume of 5 L was used in the removal of nutrients and organic matter in workbench scale under optimal conditions obtained by central composite rotational design (CCRD), with cycle time (CT) of 16 h (10.15 h, aerobic phase, and 4.35 h, anoxic phase) and carbon: nitrogen ratio (COD/NO2--N+NO3--N) equal to 6. Complete cycles (20), nitrification followed by denitrification, were evaluated to investigate the kinetic behavior of degradation of organic (COD) and nitrogenated (NH4+-N, NO2--N and NO3--N) matter present in the effluent from a bird slaughterhouse and industrial processing facility, as well as to evaluate the stability of the reactor using Shewhart control charts of individual measures. The results indicate means total inorganic nitrogen (NH4+-N+NO2- -N+NO3--N) removal of 84.32±1.59% and organic matter (COD) of 53.65±8.48% in the complete process (nitrification-denitrification) with the process under statistical control. The nitrifying activity during the aerobic phase estimated from the determination of the kinetic parameters had mean K1 and K2 values of 0.00381±0.00043 min-1 and 0.00381±0.00043 min-1, respectively. The evaluation of the kinetic behavior of the conversion of nitrogen indicated a possible reduction of CT in the anoxic phase, since removals of NO2--N and NO3--N higher than 90% were obtained with only 1 h of denitrification.
The 'Niagara Rosada' grape is the main Brazilian table grape belonging to the Labrusca family. It develops medium, cylindrical and compact bunches with berries presenting a pinkish skin and a foxy flavor that is valued in the Brazilian market. These berries are tender and have a pedicel-berry connection provided by the vascular bundles and surrounding skin. This cultivar is very susceptible to berry drop mainly caused by vibration and senescence. The objective of this study was to evaluate the temporal mechanical behavior of the pedicel-berry detachment, using resistance indexes extracted from traction force-deformation curves. Test results showed two different detachment types. In the first one, which exhibited higher average resistance, a considerable portion of the vascular bundle came out attached to the pedicel and in the second type; the vascular bundle was retained inside the berry. The proposed indexes based on maximum detachment force, force at 0.2; 0.5; 1.0 and 1.2 mm, and maximum force to corresponding deformation ratio did not discriminate the senescence of the berry.
An experiment was conducted to evaluate the behavior, performance and physiological parameters of pigs in different production systems. Twenty four animals in the growth phase were distributed in a randomized block design in three treatments: T1 - concrete floor, T2 - deep bedding with wood shaving, and T3 - deep bedding with coffee husks. The behavioral study was carried out by observing the animal behavior for an uninterrupted period of eight hours throughout seven weeks. The proportions of time spent in each behavior were characterized using the frequency histogram composition. Environmental (IBGTH), physiological (rectal and skin temperature and respiratory rate) and performance (weight gain, feed intake and feed conversion) parameters were measured in animals during the period. The production systems of deep bedding showed higher values of IBGTH. There was no effect of production systems evaluated on the performance parameters. Rectal temperature was higher in animals reared on deep bedding with coffee husks in relation to the concrete floor. The use of deep bedding benefited the behavior of piglets in the growth phase and it reduced the agonistic behavior among individuals.
In this study the rheological behavior in different temperatures (0; 6; 18 e 24 ºC) and physicochemical parameters of integral annona (Annona squamosa) pulp and the annona pulp with milk in different percentages pulp/milk (75g of annona pulp/25g of milk, 50g of annona pulp/50g of milk, 25g of annona pulp/75g of milk) have been availed, in order to verify the effect of temperature and pulp concentration in the rheological behavior of these beverages. To obtain the rheological parameters a concentric cylinder rheometer has been used and the rheograms were analyzed using the Ostwald-de-Wael (power Law) and Herschel-Bulkley models. The physicochemical parameters (sugars, pH, ash, acidity and soluble solids) were determined in order to establish correlations with the rheological behavior. Finally, the best results had been obtained using the Herschel-Bulkley model; the low values for the behavior index (n <1) obtained confirm the pseudoplastic behavior of all samples.
The research proposes a methodology for assessing broiler breeder response to changes in rearing thermal environment. The continuous video recording of a flock analyzed may offer compelling evidences of thermal comfort, as well as other indications of welfare. An algorithm for classifying specific broiler breeder behavior was developed. Videos were recorded over three boxes where 30 breeders were reared. The boxes were mounted inside an environmental chamber were ambient temperature varied from cold to hot. Digital images were processed based on the number of pixels, according to their light intensity variation and binary contrast allowing a sequence of behaviors related to welfare. The system used the default of x, y coordinates, where x represents the horizontal distance from the top left of the work area to the point P, and y is the vertical distance. The video images were observed, and a grid was developed for identifying the area the birds stayed and the time they spent at that place. The sequence was analyzed frame by frame confronting the data with specific adopted thermal neutral rearing standards. The grid mask overlapped the real bird image. The resulting image allows the visualization of clusters, as birds in flock behave in certain patterns. An algorithm indicating the breeder response to thermal environment was developed.