821 resultados para Traveler consultations


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BACKGROUND: Non-adherence by dose omission is common and deleterious to outcomes in Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD), but covert dose reduction (CDR) remains unexplored. AIMS: To determine frequency and attitudinal predictors of overall medication non-adherence and of covert dose reduction as separate entities. METHODS: A cross sectional questionnaire was undertaken involving IBD patients in three different geographical regions and care settings. Demographics, medication adherence by dose omission, and rate of patient initiated dose reduction of conventional meds without practitioner knowledge (CDR) were assessed, along with attitudes toward IBD medication. RESULTS: Of 473 respondents (mean age 50.3 years, 60.2% female) frequency of non-adherence was 21.9%, and CDR 26.9% (p<0.001). By logistic regression, significant independent predictors of non-adherence were dissatisfaction with the patient-doctor relationship (p<0.001), depression (p=0.001), anxiety (p=0.047), and negative views regarding medication efficacy (p<0.001) or safety (p=0.017). Independent predictors of covert dose reduction included regular complementary medicine (CAM) use (p<0.001), experiencing more informative (p<0.001) and comfortable (p=0.006) consultations with alternative practitioners, disbelieving doctor delivered information (p=0.021) and safety concerns regarding conventional medication (p<0.001). Neither the frequency of non-adherence (p=0.569) nor CDR (p=0.914) differed between cohorts by different treatment settings. CONCLUSIONS: Covert dose reduction of IBD medication is more common than omission of medication doses, predicted by different factors to usual non-adherence, and has not been previously reported in IBD. The strongest predictor of CDR is regular CAM use.


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The aims of this thesis were to determine the animal health status in organic dairy farms in Europe and to identify drivers for improving the current situation by means of a systemic approach. Prevalences of production diseases were determined in 192 herds in Germany, France, Spain, and Sweden (Paper I), and stakeholder consultations were performed to investigate potential drivers to improve animal health on the sector level (ibid.). Interactions between farm variables were assessed through impact analysis and evaluated to identify general system behaviour and classify components according to their outgoing and incoming impacts (Paper II-III). The mean values and variances of prevalences indicate that the common rules of organic dairy farming in Europe do not result in consistently low levels of production diseases. Stakeholders deemed it necessary to improve the current status and were generally in favour of establishing thresholds for the prevalence of production diseases in organic dairy herds as well as taking actions to improve farms below that threshold. In order to close the gap between the organic principle of health and the organic farming practice, there is the need to formulate a common objective of good animal health and to install instruments to ensure and prove that the aim is followed by all dairy farmers in Europe who sell their products under the organic label. Regular monitoring and evaluation of herd health performance based on reference values are considered preconditions for identifying farms not reaching the target and thus in need of improvement. Graph-based impact analysis was shown to be a suitable method for modeling and evaluating the manifold interactions between farm factors and for identifying the most influential components on the farm level taking into account direct and indirect impacts as well as impact strengths. Variables likely to affect the system as a whole, and the prevalence of production diseases in particular, varied largely between farms despite some general tendencies. This finding reflects the diversity of farm systems and underlines the importance of applying systemic approaches in health management. Reducing the complexity of farm systems and indicating farm-specific drivers, i.e. areas in a farm, where changes will have a large impact, the presented approach has the potential to complement and enrich current advisory practice and to support farmers’ decision-making in terms of animal health.


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Cette étude descriptive transversale visait à estimer la proportion de consultations en médecine familiale dans lesquelles sont observées une communication des risques et une clarification des valeurs et des préférences. Au sein de 238 dyades de cliniciens-patients (238 patients et 71 cliniciens), nous avons observé que 63 % (intervalle de confiance [IC] à 95 % : 54 % - 70 %) des consultations comportaient ces deux éléments. Aussi, nous avons observé que six facteurs étaient associés à la présence de ces deux éléments lors de la consultation : 1) les nouvelles options thérapeutiques (rapport de cotes [RC] = 3,54; IC à 95 % : 1,32 - 9,48); 2) les options de traitement (RC = 3,56, IC à 95 % : 1,52 - 8,36); 3) la présence de cinq décisions et plus (RC = 5,00; IC à 95 % : 1,5 - 16,9); 4) report de la décision (RC = 4,92; IC à 95 % : 1,35 - 17,87); 5) la durée de la consultation (RC = 1,03; IC à 95 % : 1,002 - 1,07) et 6) le style de prise de décision collaboratif du clinicien (RC = 8,78; IC à 95% : 1,62 - 47,71). Des interventions ciblant directement les facteurs modifiables sont à considérer en vue d’augmenter la présence de ces deux éléments durant la consultation en médecine familiale.


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Résumé : Le chant choral serait bénéfique à tout âge : cette étude choisit d’en mesurer les impacts auprès de personnes très âgées. Un devis quantitatif quasi-expérimental à trois groupes fut adopté : la Chorale, l’Hebdo-Bistro (ateliers et conférences, groupe de comparaison), et le groupe Témoin. L’étude longitudinale, intergénérationnelle, comporta trois saisons. La cognition (Mattis, 3MS, Trail Making, empan numérique, fluences formelle, catégorielle), l’humeur (bien-être général, dépression (GDS)), l’autoefficacité (GSES) et l’autonomie (QAF) furent mesurées à trois reprises (pré, post, 2e post). En outre, des mesures hebdomadaires furent administrées concernant la santé physique (consultations médicales, médicaments, chutes) et la participation sociale (activités). L’analyse intergroupe ne rapporta aucune différence significative. Les comparaisons intragroupe montrèrent une amélioration significative pour la Chorale (3MS et activités sociales), et une tendance d’amélioration pour la Chorale et l’Hebdo-Bistro (fluence formelle). Bien que le petit échantillon (n=21) exclue toute généralisation, les résultats demeurent inspirants en contexte de vieillissement populationnel.


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La empresa Agentur es una agencia de viajes con más de 60 años de experiencia que recientemente ha incursionado en las ventas on-line por medio de un portal web. Actualmente, la empresa no cuenta con un plan de mercadeo que le permita aumentar exponencialmente las ventas por este canal, por lo que el desempeño de este no ha sido el esperado. Debido a este problema es de suma importancia determinar ¿Cuáles son las estrategias de posicionamiento y mercadeo on-line que debe usar la empresa para aumentar las ventas por su portal web? Para realizar este plan de mercadeo, se utilizó la segmentación propuesta por la empresa AMADEUS, llamada “FUTURE TRAVELLER TRIBES 2030 UNDERSTANDING TOMORROW’S TRAVELLER” en las que se explora los diferentes tipos de personas que viajaran en el futuro dependiendo de sus hábitos de compra, personalidad y necesidades específicas.. A partir de esta segmentación, se escogieron los segmentos que más se ajustan a lo que ofrece la página web de Agentur, y se diseñó una estrategia de posicionamiento que le permitirá a la empresa llegar a sus consumidores potenciales y aumentar las ventas de su portal. Se realizó una investigación de cuáles eran las mejores estrategias de publicidad y mercadeo que se tenían que utilizar para llegar a cada segmento de forma individual además del costo que tendría esta estrategia, y de esta forma lograr el volumen de ventas que desea alcanzar la empresa con este portal.


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Introducción: En Colombia existe un protocolo de manejo para pacientes con hemofilia A severa sin inhibidores que recomienda el manejo de profilaxis primaria y secundaria con FVIII. Objetivos: Estimar la relación incremental de costo-efectividad (RICE) de la profilaxis con Factor VIII vs tratamiento a demanda para prevenir sangrados articulares en pacientes con hemofilia A moderada y severa de una aseguradora en Colombia. Materiales y Métodos: Se adaptó un modelo de Markov desde la perspectiva del tercer pagador. Las probabilidades de transición se ajustaron mediante un modelo de regresión logística multinomial explicadas por la edad y el peso. Las tasas de eventos son anuales. Las efectividades se extrajeron de la cohorte de la aseguradora y de la literatura. Los costos incluyeron el FVIII, medicamentos, hospitalización, procedimientos quirúrgicos, apoyo diagnóstico y consultas médicas. La tasa de descuento fue del 3%. Resultados: En pacientes con hemofilia A moderada y severa la profilaxis con FVIII evitará en promedio 7 sangrados articulares, el RICE para el sangrado articular es de $303.457. Conclusiones: La profilaxis con Factor VIII es una estrategia costo-efectiva en el manejo de pacientes con hemofilia A moderada y severa para la aseguradora, disminuyendo el número de sangrados articulares al año.


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Introducción: En la población pediátrica los tumores cerebrales son la segunda causa de cáncer, la dificultad en su identificación produce tardanza en su diagnóstico y pocos estudios de caracterización han sido realizados en Colombia. Se realizó un estudio para identificar las características en el curso de la enfermedad. Materiales y Métodos: Estudio observacional, descriptivo, de corte transversal con pacientes pediátricos con tumores cerebrales primarios en la clínica infantil Colsubsidio entre 2007-2014. Se revisaron sistemáticamente las historias clínicas de niños con este diagnóstico en patología y posteriormente se desarrolló un análisis univariado de estos. Resultados: 56 niños fueron incluidos, encontrando que el número de consultas previas al diagnóstico fueron más de 4 con un promedio de tiempo entre la evolución de los síntomas y el diagnóstico de 161,1 días. Para la clasificación de la OMS los más frecuentes fueron los embrionarios y astrocíticos, entre estos el meduloblastoma es el más común por histología (14,29%), 50% de los pacientes presentaron remisión y 29,41% fallecieron. Discusión: Los tumores cerebrales primarios son una patología frecuente y con alta morbimortalidad. Este estudio mostró datos epidemiológicos y clínicos similares a la literatura respecto al sexo, edad, tipo de tumor y amplios rangos de tiempo en la evolución de síntomas lo que muestra la naturaleza variable de la enfermedad; se evidencia el diagnóstico tardío en pacientes reconsultantes por el mismo síntoma lo que es frecuente en estos pacientes al igual que en otros estudios nacionales.


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The intimate partner violence (IPV) in pregnancy results in risk factors with an impact on maternal and fetal health. There is a tendency to unwanted pregnancies, unplanned and poor adherence to health services, increasing the risk of complications during pregnancy. The aim is describe the prevalence rates of IPV during pregnancy in the Central Region of Portugal and analyse their association with pregnancy planning and frequency of prenatal consultations. There was prevalence of IPV during pregnancy with a significant association to pregnancy planning. Although most women have attended prenatal consultations in the last pregnancy, the late start is associated with the probability of frequency of some type of IPV.


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The aim is describe the prevalence rates of IPV during pregnancy in the Central Region of Portugal and analyse their association with pregnancy planning and frequency of prenatal consultations.


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Esta dissertação estuda a problemática da conservação dos alçados da Rua Grande, localizada no Centro antigo da cidade de São Luís, capital do Estado do Maranhão, Brasil, a partir do crescimento urbano ocorrido principalmente a partir do século XIX à atualidade, com interferências devido às alterações do uso do solo. Iniciado com pesquisa in loco e nos departamentos de preservação do património arquitetónico do Município, Estado e Governo Federal, este estudo busca elaborar estratégias de intervenção adaptadas às necessidades locais, visando a participação da população, com cursos de educação patrimonial e consultas públicas. Esta proposta foi possível a partir da realização de diversas etapas de trabalho, partindo do enquadramento geral e histórico de São Luís, com foco específico na Rua Grande, discorrendo sobre a importância desta via ao desenvolvimento urbano da cidade. Desta forma, com vistas a possibilitar um melhor entendimento da morfologia urbana do Centro da cidade, analisou-se a malha delimitada pelo Anel Viário, importante via perimetral à zona central. Posteriormente, seguiu-se com a caracterização do acervo arquitetónico, com pesquisa acerca dos materiais e sistemas construtivos, permitindo o entendimento das diversas anomalias observadas a partir de análise laboratorial das amostras coletadas em algumas edificações. A elaboração de Cartas Temáticas permitiu um melhor entendimento de situações como uso do solo, gabarito, estilos arquitetónicos e dos estados de conservação e preservação, contando com o estudo da legislação local, o que permitiu, posteriormente, delinear-se as estratégias de intervenção. /SUMMARY: This dissertation examines the problems related to the conservation of the facades of the Grande street, located in the old city center of São Luis, capital of the northeastern state of Maranhão, Brazil, caused by the extensive urban growth that occurred from the XIX century to the current days, with numerous interferences due to changes in the building codes. The study began with a research in the federal, state and municipal departments of architectural heritage. The main objective was to suggest strategies of intervention adapted to the local needs, with community participation such as educational courses and public consultations. This proposal was made possible after completing several phases of work, starting with the general framing and historical background of São Luis, focusing on the Grande street, portraying the important role played by this street in the urban development of the city. Thus, with the intention of allowing a better understanding of the urban morphology in the city center, an analysis was made within the area limited by the road ring that surrounds the center. The study continued with the characterization of the architectural estate, with a research about the materials and construction systems, allowing the understanding of the several anomalies observed in the laboratorial analysis on the samples gathered from some buildings. The elaboration of the Thematic Charts allowed for a better understanding of the situation, such as land use, building codes, architectural styles and level of conservation and preservation, taking into account the local regulations, which made possible to set out some strategies of intervention.


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Introduction: Allergic dermatitis (AD) is the most common canine pruritic condition in veterinary dermatology. Allergic dermatitis to flea bites presents the highest prevalence, followed by atopic dermatitis and food AD. This study aimed to identify possible correlation between data from clinical signs, intradermal tests (IDT) and specific IgE levels, which are used in dog AD assessment. Methods: Fifty five dogs from the Veterinary Hospital of the University of Évora (Portugal) and Rof Codina University Hospital (Lugo, Spain) outpatient consultations were studied by means of clinical inquiry, IDT and specific IgE determination. Thirty five of the patients belonged to predisposed breeds, 30 were females and 25 males. Forty one (74%) were indoor. Results: In 82% of cases first clinical signs appeared before the age of 3 years and 24% even before 1 year old. In 70% of the individuals clinical signs included itching, which was generalized in 66%, with 78% of paw licking and chewing. Clinical profile showed seasonal worsening in 64% of cases. From the 69.1% of dogs already presenting with dermatitis, 50% also presented external otitis and 28.9% self-inflicted alopecia. "Intense itching" was found in 10.5%, "medium itching" in 81.6% and “mild itching” in 5.26% of the patients. Prevalence of positive IDT was 37.3 % to Lep d, 29.41% to Der f, 27.5% to Der p, 25.5% to Dac g and 21.6% to Malassezia sp. From the 37 dogs submitted to food IDT, 40.5% revealed positive to beef, 27% to chicken, 27% to porc and 5.4% to lamb. Specific IgE > 150 EAU was found in 84% of dogs to indoor allergen sources and in 68% to pollens. A negative correlation was found between an outdoor life and the intensity (p = 0.033) and precocity (p = 0.026) of clinical signs. Sensitization to pollens was found positively correlated with the seasonality of clinical signs (p = 0.001) and the positivity for Dac g (p = 0.007). The prevalence of chronic otitis correlated positively with alopecia and reactivity to Lep d (p = 0.008), Plantago lanceolata (p = 0.026) and Platanus acerifolia (p = 0.017). There was no correlation between the results of ITD and specific IgE. Conclusion: We can conclude that correlation between different clinical signs and positive testing for some allergenic sources may occur, as well as between sensitization to pollens and the beginning, the intensity and the seasonality of dog patient clinical signs.