998 resultados para Vehicle Comfort.


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This paper presents a nonlinear controller design for vehicle-to-grid (V2G) systems with LCL output filters. The V2G systems are modeled with LCL output filters in order to eliminate harmonics for improving power qualities and the nonlinear controller is designed based on the feedback linearization. The feasibility of using the appropriate feedback linearization approaches, either partial or exact, is also investigated through the feedback linearizability of V2G systems. In this paper, partial feedback linearization is used to design the controller with a capability of sharing both active and reactive power in V2G systems. The performance of the proposed controller controller is evaluated on a single-phase full-bridge converter-based V2G system with an LCL output filter and compared to that of without any filter. Simulation results clearly demonstrate the harmonic elimination capabilities of the proposed V2G structure with the proposed control scheme.


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Moose (Alces alces) are a keystone herbivore in Maine. Because of the large number of rural roads in Maine, there is a high rate of moose-vehicle collisions (MVCs), which is increasing. On-road encounters with animals resulted in 231 fatalities in the United States in 1999. Because of the fatality of MVCs, it is important to know where they are most likely to occur. I used GIS analysis to estimate where future MVCs would occur, factoring in the variables of land cover suitability for moose, distance from water bodies, locations of past MVCs, and speed limits on the roads. I ran four different analyses, each one weighting the variables equally. I also ran a regression to determine if increasing road speed was associated with the increase in the number of MVCs per length of road. There was not a strong positive relationship between the number of MVCs per length of road and the speed limit, but it was interesting to note that there were more MVCs per length of road on 35mph and 40mph roads than on 45, 50, 55 or 65mph roads. Future research on MVCs would benefit from the inclusion of include moose population density and road traffic data.


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Dentre os materiais de construção utilizados nas instalações rurais, merecem destaque as coberturas, pois são grandes responsáveis pelo conforto térmico, influenciando no balanço térmico no interior das instalações. Este trabalho objetivou avaliar a influência das coberturas sobre a entalpia (H), Carga Térmica Radiante (CTR) e no Índice de Temperatura de Globo Negro e Umidade (ITGU), em abrigos individuais para bezerros leiteiros. O delineamento foi o inteiramente casualizado com três tratamentos: Z - telha de zinco; CA - telha de cimento amianto, e CAB - telha de cimento amianto pintada de branco na face superior. As médias foram comparadas pelo teste de Scott Knott, a 1% de probabilidade. Os resultados mostraram que não houve diferença estatística entre os tratamentos (P<0,01) e o ambiente externo, para a H. Para a CTR, houve diferença estatística entre todos os tratamentos, em que CAB demonstrou menor CTR, 489,28 W m-², seguido do tratamento CA, 506,72 W m-², e Z com maior valor de CTR, 523,55 W m-². Para o ITGU, observaram-se menores valores para CAB (76,8) e CA (77,4), diferindo-se, significativamente do Z, que obteve maior valor (81,6). As telhas com pintura branca em sua face superior promoveram menor CTR e menor ITGU, favorecendo o ambiente térmico da instalação.


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In a recent study of the microbiological quality of commercial ice, 50 Escherichia coli isolates belonging to different serotypes were found. The potential hazard from these isolates was examined by testing their adherence patterns ill HeLa cells and searching for the presence of DNA sequences related to E. coli virulence properties. Twelve potentially diarrheagenic isolates were found and classified as enteroaggregative E. coli (EAEC) based oil their ability to produce aggregative adherence to HeLa cells. The remaining isolates were devoid of the virulence properties searched for. The EAEC isolates belonged to 10 different serotypes, among which O128ab:H35 is often found in diarrheic feces. None of these isolates reacted with a specific EAEC DNA probe or carried any of the known EAEC virulence genes. These data indicate that ice may be all important vehicle for transmission of enteropathogens, especially of the EAEC group. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Having the objective of minimizing costs and improving their image in the consumer and export market, car battery industries began to seek environmental alternatives geared towards sustainable development. Reverse logistics flow represents an unprecedented tool for the economic and operational development of company activities, as well as a differential in the search for competitive advantages through environmentally correct practices. The aim of this paper is to describe the reverse logistics chain adopted by automotive battery industries in the midwest of the state of São Paulo, proposing a reverse logistics framework for small manufacturers that creates actions aimed at not harming the environment. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of the type of vehicle (distilled water or propyleneglycol) on the response of apical tissues of dogs' teeth after root canal filling with mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) at two different limits. Forty roots of incisors and premolars of two adult dogs were used. After pulpectomy, the root canals were prepared biomechanically, and the roots had the apical cemental barrier penetrated with a #15 K-file and widened to a #25 K-file. The root canals were assigned to four groups according to the vehicle used for MTA (ProRoot-MTA; Tulsa Dental, Tulsa, OK) preparation and the limit of root canal filling: group 1, filling with MTA/distilled water to the limit of the cemental canal; group 2, overfilling with MTA/distilled water, group 3, filling with MTA/propyleneglycol to the limit of the cemental canal; and group 4, overfilling with MTAlpropyleneglycol. The animals were killed by anesthetic overdose 90 days after endodontic treatment and the anatomic pieces were prepared for histomorphological analysis. The sections were stained with hematoxylin and eosin and Brown and Brenn techniques. The results showed that MTA pastes prepared with either distilled water or propyleneglycol as vehicles had similar biological behavior (p > 0.05); root fillings placed at the cemental canal limit showed better results than the overfillings (p = 0.01), and MTA/propyleneglycol paste was more easily placed into the root canals than MTA/distilled water paste.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The aim of this paper is to analyse the influence of the load centre of gravity on heavy vehicle acceleration. This analysis is done through a method in which a vehicle centre of gravity map is used. A model for the driving force is presented for bus, truck and tractor-semi trailer combinations. The proposed model takes into consideration the resistance forces (drag, rolling resistance, translation and rotation acceleration, climbing resistance) and the 4 X 2 traction system. The positions of the vehicle centre of gravity as a function of the position of the load centre of gravity are determined. The vehicle acceleration is calculated based on the position of the load centre of gravity. This study analyses the acceleration of one of the Mercedes-Benz do Brasil tractor-semitrailer vehicle. A comparison of the acceleration for different maximum adhesion coefficients and ramps are presented, showing new results. An example showing the variations of the load centre of gravity position with the acceleration time and distance is provided. The load centre of gravity position is important for vehicle safety and the efficiency and economy in the transportation of the load.


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Esta pesquisa foi conduzida com o objetivo de avaliar diferentes tipos de coberturas em instalações para aves, por meio do Índice de Temperatura de Globo Negro e Umidade (ITGU), Carga Térmica de Radiação (CTR) e Entalpia (H). O experimento foi conduzido na Universidade Estadual de Goiás, entre os meses de abril e maio de 2011, sendo composto por cinco tratamentos (coberturas): CA -Telha de cimento-amianto; BA -Telha de bambu; BAP -Telha de bambu pintada de branco; FB -Telha de fibra vegetal e betume; FBP -Telha de fibra vegetal e betume pintada de branco, com 15 repetições, sendo as repetições os dias de medição. Dentre os horários estudados, o considerado menos confortável foi às 14h, sendo que a cobertura de fibra vegetal e betume foi a que apresentou maior valor de ITGU (84,1) quando comparada às demais coberturas, caracterizando uma situação de menor conforto térmico, não sendo observada diferença para CTR e H entre os tratamentos na região estudada.


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Robotic vehicle navigation in unstructured and uncertain environments is still a challenge. This paper presents the implementation of a multivalued neurofuzzy controller for autonomous ground vehicle (AGVs) in indoor environments. The control system consists of a hierarchy of mobile robot using multivalued adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system behaviors.


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The purpose of this study was to compare the pH and calcium ion liberation after use of calcium hydroxide pastes with different paste vehicles in human or bovine teeth. Ninety-two single-rooted human and bovine roots were used. The roots were instrumented and an external cavity preparation was performed. The roots were divided in to human and bovine groups. Each group was subdivided into four subgroups (SB) according to the vehicle:SB1, detergent; SB2, saline; SB3, polyethylenoglycol + camphorated paramonochlorophenol (Calen PMCC) and SB4, polyethylenoglycol + furacyn paramonochlorophenol (FPMC). Specimens were immersed into saline solution at 37 degrees C and after 7 and 14 days pH and calcium ion measurements were made. The results were analyzed by ANOVA and Tukey tests (P < 0.05). There was no statistical difference between bovine and human teeth in the pH analysis (P < 0.05), but bovine teeth provided larger calcium ion liberation than human teeth. Calen PMCC was statistically more effective for pH increase and calcium ion liberation in all analyses, followed by FPMC and saline. Detergent showed the lowest pH alterations and calcium ion liberation. The period of 14 days showed more calcium ionic liberation than the 7-day period.


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This article is about thermal comfort in the wearable product. The research correlates fashion and architecture, in so far as it elects the brise soleil - an architectural element capable of regulating temperature and ventilation inside buildings - as a study referential, in trying to transpose and adapt its mechanisms to the wearable apparel.