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An often overlooked aspect concerning the Glashaus is the significant influence exerted by the client in the design of the building. In an intentional endeavour to create an exhibition pavilion that best showcased their glazed products and construction technologies, the German Luxfer Prism Syndicate both commissioned and majority financed the Glashaus. It would therefore seem strange that the official histories of the Glashaus would rather record the utopian, romanticised and arguably imagined intentions of Bruno Taut as the architect, as opposed to the reality of the client’s intentions. This paper offers a reinterpretation of the Glashaus from the perspective of German Luxfer Prism Syndicate. This reinterpretation is achieved through an investigation that primarily concentrates on the glazed areas of the Glashaus where the German Luxfer Prism Syndicates products were most evident. Using the arguments initially presented by Dietrich Neumann as a foundation, this research is additionally interwoven with inquiry into diverse aspects such as patents filed by the Luxfer group of companies and a close examination of the original black and white photographs of the Glashaus. A dramatically different understanding emerges when the Glashaus is argued from the perspective of the client; an understanding that is cold, hard and commercial as opposed to utopian and romanticised. As a result, this research makes a contribution to the current debate concerning the Glashaus and the re-evaluation of the histories of the modern movement.


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Introduction: The ability to regulate joint stiffness and coordinate movement during landing when impaired by muscle fatigue has important implications for knee function. Unfortunately, the literature examining fatigue effects on landing mechanics suffers from a lack of consensus. Inconsistent results can be attributed to variable fatigue models, as well as grouping variable responses between individuals when statistically detecting differences between conditions. There remains a need to examine fatigue effects on knee function during landing with attention to these methodological limitations. Aim: The purpose of this study therefore, was to examine the effects of isokinetic fatigue on pre-impact muscle activity and post-impact knee mechanics during landing using singlesubject analysis. Methodology: Sixteen male university students (22.6+3.2 yrs; 1.78+0.07 m; 75.7+6.3 kg) performed maximal concentric and eccentric knee extensions in a reciprocal manner on an isokinetic dynamometer and step-landing trials on 2 occasions. On the first occasion each participant performed 20 step-landing trials from a knee-high platform followed by 75 maximal contractions on the isokinetic dynamometer. The isokinetic data was used to calculate the operational definition of fatigue. On the second occasion, with a minimum rest of 14 days, participants performed 2 sets of 20 step landing trials, followed by isokinetic exercise until the operational definition of fatigue was met and a final post-fatigue set of 20 step-landing trials. Results: Single-subject analyses revealed that isokinetic fatigue of the quadriceps induced variable responses in pre impact activation of knee extensors and flexors (frequency, onset timing and amplitude) and post-impact knee mechanics(stiffness and coordination). In general however, isokinetic fatigue induced sig nificant (p<0.05) reductions in quadriceps activation frequency, delayed onset and increased amplitude. In addition, knee stiffness was significantly (p<0.05) increased in some individuals, as well as impaired sagittal coordination. Conclusions: Pre impact activation and post-impact mechanics were adjusted in patterns that were unique to the individual, which could not be identified using traditional group-based statistical analysis. The results suggested that individuals optimised knee function differently to satisfy competing demands, such as minimising energy expenditure, as well as maximising joint stability and sensory information.


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Introduction: Evidence concerning the alteration of knee function during landing suffers from a lack of consensus. This uncertainty can be attributed to methodological flaws, particularly in relation to the statistical analysis of variable human movement data. Aim: The aim of this study was to compare single-subject and group analysis in quantifying alterations in the magnitude and within-participant variability of knee mechanics during a step landing task. Methods: A group of healthy men (N = 12) stepped-down from a knee-high platform for 60 consecutive trials, each trial separated by a 1-minute rest. The magnitude and within-participant variability of sagittal knee stiffness and coordination of the landing leg during the immediate postimpact period were evaluated. Coordination of the knee was quantified in the sagittal plane by calculating the mean absolute relative phase of sagittal shank and thigh motion (MARP1) and between knee rotation and knee flexion (MARP2). Changes across trials were compared between both group and single-subject statistical analyses. Results: The group analysis detected significant reductions in MARP1 magnitude. However, the single-subject analyses detected changes in all dependent variables, which included increases in variability with task repetition. Between-individual variation was also present in the timing, size and direction of alterations to task repetition. Conclusion: The results have important implications for the interpretation of existing information regarding the adaptation of knee mechanics to interventions such as fatigue, footwear or landing height. It is proposed that a familiarisation session be incorporated in future experiments on a single-subject basis prior to an intervention.


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The research study discussed in the paper investigated the influence of organic matter on heavy metal adsorption for different particle size ranges of build-up solids. Samples collected from road surfaces were assessed for organic matter content, mineral composition, particle size distribution and effective cation exchange capacity. It was found that the organic matter plays a key role in >75µm particles in the adsorption of Zinc, Lead, Nickel and Copper, which are generated by traffic activities. Clay forming minerals and metal oxides of Iron, Aluminium and Manganese was found to be important for heavy metal adsorption to <75µm particles. It was also found that heavy metals adsorbed to organic matter are strongly bound to particles and these metal ions will not be bio-available if the chemical quality of the media remains stable.


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My interest in producing this paper on Indigenous languages was borne out of conversations with and learnings from community members in the Torres Straits and those connected to the ‘Dream Circle’. Nakata (2003, p. 12) laments the situation whereby ‘teachers are transitionary and take their hard-earned knowledge with them when they leave’. I am thus responding to the call to add to the conversation in a productive albeit culturally loaded way. To re-iterate, I am neither Indigenous nor am I experienced in teaching and learning in these contexts. As problematic as these two points are, I am in many ways typical of the raft of inexperienced white Australian teachers assigned to positions in school contexts where Indigenous students are enrolled or in mainstream contexts with substantial populations of Indigenous students. By penning this article, it is neither my intention to contribute to the silencing of Indigenous educators or Indigenous communities. My intention is to articulate my teacherly reflections as they apply to the topic under discussion. The remainder of this paper is presented in three sections. The next section provides a brief overview of the number of Indigenous people and Indigenous languages in Australia and the role of English as a language of communication. The section which follows draws on theorisations from second/additional language acquisition to overview three different schools of thought about the consequences of English in the lives of Indigenous Australians. The paper concludes by considering the tensions for inexperienced white Australian teachers caught up in the fray.


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This paper seeks to document and understand one instance of community-university engagement: that of an on-going book club organised in conjunction with public art exhibitions. The curator of the Queensland University of Technology (QUT) Art Museum invited the authors, three postgraduate research students in the faculty of Creative Writing and Literary Studies at QUT, to facilitate an informal book club. The purpose of the book club was to generate discussion, through engagement with fiction, around the themes and ideas explored in the Art Museum’s exhibitions. For example, during the William Robinson exhibition, which presented evocative images of the environment around Brisbane, Queensland, the book club explored texts that symbolically represented aspects of the Australian landscape in a variety of modes and guises. This paper emerges as a result of the authors’ observations during, and reflections on, their experiences facilitating the book club. It responds to the research question, how can we create a best practice model to engage readers through open-ended, reciprocal discussion of fiction, while at the same time encouraging interactions in the gallery space? To provide an overview of reading practices in book clubs, we rely on Jenny Hartley’s seminal text on the subject, The Reading Groups Book (2002). Although the book club was open to all members of the community, the participants were generally women. Elizabeth Long, in Book Clubs: Woman and the Uses of Reading in the Everyday (2003), offers a comprehensive account of women’s interactions as they engage in a reading community. Long (2003, 2) observes that an image of the solitary reader governs our understanding of reading. Long challenges this notion, arguing that reading is profoundly social (ibid), and, as women read and talk in book clubs, ‘they are supporting each other in a collective working-out of their relationship to a particular historical movement and the particular social conditions that characterise it’ (Long 2003, 22). Despite the book club’s capacity to act as a forum for analytical discussion, DeNel Rehberg Sedo (2010, 2) argues that there are barriers to interaction in such a space, including that members require a level of cultural capital and literacy before they feel comfortable to participate. How then can we seek to make book clubs more inclusive, and encourage readers to discuss and question outside of their comfort zone? How can we support interactions with texts and images? In this paper, we draw on pragmatic and self-reflective practice methods to document and evaluate the development of the book club model designed to facilitate engagement. We discuss how we selected texts, negotiating the dual needs of relevance to the exhibition and engagement with, and appeal to, the community. We reflect on developing questions and material prior to the book club to encourage interaction, and describe how we developed a flexible approach to question-asking and facilitating discussion. We conclude by reflecting on the outcomes of and improvements to the model.


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Grandiflora: Recent Paintings by Daniel Mafe The paintings of Grandiflora are improvised around a range of different flower motifs culled from medieval textiles and botanical illustrations. Each of the paintings is constructed upon a ground of flat, palely luminous yellow occasionally supplemented by additional areas of high-keyed pastel. Pink, blue, green and mauve together with the yellow, generate a shimmering and even incandescent glow. The graphic images of the flowers with the flat colour areas are then contrasted and worked over with richly sensual, abstract gestures of paint. Within the work there is a pronounced almost rococo-esque opticality as it operates between these different visual codes of flat colour, recognizable floral forms, and gesture. These codes combine to produce a definite visceral impact on the viewer, a pronounced and tactile sense of the experience and ambiguity inherent in perceiving. This ambiguity is interestingly at odds with the apparently clean and crisp quality each painting demonstrates as an integrated whole. Indeed each piece goes on to reveal, despite the use of overt figurative quotations, a sense of the purely abstract which in its turn concretely establishes the ornamental.


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The electromagnetic enhancement that occurs in surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) substrates containing gold nanoparticles (NPs) is believed to arise through the generation of localised surface plasmons. We present results that show no SERS signals are obtained when 25 nm diameter gold NPs layered quartz substrates exposed to 2-aminopyridine are illuminated with plasmon resonant 532 nm radiation, but SERS signals are observed when the same samples are illuminated with non-resonant 785 nm radiation.


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The research study discussed in the paper investigated the adsorption/desorption behaviour of heavy metals commonly deposited on urban road surfaces, namely, Zn, Cu, Cr and Pb for different particle size ranges of solids. The study outcomes, based on field studies and batch experiments confirmed that road deposited solids particles contain a significantly high amount of vacant charge sites with the potential to adsorb additional heavy metals. Kinetic study and adsorption experiments indicated that Cr is the most preferred metal element to associate with solids due to the relatively high electro negativity and high charge density of trivalent cation (Cr3+). However, the relatively low availability of Cr in the urban road environment could influence this behaviour. Comparing total adsorbed metals present in solids particles, it was found that Zn has the highest capacity for adsorption to solids. Desorption experiments confirmed that a low concentration of Cu, Cr and Pb in solids was present in water-soluble and exchangeable form, whilst a significant fraction of adsorbed Zn has a high likelihood of being released back into solution. Among heavy metals, Zn is considered to be the most commonly available metal among road surface pollutants.


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The Cooperative Research Centre (CRC) for Rail Innovation is conducting a tranche of industry-led research projects looking into safer rail level crossings. This paper will provide an overview of the Affordable Level Crossings project, a project that is performing research in both engineering and human factors aspects of low-cost level crossing warning devices (LCLCWDs), and is facilitating a comparative trial of these devices over a period of 12 months in several jurisdictions. Low-cost level crossing warning devices (LCLCWDs) are characterised by the use of alternative technologies for high cost components including train detection and connectivity (e.g. radar, acoustic, magnetic induction train detection systems and wireless connectivity replacing traditional track circuits and wiring). These devices often make use of solar power where mains power is not available, and aim to make substantial savings in lifecycle costs. The project involves trialling low-cost level crossing warning devices in shadow-mode, where devices are installed without the road-user interface at a number of existing level crossing sites that are already equipped with conventional active warning systems. It may be possible that the deployment of lower-cost devices can provide a significantly larger safety benefit over the network than a deployment of expensive conventional devices, as the lower cost would allow more passive level crossing sites to be upgraded with the same capital investment. The project will investigate reliability and safety integrity issues of the low-cost devices, as well as evaluate lifecycle costs and investigate human factors issues related to warning reliability. This paper will focus on the requirements and safety issues of LCLCWDs, and will provide an overview of the Rail CRC projects.


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In this paper we present a fast power line detection and localisation algorithm as well as propose a high-level guidance architecture for active vision-based Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) guidance. The detection stage is based on steerable filters for edge ridge detection, followed by a line fitting algorithm to refine candidate power lines in images. The guidance architecture assumes an UAV with an onboard Gimbal camera. We first control the position of the Gimbal such that the power line is in the field of view of the camera. Then its pose is used to generate the appropriate control commands such that the aircraft moves and flies above the lines. We present initial experimental results for the detection stage which shows that the proposed algorithm outperforms two state-of-the-art line detection algorithms for power line detection from aerial imagery.


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Human survival depends on human ingenuity in using resources at hand to sustain human life. The historical record – in wrings and archaeological artefacts – provides evidence of the growth and collapse of political organisations and societies. In the institutions of Western civilisation, some traditions have endured over millennia where the roles of monarchs and public officials have been organised in perpetual succession. These roles were developed as conventions in the British Parliament after 1295 and provided the models of corporate governance in both public and private enterprise that have been continuously refined to the present day. In 2011, the Queensland Parliament legislated to introduce a new and more open system of scrutiny of legislation through a system of portfolio-based parliamentary committees. The committees began to function more actively in July 2012 and have inviting submissions from stakeholders and experts in a structured way to consider the government’s priorities in its legislative programme. The questions now are whether the Surveying and Spatial Sciences can respond expertly to address the terms of reference and meet the timetables of the various parliamentary committees. This paper discusses some of the more important and urgent issues that deserve debate that the profession needs to address in becoming more responsive to matters of public policy.


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Clinical information systems have become important tools in contemporary clinical patient care. However, there is a question of whether the current clinical information systems are able to effectively support clinicians in decision making processes. We conducted a survey to identify some of the decision making issues related to the use of existing clinical information systems. The survey was conducted among the end users of the cardiac surgery unit, quality and safety unit, intensive care unit and clinical costing unit at The Prince Charles Hospital (TPCH). Based on the survey results and reviewed literature, it was identified that support from the current information systems for decision-making is limited. Also, survey results showed that the majority of respondents considered lack in data integration to be one of the major issues followed by other issues such as limited access to various databases, lack of time and lack in efficient reporting and analysis tools. Furthermore, respondents pointed out that data quality is an issue and the three major data quality issues being faced are lack of data completeness, lack in consistency and lack in data accuracy. Conclusion: Current clinical information systems support for the decision-making processes in Cardiac Surgery in this institution is limited and this could be addressed by integrating isolated clinical information systems.


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Traffic emissions are considered as a major source of pollutants, particularly ultrafine particles, in the urban environment. There is an increased concern about airborne particles not only because of their environmental effects but also due to their potential adverse health effects on humans. There have been a number of studies related to the number concentration and size distribution of these particles but studies on the chemical composition of aerosols, especially in the school environment, are very limited. Mejia et. al (2011) reviewed studies on the exposure to and impact of air pollutants on school children and found that there were only a handful of studies on this topic. Therefore, the main focus of this research is on an analysis of the chemical composition of airborne particles, as well as source apportionment and the quantification of ambient concentrations of organic pollutants in the vicinity of schools, as a part of “Ultrafine Particles from Traffic Emissions on Children’s Health” (UPTECH) project. The aim of the present study was to find out the concentrations of different Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) in both outdoor and indoor locations from six different schools in Brisbane.


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This paper presents a reactive Sense and Avoid approach using spherical image-based visual servoing. Avoidance of point targets in the lateral or vertical plane is achieved without requiring an estimate of range. Simulated results for static and dynamic targets are provided using a realistic model of a small fixed wing unmanned aircraft.