976 resultados para frozen cassava chips


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Translatable and nontranslatable versions of the coat protein (cp) gene of a Papaya ringspot virus (PRSV) isolate collected in the state of Bahia, Brazil, were engineered for expression in Sunrise and Sunset Solo varieties of papaya (Carica papaya). The biolistic system was used to transform secondary somatic embryo cultures derived from immature zygotic embryos. Fifty-four transgenic lines, 26 translatable and 28 nontranslatable gene versions, were regenerated, with a transformation efficiency of 2.7%. Inoculation of cloned R0 plants with PRSV BR, PRSV HA or PRSV TH, Brazilian, Hawaiian and Thai isolates, respectively, revealed lines with mono-, double-, and triple-resistance. After molecular analysis and a preliminary agronomic evaluation, 13 R1 and R2 populations were incorporated into the papaya-breeding program at Embrapa Cassava and Tropical Fruits, in Cruz das Almas, Bahia, Brazil.


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A virus was isolated from soybean (Glycine max) plants with symptoms of dwarfing and bud blight in Wenceslau Braz County, Paraná, Brazil. The host range and properties resembled those of Tobacco streak virus (TSV). The purified virus showed three peaks in a frozen sucrose gradient. Antiserum was produced and the virus was serologically related to TSV. Electron microscopy detected 28 nm spherical particles. Coat protein (CP) had a Mr of 29.880 Da. A fragment of 1028 nt was amplified, cloned and sequenced. One open reading frame with 717 nt was identified and associated to the CP. The CP gene shared 83% identity with the sequence of TSV CP from white clover (Trifolium repens) (GenBank CAA25133). This is the first report of the biological and molecular characterization of TSV isolated from soybeans. It is proposed that this isolate be considered a strain of TSV named TSV-BR.


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Ruokohelpi soveltuu ympäristöystävällisyyden ja korkean lämpöarvon vuoksi hyvin energiantuotantoon. Fortumin Joensuun voimalaitoksella ruokohelpi on syötetty kattilaan tähän asti pääasiassa pääpolttoaineisiin, turpeeseen tai hakkeeseen seostettuna pieninä energiaosuuksina. Pääpolttoaineisiin verrattuna ruokohelvellä on alhaisempi irto- ja energiatiheys, korkeampi klooripitoisuus ja kattilaa likaavampi tuhka, mikä asettaa rajoitteita sen käytön lisäämiselle voimalaitoksella. Alhaisesta irto- ja energiatiheydestä johtuvan holvautumisen sekä tukoksien lisääntymisen ja Joensuun voimalaitoksen nykyisten kuljettimien kapasiteettiongelmien vuoksi ruokohelven osuuden lisääminen suuremmaksi kuin 5 % polttoaine-energiasisällöstä on riskialtista ja edellyttää täten investointia erilliseen ruokohelven käsittely- ja syöttöjärjestelmään. Yksi vaihtoehto on murskata ruokohelpipaalit joko sähkökäyttöisellä, puolikiinteällä ja nopeakäyntisellä Haybuster H1130 tilt -murskaimella tai kiinteällä ja hidaskäyntisellä Raumaster-murskaimella ja ohjata ruokohelpisilppu joko pitkän mekaanisen kuljettimen ja sen perässä olevien lyhyiden pneumalinjojen tai pelkkien pitkien pneumalinjojen kautta suoraan kattilapesään. Työssä tutkitut investoinnit ovat taloudellisesti sitä kannattavampia mitä enemmän ruokohelpeä voidaan vuositasolla polttaa voimalaitoksella. Ruokohelven käyttömäärää voimalaitoksella kannattanee lisätä kuljetusmatkaa pidentämällä. Investointien valinta ei ole itsestäänselvyys. Nopeakäyntinen murskain on hidaskäyntistä murskainta edullisempi investointi, tosin hidaskäyntisen murskaimen käyttövarmuus on parempi kuin nopeakäyntisen murskaimen. Kattilan käytettävyyden kannalta ruokohelven käytön lisääminen edellyttää kattilan palamistekniikan analysointia laskennallisesti virtausmallinnuksella ennen kuin lopullisia päätöksiä investointien suhteen voidaan tehdä.


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This work is based on the utilisation of sawdust and wood chip screenings for different purposes. A substantial amount of these byproducts are readily available in the Finnish forest industry. A black liquor impregnation study showed that sawdust-like wood material behaves differently from normal chips. Furthermore, the fractionation and removal of the smallest size fractions did not have a significant effect on the impregnation of sawdust-like wood material. Sawdust kraft cooking equipped with an impregnation stage increases the cooking yield and decreases the lignin content of the produced pulp. Impregnation also increases viscosity of the pulp and decreases chlorine dioxide consumption in bleaching. In addition, impregnation increases certain pulp properties after refining. Hydrotropic extraction showed that more lignin can be extracted from hardwood than softwood. However, the particle size had a major influence on the lignin extraction. It was possible to extract more lignin from spruce sawdust than spruce chips. Wood chip screenings are usually combusted to generate energy. They can also be used in the production of kraft pulp, ethanol and chemicals. It is not economical to produce ethanol from wood chip screenings because of the expensive wood material. Instead, they should be used for production of steam and energy, kraft pulp and higher value added chemicals. Bleached sawdust kraft pulp can be used to replace softwood kraft pulp in mechanical pulp based papers because it can improve certain physical properties. It is economically more feasible to use bleached sawdust kraft pulp in stead of softwood kraft pulp, especially when the reinforcement power requirement is moderate.


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Vaihtosuuntaajan IGBT-moduulin liitosten lämpötiloja ei voida suoraan mitata, joten niiden arviointiin tarvitaan reaaliaikainen lämpömalli. Tässä työssä on tavoitteena kehittää tähän tarkoitukseen C-kielellä implementoitu ratkaisu, joka on riittävän tarkka ja samalla mahdollisimman laskennallisesti tehokas. Ohjelmallisen toteutuksen täytyy myös sopia erilaisille moduulityypeille ja sen on tarvittaessa otettava huomioon saman moduulin muiden sirujen lämmittävä vaikutus toisiinsa. Kirjallisuuskatsauksen perusteella valitaan olemassa olevista lämpömalleista käytännön toteutuksen pohjaksi lämpöimpedanssimatriisiin perustuva malli. Lämpöimpedanssimatriisista tehdään Simulink-ohjelmalla s-tason simulointimalli, jota käytetään referenssinä muun muassa implementoinnin tarkkuuden verifiointiin. Lämpömalli tarvitsee tiedon vaihtosuuntaajan häviöistä, joten työssä on selvitetty eri vaihtoehtoja häviölaskentaan. Lämpömallin kehittäminen s-tason mallista valmiiksi C-kieliseksi koodiksi on kuvattu tarkasti. Ensin s-tason malli diskretoidaan z-tasoon. Z-tason siirtofunktiot muutetaan puolestaan ensimmäisen kertaluvun differenssiyhtälöiksi. Työssä kehitetty monen aikatason lämpömalli saadaan jakamalla ensimmäisen kertaluvun differenssiyhtälöt eri aikatasoille suoritettavaksi sen mukaan, mikä niiden kuvaileman termin vaatima päivitysnopeus on. Tällainen toteutus voi parhaimmillaan kuluttaa alle viidesosan kellojaksoja verrattuna suoraviivaiseen yhden aikatason toteutukseen. Implementoinnin tarkkuus on hyvä. Implementoinnin vaatimia suoritusaikoja testattiin Texas Instrumentsin TMS320C6727- prosessorilla (300 MHz). Esimerkkimallin laskemisen määritettiin kuluttavan vaihtosuuntaajan toimiessa 5 kHz kytkentätaajuudella vain 0,4 % prosessorin kellojaksoista. Toteutuksen tarkkuus ja laskentakapasiteetin vähäinen vaatimus mahdollistavat lämpömallin käyttämisen lämpösuojaukseen ja lisäämisen osaksi muuta jo prosessorilla olemassa olevaa systeemiä.


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Tämän työn ensisijaisena tavoitteena on keskisuomalaisen metsähakeliiketoiminnan arvoverkon kuvaaminen, sisältäen keskeiset toimijat ja toiminnot sekä näkemyksiä innovaatiokyvykkyydestä ja informaatiosta. Toinen tavoite on uusien liiketoimintamallien esittäminen. Työ jakautuu teoreettiseen ja empiiriseen osaan. Teoreettisessa osiossa esitetään Porterin (1984) arvojärjestelmä ja Parolinin (1999) arvoverkko. Näiden avulla kuvaillaan empiirisessä osiossa selvitettyjä arvoverkon keskeisiä ominaisuuksia. Innovaatioon liittyvä teoria pohjautuu pääosin innovaatiojärjestelmän, avoimen innovaation ja käytäntölähtöisen innovaatioteorian pohjalle (Harmaakorpi ja Melkas 2008). Liiketoimintamahdollisuuksien tarkastelu perustuu usean erillisen teoreettisen viitekehyksen yhdistelmään. Empiirisen osuuden materiaali on kerätty yritys- ja asiantuntijahaastattelut. Haastattelut on suoritettu kvalitatiivisen tapaustutkimuksen tyyliin, teemahaastatteluin. Laadullisesta materiaalista rakennetut kuvaukset nojaavat vankasti työn teoreettiseen osuuteen.


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There are reasons of necessity in bio-fuel use and bio-energy fast development. It includes the material about bio-energy technologies, applications and methods. There are basic thermodynamics and economic theories. The economic calculation presents the comparison between two combinations. There are boiler plant below 20 MW in combination with ablative pyrolysis plant for bio-oil production and CHP plant below 100 MW in combination with the RTP pyrolysis bio-oil production technology. It provides a material about wood chips and bio-oil characteristics and explains it nature, presents the situation around the bio-fuel market or bio-fuel trade. There is a description of pyrolysis technologies such as ablative and RTP. The liquid product of the pyrolysis processes is bio-oil. The bio-oil could be different even of the same production process, because of the raw material nature and characteristics. The calculation shows advantages and weaknesses of combinations and obtained a proof of suppositions. The next thing, proven by this work is the fact that to get more efficiency from energy project it is good possibility to built plants in combinations.


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The high seedlings quality is essential for deployment of homogeneous orchards. This study evaluated the baruzeiro (Dipteryx alata Vog) seedlings formation on different substrates within protected environments. It was used substrates with100% of cattle manure; 100% of cassava stems; 100% of vermiculite; 50% of cattle manure + 50% of cassava stems; 50% of cattle manure + 50% of vermiculite; 50% of cassava stems + 50% of vermiculite; and + ⅓ of cattle manure + ⅓ of cassava stems + ⅓ of vermiculite. These substrates were tested in protected areas: greenhouse; black shade net of 50% shading; and aluminized thermo-reflective screen of 50% shading. A completely randomized experimental design with five replicates of four plants was adopted. Initially, data were submitted to analysis of individual variance of the substrates, in each environment of cultivation, then performing the evaluation of the residual mean square and the analysis of these environments together for comparison. The best substrate for baruzeiro seedlings was pure vermiculite. The substrates with 100% of manure and the substrate with 33.33% of the mixed studied materials can be used for seedlings formation. The environment with screen can be indicated for the production of baruzeiro seedlings, since it gave vigor to the seedlings.


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The study aimed to evaluate chemical, microbiological and hydro-physical changes of a Dystrophic Yellow Latosol, receiver of different levels of manipueira (cassava wastewater) application, in the cultivation of 'Terra Maranhão' banana. The experimental design was a randomized block with three replications in a factorial scheme 3 x 4, in which it was considered three soil depths and four levels of manipueira. It was evaluated the weighted mean diameter of the aggregate, the percentage of aggregation at different periods, soil density, particle density, porosity and soil saturated hydraulic conductivity, in addition to pH of P (mg dm -3), K (mg dm-3), Ca (cmolc dm-3), Mg (cmolc dm-3), Ca+Mg (cmolc dm-3), Al (cmolc dm-3), Na (cmolc dm -3), H+Al (cmolc dm-3), CEC (cmolc dm-3), V%, OM (g kg-1), soil microbial biomass (Ug Cg-1 dry soil), acid phosphatase (Ug PNP g-1 h-1). The use of manipueira influenced some physical characteristic of the soil, but it was not possible to specify the effect of increasing application dosage. Therefore, the application did not affect the biological indicators assessed in the soil or its pH. The use of manipueira as a fertilizer in the doses used in this study showed low increase of K, P, H+Al and Al in the soil and a good increase of Mg, Ca and Ca+Mg, Na, CEC and V%.


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The Brazil's Biodiesel Production and Use Program introduces biodiesel in the Brazilian energy matrix, bringing along the perspective of a growth of the glycerin offer, co-product generated in the proportion of 10 kg for each 100 L of biodiesel. The aim of this study was to evaluate the addition of crude glycerin in the anaerobic digestion of cassava starch industry effluent (cassava wastewater), in a horizontal semi-continuous flow reactor of one phase in laboratory scale. It was used a reactor with a 8.77 L of useful volume, a medium support for corrugated conduit of polyvinyl chloride (PVC), temperature of 261 ºC, fed with cassava wastewater and glycerin, with hydraulic detention times of 4 and 5 days and increasing volumetric organic load of 3.05; 9.32; 14.83 and 13.59 g COD L-1 d-1, obtained with the addition of glycerin at 0; 2; 3 and 2% (v/v), respectively. The average removal efficiencies of TS and TVS were decreasing from the addition of glycerin to the cassava wastewater, averaging 81.19 to 55.58% for TS and 90.21 to 61.45% for TVS. The addition of glycerin at 2% increased the biogas production compared to the control treatment, reaching 1.979 L L-1 d-1. The biogas production as a function of the consumed COD was higher for the control treatment than for the treatments with addition of glycerin, which indicates lower conversion of organic matter into biogas.


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The seedling production stage is the key to achieve uniformity in tree breeding stage. This study evaluated "bocaiúva" (Acrocomia aculeata) seedling formation, with pre-germinated seeds in different substrates and protected environments, in the University of Mato Grosso do Sul State, Aquidauana, MS. As substrates, we used 100% cattle manure (M), 100% cassava branches (CB), 100% vermiculite (V), 50% cattle manure + 50% cassava branches, 50 % cattle manure + 50% vermiculite, 50% cassava branches + 50% vermiculite and ⅓ cattle manure + ⅓ cassava branches + ⅓ vermiculite. These substrates were tested in a greenhouse covered with 150 µm low density polyethylene (LDPE) film under thermo-reflective screen with 50% shading under film; black screen with 50% shading on the sides; black monofilament screen with 50% shading set on roof and sides; and aluminized thermo- reflective screen with 50% shading set on roof and sides. The completely randomized experimental design with 5 replications of 5 plants each was adopted. Initially, data were submitted to analysis of substrate individual variance in each growing environment, then performing the waste mean square evaluation and their environment joint analysis for comparison. The best growing environment is the thermo-reflective screen compared to LDPE greenhouse and black screen set. All substrates containing manure are recommended for bocaiúva seedlings formation. The pure cassava branch is not indicated for seedling, even using chemical fertilizer.


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This study aimed to evaluate the influence of airflow (0.25, 0.50 and 0.75 L.L-1.min-1) and cycle time (10.45 h, 14.25 h and 17.35 h) on a sequencing batch reactor (SBR) performance in promoting nitrification and denitrification of poultry slaughterhouse wastewater. The operational stages included feeding, aerobic and anoxic reactions, sedimentation and discharge. SBR was operated in a laboratory scale with a working volume of 4 L, keeping 25% of biomass retained inside the reactor as inoculum for the next batch. In the anoxic stage, C: N ratio was maintained between 5 and 6 by adding cassava starch wastewater. A factorial design (22) with five repetitions was designed at the central point to evaluate the influence of cycle time and airflow on total inorganic nitrogen removal (N-NH4++N-NO2-+N-NO3-) and in the whole process (nitrification and denitrification). The highest total inorganic nitrogen removal (93.3%) was observed for airflow of 0.25 L.L-1.min‑1 and a cycle time of 14.25 h. At the end of the experiment, the sludge inside the reactor was characterized by fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH), indicating the presence of ammonia and nitrite oxidizing bacteria.


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ABSTRACT Statistical process control in mechanized farming is a new way to assess operation quality. In this sense, we aimed to compare three statistical process control tools applied to losses in sugarcane mechanical harvesting to determine the best control chart template for this quality indicator. Losses were daily monitored in farms located within Triângulo Mineiro region, in Minas Gerais state, Brazil. They were carried over a period of 70 days in the 2014 harvest. At the end of the evaluation period, 194 samples were collected in total for each type of loss. The control charts used were individual values chart, moving average and exponentially weighted moving average. The quality indicators assessed during sugarcane harvest were the following loss types: full grinding wheel, stumps, fixed piece, whole cane, chips, loose piece and total losses. The control chart of individual values is the best option for monitoring losses in sugarcane mechanical harvesting, as it is of easier result interpretation, in comparison to the others.


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ABSTRACT This paper aims at evaluating the shelf life of mini tomatoes (Lycopersicum esculentum Mill.) cultivar ‘Sweet Grape’, grown in hydroponics, and stored under environmental and refrigerated conditions inside different packages. We adopted a completely randomized design, in which treatments were combinations of storage conditions: environment (e) and refrigerated (r) with packaging: polyvinyl chloride film (PVC); low-density polyethylene (LDPE); biofilm of tomato fruit of Solanum lycocarpum A.St.-Hil (lobeira) (TFB); cassava starch biofilm (CSB); carnauba wax (Copernicia prunifera) (CW), and without packaging - control (C). Physicochemical and sensory tests were carried out at the beginning (day zero), and at 8, 19, and 33 days of storage (DS). Fruit stored inside PVCr, LDPEe, LDPEr, and CWr had an acceptable shelf life of 33 days. The use of cassava and tomato starches were not effective in controlling fruit fresh weight loss. ‘Sweet Grape’ tomato postharvest conservation was enhanced under refrigerated conditions. The sensory evaluation results revealed that CWr treatment most pleased appraisers, while PCV had the highest rejection rate.


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ABSTRACT Seedling quality is crucial to obtain vigorous plants in the field. This study aims to evaluate the emergence and development of soursop seedlings in different substrates in protected environments. The experiment was conducted at the Mato Grosso do Sul State University and carried out using five protected environments: greenhouse, greenhouse with thermo-reflective screen, nursery with monofilament screen, nursery with thermo-reflective screen, and nursery with palm thatch. The substrates (S) consisted of cattle manure (M), humus (H), cassava branches (C), and vermiculite (V) as in the following ratios: S1 = H + V (1:3), S2 = H + V (1:1), S3 = H + V (3:1), S4 = H + C (1:3), S5 = H + C (1:1), S6 = H + C (3:1), S7 = M + V (1:3), S8 = M + V (1:1), S9 = M + V (3:1), S10 = M + C (1:3), S11 = M + C (1:1), S12 = M + C (3:1), S13 = H + M + V (1:1:1), S14 = H + M + C (1:1:1), and S15 = H + M + V + C (1:1:1:1). For the statistical analysis, each of those environments was considered as an experiment in which was used the completely randomized design; subsequently, it was performed a combined analysis of them. In summary, the greenhouse with thermo-reflective screen and combined substrates with “M + V” promote greater development of the seedlings. High concentrations of “V” or “C” cause no beneficial effect on soursop seedlings.