866 resultados para motors
Synchronous reluctance motors (SynRMs) are gaining in popularity in industrial drives due to their permanent magnet-free, competitive performance, and robust features. This paper studies the power losses in a 90-kW converter-fed SynRM drive by a calorimetric method in comparison of the traditional input-output method. After the converter and the motor were measured simultaneously in separate chambers, the converter was installed inside the large-size chamber next to the motor and the total drive system losses were obtained using one chamber. The uncertainty of both measurement methods is analyzed and discussed.
Examines the Court of Appeal judgment in Tesla Motors Ltd v BBC on whether the claim that a review of a vehicle on the BBC "Top Gear" programme constituted malicious falsehood should be struck out under CPR 3.4(2) on the ground there was insufficient evidence to show that any loss in revenue suffered by the manufacturer was attributable to the review. Considers the implications of the decision for commercial claimants seeking to establish that defamation caused them "serious harm", which, pursuant to the Defamation Act 2013 s.1(2), requires evidence of actual or likely serious financial loss.
The United States was undoubtedly the most important, but by no means the only country of destination for German immigrant entrepreneurs. German industrialists, merchants, and other entrepreneurs could be found in virtually all world regions where international trade or local markets promised satisfactory returns. They were globally dispersed manifestations – and motors – of Germany’s expanding economy between unification in 1871 and the First World War.
Electric vehicles (EVs) provide a feasible solution to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and thus become a hot topic for research and development. Switched reluctance motors (SRMs) are one of promised motors for EV applications. In order to extend the EVs’ driving miles, the use of photovoltaic (PV) panels on the vehicle helps decrease the reliance on vehicle batteries. Based on phase winding characteristics of SRMs, a tri-port converter is proposed in this paper to control the energy flow between the PV panel, battery and SRM. Six operating modes are presented, four of which are developed for driving and two for standstill on-board charging. In the driving modes, the energy decoupling control for maximum power point tracking (MPPT) of the PV panel and speed control of the SRM are realized. In the standstill charging modes, a grid-connected charging topology is developed without a need for external hardware. When the PV panel directly charges the battery, a multi-section charging control strategy is used to optimize energy utilization. Simulation results based on Matlab/Simulink and experiments prove the effectiveness of the proposed tri-port converter, which has potential economic implications to improve the market acceptance of EVs.
A two degrees of freedom (2-DOF) actuator capable of producing linear translation, rotary motion, or helical motion would be a desirable asset to the fields of machine tools, robotics, and various apparatuses. In this paper, a novel 2-DOF split-stator induction motor was proposed and electromagnetic structure pa- rameters of the motor were designed and optimized. The feature of the direct-drive 2-DOF induction motor lies in its solid mover ar- rangement. In order to study the complex distribution of the eddy current field on the ferromagnetic cylinder mover and the motor’s operating characteristics, the mathematical model of the proposed motor was established, and characteristics of the motor were ana- lyzed by adopting the permeation depth method (PDM) and finite element method (FEM). The analytical and numerical results from motor simulation clearly show a correlation between the PDM and FEM models. This may be considered as a fair justification for the proposed machine and design tools.
Switched reluctance motors (SRMs) can provide an attractive traction drive for electric vehicle applications. To lower the investment in the off-board charging station facilities, a multi-functional switched reluctance motor topology is proposed on the basis of the traditional asymmetrical half-bridge converter. The SRM phase windings are employed as input filter inductors and centre-tapped windings are also developed to form symmetrical inductors for three-phase grid supply. Owing to the varying rotor position, phase inductors are unequal between one another. A hysteresis control scheme is therefore developed for grid-connection operation. In addition to AC supplies, the proposed topology can also supports the DC-source charging. A new current sharing strategy is employed to diminish the influence of the unequal winding inductances. The simulation and experimental tests are carried out to verify the proposed topology and control methods. Since this work eliminates the need for building charging station infrastructure, its potential economic impact on the automotive market can be significant.
This paper presents an integrated multilevel converter of switched reluctance motors (SRMs) fed by a modular front-end circuit for plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV) applications. Several operating modes can be achieved by changing the on-off states of the switches in the front-end circuit. In generator driving mode, the battery bank is employed to elevate the phase voltage for fast excitation and demagnetization. In battery driving mode, the converter is reconfigured as a four-level converter, and the capacitor is used as an additional charge capacitor to produce multilevel voltage outputs, which enhances the torque capability. The operating modes of the proposed drive are explained and the phase current and voltage are analyzed in details. The battery charging is naturally achieved by the demagnetization current in motoring mode and by the regenerative current in braking mode. Moreover, the battery can be charged by the external AC source or generator through the proposed converter when the vehicle is in standstill condition. The SRM-based PHEV can operate at different speeds by coordinating the power flow between the generator and battery. Simulation in MATLAB/Simulink and experiments on a three-phase 12/8 SRM confirm the effectiveness of the proposed converter topology.
Permanent magnet synchronous motors (PMSMs) provide a competitive technology for EV traction drives owing to their high power density and high efficiency. In this paper, three types of interior PMSMs with different PM arrangements are modeled by the finite element method (FEM). For a given amount of permanent magnet materials, the V shape interior PMSM is found better than the U-shape and the conventional rotor topologies for EV traction drives. Then the V shape interior PMSM is further analyzed with the effects of stator slot opening and the permanent magnet pole chamfering on cogging torque and output torque performance. A vector-controlled flux-weakening method is developed and simulated in matlab to expand the motor speed range for EV drive system. The results show good dynamic and steady-state performance with a capability of expanding speed up to 4 times of the rated. A prototype of the V shape interior PMSM is also manufactured and tested to validate the numerical models built by the finite element method.
A multipurpose open architecture motion control system was developed with three platforms for control and monitoring. The Visual Basic user interface communicated with the operator and gave instructions to the electronic components. The first platform had a BASIC Stamp based controller and three stepping motors. The second platform had a controller, amplifiers and two DC servomotors. The third platform had a DSP module. In this study, each platform was used on machine tools either to move the table or to evaluate the incoming signal. The study indicated that by using advanced microcontrollers, which use high-level languages, motor controllers, DSPs (Digital Signal Processor) and microcomputers, the motion control of different systems could be realized in a short time. Although, the proposed systems had some limitations, their jobs were performed effectively. ^
A high frequency physical phase variable electric machine model was developed using FE analysis. The model was implemented in a machine drive environment with hardware-in-the-loop. The novelty of the proposed model is that it is derived based on the actual geometrical and other physical information of the motor, considering each individual turn in the winding. This is the first attempt to develop such a model to obtain high frequency machine parameters without resorting to expensive experimental procedures currently in use. The model was used in a dynamic simulation environment to predict inverter-motor interaction. This includes motor terminal overvoltage, current spikes, as well as switching effects. In addition, a complete drive model was developed for electromagnetic interference (EMI) analysis and evaluation. This consists of the lumped parameter models of different system components, such as cable, inverter, and motor. The lumped parameter models enable faster simulations. The results obtained were verified by experimental measurements and excellent agreements were obtained. A change in the winding arrangement and its influence on the motor high frequency behavior has also been investigated. This was shown to have a little effect on the parameter values and in the motor high frequency behavior for equal number of turns. An accurate prediction of overvoltage and EMI in the design stages of the drive system would reduce the time required for the design modifications as well as for the evaluation of EMC compliance issues. The model can be utilized in the design optimization and insulation selection for motors. Use of this procedure could prove economical, as it would help designers develop and test new motor designs for the evaluation of operational impacts in various motor drive applications.
With the advantages and popularity of Permanent Magnet (PM) motors due to their high power density, there is an increasing incentive to use them in variety of applications including electric actuation. These applications have strict noise emission standards. The generation of audible noise and associated vibration modes are characteristics of all electric motors, it is especially problematic in low speed sensorless control rotary actuation applications using high frequency voltage injection technique. This dissertation is aimed at solving the problem of optimizing the sensorless control algorithm for low noise and vibration while achieving at least 12 bit absolute accuracy for speed and position control. The low speed sensorless algorithm is simulated using an improved Phase Variable Model, developed and implemented in a hardware-in-the-loop prototyping environment. Two experimental testbeds were developed and built to test and verify the algorithm in real time.^ A neural network based modeling approach was used to predict the audible noise due to the high frequency injected carrier signal. This model was created based on noise measurements in an especially built chamber. The developed noise model is then integrated into the high frequency based sensorless control scheme so that appropriate tradeoffs and mitigation techniques can be devised. This will improve the position estimation and control performance while keeping the noise below a certain level. Genetic algorithms were used for including the noise optimization parameters into the developed control algorithm.^ A novel wavelet based filtering approach was proposed in this dissertation for the sensorless control algorithm at low speed. This novel filter was capable of extracting the position information at low values of injection voltage where conventional filters fail. This filtering approach can be used in practice to reduce the injected voltage in sensorless control algorithm resulting in significant reduction of noise and vibration.^ Online optimization of sensorless position estimation algorithm was performed to reduce vibration and to improve the position estimation performance. The results obtained are important and represent original contributions that can be helpful in choosing optimal parameters for sensorless control algorithm in many practical applications.^
Questo documento di tesi si incentra principalmente sullo studio delle reti wireless mobili e dei relativi scenari di utilizzo. In particolare, come esse vengono applicate per il riconoscimento e la prevenzione di incidenti stradali. Vista l’importanza di questo problema a livello di sicurezza stradale, ho deciso di sviluppare un' applicazione per smartphone Android, in grado di riconoscere le attività di uso quotidiano dell’utente e associarle a dei comportamenti, come ad esempio quello di un ciclista, di un pedone o di un automobilista. Nel caso in cui, in uno scenario stradale i dispositivi si trovassero ad una distanza ravvicinata, possono comunicare tramite una connessione Wi-Fi Direct il loro ruolo e lanciare messaggi di pericolo per avvisare la loro presenza, in modo da prevenire collisioni stradali. La realtà in cui si vuole collocare questa applicazione è quella che viene chiamata Pedestrian Detection, già idea di General Motors, che la sta sviluppando sui futuri veicoli che metterà in produzione nei prossimi anni e che sicuramente integreranno funzionalità aggiuntive per la segnalazione di pericoli tramite smartphone e Wi-Fi Direct.
Variable reluctance motors have been increasingly used as an alternative for variable speed and high speed drives in many industrial applications, due to many advantages like the simplicity of construction, robustness, and low cost. The most common applications in recent years are related to aeronautics, electric and hybrid vehicles and wind power generation. This paper explores the theory, operation, design procedures and analysis of a variable reluctance machine. An iterative design methodology is introduced and used to design a 1.25 kW prototype. For the analysis of the machine two methods are used, an analytical method and the finite element simulation. The results obtained by both methods are compared. The results of finite element simulation are used to determine the inductance profiles and torque of the prototype. The magnetic saturation is examined visually and numerically in four critical points of the machine. The data collected in the simulation allow the verification of design and operating limits for the prototype. Moreover, the behavior of the output quantities is analyzed (inductance, torque and magnetic saturation) by variation of physical dimensions of the motor. Finally, a multiobjective optimization using Differential Evolution algorithms and Genetic Algorithms for switched reluctance machine design is proposed. The optimized variables are rotor and stator polar arcs, and the goals are to maximize the average torque, the average torque per copper losses and the average torque per core volume. Finally, the initial design and optimized design are compared.
This thesis presents details of the design and development of novel tools and instruments for scanning tunneling microscopy (STM), and may be considered as a repository for several years' worth of development work. The author presents design goals and implementations for two microscopes. First, a novel Pan-type STM was built that could be operated in an ambient environment as a liquid-phase STM. Unique features of this microscope include a unibody frame, for increased microscope rigidity, a novel slider component with large Z-range, a unique wiring scheme and damping mechanism, and a removable liquid cell. The microscope exhibits a high level of mechanical isolation at the tunnel junction, and operates excellently as an ambient tool. Experiments in liquid are on-going. Simultaneously, the author worked on designs for a novel low temperature, ultra-high vacuum (LT-UHV) instrument, and these are presented as well. A novel stick-slip vertical coarse approach motor was designed and built. To gauge the performance of the motor, an in situ motion sensing apparatus was implemented, which could measure the step size of the motor to high precision. A new driving circuit for stick-slip inertial motors is also presented, that o ffers improved performance over our previous driving circuit, at a fraction of the cost. The circuit was shown to increase step size performance by 25%. Finally, a horizontal sample stage was implemented in this microscope. The build of this UHV instrument is currently being fi nalized. In conjunction with the above design projects, the author was involved in a collaborative project characterizing N-heterocyclic carbene (NHC) self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) on Au(111) films. STM was used to characterize Au substrate quality, for both commercial substrates and those manufactured via a unique atomic layer deposition (ALD) process by collaborators. Ambient and UHV STM was then also used to characterize the NHC/Au(111) films themselves, and several key properties of these films are discussed. During this study, the author discovered an unexpected surface contaminant, and details of this are also presented. Finally, two models are presented for the nature of the NHC-Au(111) surface interaction based on the observed film properties, and some preliminary theoretical work by collaborators is presented.
Underground hardrock mining can be very energy intensive and in large part this can be attributed to the power consumption of underground ventilation systems. In general, the power consumed by a mine’s ventilation system and its overall scale are closely related to the amount of diesel power in operation. This is because diesel exhaust is a major source of underground air pollution, including diesel particulate matter (DPM), NO2 and heat, and because regulations tie air volumes to diesel engines. Furthermore, assuming the size of airways remains constant, the power consumption of the main system increases exponentially with the volume of air supplied to the mine. Therefore large diesel fleets lead to increased energy consumption and can also necessitate large capital expenditures on ventilation infrastructure in order to manage power requirements. Meeting ventilation requirements for equipment in a heading can result in a similar scenario with the biggest pieces leading to higher energy consumption and potentially necessitating larger ventilation tubing and taller drifts. Depending on the climate where the mine is located, large volumes of air can have a third impact on ventilation costs if heating or cooling the air is necessary. Annual heating and cooling costs, as well as the cost of the associated infrastructure, are directly related to the volume of air sent underground. This thesis considers electric mining equipment as a means for reducing the intensity and cost of energy consumption at underground, hardrock mines. Potentially, electric equipment could greatly reduce the volume of air needed to ventilate an entire mine as well as individual headings because they do not emit many of the contaminants found in diesel exhaust and because regulations do not connect air volumes to electric motors. Because of the exponential relationship between power consumption and air volumes, this could greatly reduce the amount of power required for mine ventilation as well as the capital cost of ventilation infrastructure. As heating and cooling costs are also directly linked to air volumes, the cost and energy intensity of heating and cooling the air would also be significantly reduced. A further incentive is that powering equipment from the grid is substantially cheaper than fuelling them with diesel and can also produce far fewer GHGs. Therefore, by eliminating diesel from the underground workers will enjoy safer working conditions and operators and society at large will gain from a smaller impact on the environment. Despite their significant potential, in order to produce a credible economic assessment of electric mining equipment their impact on underground systems must be understood and considered in their evaluation. Accordingly, a good deal of this thesis reviews technical considerations related to the use of electric mining equipment, especially ones that impact the economics of their implementation. The goal of this thesis will then be to present the economic potential of implementing the equipment, as well as to outline the key inputs which are necessary to support an evaluation and to provide a model and an approach which can be used by others if the relevant information is available and acceptable assumptions can be made.