965 resultados para dependency claim


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La57.6Al17.5(Cu,Ni)(24.9) and La64Al14(Cu,Ni)(22) bulk metallic glasses (BMGs) were prepared by copper-mould casting method. Plastic deformation behavior of the two BMGs at various loading rates was studied by nanoindentation. The results showed that the La57.6Al17.5(Cu,Ni)(24.9) BMG with a glass transition temperature of 423 K exhibited prominent serrated flow at low loading rates, whereas less pronounced serrated flow at high rates during nanoindentation. In contrast, the La64Al14(Cu,Ni)(22) BMG with a glass transition temperature of 401 K exhibited prominent serrated flow at high loading rates. The different rate dependency of serrated flow in the two La-based BMGs is related to the different glass transition temperature, and consequently the degree of viscous flow during indentation at room temperature. A smoother flow occurs in the alloy with relatively lower glass transition temperature, due to the relaxation of stress concentration.


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“Amor de Dios en el amor humano”. Con estas palabras, Dionisio Borobio expresa la presencia divina en el amor conyugal. De esto justamente, se tratarán estas páginas, al desplegar, con la ayuda del teólogo español, la pregnancia divina del amor humano y la mutua implicación de un amor que busca lo absoluto, y la condescendencia trinitaria de manifestarse allí, en ese amor que anhela un sentido último, más allá de sí, para santificarlo. Para ello, en primer lugar, se describirá la riqueza antropológica del matrimonio. En un segundo momento se delineará su riqueza simbólica y sacramental. Finalmente, se abordarán las consecuencias del encuentro del amor divino y del amor humano en la vida esponsal.


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Resumen: Axel Leijonhufvud, economista reconocido internacionalmente por sus trabajos sobre la literatura de John Maynard Keynes y el keynesianismo (Leijonhufvud, 1968), ofreció su lectura de la crisis subprime de 2008, reconociendo que la misma encaja más con la teoría austríaca del ciclo económico de Ludwig von Mises y Friedrich Hayek, que con el marco teórico keynesiano. En este artículo ofrecemos evidencia para tal afirmación.


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JP-10 (exo-tetrahydrodicyclopentadiene, C10H16) ignition delay times were measured in a preheated shock tube. The vapor pressures of the JP-10 were measured directly by using a high-precision vacuum gauge, to remedy the difficulty in determining the gaseous concentrations of heavy hydrocarbon fuel arising from the adsorption on the wall in shock tube experiments. The whole variation of pressure and emission of the OH or CH radicals were observed in the ignition process by a pressure transducer and a photomultiplier with a monochromator. The emission of the OH or CH radicals was used to identify the time to ignition. Experiments were performed over the pressure range of 151-556 kPa, temperature range of 1000-2100 K, fuel concentrations of 0.1%-0.55% mole fraction, and stoichiometric ratios of 0.25, 0.5, 1.0 and 2.0. The experimental results show that for the lower and higher temperature ranges, there are different dependency relationships of the ignition time on the temperature and the concentrations of JP-10 and oxygen.


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Optimal Bayesian multi-target filtering is in general computationally impractical owing to the high dimensionality of the multi-target state. The Probability Hypothesis Density (PHD) filter propagates the first moment of the multi-target posterior distribution. While this reduces the dimensionality of the problem, the PHD filter still involves intractable integrals in many cases of interest. Several authors have proposed Sequential Monte Carlo (SMC) implementations of the PHD filter. However, these implementations are the equivalent of the Bootstrap Particle Filter, and the latter is well known to be inefficient. Drawing on ideas from the Auxiliary Particle Filter (APF), a SMC implementation of the PHD filter which employs auxiliary variables to enhance its efficiency was proposed by Whiteley et. al. Numerical examples were presented for two scenarios, including a challenging nonlinear observation model, to support the claim. This paper studies the theoretical properties of this auxiliary particle implementation. $\mathbb{L}_p$ error bounds are established from which almost sure convergence follows.


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Analisa a pretensão da criminalização primária das ocupações de propriedades públicas e privadas por movimentos sociais, tendo como marco teórico o pensamento de Alessandro Baratta sobre os limites de intervenção penal estatal, especialmente os princípios da “proporcionalidade abstrata” e da “articulação autônoma dos conflitos e das necessidades reais”.


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The scope of the paper is the literature that employs coordination games to study social norms and conventions from the viewpoint of game theory and cognitive psychology. We claim that those two alternative approaches are complementary, as they provide different insights to explain how people converge to a unique system of self-fulfilling expectations in presence of multiple, equally viable, conventions. While game theory explains the emergence of conventions relying on efficiency and risk considerations, the psychological view is more concerned with frame and labeling effects. The interaction between these alternative (and, sometimes, competing) effects leads to the result that coordination failures may well occur and, even when coordination takes place, there is no guarantee that the convention eventually established will be the most efficient.


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A disadvantage of multiple-choice tests is that students have incentives to guess. To discourage guessing, it is common to use scoring rules that either penalize wrong answers or reward omissions. These scoring rules are considered equivalent in psychometrics, although experimental evidence has not always been consistent with this claim. We model students' decisions and show, first, that equivalence holds only under risk neutrality and, second, that the two rules can be modified so that they become equivalent even under risk aversion. This paper presents the results of a field experiment in which we analyze the decisions of subjects taking multiple-choice exams. The evidence suggests that differences between scoring rules are due to risk aversion as theory predicts. We also find that the number of omitted items depends on the scoring rule, knowledge, gender and other covariates.


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[ES] El presente trabajo tiene por objeto el estudio del nivel de endeudamiento, el coste de la deuda y las rentabilidades de la industria del calzado de la Comunidad Autónoma de La Rioja por sectores y tamaños. De acuerdo con la Economía Industrial, que considera el sector de actividad como el principal determinante de los resultados de las organizaciones, se analiza si las variables estudiadas son distintas en función de su pertenencia al sector del calzado en comparación con el de la industria agroalimentaria, por ser éste el más importante de la economía de la región. Por otro lado, de acuerdo con la Teoría de los Recursos y Capacidades, que considera que son los factores internos los que explican las diferentes rentabilidades, estudiaremos un recurso interno como es el tamaño, viendo su influencia sobre las variables comentadas. Por último, los resultados del estudio conjunto de la pertenencia a un sector de actividad por tamaños homogéneos nos permiten afirmar que el coste de la deuda de las pequeñas empresas es significativamente distinto en función de dicho sector de pertenencia.


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从溶液中聚集体的角度研究了溶液的热历史改变生长出的蛋白质晶体的数目和尺寸的内在原因.将在281和309 K下保存1 d的两组溶菌酶溶液按不同比例混合,加入沉淀剂生长晶体.随着高温溶液的比例增加,生长出的晶体数目减少,同时溶液中生长基元的尺寸增大.在5周内,采用动态光散射对281,293和309K三种温度下保存的溶菌酶溶液中聚集体的变化情况进行监测,发现溶液中均存在大小不同的两部分聚集体,称之为小聚集体与多聚体.前者的尺寸基本不随保存时间而变化,而后者尺寸随保存时间增加而减小,减小的速度与保存温度有关.多聚体的尺寸经过5周后和小聚集体基本相同.研究结果表明,处于无序聚集阶段的溶液的均一化程度和成核阶段生长基元的尺寸受到了溶液热历史的影响,并最终对晶体的数目产生影响.


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A summary is presented of research conducted on beach erosion associated with extreme storms and sea level rise. These results were developed by the author and graduate students under sponsorship of the University of Delaware Sea Grant Program. Various shoreline response problems of engineering interest are examined. The basis for the approach is a monotonic equilibrium profile of the form h = Ax2 /3 in which h is water depth at a distance x from the shoreline and A is a scale parameter depending primarily on sediment characteristics and secondarily on wave characteristics. This form is shown to be consistent with uniform wave energy dissipation per unit volume. The dependency of A on sediment size is quantified through laboratory and field data. Quasi-static beach response is examined to represent the effect of sea level rise. Cases considered include natural and seawalled profiles. To represent response to storms of realistic durations, a model is proposed in which the offshore transport is proportional to the "excess" energy dissipation per unit volume. The single rate constant in this model was evaluated based on large scale wave tank tests and confirmed with Hurricane Eloise pre- and post-storm surveys. It is shown that most hurricanes only cause 10% to 25% of the erosion potential associated with the peak storm tide and wave conditions. Additional applications include profile response employing a fairly realistic breaking model in which longshore bars are formed and long-term (500 years) Monte Carlo simulation including the contributions due to sea level rise and random storm occurrences. (PDF has 67 pages.)


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(FR)Ce texte reprend la question de la compréhension de lecture et la faible note que nos étudiants du secondaire donnent à ce secteur, d’après PISA. De plus en plus de voix s’élèvent pour réclamer que la compréhension de lecture soit une des tâches de tous les professeurs et plus seulement des professeurs de langue et littérature. Lors de la préparation au métier d’enseignant, de plus en plus de cours sont organisés en rapport avec cette question de plus en plus préoccupante dans ce secteur. Les données sont celles-ci et toutes les tentatives pour résoudre ce problème semblent insuffisantes si on ne reprend pas la question au niveau du Curriculum et si on prépare les professeurs aux stratégies de lecture pour que les élèves parviennent à être des lecteurs compétents.


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[EN] Pierre Urte wrote Grammaire cantabrique circa 1714, when he was exiled in England. In this article we want to prove that the main source for Urte’s work was the socalled “Lily’s grammar”, which was the oficial grammar to learn Latin language in England from the 16th to the 19th century. The indentification of that source allows us to support the claim that Urte’s grammar must be included in the tradition of language teaching, as was already pointed out by Oyharçabal (1989). In this article, we first offer a brief history of Lily’s grammar. Then, we provide some clues in order to identify the exact edition used by Urte. Finally, in the main section of the article, we confront the two grammatical works; our aim is to ensure Urte’s debt to Lily’s grammar, and to show in detail the principal parts which Urte took from his source (mainly grammatical clasifications and examples).


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The Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary (OCNMS) continues to invest significant resources into seafloor mapping activities along Washington’s outer coast (Intelmann and Cochrane 2006; Intelmann et al. 2006; Intelmann 2006). Results from these annual mapping efforts offer a snapshot of current ground conditions, help to guide research and management activities, and provide a baseline for assessing the impacts of various threats to important habitat. During the months of August 2004 and May and July 2005, we used side scan sonar to image several regions of the sea floor in the northern OCNMS, and the data were mosaicked at 1-meter pixel resolution. Video from a towed camera sled, bathymetry data, sedimentary samples and side scan sonar mapping were integrated to describe geological and biological aspects of habitat. Polygon features were created and attributed with a hierarchical deep-water marine benthic classification scheme (Greene et al. 1999). For three small areas that were mapped with both side scan sonar and multibeam echosounder, we made a comparison of output from the classified images indicating little difference in results between the two methods. With these considerations, backscatter derived from multibeam bathymetry is currently a costefficient and safe method for seabed imaging in the shallow (<30 meters) rocky waters of OCNMS. The image quality is sufficient for classification purposes, the associated depths provide further descriptive value and risks to gear are minimized. In shallow waters (<30 meters) which do not have a high incidence of dangerous rock pinnacles, a towed multi-beam side scan sonar could provide a better option for obtaining seafloor imagery due to the high rate of acquisition speed and high image quality, however the high probability of losing or damaging such a costly system when deployed as a towed configuration in the extremely rugose nearshore zones within OCNMS is a financially risky proposition. The development of newer technologies such as intereferometric multibeam systems and bathymetric side scan systems could also provide great potential for mapping these nearshore rocky areas as they allow for high speed data acquisition, produce precisely geo-referenced side scan imagery to bathymetry, and do not experience the angular depth dependency associated with multibeam echosounders allowing larger range scales to be used in shallower water. As such, further investigation of these systems is needed to assess their efficiency and utility in these environments compared to traditional side scan sonar and multibeam bathymetry. (PDF contains 43 pages.)


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[EN]Traditionally writing skills have been given priority in language teaching and so, oral skills have been put aside. However, during the last years many voices have asserted the importance of oral skills. Therefore, they claim that oral language teaching must be emphasized at school. Also, the necessity of strengthening oral language is shown in the new curriculum. Nevertheless, those intentions are reflected in very different ways in textbooks. In this work we have looked into the treatment that oral language is given in teaching materials because, in our opinion, textbooks are one of the most important tools for teachers. The facts show that the importance given to oral language and the exercises and tools needed to work that skill are very different from one publishing house to another. Besides, we have confirmed that all the textbooks don’t satisfy the requirements proposed in the Basque official curriculum (e.g. didactic sequences) or that the approach to the text or the way to work with it are not always what they should be. Therefore, it is obvious that we have still a long way in the field of oral language and specially in the way of teaching oral skills