893 resultados para Zammit, Brigitte
The advent of the Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) led to the standardisation of the first video codecs for interpersonal video communications, followed closely by the development of standards for the compression, storage and distribution of digital video in the PC environment, mainly targeted at CD-ROM storage. At the same time the second-generation digital wireless networks, and the third-generation networks being developed, have enough bandwidth to support digital video services. The radio propagation medium is a difficult environment in which to deploy low bit error rate, real time services such as video. The video coding standards designed for ISDN and storage applications, were targeted at low bit error rate levels, orders of magnitude lower than the typical bit error rates experienced on wireless networks. This thesis is concerned with the transmission of digital, compressed video over wireless networks. It investigates the behaviour of motion compensated, hybrid interframe DPCM/DCT video coding algorithms, which form the basis of current coding algorithms, in the presence of high bit error rates commonly found on digital wireless networks. A group of video codecs, based on the ITU-T H.261 standard, are developed which are robust to the burst errors experienced on radio channels. The radio link is simulated at low level, to generate typical error files that closely model real world situations, in a Rayleigh fading environment perturbed by co-channel interference, and on frequency selective channels which introduce inter symbol interference. Typical anti-multipath techniques, such as antenna diversity, are deployed to mitigate the effects of the channel. Link layer error control techniques are also investigated.
Marketing Strategy and Competitive Positioning 5e deals with the process of developing and implementing a marketing strategy. The book focuses on competitive positioning at the heart of marketing strategy and includes in-depth discussion of the processes used in marketing to achieve competitive advantage. The book is primarily about creating and sustaining superior performance in the marketplace. It focuses on the two central issues in marketing strategy formulation – the identification of target markets and the creation of a differential advantage. In doing that, it recognises the emergence of new potential target markets born of the recession and increased concern for climate change; and it examines ways in which firms can differentiate their offerings through the recognition of environmental and social concerns.
The 1950s and 1960s were a key moment in the development of postwar France. The period was one of rapid change, derived from post-World War II economic and social modernization; yet many traditional characteristics were retained. By analyzing the eruption of the new postwar world in the context of a France that was both modern and traditional, we can see how these worlds met and interacted, and how they set the scene for the turbulent 1960s and 70s. The examination of the development of mass culture in post-war France, undertaken in this volume, offers a valuable insight into the shifts that took place. By exploring stardom from the domain of cinema and other fields, represented here by famous figures such as Brigitte Bardot, Johnny Hallyday or Jean-Luc Godard, and less conventionally treated areas of enquiry (politics [de Gaulle], literary [Françoise Sagan], and intellectual culture [Lévi-Strauss]) the reader is provided with a broad understanding of the mechanisms of popularity and success, and their cultural, social, and political roles. The picture that emerges shows that many cultural articulations remained or became identifiably French; in spite of the American mass-culture origins of these social, economic, and cultural transformations.
Background: The methylotrophic, Crabtree-negative yeast Pichia pastoris is widely used as a heterologous protein production host. Strong inducible promoters derived from methanol utilization genes or constitutive glycolytic promoters are typically used to drive gene expression. Notably, genes involved in methanol utilization are not only repressed by the presence of glucose, but also by glycerol. This unusual regulatory behavior prompted us to study the regulation of carbon substrate utilization in different bioprocess conditions on a genome wide scale. Results: We performed microarray analysis on the total mRNA population as well as mRNA that had been fractionated according to ribosome occupancy. Translationally quiescent mRNAs were defined as being associated with single ribosomes (monosomes) and highly-translated mRNAs with multiple ribosomes (polysomes). We found that despite their lower growth rates, global translation was most active in methanol-grown P. pastoris cells, followed by excess glycerol- or glucose-grown cells. Transcript-specific translational responses were found to be minimal, while extensive transcriptional regulation was observed for cells grown on different carbon sources. Due to their respiratory metabolism, cells grown in excess glucose or glycerol had very similar expression profiles. Genes subject to glucose repression were mainly involved in the metabolism of alternative carbon sources including the control of glycerol uptake and metabolism. Peroxisomal and methanol utilization genes were confirmed to be subject to carbon substrate repression in excess glucose or glycerol, but were found to be strongly de-repressed in limiting glucose-conditions (as are often applied in fed batch cultivations) in addition to induction by methanol. Conclusions: P. pastoris cells grown in excess glycerol or glucose have similar transcript profiles in contrast to S. cerevisiae cells, in which the transcriptional response to these carbon sources is very different. The main response to different growth conditions in P. pastoris is transcriptional; translational regulation was not transcript-specific. The high proportion of mRNAs associated with polysomes in methanol-grown cells is a major finding of this study; it reveals that high productivity during methanol induction is directly linked to the growth condition and not only to promoter strength.
Telomerase reverse transcriptase (TERT) is a key component of the telomerase complex. By lengthening telomeres in DNA strands, TERT increases senescent cell lifespan. Mice that lack TERT age much faster and exhibit age-related conditions such as osteoporosis, diabetes and neurodegeneration. Accelerated telomere shortening in both human and animal models has been documented in conditions associated with insulin resistance, including T2DM. We investigated the role of TERT, in regulating cellular glucose utilisation by using the myoblastoma cell line C2C12, as well as primary mouse and human skeletal muscle cells. Inhibition of TERT expression or activity by using siRNA (100. nM) or specific inhibitors (100. nM) reduced basal 2-deoxyglucose uptake by ~. 50%, in all cell types, without altering insulin responsiveness. In contrast, TERT over-expression increased glucose uptake by 3.25-fold. In C2C12 cells TERT protein was mostly localised intracellularly and stimulation of cells with insulin induced translocation to the plasma membrane. Furthermore, co-immunoprecipitation experiments in C2C12 cells showed that TERT was constitutively associated with glucose transporters (GLUTs) 1, 4 and 12 via an insulin insensitive interaction that also did not require intact PI3-K and mTOR pathways. Collectively, these findings identified a novel extra-nuclear function of TERT that regulates an insulin-insensitive pathway involved in glucose uptake in human and mouse skeletal muscle cells. © 2014 Elsevier B.V.
The Drosophila melanogaster genome contains only one CPT1 gene (Jackson, V. N., Cameron, J. M., Zammit, V. A., and Price, N. T. (1999) Biochem. J. 341, 483-489). We have now extended our original observation to all insect genomes that have been sequenced, suggesting that a single CPT1 gene is a universal feature of insect genomes. We hypothesized that insects may be able to generate kinetically distinct variants by alternative splicing of their single CPT1 gene. Analysis of the insect genomes revealed that (a) the single CPT1 gene in each and every insect genome contains two alternative exons and (ii) in all cases, the putative alternative splicing site occurs within a small region corresponding to 21 amino acid residues that are known to be essential for the binding of substrates and of malonyl-CoA in mammalian CPT1A.Weperformed PCR analyses of mRNA from different Drosophila tissues; both of the anticipated splice variants of CPT1mRNAwere found to be expressed in all of the tissues tested (both in larvae and adults), with the expression level for one of the splice variants being significantly different between flight muscle and the fat body of adult Drosophila. Heterologous expression of the full-length cDNAs corresponding to the two putative variants of Drosophila CPT1 in the yeast Pichia pastoris revealed two important differences between the properties of the two variants: (i) their affinity (K 0.5) for one of the substrates, palmitoyl-CoA, differed by 5-fold, and (ii) the sensitivity to inhibition by malonyl-CoA at fixed, higher palmitoyl-CoA concentrations was 2-fold different and associated with different kinetics of inhibition. These data indicate that alternative splicing that specifically affects a structurally crucial region of the protein is an important mechanism through which functional diversity of CPT1 kinetics is generated from the single gene that occurs in insects. © 2010 by The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc.
The assemblages inhabiting the continental shelf around Antarctica are known to be very patchy, in large part due to deep iceberg impacts. The present study shows that richness and abundance of much deeper benthos, at slope and abyssal depths, also vary greatly in the Southern and South Atlantic oceans. On the ANDEEP III expedition, we deployed 16 Agassiz trawls to sample the zoobenthos at depths from 1055 to 4930 m across the northern Weddell Sea and two South Atlantic basins. A total of 5933 specimens, belonging to 44 higher taxonomic groups, were collected. Overall the most frequent taxa were Ophiuroidea, Bivalvia, Polychaeta and Asteroidea, and the most abundant taxa were Malacostraca, Polychaeta and Bivalvia. Species richness per station varied from 6 to 148. The taxonomic composition of assemblages, based on relative taxon richness, varied considerably between sites but showed no relation to depth. The former three most abundant taxa accounted for 10-30% each of all taxa present. Standardised abundances based on trawl catches varied between 1 and 252 individuals per 1000 m2. Abundance significantly decreased with increasing depth, and assemblages showed high patchiness in their distribution. Cluster analysis based on relative abundance showed changes of community structure that were not linked to depth, area, sediment grain size or temperature. Generally abundances of zoobenthos in the abyssal Weddell Sea are lower than shelf abundances by several orders of magnitude.
Acknowledgements This study was funded by Sarcoma UK, Friends of Anchor and the Medical Research Council grant number 99477 awarded to HW and PSZ. This work was also supported, in part, by NHS funding to the NIHR Biomedical Research Centre at The Royal Marsden and the Institute of Cancer Research, and the Chris Lucas Trust, UK. We also thank the CCLG Tissue Bank for access to samples, and contributing CCLG centres, including members of the ECMC paediatric network. The CCLG Tissue Bank is funded by Cancer Research UK and CCLG. In addition we would like to thank Prof KunLiang Guan and Prof Malcolm Logan for kindly providing constructs
Acknowledgements We would like to thank the participants of the five workshops in which the issues presented in this paper were discussed and the revised guidelines prepared, as well as the EUROTOX Executive Committee and the societies of toxicology of Sweden, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Austria and France for their support which allowed the workshops to take place.
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver (http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated. Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank Dr Marius Sudol for the hYAP plasmids (obtained through Addgene), Dr Pete Zammit for the pMSCV-IRES-eGFP plasmid, Dr Robert Judson for subcloning the hYAP cDNAs into the pMSCV-IRES-eGFP plasmid, Dr Lynda Erskine for the provision of mouse embryo samples, and Professor Jimmy Hutchison and the Orthopaedics Department at the Aberdeen Royal Infirmary for the provision of human tissue samples. The authors are also grateful to Denise Tosh and Susan Clark for excellent technical support. This work was funded by Arthritis Research UK (grant 19429).
Acknowledgements This study was funded by Sarcoma UK, Friends of Anchor and the Medical Research Council grant number 99477 awarded to HW and PSZ. This work was also supported, in part, by NHS funding to the NIHR Biomedical Research Centre at The Royal Marsden and the Institute of Cancer Research, and the Chris Lucas Trust, UK. We also thank the CCLG Tissue Bank for access to samples, and contributing CCLG centres, including members of the ECMC paediatric network. The CCLG Tissue Bank is funded by Cancer Research UK and CCLG. In addition we would like to thank Prof KunLiang Guan and Prof Malcolm Logan for kindly providing constructs
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