979 resultados para lignina elettro-ossidazione schiume metalliche nichel NiO vanillina
La adopción es un camino, una alternativa para constituir una familia, para crear vínculos parentales allí donde los biológicos se han perdido o no están. Adoptar es un proceso largo, complejo y angustiante, independientemente de los trámites, de la lentitud de la Justicia y de la necesidad de la existencia de un niño/a en condiciones de ser adoptado. Pues para aceptar un niño que nace en otro vientre es preciso superar fantasmas, miedos y rígidas fronteras psicológicas; hay que admitir que este hijo viene de otra biología; de una historia que le pertenece y que en algún momento hay que develar. El presente trabajo intenta precisamente dar cuenta de que uno de los matices esenciales en el instituto de la adopción, es la cuestión relativa al derecho a la identidad. Es en la adopción, probablemente, cuando este derecho, aun al resguardo de un adecuado proceso judicial, corre el riesgo de tornarse relativo; pues, más allá de las previsiones legales, que el niño adoptado pueda saber su condición y acceder al conocimiento de sus orígenes depende inicialmente de la voluntad de los adoptantes ya que el Estado no es garantía del cumplimiento del mismo
A strong El Niño developed in early 2015. Measurements from a research cruise on the RV Sonne in October 2015 near the equator east of the Galapagos Islands and off the shelf of Peru, are used to investigate changes related to El Niño in the upper ocean in comparison with earlier cruises in this region. At the equator at 85°30' W, a clear temperature increase leading to lower densities in the upper 350 m, despite a concurrent salinity increase from 40 to 350 m, developed in October 2015. Lower nutrient concentrations were also present in the upper 200 m, and higher oxygen concentrations were observed between 40 and 130 m. Except for the upper 60 m at 2°30' S, however, there was no obvious increase in oxygen concentrations at sampling stations just north (1° N) and south (2°30' S) of the equator at 85°30' W. In the equatorial current field, the Equatorial Undercurrent (EUC) east of the Galapagos Islands almost disappeared in October 2015, with a transport of only 0.02 Sv in the equatorial channel between 1° S and 1° N, and a weak current band of 0.78 Sv located between 1° S and 2°30' S. Such near-disappearances of the EUC in the eastern Pacific seem to occur only during strong El Niño events. Off the Peruvian shelf at ~9° S, where the sea surface temperature (SST) was elevated, upwelling was modified, and warm, saline and oxygen rich water was upwelled. Despite some weak El Niño related SST increase at ~12 to 16° S, the upwelling of cold, low salinity and oxygen-poor water was still active at the easternmost stations at three sections at ~12° S, ~14° S and ~16° S, while further west on these sections a transition to El Niño conditions appeared. Although in early 2015 the El Niño was strong and in October 2015 showed a clear El Niño influence on the EUC, in the eastern tropical Pacific the measurements only showed developing El Niño water mass distributions. In particular the oxygen distribution indicated the ongoing transition from 'typical' to El Niño conditions progressing southward along the Peruvian shelf.
Estudiar los movimientos infantiles ha sido uno de los asuntos más antiguos de la psicología del desarrollo. La presencia en la palestra científica de los estudios de Esther Thelen supuso que la psicología revitalizara el estudio del desarrollo motor para darle carta de naturaleza en el contexto investigador llegándolo a considerar como el fundamento de la psicología del des arrollo. Sus investigaciones transformaron la forma de pensar en torno al proceso de cambio poniendo en duda la interpretación madurativa del mismo, las causas del desarrollo motor infantil no se encontraban únicamente en el cerebro, así a la idea aceptada de que existía una estrecha relación entre las regularidades en el comportamiento motor y los cambios madurativos en el cerebro.
Related with the detection of weak magnetic fields, the anisotropic magnetoresistive (AMR) effect is widely utilized in sensor applications. Exchange coupling between an antiferromagnet (AF) and the ferromagnet (FM) has been known as a significant parameter in the field sensitivity of magnetoresistance because of pinning effects on magnetic domain in FM layer by the bias field in AF. In this work we have studied the thermal evolution of the magnetization reversal processes in nanocrystalline exchange biased Ni80Fe20/Ni-O bilayers with large training effects and we report the anisotropic magnetoresistance ratio arising from field orientation in the bilayer.
Related with the detection of weak magnetic fields, the anisotropic magnetoresistive(AMR) effect is widely utilized in sensor applications. Exchange coupling between an antiferromagnet (AF) and the ferromagnet (FM) has been known as a significant parameter in the field sensitivity of magnetoresistance because of pinning effects on magnetic domain in FM layer by the bias field in AF. In this work we have studied the thermal evolution of the magnetization reversal processes in nanocrystalline exchange biased Ni80Fe20/Ni-O bilayers with large training effects and we report the anisotropic magnetoresistance ratio arising from field orientation in the bilayer.
Sign.: []2
Sign.: []2
Sign.: *-3*4, 4*2, A-E4, F2
Pie de imp. consta en col
Datos del autor tomados de: Páez, vol. I p. 457
Resumen: Descripción: retrato de niño sentado, sin vestiduras y con una serpiente enroscada en la cabeza que representa a Roscio