992 resultados para 37.05


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在对遥感数据进行景观分类和对环境因子进行空间表达基础上 ,在地理信息系统的支持下 ,确定长白山自然保护区森林景观分布的环境 (包括年均温、年降水量、坡度和坡向 )范围 .结果表明 ,从苔原、岳桦、云冷杉到阔叶红松林 ,最适海拔高度范围依次为 1780~ 2 2 12、170 5~ 195 6、10 4 2~ 16 2 5、82 3~ 1184m ;最适温度范围分别为 - 4 .75~ - 2 .4 0℃、- 3.4 2~ - 2 .0 7℃、- 1.4 9~ 1.39℃、0 .71~ 2 .37℃ ;最适降水范围分别为 10 34~ 1110、10 14~ 10 6 0、883~ 10 17、82 4~ 92 5mm ;长白山自然保护区的森林景观主要分布在平、缓坡地上 ,并与坡向关系密切 ,苔原在各个坡向上均有分布 ,且在各个坡向上分布面积的变化不大 ;岳桦、云冷杉林、阔叶红松林、山杨白桦林主要呈现北、西北向分布 ,其次为东北、西向分布 ;落叶松林主要为东北向分布 ,其次为东和北向分布 ;疏林主要为西向分布 ,其次为西南、西北和南向分布 ;风倒区主要为西、西南、西北向分布 .


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为了探讨城市森林三维绿量的测算方式及精度,该文利用2001年8月沈阳市真彩航片和抽样调查,借助ARC/GIS,以“立体量推算立体量”的方法测算沈阳城市森林三维绿量.结果表明,不同城市森林类型的单位面积三维绿量以风景游憩林最高,为5.35 m3/m2,附属林4.93 m3/m2,道路林3.65 m3/m2,生态公益林3.62 m3/m2,生产经营林2.35m3/m2;城市森林分布区的单位面积三维绿量为4.25 m3/m2;城区单位面积城市森林三维绿量为0.35 m3/m2.沈阳城市森林总体三维绿量为161 296 716.85 m3,其中附属林为60 116 966.36 m3,占37.27%,生态公益林43 321 771.43 m3,占26.86%,风景游憩林30 482 879.04 m3,占18.90%,道路林23 841 208.75 m3,占14.78%,生产经营林3 533 891.27 m3,占2.19%.经检验,该方法精度达到85.50%(α=0.05).


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通过对采集于沙地樟子松人工林内的3种外生菌根真菌(牛肝菌Boletussp.、乳菇Lactariussp.、高环柄菇Macrolepiota procera)进行纯培养,在不同温度、pH值和PEG模拟干旱胁迫条件下,观测了外生菌根菌的生长发育状况。结果表明,3种外生菌根菌生物量在不同pH范围(3~7)内存在着显著差异(P<0.05);在低于5℃和高于37℃时,3种外生菌根菌均不能生长,其最适生长温度分别为:牛肝菌,25℃高环柄菇,25~28℃,乳菇,25~30℃;在低浓度PEG胁迫处理条件下(10%,-0.20MPa),3种外生菌根菌的生长均有所增加,当PEG胁迫达到30%(-1.53 MPa)时,3种外生菌根菌的生长均受到抑制。与上述结果比较,沙地樟子松人工林地土壤的实际pH值在外生菌根菌的最适生长范围内;林地最高气温值远远超过3种外生菌根菌的最适生长值的时间在每年的生长季都会出现;在极端干旱年份(如1996年),林地土壤的实际含水量在生长季节(5~9月)远远低于抑制外生菌根菌生长的土壤含水量,可能影响到外生菌根菌的生存。因此,可以推断,沙地樟子松人工林地的外生菌根菌的生长与发育,在干旱胁迫及高温作用下受到很大程度的影响,如果仅从微生物角度分析,外生菌根菌在干旱和高温条件下不能生长或已经死亡是导致沙地樟子松人工林衰退的一个原因。


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通过长期区域土壤考察,我国东北地区盐渍土资源的面积约为7 66×106hm2,其中松嫩平原的盐渍土面积占39 3%,西辽河沙丘平原占30 3%,辽河冲积平原占12 8%,呼伦贝尔盟高平原占9 3%,滨海平原占7 9%,三江平原仅占0 4%而已,20世纪80年代不同辖区所获的土壤普查结果与之相接近。在上述的盐渍土资源面积中,其潜在盐渍土的面积约占34%。在开发利用方面,盐渍土的耕地面积已由20世纪50年代的占其总耕地面积的21 4%,增加为80年代的37 8%,呈显著增长之势。水田灌区土壤普遍脱盐,作物高产稳产,已属新型的人工生态系统。在盐渍土旱作区,农作物亦已普遍持续增产,惟局部土壤的脱盐状况尚不甚稳定,其西部地区的盐渍化面积呈明显蔓延之势,主要原因在于大面积天然草场的土壤盐渍度加剧,生产力普遍下降。上述中国东北地区盐渍土资源的面积约占全国盐渍土面积的7.9%,战略地位重要,其实现农业可持续发展的开发利用任务仍然十分艰巨。


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除虫菊酯是新型植物源农药,由于其具有杀虫谱广,杀虫活性高,对哺乳动物毒性低等优点而被广泛地应用于室内卫生昆虫防治。拟除虫菊酯是人工合成的除虫菊酯的结构类似物。由于人们在使用过程中不可避免地会接触除虫菊酯类药物,对其进行毒理学研究显得尤为重要。本论文以雄性Sprague-Dawley大鼠为材料,研究了除虫菊酯、氯氰菊酯、增效醚(PBO)和迷迭香对大鼠大脑突触体ATP酶活性的影响。采用Percoll梯度离心法分离出大脑突触体,通过测定ATP酶催化ATP产生的无机磷量测定ATP酶的活性。结果:总ATP酶和Mg2+-ATP酶在10 μM除虫菊酯作用下的活性分别为80.3%和45.9%,当除虫菊酯浓度上升到100 μM时,活性分别下降到5.4%和6.2%;总ATP酶在100 μM氯氰菊酯作用下活性为80.7%,氯氰菊酯浓度上升到1000 μM时,活性下降到2.3%;在3000 μM PBO作用下,总ATP酶活性为79.9%,相同浓度的迷迭香能使总ATP酶活性下降到66.8%;当有3倍浓度PBO存在时,10 μM除虫菊酯降低总ATP酶活性至37.8%,100 μM氯氰菊酯降低总ATP酶活性到28.5%;有3倍浓度迷迭香存在时,10 μM除虫菊酯降低总ATP酶活性到72.9%,100 μM氯氰菊酯降低总ATP酶活性至43.0%。结论:除虫菊酯和氯氰菊酯在适当浓度下都能显著抑制总ATP酶和Mg2+-ATP酶的活性。除虫菊酯的抑制作用比氯氰菊酯显著,除虫菊酯类药物对Mg2+-ATP酶活性抑制比对总ATP酶活性的抑制显著。增效剂PBO能有效增强除虫菊酯和氯氰菊酯对突触体ATP酶活性的抑制作用。在极高浓度下,PBO单独也能部分抑制ATP酶的活性。迷迭香本身只在极高浓度下才对ATP酶起部分抑制作用,但是能轻微增强除虫菊酯和氯氰菊酯的抑制活性,这可能与其延迟除虫菊酯和氯氰菊酯被氧化有关。本研究结果表明,除虫菊酯只在浓度 > 1 μM时才会对ATP酶起显著的抑制作用(p < 0.05),但是前人研究表明除虫菊酯在0.01 μM下即能有效改变昆虫钠离子通道动力学,可见,除虫菊酯类药物在0.01-1 μM浓度下既能有效杀灭害虫,又对人畜安全,这一结论可用于指导除虫菊酯类药物的使用。此外,本研究还测定了云菊5%除虫菊酯乳油对东亚飞蝗四龄和五龄若虫的室内药效实验,结果表明除虫菊酯能有效杀灭东亚飞蝗,适用于东亚飞蝗防治。


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For (Ti1-xVx)(2)Ni (x = 0.05,0.1,0.15,0.2 and 0.3) ribbons, synthesized by arc-melting and subsequent melt-spinning techniques, an icosahedral quasicrystalline phase was present, either in the amorphous matrix or together with the stable Ti2Ni-type phase. With increasing x values, the maximum discharge capacity of the alloy electrodes increased until reached 271.3 mAh/g when x = 0.3. The cycling capacity retention rates for these electrodes were approximately 80% after a preliminary test of 30 consecutive cycles of charging and discharging.


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The electrical, magnetic and transport properties of Zn doped polycrystalline samples of Sr2Fe1-xZnxMoO6 ( x = 0, 0.05, 0.15 and 0.25) with the double perovskite structure have been investigated. The subtle replacement of Fe3+ ions by Zn2+ ions facilitates the formation of a more ordered structure, while further substitution leads to disordered structure because of the presence of a striped phase. Analysis of the x-ray powder diffraction patterns based on Rietveld analysis indicates that the replacement of Fe3+ by Zn2+ ions favours the formation of Mo6+ ions. The spin-glass behaviour can be explained on the basis of the competition between the antiferromagnetic superexchange and the ferromagnetic double-exchange interaction. The low-field magnetoresistance was moderately enhanced at x = 0.05, and its origin was found to be the competition between the decrease of the concentration of the itinerant electrons and the weaker antiferromagnetic superexchange in the antiphase boundaries. An almost linear negative magnetoresistance in moderate field has been observed for x = 0.25. A possible double-exchange mechanism is proposed for elucidating the observations; it also suggests a coexistence of (Fe3+, Mo5+) and (Zn2+, Mo6+) valence pairs.


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The selective separation of Y from yttrium solution containing small heavy rare earth (HRE) impurities (Ho, Er, Tm, Yb, Lu) by liquid-liquid extraction using CA-100 in the presence of a water-soluble complexing agent of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) was experimentally studied at 298K. Experiments were carried Out in two feeds, Feed-I: [RE](f) = 4.94 x 10(-3) M, Y = 98.5%, HRE (Ho, Er, Tm, Yb, Lu) = 1.5%; Feed-II: [RE](f) = 4.94 x 10(-3) M, Y = 99.9%, HRE (Ho, Er, Tm, Yb, Lu) = 0.1%, as a function of equilibrium pH (pH(eq)), the concentration ratio of [EDTA]:[HRE impurities]. It was shown that the extraction of HRE in the presence of EDTA was suppressed when compared to that of Y because of the masking effect, while the selective extraction of Y was enhanced and the separation factors increased to maximum at appropriate condition for Feed-I: Y/Ho = 1.53, Y/Er = 3.09, Y/Tm = 5.61, Y/Yb = 12.04, Y/Lu = 27.51 at pH 4.37 and [EDTA]:[HRE impurities] = 4: 1, for Feed-II: Y/Ho = 1.32, Y/Er = 1.91, Y/Tm = 2.00, Y/Yb = 3.05, Y/Lu = 3.33 at pH 4.42 and [EDTA]: [HRE impurities] = 8:1. The separation and purification of Y by this method was discussed.


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The anodic voltammetric behavior of ethacridine (EAD) in the presence of various electrolytes was studied by using linear potential sweep voltammetry, differential-pulse voltammetry and cyclic voltammetry at a glassy carbon electrode. In the medium of 0.1 mol/L NaOH solution, an oxidative peak of ethaeridine was obtained. The peak potential is at about 0.40 V (vs. Ag/AgCl). The peak current is linearly increased with the concentration of ethaeridine over the range of 0.05 similar to 80 mg/L. The method has been used for the direct determination of ethacridine in injection. The relative standard deviation (n = 10) is 1.4% similar to 2.7%. The recoveries of ethacridine in urine samples are 89% similar to 95%. The mechanism of the electrode reaction was also discussed.


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利用高温固相法合成了 Y1.95-xGdxSiO5:Eu0.05(x=0.6mol%)荧光体。结构测定表明所合成的荧光体为单斜晶系的X2型Y2SiO5相,空间群为B2/b。真空紫外光谱表明:随着Gd3+含量的增加,在192um附近,出现了Gd+的激发峰,且此峰的强度随着Gd3+含量的增加而增大;同时位于150~185nm之间的基质吸收带的强度也增大;而位于200~300nm之间的Eu的电行迁移带的强度却随着Gd3+含量的增加而降低。


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Electrochemical redox behavior of noradrenaline in alkaline solution on a glassy carbon electrode has been investigated by in situ UV-vis and CD spectroelectrochemistry by using a long optical path thin-layer cell. The experimental data were processed by using a double logarithmic method of analysis together with nonlinear regression which confirmed that the first step in both the oxidation of noradrenaline and reduction of noradrenochrome is a two-electron irreversible process governed by an EE mechanism. The kinetic parameters of the electrode reactions, i.e., charge transfer coefficient and the number of electrons transferred, alpha(1)n(1) = 0.11 and alpha(2)n(2) = 0.23, formal potentials modified with kinetics, E-1(0') = 0.65 (+/- 0.01) V and E-2(0') = 0.72V and standard rate cnstants, k(1)(0) = 7.0(+/-0.5)x10(-5) cm s(-1), for the first and second steps in the oxidation process of noradrenaline, and similarly, alpha(1)n(1) = 0.33, alpha(2)n(2) = 0.58, E-1(0') = 0.37(+/-0.01) V, E-0' = -0.25 (+/-0.01) V and k(1)(0) approximate to k(2)(0) = 1.06 (+/-0.05)x10(-4) cm s(-1) for the first and second steps in the reduction process of noradrenochrome were also determined.


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Five different molecular weight phenolphthalein poly(aryl ether ketone) (PEK-C) fractions in CHCl3 were studied by static and dynamic laser light scattering(LLS). The dynamic LLS revealed that the PEK-C samples contain some large polymer clusters. These large clusters can be removed by filtering the solution with a 0.1-mu m filter. We found that the persistence length of PEK-C in CHCl3 at 25 degrees C is similar to 2 nm and the Flory characteristic ratio, C-infinity is similar to 25. Our results showed that [R(g)(2)](1/2)(z) = (3.50+/-0.20) x 10(-2)M(w)(0.54+/-0.01) and [D] = (2.37+/-0.05) x 10(-4)M(w)(-0.55+/-0.01), with [R(g)(2)](1/2)(z), M(w), and [D] being the z-average radius of gyration, the weight-average molecular weight, and the z-average translational diffusion coefficient, respectively. A combination of static and dynamic LLS results enabled us to determine D = (2.20+/-0.10) x 10(-4)M(-0.555+/-0.015), where D and M correspond to monodisperse species. Using this calibration between D and M,we have determined molecular weight distributions of five PEK-C fractions from their corresponding translational diffusion coefficient distribution.