978 resultados para aristolan-10-ol-9-one


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Resumen basado en el de la publicación. Incluye anexos


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Se reflexiona acerca del cine como arte sintético que ofrece un nodo de encuentro entre diversas expresiones artísticas. De su estudio, se deriva una summa de saberes que le dota de una posición privilegiada para el estudio de la cultura. La adaptación de obras literarias a la pantalla es una misión creativa; una tarea que requiere de una interpretación selectiva. Las nociones modernas sobre la intertextualidad aportan una aproximación más sofisticada en relación con la adaptación y la idea de la literatura como fuente original.


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Las películas constituyen un recurso particularmente útil, eficaz para llevar las informaciones a los estudiantes en una forma que hace la clase más amena y divertida. Ofrecen, además, una infinita variedad y riqueza de informaciones. Se pueden incluir en cualquier fase del aprendizaje desde el nivel umbral hasta los niveles más avanzados. La clave del éxito está en combinar la selección de la película para el objetivo trazado con la audiencia adecuada y la competencia lingüística de los estudiantes.


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Se examinan las posibilidades del uso de los anuncios publicitarios en las clases de E-LE. Se presentan, también, unos ejemplos de explotación, basándose en experiencias adquiridas en las clases de Español para Fines Específicos impartidas en el Departamento de Estudios Hispánicos de la Universidad de Szeged.


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El Festival de Teatro Escolar Europeo en Español nació en Praga en 1994, como un encuentro de amigos. Es una muestra de teatro en español en el que participan dos grupos de las secciones bilingües de cada uno los países de Europa Central, Oriental y Rusia con los que España mantiene un convenio bilateral de apoyo, y dos grupos de Institutos españoles. Su celebración tiene como objetivos fundamentales dar a conocer y promover el prestigio de la cultura en lengua española en los diferentes países donde se celebra, y establecer y consolidar relaciones de amistad entre los jóvenes de los países utilizando el español como lengua de interacción social.


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Se defiende el tráiler como material muy útil para las clases de ELE ya que, por su brevedad, se puede llevar al aula sin restricciones de tiempo e incluso visionar uno o varios avances repetidas veces durante una misma sesión. Asimismo, la intensidad de su contenido genera expectativas en el alumno, hace volar su imaginación sobre la posible evolución de la trama y, en general, resulta de gran atractivo. Otro aspecto positivo es la facilidad para conseguir este tipo de vídeos a través de Internet sin incurrir en la ilegalidad.


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Se dan algunas ideas sobre cómo explotar el cine en una clase de conversación de ELE para conseguir que los alumnos se aficionen al cine en lengua española y le saquen el mayor partido posible. Se elige el tema del mundo laboral pensando, por un lado, en el Examen de Bachillerato de Nivel Superior de Español, puesto que está dentro del temario específico y, por otro, teniendo en cuenta su relevancia y la posibilidad de explotación en cursos de conversación de ELE de niveles avanzados y superiores.


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Se presentan, brevemente y con un enfoque práctico, las experiencias personales y concretas de unos rodajes realizados con unos alumnos en las clases de ELE en el Instituto Bilingüe Húngaro-Español Károlyi Mihály. La descripción de los rodajes, las sugerencias y las ideas que se formulan pueden ser tomadas simplemente como punto de partida para aprovecharlas y adaptarlas con la mayor libertad posible en las clases de ELE dentro de las propias coordenadas de cada uno.


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Se presenta una reseña de 'Colores 3', tercer nivel de un método de ELE dirigido a estudiantes húngaros que desean adquirir un nivel intermedio (B1-B2) de la lengua española. Se compone de dos partes: el Libro del alumno y el Cuaderno de ejercicios. El método se completa con dos CD-s también, incluídos en el Libro del alumno y el Cuaderno de ejercicios, respectivamente. Los ejercicios de comprensión auditiva son de textos variados que recogen la amplia diversidad del idioma español.


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Esta investigação tem como objetivo principal caracterizar e descrever a inteligência social em alunos do ensino básico e secundário, e analisar diferenças em função do momento de avaliação (tempo 1 e tempo 2) e do ano de escolaridade (8º, 10º e 11º anos). A amostra foi constituída por 1095 alunos, 552 (50.4%) raparigas e 543 (49.6%) rapazes, com idades entre os 11 e os 23 anos (M=14.78; DP=1.86). Estes alunos encontram-se a frequentar o 8º (49.5%), 10º (26.9%) e 11º anos de escolaridade (23.6%), em escolas do Norte, Centro e Sul de Portugal. A inteligência social foi avaliada através da Prova Cognitiva de Inteligência Social (PCIS, Candeias, 2007), constituída por 3 situações-estímulo, de cariz interpessoal, que ilustram situações reais da vida quotidiana dos jovens. Os resultados foram calculados através de estatísticas descritivas, bem como, de estatísticas inferenciais, através da, aplicação do t-teste para amostra emparelhadas e para amostras independentes e da análise de variância (ANOVA), considerando todos os índices da PCIS. Os resultados obtidos indicam a existência de diferenças estatisticamente significativas quando se comparam os resultados de cada ano escolar, no T1 e no T2, com o respetivo ponto médio da escala. Verifica-se ainda, a nível intragrupal, diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre T1 e T2 na Resolução de Problemas e na Autoconfiança em todos os anos de escolaridade, no sentido de uma melhoria. Também a nível intergrupal se registam diferenças estatisticamente significativas, quer considerando o T1, quer considerando o T2, com melhores resultados globais para o 8º ano de escolaridade. Retiram-se conclusões e implicações para a investigação e intervenção na inteligência social em jovens, em particular considerando a sua pertinência para a aquisição de competências de carreira.


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The literature on vertical disparity is complicated by the fact that several different definitions of the term “vertical disparity” are in common use, often without a clear statement about which is intended or a widespread appreciation of the properties of the different definitions. Here, we examine two definitions of retinal vertical disparity: elevation-latitude and elevation-longitude disparities. Near the fixation point, these definitions become equivalent, but in general, they have quite different dependences on object distance and binocular eye posture, which have not previously been spelt out. We present analytical approximations for each type of vertical disparity, valid for more general conditions than previous derivations in the literature: we do not restrict ourselves to objects near the fixation point or near the plane of regard, and we allow for non-zero torsion, cyclovergence, and vertical misalignments of the eyes. We use these expressions to derive estimates of the latitude and longitude vertical disparities expected at each point in the visual field, averaged over all natural viewing. Finally, we present analytical expressions showing how binocular eye position—gaze direction, convergence, torsion, cyclovergence, and vertical misalignment—can be derived from the vertical disparity field and its derivatives at the fovea.


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Force constant and normal co-ordinate calculations are reported for the E species vibrations of the allene molecule. Data on the fundamental vibration frequencies of allene-h4, allene-d4 and allene-1.1-d2 and on the five experimentally determined Coriolis zeta constants of C3H4 and C3D4, were used in a force constant refinement procedure. Allowing for product and sum rules this gives 21 independent data which were used to refine to the most general harmonic force field (10 parameters) with one constraint (in the absence of any constraints the refinement was not satisfactory). The results have been used to calculate the complete ζz Coriolis interaction matrix for the allene-1.1-d2 molecule, and hence to calculate the expected rotational structure of the perpendicular bending vibrations of this molecule; the good agreement obtained with the observed spectra is a check on our results.


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New hydrophobic, tridentate nitrogen heterocyclic reagents (BATPs) such as 2,6-bis(5,5,8,8-tetramethyl-5,6,7,8-tetrahydrobenzo[1,2,4]triazin-3-yl) pyridine (1) and 2,6-bis(9,9,10,10-tetramethyl-9,10-dihydro-1,2,4-triaza-anthrane-3-yl) pyridine (2) have been studied. I is resistant to hydrolysis in 3 M nitric acid, whereas 2 is resistant to both acid hydrolysis and radiolysis. The molecules are able to give significantly enhanced separations of americium(III) from an excess of europium(III) in nitric acid. Typically, for 1 D-Am = 500 and SFAm,/Eu = 5000 compared with D-Am = 30 and SFAm /Eu = 400 with the reference molecule 2,6-bis(isopropyl[1,2,4]triazin-3-yl) pyridine (7). In order to increase the stability of 1 and 2, the labile alpha-benzylic hydrogens that are present in 7 have been replaced by alkyl groups. Three molecules of 1 are able to enclose completely the coordination sphere of the M(III) in the crystal structure of [Y(1)(3)][Y(NO3)(5)]center dot NO3 center dot 2.5H(2)O.


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C-1-Symmetric phosphino/phosphonite ligands are prepared by the reactions of Ph2P(CH2)(2)P(NMe2)(2) with (S)-1,11'-bi-2-naphthol (to give L-A) or (S)-10,10'-bi-9-phenanthrol (to give L-B). Racemic 10,10'-bi-9-phenanthrol is synthesized in three steps from phenanthrene in 44% overall yield. The complexes [PdCl2(L-A,L-B)] (1a,b), [PtCl2(L-A,L-B)] (2a,b), [Rh(cod)(L-A,L-B)]BF4 (3a,b) and [Rh(L-A,L-B)(2)]BF4 (4a,b) are reported and the crystal structure of la has been determined. A P-31 NMR study shows that M, a 1:1 mixture of the monodentates, PMePh2 and methyl monophosphonite L-1a (based on (S)-1,11'-bi-2-naphthol), reacts with 1 equiv of [Rh(cod)(2)]BF4 to give the heteroligand complex [Rh(cod)(PMePh2)(L-1a)]BF4 (5) and homoligand complexes [Rh(cod)(PMePh2)(2)]BF4 (6) and [Rh(cod)(L-1a)(2)]BF4 (7) in the ratio 2:1:1. The same mixture of 5-7 is obtained upon mixing the isolated homoligand complexes 6 and 7 although the equilibrium is only established rapidly in the presence of an excess of PMePh2. The predominant species 5 is a monodentate ligand complex analogue of the chelate 3a. When the mixture of 5-7 is exposed to 5 atm H-2 for 1 h (the conditions used for catalyst preactivation in the asymmetric hydrogenation studies), the products are identified as the solvento species [Rh(PMePh2)(L-1a)(S)(2)]BF4 (5'), [Rh(S)(2)(PMePh2)(2)]BF4 (6') and [Rh(S)(2)(L-1a)(2)]BF4 (7') and are formed in the same 2:1:1 ratio. The reaction of M with 0.5 equiv of [Rh(cod)(2)]BF4 gives exclusively the heteroligand complex cis-[Rh(PMePh2)(2)(L-1a)(2)]BF4 (8), an analogue of 4a. The asymmetric hydrogenation of dehydroamino acid derivatives catalyzed by 3a,b is reported, and the enantioselectivities are compared with those obtained with (a) chelate catalysts derived from analogous diphosphonite ligands L-2a and L-2b, (b) catalysts based on methyl monophosphonites L-1a and L-1b, and (c) catalysts derived from mixture M. For the cinnamate and acrylate substrates studied, the catalysts derived from the phosphino/phosphonite bidentates L-A,L-B generally give superior enantioselectivities to the analogous diphosphonites L-2a and L-2b; these results are rationalized in terms of delta/lambda-chelate conformations and allosteric effects of the substrates. The rate of hydrogenation of acrylate substrate A with heterochelate 3a is significantly faster than with the homochelate analogues [Rh(L-2a)(cod)]BF4 and [Rh(dppe)(cod)]BF4. A synergic effect on the rate is also observed with the monodentate analogues: the rate of hydrogenation with the mixture containing predominantly heteroligand complex 5 is faster than with the monophosphine complex 6 or monophosphonite complex 7. Thus the hydrogenation catalysis carried out with M and [Rh(cod)(2)]BF4 is controlled by the dominant and most efficient heteroligand complex 5. In this study, the heterodiphos chelate 3a is shown to be more efficient and gives the opposite sense of optical induction t the heteromonophos analogue


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The chromium(II) antimony(III) sulphicle, [Cr((NH2CH2CH2)(3)N)]Sb4S7, was synthesised under solvothermal conditions from the reaction of Sb2S3. Cr and S dissolved in tris(2-aminoethyl)amine (tren) at 438 K. The products were characterised by single-crystal X-ray diffraction. elemental analysis, SQUID magnetometry and diffuse reflectance spectroscopy. The compound crystallises in the monoclinic space group P2(1)/n with a = 7.9756(7), b = 10.5191(9), c = 25.880(2) angstrom and beta = 90.864(5)degrees. Alternating SbS33- trigonal pyramids and Sb36 semi-cubes generate Sb4S72- chains which are directly bonded to Cr(tren pendant units. The effective magnetic moment of 4.94(6)mu(B) shows a negligible orbital contribution, in agreement with expectations for Cr(II):d(4) in a (5)A ground state. The measured band gap of 2.14(3) eV is consistent with a correlation between optical band gap and framework density that is established from analysis of a wide range of antimony sulphides. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.