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This study describes the development and optimization of an immunomagnetic separation (IMS) method to isolate Mycobacterium bovis cells from lymph node tissues. Gamma-irradiated whole M. bovis AF2122/97 cells and ethanol-extracted surface antigens of such cells were used to produce M. bovis-speci?c polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies in rabbits and mice. They were also used to generate M. bovis-speci?c peptide ligands by phage display biopanning. The various antibodies and peptide ligands obtained were used to coat MyOne tosyl-activated Dynabeads (Life Technologies), singly or in combination, and evaluated for IMS. Initially, M. bovis capture from Middlebrook 7H9 broth suspensions (concentration range, 10 to 10<sup>5sup> CFU/ml) was evaluated by IMS combined with an M. bovis-speci?c touchdown PCR. IMS-PCR results and, subsequently, IMS-culture results indicated that the beads with greatest immunocapture capability for M. bovis in broth were those coated simultaneously with a monoclonal antibody and a biotinylated 12-mer peptide. These dually coated beads exhibited minimal capture (mean of 0.36% recovery) of 12 other Mycobacterium spp. occasionally encountered in veterinary tuberculosis (TB) diagnostic laboratories. When the optimized IMS method was applied to various M. bovis-spiked lymph node matrices, it demonstrated excellent detection sensitivities (50% limits of detection of 3.16 and 57.7 CFU/ml of lymph node tissue homogenate for IMS-PCR and IMS-culture, respectively). The optimized IMS method therefore has the potential to improve isolation of M. bovis from lymph nodes and hence the diagnosis of bovine tuberculosis.


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The R-matrix incorporating time (RMT) method is a method developed recently for solving the time-dependent Schrödinger equation for multielectron atomic systems exposed to intense short-pulse laser light. We have employed the RMT method to investigate the time delay in the photoemission of an electron liberated from a 2p orbital in a neon atom with respect to one released from a 2s orbital following absorption of an attosecond xuv pulse. Time delays due to xuv pulses in the range 76-105 eV are presented. For an xuv pulse at the experimentally relevant energy of 105.2 eV, we calculate the time delay to be 10.2±1.3 attoseconds (as), somewhat larger than estimated by other theoretical calculations, but still a factor of 2 smaller than experiment. We repeated the calculation for a photon energy of 89.8 eV with a larger basis set capable of modeling correlated-electron dynamics within the neon atom and the residual Ne ion. A time delay of 14.5±1.5 as was observed, compared to a 16.7±1.5 as result using a single-configuration representation of the residual Ne<sup>+sup> ion. 


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Recent experimental advances in light technology necessitate the availability of sophisticated theoretical models which can incorporate an accurate treatment of double-electron continua. We describe here a new intermediate-energy R-matrix approach to photoionisation and photo-double-ionisation and illustrate its feasibilty by application to photoionisation and photo-double-ionisation of He, and photodetachment and photo-double-detachment of H<sup>-sup>. Results are shown to be in excellent agreement with previous theoretical and experimental studies. This work is a key step in the development of a multipurpose R-matrix code for multiple-electron ejection. © 2012 American Physical Society


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An increasing number of studies have implicated serine proteinases in the development of apoptosis. In this study, we assessed the ability of a set of highly specific irreversible inhibitors (activity probes), incorporating an a-amino alkane diphenyl phosphonate moiety, to modulate cell death. In an initial assessment of the cellular toxicity of these activity probes, we discovered that one example, N-a-tetramethylrhodamine phenylalanine diphenylphosphonate {TMR-Phe<sup>Psup>(OPh)2} caused a concentration-dependent decrease in the viability of HeLa and U251 mg cells. This reduced cell viability was associated with a time-dependent increase in caspase-3 activity, PARP cleavage and phosphatidylserine translocation, establishing apoptosis as the mechanism of cell death. SDS-PAGE analysis of cell lysates prepared from the HeLa cells treated with TMR-Phe<sup>Psup>(OPh)2, revealed the presence of a fluorescent band of molecular weight 58 kDa. Given that we have previously reported on the use of this type of activity probe to reveal active proteolytic species, we believe that we have identified a chymotrypsin-like serine proteinase activity integral to the maintenance of cell viability.


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The ultrashort duration of laser-driven multi-MeV ion bursts offers the possibility of radiobiological studies at extremely high dose rates. Employing the TARANIS Terawatt laser at Queen's University, the effect of proton irradiation at MeV-range energies on live cells has been investigated at dose rates exceeding 10<sup>9sup>Gy/s as a single exposure. A clonogenic assay showed consistent lethal effects on V-79 live cells, which, even at these dose rates, appear to be in line with previously published results employing conventional sources. A Relative Biological Effectiveness (RBE) of 1.4±0.2 at 10% survival is estimated from a comparison with a 225 kVp X-ray source. 


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Turbulence characteristics in the Indonesian seas on the horizontal scale of order of 100 km were calculated with a regional model of the Indonesian seas circulation in the area based on the Princeton Ocean Model (POM). As is well known, the POM incorporates the Mellor–Yamada turbulence closure scheme. The calculated characteristics are: twice the turbulence kinetic energy per unit mass, <i>q</i><sup>2</sup>; the turbulence master scale, &ell;; mixing coefficients of momentum, <i>K</i><sub>M</sub>; and temperature and salinity, <i>K</i><sub>H</sub>; etc. The analyzed turbulence has been generated essentially by the shear of large-scale ocean currents and by the large-scale wind turbulence. We focused on the analysis of turbulence around important topographic features, such as the Lifamatola Sill, the North Sangihe Ridge, the Dewakang Sill, and the North and South Halmahera Sea Sills. In general, the structure of turbulence characteristics in these regions turned out to be similar. For this reason, we have carried out a detailed analysis of the Lifamatola Sill region because dynamically this region is very important and some estimates of mixing coefficients in this area are available. <br><br> Briefly, the main results are as follows. The distribution of <i>q</i><sup>2</sup> is quite adequately reproduced by the model. To the north of the Lifamatola Sill (in the Maluku Sea) and to the south of the Sill (in the Seram Sea), large values of <i>q</i><sup>2</sup> occur in the deep layer extending several hundred meters above the bottom. The observed increase of <i>q</i><sup>2</sup> near the very bottom is probably due to the increase of velocity shear and the corresponding shear production of <i>q</i><sup>2</sup> very close to the bottom. The turbulence master scale, &ell;, was found to be constant in the main depth of the ocean, while &ell; rapidly decreases close to the bottom, as one would expect. However, in deep profiles away from the sill, the effect of topography results in the &ell; structure being unreasonably complicated as one moves towards the bottom. Values of 15 to 20 × 10<sup>&minus;4</sup> m<sup>2</sup> s<sup>-1</sup> were obtained for <i>K</i><sub>M</sub> and <i>K</i><sub>H</sub> in deep water in the vicinity of the Lifamatola Sill. These estimates agree well with basin-scale averaged values of 13.3 × 10<sup>&minus;4</sup> m<sup>2</sup> s<sup>-1</sup> found diagnostically for <i>K</i><sub>H</sub> in the deep Banda and Seram Seas (Gordon et al., 2003) and a value of 9.0 × 10<sup>&minus;4</sup> m<sup>2</sup> s<sup>-1</sup> found diagnostically for <i>K</i><sub>H</sub> for the deep Banda Sea system (van Aken et al., 1988). The somewhat higher simulated values can be explained by the presence of steep topography around the sill.


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Diverse parameters, including chaotropicity, can limit the function of cellular systems and thereby determine the extent of Earth's biosphere. Whereas parameters such as temperature, hydrophobicity, pressure, pH, Hofmeister effects, and water activity can be quantified via standard scales of measurement, the chao-/kosmotropic activities of environmentally ubiquitous substances have no widely accepted, universal scale. We developed an assay to determine and quantify chao-/kosmotropicity for 97 chemically diverse substances that can be universally applied to all solutes. This scale is numerically continuous for the solutes assayed (from +361kJkg<sup>-1sup>mol<sup>-1sup> for chaotropes to -659kJkg<sup>-1sup>mol<sup>-1sup> for kosmotropes) but there are key points that delineate (i) chaotropic from kosmotropic substances (i.e. chaotropes =+4; kosmotropes =-4kJkg<sup>-1sup>mol<sup>-1sup>); and (ii) chaotropic solutes that are readily water-soluble (log P<1.9) from hydrophobic substances that exert their chaotropic activity, by proxy, from within the hydrophobic domains of macromolecular systems (log P>1.9). Examples of chao-/kosmotropicity values are, for chaotropes: phenol +143, CaCl2 +92.2, MgCl2 +54.0, butanol +37.4, guanidine hydrochloride +31.9, urea +16.6, glycerol [>6.5M] +6.34, ethanol +5.93, fructose +4.56; for kosmotropes: proline -5.76, sucrose -6.92, dimethylsulphoxide (DMSO) -9.72, mannitol -6.69, trehalose -10.6, NaCl -11.0, glycine -14.2, ammonium sulfate -66.9, polyethylene glycol- (PEG-)1000 -126; and for relatively neutral solutes: methanol, +3.12, ethylene glycol +1.66, glucose +1.19, glycerol [<5M] +1.06, maltose -1.43 (kJkg<sup>-1sup>mol<sup>-1sup>). The data obtained correlate with solute interactions with, and structure-function changes in, enzymes and membranes. We discuss the implications for diverse fields including microbial ecology, biotechnology and astrobiology.


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A single raised bog from the eastern Netherlands has been repeatedly analysed and <sup>14sup>C dated over the past few decades. Here we assess the within-site variability of fossil proxy data through comparing the regional
pollen, macrofossils and non-pollen palynomorphs of four of these profiles. High-resolution chronologies were obtained using <sup>14sup>C dating and Bayesian age-depth modelling. Where chronologies of profiles overlap, proxy curves are compared between the profiles using greyscale graphs that visualise chronological uncertainties. Even at this small spatial scale, there is considerable variability of the fossil proxy curves. Implications regarding signal (climate) and noise (internal dynamics) of the different types of fossil proxies are discussed. Single cores are of limited value for reconstructing centennial-scale climate change, and only by combining multiple cores and proxies can we obtain a reliable understanding of past environmental change and possible forcing factors (e.g., solar variability).


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The importance of accurately measuring gas diffusivity in porous materials has led to a number of methods being developed. In this study the Temporal Analysis of Products (TAP) reactor and Flux Response Technology (FRT) have been used to examine the diffusivity in the washcoat supported on cordierite monoliths. Herein, the molecular diffusion of propane within four monoliths with differently prepared alumina/CeZrOx washcoats was investigated as a function of temperature. Moment-based analysis of the observed TAP responses led to the calculation of the apparent intermediate gas constant, Kp, that characterises adsorption into the mesoporous network and apparent time delay, tapp, that characterises residence time in the mesoporous network. Additionally, FRT has been successfully adapted as an extensive in situ perturbation technique in measuring intraphase diffusion coefficients in the washcoats of the same four monolith samples. The diffusion coefficients obtained by moment-based analysis of TAP responses are larger than the coefficients determined by zero length column (ZLC) analysis of flux response profiles with measured values of the same monolith samples between 20 and 100 °C ranging from 2–5×10<sup>-9sup> m<sup>2sup> s<sup>-1sup> to 4–8×10<sup>-10 sup>m<sup>2sup> s<sup>-1sup>, respectively. The TAP and FRT data, therefore, provide a range of the lower and upper limits of diffusivity, respectively. The reported activation energies and diffusivities clearly correlate with the difference in the washcoat structure of different monolith samples.


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High-affinity nitrate transport was examined in intact root hair cells of Arabidopsis thaliana using electrophysiological recordings to characterise the response of the plasma membrane to NO3<sup>-sup>challenge and to quantify transport activity. The NO3<sup>-sup>-associated membrane current was determined using a three-electrode voltage clamp to bring membrane voltage under experimental control and to compensate for current dissipation along the longitudinal cell axis. Nitrate transport was evident in the roots of seedlings grown in the absence of a nitrogen source, but only 4-6 days postgermination. In 6-day-old seedlings, additions of 5-100 μm NO3<sup>-sup>to the bathing medium resulted in membrane depolarizations of 8-43 mV, and membrane voltage (Vm) recovered on washing NO3<sup>-sup>from the bath. Voltage clamp measurements carried out immediately before and following NO3<sup>-sup>additions showed that the NO3<sup>-sup>-evoked depolarizations were the consequence of an inward-directed current that appeared across the entire range of accessible voltages (-300 to +50 mV). Both membrane depolarizations and NO3<sup>-sup>-evoked currents recorded at the free-running voltage displayed quasi-Michaelian kinetics, with apparent values for Km of 23 ± 6 and 44 ± 11 μm, respectively and, for the current, a maximum of 5.1 ± 0.9 μA cm<sup>-2sup>. The NO3<sup>-sup>current showed a pronounced voltage sensitivity within the normal physiological range between -250 and -100 mV, as could be demonstrated under voltage clamp, and increasing the bathing pH from 6.1 to 7.4-8.0 reduced the current and the associated membrane depolarizations 3- to 8-fold. Analyses showed a well-defined interaction between the kinetic variables of membrane voltage, pHo and [NO3<sup>-sup>]o. At a constant pHo of 6.1, depolarization from -250 to -150 mV resulted in an approximate 3-fold reduction in the maximum current but a 10% rise in the apparent affinity for NO3<sup>-sup>. By contrast, the same depolarization effected an approximate 20% fall in the Km for transport as a function in [H<sup>+sup>]o. These, and additional characteristics of the transport current implicate a carrier cycle in which NO3<sup>-sup>binding is kinetically isolated from the rate-limiting step of membrane charge transit, and they indicate a charge-coupling stoichiometry of 2(H<sup>+sup>) per NO3<sup>-sup>anion transported across the membrane. The results concur with previous studies showing a high-affinity NO3<sup>-sup>transport system in Arabidopsis that is inducible following a period of nitrogen-limiting growth, but they underline the importance of voltage as a kinetic factor controlling NO3<sup>-sup>transport at the plant plasma membrane. © 1995 Springer-Verlag New York Inc.


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50nm thick nanogranular polycrystalline dysprosium thin films have been prepared via ultra-high vacuum DC sputtering on SiO2 and Si wafers. The maximum in-plane spontaneous magnetization at T = 4K was found to be µ0MS,4K<sup>(C)sup> = (3.28±0.26)T for samples deposited on wafers heated to 350°C with a Neel point of TN<sup>(C)sup> = (173±2)K and a ferromagnetic transition at TC<sup>(C)sup> = (80±2)K, measured via zero-field-cooled – field-cooled magnetization measurements, close to single-crystal values. The slightly reduced magnetization is explained in the light of a metastable face-centered cubic crystal phase which occurred at the seed interface and granularity related effects, that are still noticeably influential despite an in-plane magnetic easy axis. As deposited samples showed reduced magnetization of µ0MS,4K<sup>(A)sup> = (2.26±0.18)T, however their ferromagnetic transition shifted to a much higher temperature of TC<sup>(A)sup> = (172±2)K and the antiferromagnetic phase was completely suppressed probably as a result of strain.


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Objective: The first aim of this study was to assess 25-hydroxy vitamin D (25OHD) concentrations in women with type 1 diabetes (T1DM) during pregnancy, post-delivery and also foetal (cord blood) 25OHD concentrations and to examine relationships between these. The second aim of the study was to investigate potential interactions between maternal body mass index (BMI) and foetal vitamin D status. A further study aim was to examine potential relationships between maternal 25OHD and glycosylated haemoglobin (HbA1c) throughout pregnancy.

Research Design and Methods: This was an observational study of 52 pregnant controls without diabetes and 65 pregnant women with T1DM in a university teaching hospital. Maternal serum 25OHD was measured serially throughout the pregnancy and post-delivery. Cord blood 25OHD was measured at delivery. 25OHD was measured by liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS).

Results: Vitamin D deficiency (25OHD <25 nmol/L) was apparent in both the T1DM subjects and controls at all 3 pregnancy trimesters. Vitamin D levels in all cord blood were <50 nmol/L. Maternal 25OHD correlated positively with cord 25OHD at all 3 trimesters in the T1DM group (p= 0.02; p<0.001; p<0.001). 25OHD levels within cord blood were significantly lower for women with diabetes classified as obese vs. normal weight at booking [normal weight BMI <25 kg/m<sup>2sup> vs. obese BMI >30 kg/m<sup>2 sup>(nmol/L±SD); 19.93±11.15 vs. 13.73±4.74, p= 0.026]. In the T1DM group, HbA1c at booking was significantly negatively correlated with maternal 25OHD at all 3 trimesters (p= 0.004; p = 0.001; p= 0.05).

Conclusion: In T1DM pregnancy, low vitamin D levels persist throughout gestation and post-delivery. Cord blood vitamin D levels correlate with those of the mother, and are significantly lower in obese women than in their normal weight counterparts. Maternal vitamin D levels exhibit a significant negative relationship with HbA1c levels, supporting a potential role for this vitamin in maintaining glycaemic control. 


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Surface plasmon resonance (SPR)-based biosensor is a popular platform for real-time monitoring and sensitive detection for a myriad of targets. However, only a few studies have reported the use of bacteriophages as specific binders for SPR-based detection. This study aimed to demonstrate how filamentous M13 bacteriophages expressing 12-mer peptides can be employed in an SPR-based assay, using a Salmonella-specific bacteriophage as a model binder to detect the foodborne bacterium Salmonella. Several important factors (immobilization buffers and methods, and interaction buffers) for a successful bacteriophage-based SPR assay were optimized. As a result, a Salmonella-specific bacteriophage-based SPR assay was achieved, with very low cross reactivity with other non-target foodborne pathogens and detection limits of 8.0 × 10<sup>7sup> and 1.3 × 10<sup>7sup> CFU/mL for one-time and five-time immobilized sensors, respectively. This proof-of-concept study demonstrates the feasibility of using M13 bacteriophages expressing target-specific peptides as a binder in a rapid and label-free SPR assay for pathogen detection.


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Rice is comparatively efficient at assimilating inorganic arsenic (As i), a class-one, non-threshold carcinogen, into its grain, being the dominant source of this element to mankind. Here it was investigated how the total arsenic (Ast) and Asi content of Italian rice grain sourced from market outlets varied by geographical origin and type. Total Cr, Cd Se, Mg, K, Zn, Ni were also quantified. Ast concentration on a variety basis ranged from means of 0.18 mg kg<sup>-1sup> to 0.28 mg kg <sup>-1sup>, and from 0.11 mg kg<sup>-1sup> to 0.28 mg kg<sup>-1sup> by production region. For Asi concentration, means ranged from 0.08 mg kg<sup>-1sup> to 0.11 mg kg<sup>-1sup> by variety and 0.10 mg kg <sup>-1sup> to 0.06 mg kg<sup>-1sup> by region. There was significant geographical variation for both Ast and Asi; total Se and Ni concentration; while the total concentration of Zn, Cr, Ni and K were strongly influenced by the type of rice.


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In recent years distillers dried grains and solubles (DDGS), co-products of the bio-ethanol and beverages industries, have become globally traded commodity for the animal feed sector. As such it is becoming increasingly important to be able to trace the geographical origin of commodities in case of a contamination incident or authenticity issue arise. In this study, 137 DDGS samples from a range of different geographical origins (China, USA, Canada and European Union) were collected and analyzed. Isotope ratio mass spectrometry (IRMS) was used to analyze the DDGS for <sup>2sup>H/<sup>1sup>H, <sup>13sup>C/<sup>12sup>C, <sup>15sup>N/<sup>14sup>N, <sup>18sup>O/<sup>16sup>O and <sup>34sup>S/<sup>32sup>S isotope ratios which can vary depending on geographical origin and processing. Univariate and multivariate statistical techniques were employed to investigate the feasibility of using the IRMS data to determine botanical and geographical origin of the DDGS. The results indicated that this commodity could be differentiated according to their place of origin by the analysis of stable isotopes of hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen and oxygen but not with sulfur. By adding data to the models produced in this study, potentially an isotope databank could be set up for traceability procedures for DDGS, similar to the one established already for wine which will help in feed and food security issues arising worldwide.