889 resultados para variable agreement


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Os tempos de reação manuais e sacádicos (TRMs e TRSs) são reduzidos quando um sinal de aviso precede o aparecimento do alvo. O decréscimo nos TRSs observados depois do desaparecimento do ponto de fixação tem sido chamado de efeito de intervalo. Teorias diferentes foram propostas para explicá-lo. De acordo com alguns autores, o desaparecimento também permite ao sistema sacádico gerar uma população separada de TRSs, as sacádicas expressas. No entanto, não há concordância sobre a influência do desaparecimento de um estímulo periférico no TRM. Em dois experimentos, testou-se os efeitos de um desaparecimento visual periférico empregado como um sinal preparatório para os TRMs a um alvo, após intervalos variáveis. Encontrou-se uma redução no TRM para intervalos curtos (200-300 ms) e longos (1300-2000 ms) após o desaparecimento periférico. A distribuição dos TRMs deslocou-se para latências curtas, formando por vezes populações separadas. Visto que os TRMs obtidos em intervalos longos foram afetados pela introdução de sessões capciosas, enquanto que os TRMs em intervalos curtos não o foram, propõe-se que dois mecanismos diferentes estão envolvidos no decréscimo dos TRMs: alerta e expectativa temporal. Nossos dados sustentam a hipótese de que o componente temporal envolvido com os estágios preparatórios das respostas motoras podem ser compartilhados pelos movimentos sacádicos e pelas respostas de apertar botões, permitindo a redução das latências motoras após o desaparecimento visual, dentro do paradigma do intervalo. Nossos dados corroboram o modelo de três componentes do efeito de intervalo. Em nosso ponto de vista, a questão da existência ou não do efeito de intervalo para respostas manuais é essencialmente conceitual.


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O objetivo do trabalho foi estabelecer a relação entre a ecobiometria renal com medidas de conformação corporal como a distância atlanto-coccígea (DAC) e a altura (H) de cães adultos saudáveis, obtendo-se parâmetros de normalidade para avaliar o tamanho e volume renal, bem como estabelecer valores de referência para avaliar a perfusão sanguínea dos rins por meio do índice de resistividade (IR) e do índice de pulsatilidade (IP) do ramo principal da artéria renal. No estudo foram utilizados 22 cães adultos sem raça definida, sendo 11 machos e 11 fêmeas. Os animais foram previamente aferidos quanto a DAC e a H. Os exames ultra-sonográficos foram realizados com um aparelho HDI 4000 PHILIPS munido de um transdutor microconvexo multifreqüêncial (5-8 MHz), dispositivos Doppler Colorido e Doppler de Fluxo. Os animais foram posicionados em decúbito lateral direito ou esquerdo, de acordo com o rim a ser avaliado. Os diâmetros longitudinal (DL) e dorsoventral (DDV) dos rins foram mensurados na secção longitudinal e, o diâmetro transversal (DT) foi aferido no plano transversal. O volume (V) foi calculado automaticamente pelo software do ultra-som. Com o uso do Triplex Doppler, o IR e o IP das artérias renais direita e esquerda foram obtidos. Todos os dados foram apresentados em média ± EPM. Análises de regressão linear foram realizadas tendo o DL, DDV, DT e V como variáveis dependentes e a DAC e H como variáveis independentes. Os IR e IP dos rins direito e esquerdo foram comparados pelo teste t de Student. A DAC variou de 54-78cm para machos e 37-71cm para fêmeas e a altura variou entre 34-64 cm para os machos e 24-57cm para as fêmeas. As médias obtidas para DL, DDV, DT e V dos rins esquerdo e direito foram: 5,24±0,27cm, 3,07±0,15cm, 3,07±0,9cm, 28,01±3,4mL e 4,50±0,19cm, 2,88±0,14cm, 2,71±0,15cm, 21,27±2,6mL, respectivamente. As análises de regressão linear entre as medidas lineares e volume renal com a DAC e a H foram significativas para os interceptos e coeficientes de regressão (P<0,01). Houve diferenças estatísticas quando comparado os IR e IP entre os rins direito e esquerdo (P=0,001), sendo que as médias para IR e IP dos rins esquerdo e direito foram 0,62±0,08; 1,34±0,18 e 0,70±0,06; 1,62±0,13; respectivamente. Os dados obtidos no presente trabalho podem auxiliar na avaliação do tamanho, volume e perfusão dos rins de cães adultos.


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This paper reports on a process to validate a revised version of a system for coding classroom discourse in foreign language lessons, a context in which the dual role of language (as content and means of communication) and the speakers' specific pedagogical aims lead to a certain degree of ambiguity in language analysis. The language used by teachers and students has been extensively studied, and a framework of concepts concerning classroom discourse well-established. Models for coding classroom language need, however, to be revised when they are applied to specific research contexts. The application and revision of an initial framework can lead to the development of earlier models, and to the re-definition of previously established categories of analysis that have to be validated. The procedures followed to validate a coding system are related here as guidelines for conducting research under similar circumstances. The advantages of using instruments that incorporate two types of data, that is, quantitative measures and qualitative information from raters' metadiscourse, are discussed, and it is suggested that such procedure can contribute to the process of validation itself, towards attaining reliability of research results, as well as indicate some constraints of the adopted research methodology.


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Pós-graduação em Ginecologia, Obstetrícia e Mastologia - FMB


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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We consider a class of functional differential equations subject to perturbations, which vary in time, and we study the exponential stability of solutions of these equations using the theory of generalized ordinary differential equations and Lyapunov functionals. We introduce the concept of variational exponential stability for generalized ordinary differential equations and we develop the theory in this direction by establishing conditions for the trivial solutions of generalized ordinary differential equations to be exponentially stable. Then, we apply the results to get corresponding ones for impulsive functional differential equations. We also present an example of a delay differential equation with Perron integrable right-hand side where we apply our result.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The cerebellum is responsible for coordination and maintenance of the fine control of muscle contraction. In cases of a suspected cerebellar disorder, a computed tomography scan can be performed to identify structural change. The aim of this study is to describe the cerebellar tomographic attenuation values in healthy cats since this variable is considered of great importance in the evaluation of images obtained by this imaging modality. A simple and a contrast enhanced brain computed tomographic scan were performed in 15 adult cats with no history of neurological symptoms and negative for feline leukemia and immunodeficiency virus. After acquiring the image, the measurement of the average attenuation of a cerebellar area of 2 centimeters in diameter was obtained. The cerebellar tomographic attenuation showed a variation from 14.60 to 25.50 HU in the simple scan and from 25.50 to 33.40 HU in the enhanced phase. Most animals (73.33%) had precontrast cerebellar attenuation values within the stipulated limit for the brain in a previous study (20-41 HU). Four animals in this study (26.67%) had values lower than 20 HU, which can be explained by differences in cellular composition between these two regions. The average value of contrast enhancement was 4.91 HU, and in none of the animals an enhancement greater than 10 HU was observed, which is in agreement with previous studies.


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This paper presents methodology for an integrated treatment of three variable phenomena in Brazilian portuguese: (i) encoding of first-person plural into the forms nós (we) and a gente (the people), (ii) verbal agreement with the pronoun nós and (iii) verbal agreement with the pronominal form a gente. Based on the theoretical framework provided by Labovian sociolinguistics (LABOV, 1966, 1972), the methodology is applied to a sample of Brazilian portuguese spoken in the countryside of São Paulo State (GONÇALVES, 2007). The results indicate that distinct factors predominate in the choice of the alternative forms of each phenomenon: in the verbal agreement with a gente, linguistic factors are the most prominent; in the verbal agreement with nós, social factors are the most salient; and in the use of nós/a gente both linguistic and social factors prevail.


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The universities have realized the importance of extending their knowledge to the population through the provision of services. Thus, this paper presents the data obtained in an agreement between UNESP/Laboratory of Paternity and Public Defender Service in São Paulo State to make DNA paternity tests.


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Wing pigmentation is a trait that predicts the outcome of male contests in some damselflies. Thus, it is reasonable to suppose that males would have the ability to assess wing pigmentation and adjust investment in a fight according to the costs that the rival may potentially impose. Males of the damselfly Mnesarete pudica exhibit red-coloured wings and complex courtship behaviour and engage in striking male– male fights. In this study, we investigated male assessment behaviour during aerial contests. Theory suggests that the relationship between male resource-holding potential (RHP) and contest duration describes the kind of assessment adopted by males: self-assessment, opponent-only assessment or mutual assessment. A recent theory also suggests that weak and strong males exhibit variations in the assessment strategies adopted. We estimated male RHP through male body size and wing colouration (i.e. pigmentation, wing reflectance spectra and transmission spectra) and studied the relationship between male RHP and contest duration from videodocumented behavioural observations of naturally occurring individual contests in the field. The results showed that males with more opaque wings and larger red spots were more likely to win contests. The relationships between RHP and contest durations partly supported the self-assessment and the mutual assessment models. We then experimentally augmented the pigmented area of the wings, in order to evaluate whether strong and weak males assess rivals’ RHP through wing pigmentation. Our experimental manipulation, however, clearly demonstrated that strong males assess rivals’ wing pigmentation. We finally suggest that there is a variation in the assessment strategy adopted by males