945 resultados para quasiparticle alignment
In this paper, the feed-forward back-propagation artificial neural network (BP-ANN) algorithm is introduced in the traditional Focus Calibration using Alignment procedure (FOCAL) technique, and a novel FOCAL technique based on BP-ANN is proposed. The effects of the parameters, such as the number of neurons on the hidden-layer and the number of training epochs, on the measurement accuracy are analyzed in detail. It is proved that the novel FOCAL technique based on BP-ANN is more reliable and it is a better choice for measurement of the image quality parameters. (c) 2005 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
Dammann gratings are well known for their ability to generate arrays of Lmiform-intensity beams from an incoming monochromatic beam. We apply the even-numbered Dammann grating to achieve dynamic optical coupled technology. A 1 x N dynamic optical coupled system is developed by employing two complementary even-numbered Dammann gratings. With this system we can achieve a beam splitter and combiner as a switch between them according to the relative shift between the gratings. Also, this system is a preferable approach in integral packaging. More importantly, this device has the potential to be applied to the splitting of a large array, e.g., 8 x 16 array and 64 x 64 array, which is difficult to be realized with conventional splitting methods. We experimentally demonstrated a 1 x 8 coupler at the wavelength of 1550 nm. Furthermore we analyze the effects of the alignment errors between gratings and the wavelength-dependent error on efficiency and uniformity. The experimental results and the influence of alignment error and wavelength-dependent error are analyzed in detail. (c) 2006 Optical Society of America.
Determination of the energy range is an important precondition of focus calibration using alignment procedure (FOCAL) test. A new method to determine the energy range of FOCAL off-lined is presented in this paper. Independent of the lithographic tool, the method is time-saving and effective. The influences of some process factors, e.g. resist thickness, post exposure bake (PEB) temperature, PEB time and development time, on the energy range of FOCAL are analyzed.
提出一种精确检测光刻机激光干涉仪测量系统非正交性的新方法。将对准标记曝光到硅片表面并进行显影;利用光学对准系统测量曝光到硅片上的对准标记理论曝光位置与实际读取位置的偏差;由推导的位置偏差与非正交因子、坐标轴尺度比例、过程引入误差的线性模型,根据最小二乘原理计算出干涉仪测量系统的非正交性。实验结果表明,利用该方法使用同一硅片在不同旋转角下进行测量,干涉仪测量系统非正交因子的测量重复精度优于0.01 μrad,坐标轴尺度比例的测量重复精度优于0.7×10-6。使用不同的硅片进行测量,非正交因子的测量再现性优于
A theory of electromagnetic absorption is presented to explain the changes in surface impedance for Pippard superconductors (ξo ≫λ) due to large static magnetic fields. The static magnetic field penetrating the metal near the surface induces a momentum dependent potential in Bogolubov's equations. Such a potential modifies a quasiparticle's wavefunction and excitation spectrum. These changes affect the behavior of the surface impedance in a way that in large measure agrees with available observations.
The microwave response of the superconducting state in equilibrium and non-equilibrium configurations was examined experimentally and analytically. Thin film superconductors were mostly studied in order to explore spatial effects. The response parameter measured was the surface impedance.
For small microwave intensity the surface impedance at 10 GHz was measured for a variety of samples (mostly Sn) over a wide range of sample thickness and temperature. A detailed analysis based on the BCS theory was developed for calculating the surface impedance for general thickness and other experimental parameters. Experiment and theory agreed with each other to within the experimental accuracy. Thus it was established that the samples, thin films as well as bulk, were well characterised at low microwave powers (near equilibrium).
Thin films were perturbed by a small dc supercurrent and the effect on the superconducting order parameter and the quasiparticle response determined by measuring changes in the surface resistance (still at low microwave intensity and independent of it) due to the induced current. The use of fully superconducting resonators enabled the measurement of very small changes in the surface resistance (< 10-9 Ω/sq.). These experiments yield information regarding the dynamics of the order parameter and quasiparticle systems. For all the films studied the results could be described at temperatures near Tc by the thermodynamic depression of the order parameter due to the static current leading to a quadratic increase of the surface resistance with current.
For the thinnest films the low temperature results were surprising in that the surface resistance decreased with increasing current. An explanation is proposed according to which this decrease occurs due to an additional high frequency quasiparticle current caused by the combined presence of both static and high frequency fields. For frequencies larger than the inverse of the quasiparticle relaxation time this additional current is out of phase (by π) with the microwave electric field and is observed as a decrease of surface resistance. Calculations agree quantitatively with experimental results. This is the first observation and explanation of this non-equilibrium quasiparticle effect.
For thicker films of Sn, the low temperature surface resistance was found to increase with applied static current. It is proposed that due to the spatial non-uniformity of the induced current distribution across the thicker films, the above purely temporal analysis of the local quasiparticle response needs to be generalised to include space and time non-equilibrium effects.
The nonlinear interaction of microwaves arid superconducting films was also examined in a third set of experiments. The surface impedance of thin films was measured as a function of the incident microwave magnetic field. The experiments exploit the ability to measure the absorbed microwave power and applied microwave magnetic field absolutely. It was found that the applied surface microwave field could not be raised above a certain threshold level at which the absorption increased abruptly. This critical field level represents a dynamic critical field and was found to be associated with the penetration of the app1ied field into the film at values well below the thermodynamic critical field for the configuration of a field applied to one side of the film. The penetration occurs despite the thermal stability of the film which was unequivocally demonstrated by experiment. A new mechanism for such penetration via the formation of a vortex-antivortex pair is proposed. The experimental results for the thinnest films agreed with the calculated values of this pair generation field. The observations of increased transmission at the critical field level and suppression of the process by a metallic ground plane further support the proposed model.
在拼接光栅和拼接光栅压缩器的设计中,子光栅调节偏差不可避免,各维偏差与拼接光栅的时间特性之间的关系很关键。通过脉冲压缩理论分析得到各维偏差和聚焦脉冲时间宽度展宽之间的解析关系,从数值计算结果分析,面平行左右偏差对脉冲的时间宽度影响较大,必须控制在21.08 μrad内;条纹密度差异对脉冲宽度的影响很显著,相对条纹密度的比值应控制在10-5以内;从消除角色散的角度分析,面平行俯仰偏差和条纹平行度偏差可以相互补偿,条纹密度差异和面平行左右偏差也可以相互补偿。
A certificação de Sistemas de gestão ambiental tem se tornado quase uma obrigação para as Organizações, face ao aumento da conscientização da sociedade para os problemas relacionados ao meio ambiente. Este trabalho busca identificar se a certificação de Sistemas de gestão ambiental promove a efetiva melhoria do desempenho ambiental de empresas Brasileiras e se estes sistemas permitem uma relação custo-benefício favorável a estas Organizações. A metodologia, baseada na pesquisa qualitativa, utiliza como instrumentos a aplicação de um questionário com questões fechadas e análise de documentos do Sistema de Gestão Ambiental de Organizações certificadas há mais de dois anos. Os resultados da pesquisa conseguiram demonstrar que, embora ainda existam diversos pontos com potencial de melhoria nos sistemas pesquisados, as Organizações estão conseguindo melhorar seu desempenho ambiental ao longo do tempo e também auferir benefícios econômicos com a operação destes sistemas. Foi observado que o foco principal dos sistemas implementados nas Organizações pesquisadas está concentrado mais no sistema propriamente dito do que na busca de uma efetiva melhoria do desempenho ambiental, que é o ponto central do objetivo da implantação de um Sistema de Gestão Ambiental, segundo a norma ABNT NBR ISO 14001 (ABNT, 2004). Algumas das ações tomadas pelas Organizações já demonstram alinhamento com a tendência atual de busca da sustentabilidade, o que representa um potencial positivo para a disseminação da importância destes sistemas como uma das ferramentas a serem utilizadas para se cumprir as diretrizes estabelecidas na Agenda 21.
Estimation of the far-field centre is carried out in beam auto-alignment. In this paper, the features of the far-field of a square beam are presented. Based on these features, a phase-only matched filter is designed, and the algorithm of centre estimation is developed. Using the simulated images with different kinds of noise and the 40 test images that are taken in sequence, the accuracy of this algorithm is estimated. Results show that the error is no more than one pixel for simulated noise images with a 99% probability, and the stability is restricted within one pixel for test images. Using the improved algorithm, the consumed time is reduced to 0.049 s.
A saudável interação entre o indivíduo e o meio depende do alinhamento entre a dinâmica fisiológica do primeiro e os periódicos movimentos da natureza. A interação entre tais ritmos por sua vez constitui-se em base e derivação do processo de evolução. O comprometimento de tal alinhamento representa um risco para a sobrevivência das espécies. Neste contexto, os organismos alinham seus ritmos fisiológicos a diferentes ciclos externos. Desta forma, ciclos endógenos são coordenados por relógios biológicos que determinam em nosso organismo, específicos ritmos em fase com a natureza, tais como ritmos circadianos (RC), cujo período aproxima-se de 24 horas. O peso corporal, a ingestão de alimentos e o consumo de energia são processos caracterizados pelo RC e a obesidade está associada a uma dessincronização deste processo. A modulação do RC é resultado da expressão dos clock gens CLOCK e BMAL1 que formam um heterodímero responsável pela transcrição gênica de Per1, Per2, Per3, Cry1 e Cry2. As proteínas codificadas por estes genes, uma vez sintetizadas, formam dímeros (PER-CRY) no citoplasma que, a partir de determinada concentração, retornam ao núcleo, bloqueando a ação do heterodímero CLOCK/BMAL1 na transcrição dos próprios genes, formando assim uma alça de retroalimentação negativa de transcrição e tradução. Estes genes asseguram a periodicidade e são significativamente expressos no núcleo supraquiasmático (SCN) do hipotálamo. Para estudar esse processo em camundongos normais e hiperalimentados, saciados e em estado de fome, foi utilizado um método de registro do comportamento alimentar baseado no som produzido pela alimentação dos animais, e a correlação destes estados metabólicos com a expressão de CLOCK, BMAL1, Per1, Per2, Per3, bem como das proteínas Cry1 e Cry2 no SCN, por análise de imagens obtidas em microscopia confocal. Camundongos suíços controle em estado de fome (CF) e saciados (CS) foram comparados com animais hiperalimentados com fome (HF) e saciados (HS). Nenhum grupo demonstrou diferença nos conteúdos CLOCK e BMAL1, indicando capacidade potencial para modular os ritmos biológicos. No entanto, as proteínas Per1, Per2, Per3 e Cry1 apresentaram menor expressão no grupo CS, mostrando uma diferença significativa quando comparados com o grupo CF (P<0,05), diferença esta não encontrada na comparação entre os grupos HF e HS. A quantidade de proteína Cry2 não foi diferente na mesma comparação. Os resultados do estudo indicaram que as alterações dos ritmos endógenos e exógenos, refletido pelo comportamento hiperfágico observado em camundongos hiperalimentados, pode ser devido a um defeito no mecanismo de feedback negativo associado ao dímero Cry-Per, que não bloqueia a transcrição de Per1 Per2, Per3 e Cry1 pelo heterodímero CLOCK-BMAL1.