998 resultados para 871-1


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The purpose of this work was to identify some of the genes of the catabolic route of L-rhamnose in the yeast Pichia stipitis. There are at least two distinctly different pathways for L-rhamnose catabolism. The one described in bacteria has phosphorylated intermediates and the enzymes and the genes of this route have been described. The pathway described in yeast does not have phosphorylated intermediates. The intermediates and the enzymes of this pathway are known but none of the genes have been identified. The work was started by purifying the L-rhamnose dehydrogenase, which oxidates L-rhamnose to rhamnonic acid-gamma-lactone. NAD is used as a cofactor in this reaction. A DEAE ion exchange column was used for purification. The active fraction was further purified using a non-denaturing PAGE and the active protein identified by zymogram staining. In the last step the protein was separated in a SDS-PAGE, the protein band trypsinated and analysed by MALDI-TOF MS. This resulted in the identification of the corresponding gene, RHA1, which was then, after a codon change, expressed in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Also C- or N-terminal histidine tags were added but as the activity of the enzyme was lost or strongly reduced these were not used. The kinetic properties of the protein were analysed in the cell extract. Substrate specifity was tested with different sugars; L-rhamnose, L-lyxose and L-mannose were oxidated by the enzyme. Vmax values were 180 nkat/mg, 160 nkat/mg and 72 nkat/mg, respectively. The highest affinity was towards L-rhamnose, the Km value being 0.9 mM. Lower affinities were obtained with L-lyxose, Km 4.3 mM, and L-mannose Km 25 mM. Northern analysis was done to study the transcription of RHA1 with different carbon sources. Transcription was observed only on L-rhamnose suggesting that RHA1 expression is L-rhamnose induced. A RHA1 deletion cassette for P. stipitis was constructed but the cassette had integrated randomly and not targeted to delete the RHA1 gene. Enzyme assays for L-lactaldehyde dehydrogenase were done similarly to L-rhamnose dehydrogenase assays. NAD is used as a cofactor also in this reaction where L-lactaldehyde is oxidised to L-lactate. The observed enzyme activities were very low and the activity was lost during the purification procedures.


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Crystals of C I4HsN40 are monoclinic, space group P21, Unit-cell constants are a = 13.241(4), b = 7.446 (2), c = 6.436 (2)/A, B= 93.23 (2) °. V= 633.5 /A3, Z = 2, Dob s = 1.30 (flotation), Dealt = 1.300 Mg m -3 and #(Cu Ka) = 0.72 mm -1. The structure, solved by direct methods, has been refined to an R value of 3.5% using 1245 intensity measurements. The combined effect of electron-withdrawing and –donating substituents on the geometry of the cyclopropane ring is discussed.


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Empirical potential energy calculations have been carried out to determine the preferred conformations of penicillins and penicillin sulphones and their 1-oxa-1-dethia and 1-carba-1-dethia analogues. With the exception of 1-oxa-1-dethia penicillins, all the other compounds favour C2 and the C3 puckered conformations of their five-membered rings. Replacement of C2 methyl groups by hydrogen atoms as in bisnorpenicillin V or oxidation of sulphur in position 1 as in sulphones, makes the C3 puckered form much less favourable. Addition of an amino-acyl group at the C6 atom, however, makes the C3 puckered form more favoured in penicillin G or V and in 1-carba-1-dethia penicillins. Through the replacement of the sulphur atom at position 1 by an oxygen atom or by a -CH2 group increases the non-planarity of the lactam peptide bond, it significantly affects the relative disposition of the C3 carboxyl group with respect to the β-lactam ring. These conformational differences have been correlated with the biological activities of these compounds. The present study suggests that the conformation of the bicyclic ring system may be more important for initial binding with the crosslinking enzyme(s) involved in the biosynthesis of bacterial cell-wall peptidoglycan and that the mode of binding is influenced by the nature of the side-group at the C6 atom. These studies predict, in agreement with experimental results, that the 1-oxa-1-dethia penicillin nulceus is an inhibitor of penicillianses. The study also suggests that the stereospecificities of the crosslinking enzyme(s) and penicillinases are very similar with regard to the nature of the side-group at the 6 atom and the confirmation of the bicyclic ring system. However, the confirmational requirement for the bicyclic ring system appears to be more specific in the former enzyme than in the latter.


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Birch reduction and reductive methylations of the title compounds have been investigated. 7-Methoxy-3,4-dihydrophenanthren-1(2H)-one (2) yields the cis-3,4,9,10,11,12-hexahydro-derivative (15) while the 7-methoxy-1,2-dihydrophenanthren-4(3H)-one (5) is reduced to the corresponding 1,2,9,10-tetrahydro-derivative (7). The factors influencing the mechanism of the reduction process have been discussed. The reductive methylation products of the ketone (2) are useful substrates in the synthesis of 9-methyl steroids.


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Cyclohexa-1, 4-dienes with appropriate substituents, obtained by birch reduction of the substituted benzene, react directly with derivatives of propiolic ester or aldchyde to yield aromatic polyketides. The following compounds have been synthesized; mycophenolic acid, nidulol methyl other, the root growth hormone 3, 5-dihydroxy-2-formyl-4-mythyl-benzoic acid, antibiotic DB 2073, the macrocyclic lactones lasiodiplodin and dihydrozearalenone and the biphenyl derivatives alternario and altenusin. Polyketide anthraquinones can be made from naphthoquinone precursors.


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C13HI3N302, orthorhombic, P2~2121, a = 17.443 (5), b = 11.650 (4), c = 5.784 (1)/~, Z = 4, d m = 1.456, d c = 1.429 Mg m -3, F(000) = 512, g(Cu Ka) = 0.843 mm-L The R index is 0.040 for 1358 significant reflections. The structure is stabilized by C-H...O interactions. The N-methylated eis peptide group which forms part of a six-membered ring is non-planar. The torsion angle about the peptide bond is -6.1 (4) ° and the peptide bond length is 1.337 (3) A.


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3,5-Diethoxycarbonyl-1,4-dihydrocollidine (DDC) is a porphyrinogenic agent and is a powerful inducer of δ-aminolaevulinate synthetase, the first and rate-limiting enzyme of the haem-biosynthetic pathway, in mouse liver. However, DDC strikingly inhibits mitochondrial as well as microsomal haem synthesis by depressing the activity of ferrochelatase in vivo. The drug on repeated administration to female mice has been found to elicit hypertrophic effects in the liver microsomes initially, but the effects observed at later stages denote either hyperplasia or increase in polyploidal cells. The microsomal protein concentration shows a striking decrease with repeated doses of the drug. The rate of microsomal protein synthesis in vivo as well as in vitro shows an increase with two injections of DDC but decreases considerably with repeated administration of the drug. The activities of NADPH-cytochrome creductase and ribonuclease are not affected in the liver microsomes of drug-treated animals when expressed per mg of microsomal protein. DDC has also been found to cause degradation of microsomal haem, which is primarily responsible for the decrease in cytochrome P-450 content. The drug also leads to a decrease in mitochondrial cytochrome c levels due to inhibition of haem synthesis and also due to degradation of mitochondrial haem at later stages. The biochemical effects of the drug are compared and discussed with those reported for allylisopropylacetamide and phenobarbital.


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Stable 1,2-dihydroisoquinolines have been synthesized by an amide catalysed novel isomerization reaction of 5,6-dihydroisoquinolines.


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This is the first report of the genetic diversity within ilarvirus subgroup 1 from eastern Australia. It supports the separation of tobacco streak virus (TSV) strains from parthenium (Parthenium hysterophorus) and crownbeard (Verbescina encelioides) based on serology and host specificity. It has confirmed one previously described strain of TSV as a member of the species Strawberry necrotic shock virus and another as a new subgroup 1 ilarvirus, ageratum latent virus (AgLV), from Ageratum houstonianum. A multiplex RT-PCR showed that the genetically distinct strains of TSV and AgLV were commonly found in symptomless infections in virus-specific alternative weed hosts growing over a wide geographical range in eastern Australia. TSV has been one of the most damaging viruses in Australian oilseed and pulse crops in recent years, and this study has provided the taxonomic knowledge essential for the development of control programs for these viruses. © 2013 Springer-Verlag Wien.


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Pimelea trichostachya Lindl., P. simplex F.Muell. and P. elongata Threlfall frequently cause pimelea poisoning of cattle. Fresh seeds of these species, belonging to sect. Epallage (Endl.) Benth. of Pimelea Gaertn. (Thymelaeaceae) are strongly dormant for years when in laboratory storage. Common methods of stimulating germination, such as scarification, dry heat and cold stratification, did not remove much of the dormancy. ‘Smoke water’ stimulated some germination but its effect was unpredictable and many seedlings then grew aberrantly. Exposure of imbibed seeds to gibberellic acid greatly and reliably improved the germination of all three species. However, the manner of application and the concentration of gibberellic acid used had to be appropriate or many young seedlings grew abnormally or died suddenly, limiting successful plant establishment rates. The dormancy type involved is non-deep Type 2 physiological. Ten days of good moisture, in addition to gibberellic acid exposure, is required before appreciable laboratory germination occurs at optimal temperatures. Thus, the mechanism by which gibberellic acid stimulates good germination does not appear to be the same as that which primes seeds for the rapid and prolific germination often seen under natural conditions in arid Australia. Seeds of P. simplex subsp. continua (J.M.Black) Threlfall proved most difficult to germinate and those of P. elongata the easiest.


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Grignard reaction of ethyl 3-(3,5-dimethoxyphenyl)-propionate (4) followed by cyclodehydration of the carbinol (5) with conc H2SO4 gave 4,6-dimethoxy-3,3-dimethylindane (6). Oxidation of the indane (6) with CrO3-pyridine complex in methylene chloride gave 4,6-dimethoxy-3,3-dimethylindan-1- one (1) in high yield. Conjugate addition of methyl magnesium iodide to methyl α-cyano-β-methyl-3,5-dimethoxycinnamate (11), prepared from 3,5-dimethoxyacetophenone (10) by Knoevenagel condensation, resulted in methyl 2-cyano-3-(3,5-dimethoxyphenyl)-3,3-dimethylpropionate (12). Refluxing the ester (12) with aq DMSO containing sodium chloride gave the corresponding nitrile (15) which underwent Höesch reaction to yield 5,7-dimethoxy-3,3-dimethylindan-1-one (2).


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The Zeeman effect of NQR was studied in 1-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene. A low value of the asymmetry parameter (0.10) was obtained. Four physically inequivalent field gradients were located and their orientations in the crystallographic abc system were determined using symmetry considerations. From these data the orientations of the molecules in the unit cell were determined. The results agree well with the two-dimensional x-ray structural data. The bond characters of the C[Single Bond]Cl bond were calculated, and the values compare well with those generally obtained for C[Single Bond]Cl bonds in chlorine derivatives of benzene. ©1973 The American Institute of Physics.