Single-subject analysis reveals varied knee mechanics during step landing in response to isokinetic fatigue of the quadriceps

Autoria(s): Scholes, Corey James; McDonald, Michael D.; Parker, Tony W.

Butler, Bianca

Hodges, Paul

Tucker, Kylie




Introduction: The ability to regulate joint stiffness and coordinate movement during landing when impaired by muscle fatigue has important implications for knee function. Unfortunately, the literature examining fatigue effects on landing mechanics suffers from a lack of consensus. Inconsistent results can be attributed to variable fatigue models, as well as grouping variable responses between individuals when statistically detecting differences between conditions. There remains a need to examine fatigue effects on knee function during landing with attention to these methodological limitations. Aim: The purpose of this study therefore, was to examine the effects of isokinetic fatigue on pre-impact muscle activity and post-impact knee mechanics during landing using singlesubject analysis. Methodology: Sixteen male university students (22.6+3.2 yrs; 1.78+0.07 m; 75.7+6.3 kg) performed maximal concentric and eccentric knee extensions in a reciprocal manner on an isokinetic dynamometer and step-landing trials on 2 occasions. On the first occasion each participant performed 20 step-landing trials from a knee-high platform followed by 75 maximal contractions on the isokinetic dynamometer. The isokinetic data was used to calculate the operational definition of fatigue. On the second occasion, with a minimum rest of 14 days, participants performed 2 sets of 20 step landing trials, followed by isokinetic exercise until the operational definition of fatigue was met and a final post-fatigue set of 20 step-landing trials. Results: Single-subject analyses revealed that isokinetic fatigue of the quadriceps induced variable responses in pre impact activation of knee extensors and flexors (frequency, onset timing and amplitude) and post-impact knee mechanics(stiffness and coordination). In general however, isokinetic fatigue induced sig nificant (p<0.05) reductions in quadriceps activation frequency, delayed onset and increased amplitude. In addition, knee stiffness was significantly (p<0.05) increased in some individuals, as well as impaired sagittal coordination. Conclusions: Pre impact activation and post-impact mechanics were adjusted in patterns that were unique to the individual, which could not be identified using traditional group-based statistical analysis. The results suggested that individuals optimised knee function differently to satisfy competing demands, such as minimising energy expenditure, as well as maximising joint stability and sensory information.



ISEK & Centre of Clinical Research Excellence in Spine Research


Scholes, Corey James, McDonald, Michael D., & Parker, Tony W. (2012) Single-subject analysis reveals varied knee mechanics during step landing in response to isokinetic fatigue of the quadriceps. In Butler, Bianca, Hodges, Paul, & Tucker, Kylie (Eds.) Proceedings of the XIX Congress of the International Society of Electrophysiology and Kinesiology, ISEK & Centre of Clinical Research Excellence in Spine Research, Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre, Brisbane, QLD.


Faculty of Health; Institute of Health and Biomedical Innovation; School of Exercise & Nutrition Sciences; School of Public Health & Social Work

Palavras-Chave #110601 Biomechanics #Biomechanics #fatigue #landing #musculoskeletal loading #electromyography

Conference Paper