824 resultados para computer-assisted composition
Em 2016 o inquérito ECOS foi implementado, através de entrevista telefónica assistida por computador, à semelhança de vagas anteriores, e ainda por via eletrónica. O questionário foi respondido por um elemento com 18 ou mais anos residente na unidade de alojamento, que prestou informação sobre a sua saúde e dos restantes elementos do agregado (por proxy). No total obtiveram-se 803 entrevistas concluídas e uma taxa de participação global de 79,9%. Considerando os contactos realizados via telefónica, a taxa de participação foi de 77,4% e de 26,5% por via web. Em ambas as vias, a maioria dos respondentes era do sexo feminino, encontrando-se a maior frequência de respondentes por telefone no grupo etário 60-69 e via web no grupo 40-49. As taxas de resposta obtidas em 2016 foram semelhantes às obtidas em outras vagas do ECOS por via telefónica (aproximadamente 80% vs 79 a 86%), e na via web foi superior às obtidas em estudos similares. O perfil dos respondentes em cada uma das vias foi consistente com o observado em estudos que utilizaram estas metodologias, nomeadamente, uma maior frequência de respondentes do sexo feminino e uma maior adesão à via web dos grupos etários mais novos.
Introduction Prediction of soft tissue changes following orthognathic surgery has been frequently attempted in the past decades. It has gradually progressed from the classic “cut and paste” of photographs to the computer assisted 2D surgical prediction planning; and finally, comprehensive 3D surgical planning was introduced to help surgeons and patients to decide on the magnitude and direction of surgical movements as well as the type of surgery to be considered for the correction of facial dysmorphology. A wealth of experience was gained and numerous published literature is available which has augmented the knowledge of facial soft tissue behaviour and helped to improve the ability to closely simulate facial changes following orthognathic surgery. This was particularly noticed following the introduction of the three dimensional imaging into the medical research and clinical applications. Several approaches have been considered to mathematically predict soft tissue changes in three dimensions, following orthognathic surgery. The most common are the Finite element model and Mass tensor Model. These were developed into software packages which are currently used in clinical practice. In general, these methods produce an acceptable level of prediction accuracy of soft tissue changes following orthognathic surgery. Studies, however, have shown a limited prediction accuracy at specific regions of the face, in particular the areas around the lips. Aims The aim of this project is to conduct a comprehensive assessment of hard and soft tissue changes following orthognathic surgery and introduce a new method for prediction of facial soft tissue changes. Methodology The study was carried out on the pre- and post-operative CBCT images of 100 patients who received their orthognathic surgery treatment at Glasgow dental hospital and school, Glasgow, UK. Three groups of patients were included in the analysis; patients who underwent Le Fort I maxillary advancement surgery; bilateral sagittal split mandibular advancement surgery or bimaxillary advancement surgery. A generic facial mesh was used to standardise the information obtained from individual patient’s facial image and Principal component analysis (PCA) was applied to interpolate the correlations between the skeletal surgical displacement and the resultant soft tissue changes. The identified relationship between hard tissue and soft tissue was then applied on a new set of preoperative 3D facial images and the predicted results were compared to the actual surgical changes measured from their post-operative 3D facial images. A set of validation studies was conducted. To include: • Comparison between voxel based registration and surface registration to analyse changes following orthognathic surgery. The results showed there was no statistically significant difference between the two methods. Voxel based registration, however, showed more reliability as it preserved the link between the soft tissue and skeletal structures of the face during the image registration process. Accordingly, voxel based registration was the method of choice for superimposition of the pre- and post-operative images. The result of this study was published in a refereed journal. • Direct DICOM slice landmarking; a novel technique to quantify the direction and magnitude of skeletal surgical movements. This method represents a new approach to quantify maxillary and mandibular surgical displacement in three dimensions. The technique includes measuring the distance of corresponding landmarks digitized directly on DICOM image slices in relation to three dimensional reference planes. The accuracy of the measurements was assessed against a set of “gold standard” measurements extracted from simulated model surgery. The results confirmed the accuracy of the method within 0.34mm. Therefore, the method was applied in this study. The results of this validation were published in a peer refereed journal. • The use of a generic mesh to assess soft tissue changes using stereophotogrammetry. The generic facial mesh played a major role in the soft tissue dense correspondence analysis. The conformed generic mesh represented the geometrical information of the individual’s facial mesh on which it was conformed (elastically deformed). Therefore, the accuracy of generic mesh conformation is essential to guarantee an accurate replica of the individual facial characteristics. The results showed an acceptable overall mean error of the conformation of generic mesh 1 mm. The results of this study were accepted for publication in peer refereed scientific journal. Skeletal tissue analysis was performed using the validated “Direct DICOM slices landmarking method” while soft tissue analysis was performed using Dense correspondence analysis. The analysis of soft tissue was novel and produced a comprehensive description of facial changes in response to orthognathic surgery. The results were accepted for publication in a refereed scientific Journal. The main soft tissue changes associated with Le Fort I were advancement at the midface region combined with widening of the paranasal, upper lip and nostrils. Minor changes were noticed at the tip of the nose and oral commissures. The main soft tissue changes associated with mandibular advancement surgery were advancement and downward displacement of the chin and lower lip regions, limited widening of the lower lip and slight reversion of the lower lip vermilion combined with minimal backward displacement of the upper lip were recorded. Minimal changes were observed on the oral commissures. The main soft tissue changes associated with bimaxillary advancement surgery were generalized advancement of the middle and lower thirds of the face combined with widening of the paranasal, upper lip and nostrils regions. In Le Fort I cases, the correlation between the changes of the facial soft tissue and the skeletal surgical movements was assessed using PCA. A statistical method known as ’Leave one out cross validation’ was applied on the 30 cases which had Le Fort I osteotomy surgical procedure to effectively utilize the data for the prediction algorithm. The prediction accuracy of soft tissue changes showed a mean error ranging between (0.0006mm±0.582) at the nose region to (-0.0316mm±2.1996) at the various facial regions.
Die Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Didaktik der Mathematik fand im Jahr 2015 zum dritten Mal in der Schweiz statt. [...] Mit rund 300 Vorträgen, 16 moderierten Sektionen, 15 Arbeitskreistreffen und 21 Posterpräsentationen eröffnete sich ein breites Spektrum an Themen und unterschiedlichen Zugangsweisen zur Erforschung von Fragen rund um das Lernen und Lehren von Mathematik. (DIPF/Orig.)
Lung cancer is the most frequently fatal cancer, with poor survival once the disease is advanced. Annual low-dose computed tomography has shown a survival benefit in screening individuals at high risk for lung cancer. Based on the available evidence, the European Society of Radiology and the European Respiratory Society recommend lung cancer screening in comprehensive, quality-assured, longitudinal programmes within a clinical trial or in routine clinical practice at certified multidisciplinary medical centres. Minimum requirements include: standardised operating procedures for low-dose image acquisition, computer-assisted nodule evaluation, and positive screening results and their management; inclusion/exclusion criteria; expectation management; and smoking cessation programmes. Further refinements are recommended to increase quality, outcome and cost-effectiveness of lung cancer screening: inclusion of risk models, reduction of effective radiation dose, computer-assisted volumetric measurements and assessment of comorbidities (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and vascular calcification). All these requirements should be adjusted to the regional infrastructure and healthcare system, in order to exactly define eligibility using a risk model, nodule management and a quality assurance plan. The establishment of a central registry, including a biobank and an image bank, and preferably on a European level, is strongly encouraged. Key points: • Lung cancer screening using low dose computed tomography reduces mortality. • Leading US medical societies recommend large scale screening for high-risk individuals. • There are no lung cancer screening recommendations or reimbursed screening programmes in Europe as of yet. • The European Society of Radiology and the European Respiratory Society recommend lung cancer screening within a clinical trial or in routine clinical practice at certified multidisciplinary medical centres. • High risk, eligible individuals should be enrolled in comprehensive, quality-controlled longitudinal programmes.
For a long time, electronic data analysis has been associated with quantitative methods. However, Computer Assisted Qualitative Data Analysis Software (CAQDAS) are increasingly being developed. Although the CAQDAS has been there for decades, very few qualitative health researchers report using it. This may be due to the difficulties that one has to go through to master the software and the misconceptions that are associated with using CAQDAS. While the issue of mastering CAQDAS has received ample attention, little has been done to address the misconceptions associated with CAQDAS. In this paper, the author reflects on his experience of interacting with one of the popular CAQDAS (NVivo) in order to provide evidence-based implications of using the software. The key message is that unlike statistical software, the main function of CAQDAS is not to analyse data but rather to aid the analysis process, which the researcher must always remain in control of. In other words, researchers must equally know that no software can analyse qualitative data. CAQDAS are basically data management packages, which support the researcher during analysis.
Introducción: El objetivo de este trabajo es hacer una revisión y actualización de la literatura sobre la aportación de la planificación quirúrgica y de la navegación en el manejo de la enfermedad oncológica de cabeza y cuello, para valorar y determinar sus aplicaciones actuales. Material y métodos: Se realiza una búsqueda electrónica empleando los términos craniomaxillofacial tumors, head and neck cancer, navigation system, computer-assisted surgery y oral cancer. Resultados: El número de artículos encontrados en la revisión de la literatura ha sido de 16, publicados entre los años 1991 y 2014. Entre ellos no hay ninguna revisión sistemática, hay 5 artículos de revisión, 6 series de casos y 5 casos clínicos. Solo 10 artículos aportan información completa en relación con la enfermedad oncológica manejada con tecnología de navegación quirúrgica. Actualmente las aplicaciones de la navegación en oncología de cabeza y cuello pueden enumerarse en las siguientes áreas: biopsia guiada, resección y reconstrucción de tumores, monitorización del volumen del tumor, control de márgenes de resección quirúrgica basados en TC, RMN o PET y sistema de comunicación interdisciplinar. Conclusiones: Actualmente hay un número escaso de publicaciones sobre las aplicaciones de la navegación quirúrgica en el novedoso ámbito de la oncología de cabeza y cuello. A pesar de la ausencia de revisiones sistemáticas, parece tener un futuro prometedor por la valiosa aportación que hace para el manejo de tumores de cabeza y cuello, como proporcionar precisión anatómica, precisión diagnóstica y seguridad quirúrgica, siendo de gran utilidad en el tratamiento oncológico multidisciplinar.
156 p.
Inter-subject parcellation of functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) data based on a standard General Linear Model (GLM) and spectral clustering was recently proposed as a means to alleviate the issues associated with spatial normalization in fMRI. However, for all its appeal, a GLM-based parcellation approach introduces its own biases, in the form of a priori knowledge about the shape of Hemodynamic Response Function (HRF) and task-related signal changes, or about the subject behaviour during the task. In this paper, we introduce a data-driven version of the spectral clustering parcellation, based on Independent Component Analysis (ICA) and Partial Least Squares (PLS) instead of the GLM. First, a number of independent components are automatically selected. Seed voxels are then obtained from the associated ICA maps and we compute the PLS latent variables between the fMRI signal of the seed voxels (which covers regional variations of the HRF) and the principal components of the signal across all voxels. Finally, we parcellate all subjects data with a spectral clustering of the PLS latent variables. We present results of the application of the proposed method on both single-subject and multi-subject fMRI datasets. Preliminary experimental results, evaluated with intra-parcel variance of GLM t-values and PLS derived t-values, indicate that this data-driven approach offers improvement in terms of parcellation accuracy over GLM based techniques.
Call for Posters, Action Research on READ180 program for Struggling Adolescent Readers
Le journalisme informatique est une pratique émergente qui consiste en l’emploi de méthodes et d’outils empruntés au domaine de l’informatique dans la cueillette, le traitement, l’analyse ou la présentation en ligne de l’information, dans le respect des valeurs fondamentales du journalisme (Diakopoulos, 2010). Cette recherche caractérise le journalisme informatique tel qu’il se pratique au Québec en 2015 au moyen d’une série d’entrevues semi-dirigées avec 30 participants : des praticiens, bien sûr, mais aussi des responsables des principales entreprises de presse où le journalisme informatique est pratiqué ou a été pratiqué, ainsi que des professionnels de l’informatique afin d’avoir un point de vue extérieur. Elle met notamment en relief deux attitudes à l’égard de cette pratique, attitudes qui s’expriment par un travail-frontière. Il y a, d’une part, les tenants d’une ségrégation entre le journalisme et l’informatique, et, d’autre part, les partisans d’une hybridation entre les deux disciplines. Pour ces derniers, le journalisme informatique occupe un territoire professionnel distinct, à la frontière du journalisme et de l’informatique. Cette recherche décrit de façon détaillée les motivations, les compétences et les activités des journalistes informatiques québécois et fait valoir qu’ils participent à une certaine « re-professionnalisation » du journalisme. Mots-clés : journalisme; informatique; technologie; journalisme informatique; journalisme de données; datajournalisme; journalisme assisté par ordinateur; professionnalisme; identité professionnelle; compétences professionnelles; travail-frontière; innovation en journalisme; Canada; Québec
Introducción: la colecistectomía laparoscópica es la técnica de elección en pacientes con indicación de extracción quirúrgica de la vesícula; sin embargo, en promedio 20% de éstos requieren conversión a técnica abierta. En este estudio se evaluaron los factores de riesgo preoperatorios para conversión en colecistectomía laparoscópica de urgencia. Metodología: se realizó un estudio de casos y controles no pareado. Se obtuvo información sociodemográfica y de variables de interés de los registros de historias clínicas de pacientes operados entre el 2013 y 2016. Se identificaron los motivos de conversión de técnica quirúrgica. Se caracterizó la población de estudio y se estimaron asociaciones según la naturaleza de las variables. Mediante un análisis de regresión logística se ajustaron posibles variables de confusión. Resultados: se analizaron los datos de 444 pacientes (111 casos y 333 controles). La causa de conversión más frecuente fue la dificultad técnica (50,5%). Se encontró que la mayor edad, el sexo masculino, el antecedente de cirugía abierta en hemiabdomen superior, el signo de Murphy clínico positivo, la dilatación de la vía biliar, la leucocitosis y la mayor experiencia del cirujano, fueron factores de riesgo para conversión. Se encontró un área bajo la curva ROC= 0,743 (IC95% 0,692–0,794, p= <0,001). Discusión: existen unos factores que se asocian a mayor riesgo de conversión en colecistectomía laparoscópica. La mayoría se relacionan con un proceso inflamatorio más severo, por lo que se debe evitar la prolongación del tiempo de espera entre el inicio de los síntomas y la extirpación quirúrgica de la vesícula.
El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo evaluar la existencia de la relación entre la atrofia cortical difusa objetivada por neuroimagenes cerebrales y desempeños cognitivos determinados mediante la aplicación de pruebas neuropsicológicas que evalúan memoria de trabajo, razonamiento simbólico verbal y memoria anterógrada declarativa. Participaron 114 sujetos reclutados en el Hospital Universitario Mayor Méderi de la ciudad de Bogotá mediante muestreo de conveniencia. Los resultados arrojaron diferencias significativas entre los dos grupos (pacientes con diagnóstico de atrofia cortical difusa y pacientes con neuroimagenes interpretadas como dentro de los límites normales) en todas las pruebas neuropsicológicas aplicadas. Respecto a las variables demográficas se pudo observar que el grado de escolaridad contribuye como factor neuroprotector de un posible deterioro cognitivo. Tales hallazgos son importantes para determinar protocoles tempranos de detección de posible instalación de enfermedades neurodegenerativas primarias.