954 resultados para comparative method
Este artigo apresenta os principais resultados de um estudo de casos realizado sobre a prestação de serviços para adultos com deficiência visual pelos departamentos de acção social das autarquias em Portugal e Inglaterra. Emergiu da pesquisa que existem diferenças significativas nos serviços prestados aos adultos com deficiência visual tendo em conta que os departamentos de acção social daqueles dois países estão estruturados diferentemente e existem dentro de uma estrutura económica, social, cultural e política diferente. No entanto, podemos concluir que em Inglaterra a oferta de bens e serviços pelas instâncias municipais é mais abrangente, especializada e tem uma longa história de existência. Pelo contrário em Portugal o Estado-Providência tem uma história recente, e às autarquias é atribuído um papel suplementar no que diz respeito à prestação de serviços para pessoas com deficiência visual.
Are public officials really less satisfied than private sector workers?A comparative study in Brazil
This research aims to compare the public and private sectors with regard to satisfaction at work. We conducted a survey with 670 professionals from both sectors in Brazil. The results of variance analysis confirm previous researches indicating that public officials are less satisfied with their work than private sector workers. However, this result does not repeat when we evaluate the satisfaction dimensions. For instance, public officials reported being more satisfied than private sector workers with regard to social environment and work stability. Unexpectedly, the results suggest that there is no difference between these sectors when we analyze the satisfaction with supervision. Therefore, this article is relevant for Brazilian managers, by offering an empirical research on the distinction between public and private. The article also discusses the theoretical implications, since Brazilian findings do not completely support the international literature.
A brief description of the main features of the health planning technique developed by the "Centro de Estudios del Desarrollo" (CENDES) in Venezuela, and proposed by the Pan-American Health Organization for use in Latin America, is presented. This presentation is followed by an appraisal of the planning method which includes comments both upon its positive aspects and upon its negative points. Comments are also made referring to other recent publications of the WHO/PAHO on health planning. In conclusion, the CENDES technique is considered a health planning method of great potential for use especially in underdeveloped areas, the success of its application depending upon the hability of the health planners to introduce the necessary modifications to adapt to the local circunstamces.
Evaluation of exposure parameters in plain radiography: a comparative study with european guidelines
Typical distribution of exposure parameters in plain radiography is unknown in Portugal. This study aims to identify exposure parameters that are being used in plain radiography in the Lisbon area and to compare the collected data with European references [Commission of European Communities (CEC) guidelines]. The results show that in four examinations (skull, chest, lumbar spine and pelvis), there is a strong tendency of using exposure times above the European recommendation. The X-ray tube potential values (in kV) are below the recommended values from CEC guidelines. This study shows that at a local level (Lisbon region), radiographic practice does not comply with CEC guidelines concerning exposure techniques. Further national/local studies are recommended with the objective to improve exposure optimisation and technical procedures in plain radiography. This study also suggests the need to establish national/local diagnostic reference levels and to proceed to effective measurements for exposure optimisation.
An alternative vector control method, using lambda-cyhalothrin impregnated wide-mesh gauze covering openings in the walls of the houses was developed in an area in the Eastern part of the interior of Suriname. Experimental hut observations showed that Anopheles darlingi greatly reduced their biting activity (99-100%) during the first 5 months after impregnation. A model assay showed high mortality both of mosquitoes repelled by the gauze as well as of those that succeeded in getting through it. A field application test in 270 huts showed good acceptance by the population and good durability of the applied gauze. After introducing the method in the entire working area, replacing DDT residual housespraying, the malaria prevalence, of 25-37% before application dropped and stabilized at between 5 and 10% within one year. The operational costs were less than those of the previously used DDT housespraying program, due to a 50% reduction in the cost of materials used. The method using widemesh gauze impregnated with lambdacyhalothrin strongly affects the behavior of An. darlingi. It is important to examine the effect of the method on malaria transmission further, since data indirectly obtained suggest substantial positive results.
This paper is on the problem of short-term hydro scheduling, particularly concerning head-dependent reservoirs under competitive environment. We propose a new nonlinear optimization method to consider hydroelectric power generation as a function of water discharge and also of the head. Head-dependency is considered on short-term hydro scheduling in order to obtain more realistic and feasible results. The proposed method has been applied successfully to solve a case study based on one of the main Portuguese cascaded hydro systems, providing a higher profit at a negligible additional computation time in comparison with a linear optimization method that ignores head-dependency.
Since collaborative networked organisations are usually formed by independent and heterogeneous entities, it is natural that each member holds his own set of values, and that conflicts among partners might emerge because of some misalignment of values. In contrast, it is often stated in literature that the alignment between the value systems of members involved in collaborative processes is a prerequisite for successful co-working. As a result, the issue of core value alignment in collaborative networks started to attract attention. However, methods to analyse such alignment are lacking mainly because the concept of 'alignment' in this context is still ill defined and shows a multifaceted nature. As a contribution to the area, this article introduces an approach based on causal models and graph theory for the analysis of core value alignment in collaborative networks. The potential application of the approach is then discussed in the virtual organisations' breeding environment context.
Although stock prices fluctuate, the variations are relatively small and are frequently assumed to be normal distributed on a large time scale. But sometimes these fluctuations can become determinant, especially when unforeseen large drops in asset prices are observed that could result in huge losses or even in market crashes. The evidence shows that these events happen far more often than would be expected under the generalized assumption of normal distributed financial returns. Thus it is crucial to properly model the distribution tails so as to be able to predict the frequency and magnitude of extreme stock price returns. In this paper we follow the approach suggested by McNeil and Frey (2000) and combine the GARCH-type models with the Extreme Value Theory (EVT) to estimate the tails of three financial index returns DJI,FTSE 100 and NIKKEI 225 representing three important financial areas in the world. Our results indicate that EVT-based conditional quantile estimates are much more accurate than those from conventional AR-GARCH models assuming normal or Student’s t-distribution innovations when doing out-of-sample estimation (within the insample estimation, this is so for the right tail of the distribution of returns).
Preliminary version
O âmbito desta dissertação centra-se na temática de estudos de durabilidade do betão auto-compactavel (BAC), cujo cálculo dos constituintes foi feito pelo método de Nepomuceno. Sobre amostras de 40, 55 e 70 MPa, produzidas segundo o método atrás identificado, foram feitos estudos químicos e morfológicos, de propriedades de transporte de mecanismos de degradação e de propriedades indirectas. Os três provetes em estudo de 40, 55 e 70 MPa, apresentam características satisfatórias a nível da microestrutura, propriedades de transporte, carbonatação, penetração de cloretos e análise de ultra-sons. Numa análise comparativa entre as três resistências mecânicas em estudo, verifica-se que as propriedades de durabilidade vão melhorando a medida que a resistência mecânica também aumenta, ou seja, os provete com 70 MPa apresentam as melhores características a nível de durabilidade e os de 40 as piores; os de 55 apresentam propriedades intermédias.
Foreign News about events that takes place in other country Actors are defined as people who appear in the item (as individuals or as representing some entity) speaking or being quoted (directly or indirectly)
Power converters play a vital role in the integration of wind power into the electrical grid. Variable-speed wind turbine generator systems have a considerable interest of application for grid connection at constant frequency. In this paper, comprehensive simulation studies are carried out with three power converter topologies: matrix, two-level and multilevel. A fractional-order control strategy is studied for the variable-speed operation of wind turbine generator systems. The studies are in order to compare power converter topologies and control strategies. The studies reveal that the multilevel converter and the proposed fractional-order control strategy enable an improvement in the power quality, in comparison with the other power converters using a classical integer-order control strategy. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Dissertação apresentada ao Instituto Superior de Contabilidade para a obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Auditoria Orientado por: Doutor Rodrigo Carvalho
PURPOSE: To analyze and compare the Ground Reaction Forces (GRF), during the stance phase of walking in pregnant women in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy, and non pregnant women. METHODS: 20 women, 10 pregnant and 10 non pregnant, voluntarily took part in this study. GRF were measured (1000 Hz) using a force platform (BERTEC 4060-15), an amplifier (BERTEC AM 6300) and an analogical-digital converter of 16 Bits (Biopac). RESULTS: The study showed that there were significant differences among the two groups concerning absolute values of time of the stance phase. In what concerns to the normalized values the most significant differences were verified in the maximums values of vertical force (Fz3, Fz1) and in the impulse of the antero-posterior force (Fy2), taxes of growth of the vertical force, and in the period of time for the antero-posterior force (Fy) be null. CONCLUSIONS: It is easier for the pregnant to continue forward movement (push-off phase). O smaller growth rates in what concerns to the maximum of the vertical force (Fz1) for the pregnant, can be associated with a slower speed of gait, as an adaptation strategy to maintain the balance, to compensate the alterations in the position of her center of gravity due to the load increase. The data related to the antero-posterior component of the force (Fy), shows that there is a significant difference between the pregnant woman’s left foot and right foot, which accuses a different functional behavior in each one of the feet, during the propulsion phase (TS).
Learning is not a spectator’s sport. Students do not learn much by just sitting in class listening their teachers, memorizing pre-packaged assignments and spitting out answers. The teaching-learning process has been a constant target of studies, particularly in Higher Education, in consequence of the annual increase of new students. The concern with maintaining a desired quality level in the training of these students, conjugated with the will to widen the access to all of those who finish Secondary School Education, has triggered a greater intervention from the education specialists, in partnership with the teachers of all Higher Education areas, in the analysis of this problem. Considering the particular case of Engineering, it has been witnessed a rising concern with the active learning strategies and forms of assessment. Research has demonstrated that students learn more if they are actively engaged with the material they are studying. In this presentation we describe, present and discuss the techniques and the results of Peer Instruction method in an introductory Calculus courses of an Engineering Bach