983 resultados para Unity of repressive proceedings
La memoria pubblica della Sho'ah è inscritta in una quantità proliferante di immagini e spazi memoriali. Ciò è riscontrabile in modo particolare nei principali "siti dello sterminio" assurti a simbolo nel corso degli anni, mentre molti altri "luoghi di memoria" della Deportazione soffrono di una condizione di intrinseca debolezza. Essa è riconducibile in primo luogo alla fragilità del dato materiale, i cui resti ormai privi di eloquenza risultano difficili da interpretare e conservare, in secondo luogo alla sovrapposizione di memorie concorrenti venutesi a determinare in conseguenza dei riusi successivi a cui queste strutture sono spesso andate soggette dopo la guerra, infine alla difficoltà di rendere espressione compiuta alla tragedia della Deportazione. Il caso del campo di Fossoli è paradigmatico: esso interroga la capacità del progetto di "dare forma" al palinsesto delle memorie, rendendo possibile il riconoscimento ed esplicitando una significazione delle tracce, senza aggiungere ulteriori interpretazioni. Lo spazio e il paesaggio, in quanto linguaggi indentitari, possono offrirsi come strumenti da questo punto di vista. Michel De Certeau vi fa riferimento quando afferma che lo spazio coincide con «l’effetto prodotto dalle operazioni che lo orientano, che lo circostanziano, o temporalizzano e lo fanno funzionare come unità polivalente di programmi conflittuali o di prossimità contrattuali». Lo spazio gioca un ruolo cruciale nel conformare l'esperienza del presente e allo stesso tempo nel rendere visibili le esperienze passate, compresse nella memoria collettiva. Lo scopo di questa ricerca è interrogare le potenzialità spaziali del luogo, considerate sotto il profilo culturale e semantico, come valida alternativa alla forma-monumento nella costruzione di una o più narrazioni pertinenti della memoria.
Synästhetiker schmecken Berührungen, sehen Farben und Formen, wenn sie Musik hören oder einen Duft riechen. Es wurden auch so außergewöhnliche Formen wie Wochentage-Farben-, Berührung-Geruch- oder Schmerz-Farben-Synästhesien gefunden. Die von Neuro- wissenschaftlern und Philosophen als „Bindung“ genannte Fähigkeit mehrere Reize, die in verschiedenen Hirnarealen verarbeitet werden, miteinander zu koppeln und zu einer einheitlichen Repräsentation bzw. erfahrenen Einheit des Bewusstseins zusammenzufassen, betrifft jeden gesunden Mensch. Synästhetiker sind aber Menschen, deren Gehirne zur „Hyperbindung“ oder zum hyperkohärentem Erleben befähigt sind, da bei ihnen wesentlich mehr solcher Kopplungen entstehen. Das Phänomen der Synästhesie ist schon seit mehreren Jahrhunderten bekannt, aber immer noch ein Rätsel. Bisher glaubten Forscher, solche Phänomene beruhten bloß auf überdurchschnittlich dichten neuronalen Verdrahtungen zwischen sensorischen Hirnregionen. Aus der aktuellen Forschung kann man jedoch schließen, dass die Ursache der Synästhesie nicht allein eine verstärkte Verbindung zwischen zwei Sinneskanälen ist. Laut eigener Studien ist der Sinnesreiz selbst sowie seine fest verdrahteten sensorischen Pfade nicht notwendig für die Auslösung des synästhetischen Erlebens. Eine grundlegende Rolle spielt dabei dessen Bedeutung für einen Synästhetiker. Für die Annahme, dass die Semantik für die synästhetische Wahrnehmung das Entscheidende ist, müssten synästhetische Assoziationen ziemlich flexibel sein. Und genau das wurde herausgefunden, nämlich, dass normalerweise sehr stabile synästhetische Assoziationen unter bestimmten Bedingungen sich auf neue Auslöser übertragen lassen. Weitere Untersuchung betraf die neu entdeckte Schwimmstil-Farbe-Synästhesie, die tritt hervor nicht nur wenn Synästhetiker schwimmen, aber auch wenn sie über das Schwimmen denken. Sogar die Namen dieser charakteristischen Bewegungen können ihre Farbempfindungen auslösen, sobald sie im stimmigen Kontext auftauchen. Wie man von anderen Beispielen in der Hirnforschung weiß, werden häufig benutzte neuronale Pfade im Laufe der Zeit immer stärker ausgebaut. Wenn also ein Synästhetiker auf bestimmte Stimuli häufig stoßt und dabei eine entsprechende Mitempfindung bekommt, kann das mit der Zeit auch seine Hirnanatomie verändern, so dass die angemessenen strukturellen Verknüpfungen entstehen. Die angebotene Erklärung steht also im Einklang mit den bisherigen Ergebnissen. Die vorliegende Dissertation veranschaulicht, wie einheitlich und kohärent Wahrnehmung, Motorik, Emotionen und Denken (sensorische und kognitive Prozesse) im Phänomen der Synästhesie miteinander zusammenhängen. Das synästhetische nicht-konzeptuelle Begleiterlebnis geht mit dem konzeptuellen Inhalt des Auslösers einher. Ähnlich schreiben wir übliche, nicht-synästhetische phänomenale Eigenschaften den bestimmten Begriffen zu. Die Synästhesie bringt solche Verschaltungen einfach auf beeindruckende Weise zum Ausdruck und lässt das mannigfaltige Erleben stärker integrieren.
L’elaborato si occupa di fare il punto in materia di indagini difensive a tre lustri dall’entrata in vigore della legge n. 397/2000, epilogo di un lungo processo evolutivo che ha visto da un lato, una gestazione faticosa e travagliata, dall’altro, un prodotto normativo accolto dagli operatori in un contesto di scetticismo generale. In un panorama normativo e giurisprudenziale in continua evoluzione, i paradigmi dettati dagli artt. 24 e 111 della Costituzione, in tema di diritto alla difesa e di formazione della prova penale secondo il principio del contraddittorio tra le parti, in condizioni di parità, richiedono che il sistema giustizia offra sia all’indagato che all’imputato sufficienti strumenti difensivi. Tenuto conto delle diversità che caratterizzano naturalmente i ruoli dell’accusa e della difesa che impongono asimmetrie genetiche inevitabili, l’obiettivo della ricerca consiste nella disamina degli strumenti idonei a garantire il diritto alla prova della difesa in ogni stato e grado del procedimento, nel tentativo di realizzare compiutamente il principio di parità accusa - difesa nel processo penale. La ricerca si dipana attraverso tre direttrici: l’analisi dello statuto sulle investigazioni difensive nella sua evoluzione storica sino ai giorni nostri, lo studio della prova penale nel sistema americano e, infine, in alcune considerazioni finali espresse in chiave comparatistica. Le suggestioni proposte sono caratterizzate da un denominatore comune, ovvero dal presupposto che per contraddire è necessario conoscere e che solo per tale via sia possibile, finalmente, riconoscere il diritto di difendersi indagando.
Durch die massenmediale Zunahme von statischen und bewegten Bilder im Laufe des letzten Jahrhunderts vollzieht sich unsere lebensweltliche Wirklichkeitskonstruktion zu Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts zunehmend über Visualisierungen, die mit den neuen Formen der Digitalisierung noch an Dynamik zunehmen werden. Mit diesen omnipräsenten visuell-medialen Repräsentationen werden meist räumliche Vorstellungen transportiert, denn Räume werden vor allem über Bilder konstruiert. Diese Bildräume zirkulieren dabei nicht als singuläre Bedeutungszuschreibungen, sondern sind in sprachliche und bildliche Diskurse eingebettet. Visuell-mediale Bild-Raum-Diskurse besitzen zunehmend die Fähigkeit, unser Wissen über und unsere Wahrnehmung von Räumen zu kanalisieren und auf stereotype Raumstrukturen zu reduzieren. Dabei verfestigt sich eine normative Ordnung von bestimmten machtvollen Bildräumen, die nicht genügend kritisch hinterfragt werden. Deshalb ist es für die Geographie von entscheidender Wichtigkeit, mediale Raumkonstruktio- nen, ihre Einbettung in diskursive Bildarchive und ihre essentialistische und handlungspraktische gesellschaftliche Wirkung zu verstehen.rnLandschaften können vor diesem Hintergrund als visuell-medial transportierte Bild-Raum-Diskurse konzeptionalisiert werden, deren gesellschaftliche Wirkmächtigkeit mit Hilfe einer visuell ausgerichteten Diskursanalyse hinterfragt werden sollte. Auf Grundlage einer zeichentheoretischen Ikonologie wurde eine Methodik entwickelt, die visuell ausgerichtete Schrift-Bild-Räume angemessen analysieren kann. Am Beispiel der Inszenierung des Mittelrheintals, wurde, neben einer diachronischen Strukturanalyse der diskursrelevanten Medien (Belletristik, Malerei, Postkarten, Druckgrafiken und Fotografien), eine Feinanalyse der fotografischen „Rheinlandschaften“ von August Sander der 1930er Jahre durchgeführt. Als Ergebnis zeigte sich, dass der Landschaftsdiskurs über das Mittelrheintal immer noch durch die gegenseitige Durchdringung der romantischen Literatur und Malerei in der ersten Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts und die historischen Fotografien in den ersten Jahrzehnten des 20. Jahrhunderts bestimmt ist, nicht zuletzt forciert durch die Ernennung zum UNESCO-Welterbe 2002. Der stark visuell ausgerichtete Landschaftsdiskurs trägt somit zum einen positiv konnotierte, romantisch-pittoreske Züge, die die Einheit von Mensch und Natur symbolisieren, zum anderen historisch-konservatorische Züge, die eine Mythifizierung zu einer gewachsenen, authentischen Kulturlandschaft evozieren.
The aim of this dissertation is to provide a translation from English into Italian of a specialised scientific article published in the Cambridge Working Papers in Economics series. In this text, the authors estimate the economic consequences of the earthquake that hit the Abruzzo region in 2009. An extract of this translation will be published as part of conference proceedings. The main reason behind this choice is a personal interest in specialised translation in the economic domain. Moreover, the subject of the article is of particular interest to the Italian readership. The aim of this study is to show how a non-specialised translator can tackle with such a highly specialised translation with the use of appropriate terminology resources and the collaboration of field experts. The translation could be of help to other Italian linguists looking for translated material in this particular domain where English seems to be the dominant language. In order to ensure consistent terminology and adequate style, the document has been translated with the use of different resources, such as dictionaries, glossaries and specialised corpora. I also contacted field experts and the authors of text. The collaboration with the authors proved to be an invaluable resource yet one to be carefully managed. This work is divided into 5 chapters. The first deals with domain-specific sublanguages. The second gives an overview of corpus linguistics and describes the corpora designed for the translation. The third provides an analysis of the article, focusing on syntactical, lexical and structural features while the fourth presents the translation, side-by-side with the source text. The fifth comments on the main difficulties encountered in the translation and the strategies used, as well as the relationship with the authors and their review of the published text. Appendix I contains the econometric glossary English – Italian.
Ms. Neumer and her team began their project with a critical analysis of the various theories of the relationship between language and thought. Their aim was to develop a theoretical position concerning the issue of universalism versus relativism. This issue is closely bound up with one of the main questions of the history of East and Central Europe, namely, the question of the nation, and the possibility of mutual understanding between national cultures. The team attempted to avoid falling into an all-too-common trap, that of allowing a political perspective to obscure the central theoretical issues. In a project whose outcome totalled over 1000 pages of manuscript in German, English and Hungarian, they touched on cognitive psychological, linguistic, semiotic, socio-semiotic, and other such themes. Their experience has convinced them of the fruitful heuristic possibilities of the interaction of scientific and philosophical approaches in this area of research. A preliminary analysis of the history of philosophy and inquiries into conceptual fields revealed that, in order to reach strong relativist conclusions concerning the unity of thought and language, it is required to take as a point of departure the widest possible sense of these concepts. But in fact, such an option ends up refuting itself: pursuing the premises to their final conclusion one arrives at the restriction of relativism. The team outlined a theory of the understanding of the Other which, borrowing from analytical as well as continental-hermeneutic trends, does not underestimate, on the one hand, the difficulties of understanding between various forms of life, cultures, and languages, but, on the other hand, can provide an alternative solution to the theory of incommensurabiltiy. Within the boundary of this problematic the team studied the problems of translatability, the acquisition of the mother and foreign languages, and natural or cultural determinacy of kind terms. The team regards its most original contribution to be the association of the problem of relativism-universalism and the language-thought relation with contemporary investigations into the question of orality, literacy, and secondary orality. Their conclusion was that, although certain connections can be revealed both between forms of communication and the thesis of the unity of language and thought, and between periods in the history of communication and the predominance of relativistic or universalistic tendencies, forms of communication do not unequivocally determine the answers to these questions.
From the beginning of the standardisation of language in Bosnia and Herzegovina, i.e. from the acceptance of Karadzic's phonetic spelling in the mid-19th century, to the present day when there are three different language standards in force - Bosniac (Muslim), Croatian and Serbian, language in Bosnia and Herzegovina has been a subject of political conflict. Documents on language policy from this period show the degree to which domestic and foreign political factors influenced the standard language issue, beginning with the very appellation for the specific norm regulation. The material analysed (proclamations by political, cultural and other organisations as well as corresponding constitutional and statutory provisions on language use) shows the differing treatment of the standard language in Bosnia and Herzegovina in different historical periods. During the period of Turkish rule (until 1878) there was no real political interest in the issue. Under Austro-Hungarian rule (1878-1918) there was an attempt to use the language as a means of forming a united Bosnian nation, but this was later abandoned. During the first Yugoslavia (1918-1941) a uniform solution was imposed on Bosnia and Herzegovina, as throughout the Serbo-Croatian language area, while under the Independent State of Croatia (1941-1945), the official language of Bosnia and Herzegovina was Croatian. The period from 1945 to 1991 had two phases: the first a standard language unity of Serbs, Croats, Muslims and Montenegrins (until 1965), and the second a gradual but stormy separation of national languages, which has been largely completed since 1991. The introductory study includes a detailed analysis of all the expressions used, with special reference to the present state, and accompanies the collection of documents which represent the main outcome of the research.
The emotions are at the centre of our lives and, for better or worse, imbue them with much of their significance. The philosophical problems stirred up by the existence of the emotions, over which many great philosophers of the past have laboured, revolve around attempts to understand what this significance amounts to. Are emotions feelings, thoughts, or experiences? If they are experiences, what are they experiences of? Are emotions rational? In what sense do emotions give meaning to what surrounds us? The Emotions: A Philosophical Introduction introduces and explores these questions in a clear and accessible way. The authors discuss the following key topics: the diversity and unity of the emotions the relations between emotion, belief and desire the nature of values the relations between emotions and perceptions emotions viewed as evaluative attitudes the link between emotions and evaluative knowledge the nature of moods, sentiments, and character traits. Including chapter summaries and guides to further reading, The Emotions: A Philosophical Introduction is an ideal starting point for any philosopher or student studying the emotions. It will also be of interest to those in related disciplines such as psychology and the social sciences.
This contribution responds to Dorothea Sattler’s thoughts about ecclesiology in an ecumenical context. First it describes in short the influence of Kurt Stalder’s theology for his generation of Old Catholic theologians, parish priests and lay people, as well as his contribution to the ecumenical theology in the 20th century. After that the author reacts on the three parts of Sattler’s contribution: on the Petrine function, on the apostolicity of ministry and on contemporary plurality and the unity of the church.
Although prior research on new venture creation has identified several antecedents that differentiate entrepreneurs from non-entrepreneurs, scholars still have an incomplete understanding of the factors and decision processes that lead an individual to become an entrepreneur. By applying prospect theory, we introduce the reference point as an important antecedent of new venture creation. Testing our research model and hypotheses with entrepreneurs and employees, results show that entrepreneurs set more aspiring reference points and therefore find themselves more often in a perceived loss situation. Results are also robust when testing for entrepreneurial intention of business graduate students. According to prospect theory, the perceived loss triggers more risk-seeking behavior. Summing up, the reference point has a positive effect on new venture creation and differentiates entrepreneurs from nonentrepreneurs. We discuss theoretical and managerial implications of the findings and develop avenues for future research.
Viktor von Weizsäcker has been a German medical doctor and philosopher, well known throughout Europe, but hardly received in the Anglo-American culture. He focusses on the crucial epistemological question how one can conduct research on living beings. The article’s title represents a key quote of his opus magnum “Der Gestaltkreis”, which works out a theory of the unity of perception and motion. According to Viktor von Weizsäcker, one cannot separate the two, meaning that we locate ourselves in a fundamental union with the living world, which has lasting influence on our capacity of perception. This idea does not seem too different from Ian Barbour’s idea about critical realism, exploring a “consciousness of ourselves as arising out of rapport, interconnection and participation in processes reaching beyond ourselves.” Both authors, Viktor von Weizsäcker and Ian Barbour, still have lasting influence on the dialog between religion and science, each in their respective cultures – a further reason to compare their core ideas, after presenting Viktor von Weizsäcker’s life and thought. Finally, the theological impact of von Weizsäcker’s thought will be assessed. Following his philosophy, it becomes clear that the miracle of creation is the condition of the possibility of any perception.
In this paper we continue Feferman’s unfolding program initiated in (Feferman, vol. 6 of Lecture Notes in Logic, 1996) which uses the concept of the unfolding U(S) of a schematic system S in order to describe those operations, predicates and principles concerning them, which are implicit in the acceptance of S. The program has been carried through for a schematic system of non-finitist arithmetic NFA in Feferman and Strahm (Ann Pure Appl Log, 104(1–3):75–96, 2000) and for a system FA (with and without Bar rule) in Feferman and Strahm (Rev Symb Log, 3(4):665–689, 2010). The present contribution elucidates the concept of unfolding for a basic schematic system FEA of feasible arithmetic. Apart from the operational unfolding U0(FEA) of FEA, we study two full unfolding notions, namely the predicate unfolding U(FEA) and a more general truth unfolding UT(FEA) of FEA, the latter making use of a truth predicate added to the language of the operational unfolding. The main results obtained are that the provably convergent functions on binary words for all three unfolding systems are precisely those being computable in polynomial time. The upper bound computations make essential use of a specific theory of truth TPT over combinatory logic, which has recently been introduced in Eberhard and Strahm (Bull Symb Log, 18(3):474–475, 2012) and Eberhard (A feasible theory of truth over combinatory logic, 2014) and whose involved proof-theoretic analysis is due to Eberhard (A feasible theory of truth over combinatory logic, 2014). The results of this paper were first announced in (Eberhard and Strahm, Bull Symb Log 18(3):474–475, 2012).