910 resultados para Territorios alternativos


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After several decades of systematic nature destruction, the discourse on biodiversity is the answer of what might be called “the irruption of the biological”, i.e. the biotic issue surviving as the core issue of the modern order. In this regard, the biodiversity discourse declares itself the sponsor of saving nature from destructive practices and capable to institute a culture of conservation instead. Nevertheless, there remain gaps in the discourse, which have been intended to be fi lled with discussions addressing lately the relevance of the local knowledge, the ways of life –habits and customs– and the traditional production, within the frame that supports the meaning of biodiversity. On the one hand, for industrialized countries governments and international governmental institutions, traditional knowledge is an asset of the humankind, which improved becomes a technological innovation that may be subject to patent and fi nally traded, without any benefit to the owners of the basis knowledge. On the other hand, for peasants, intellectuals, and local knowledge activists, ways of life and tradicional production are the basis for rebuilding the peasants’ and natives’ territory, to strengthen the limited independence and self-suffi ciency they live with, but with their active involvement in the determination of everything that affects them. Based on these considerations, spaces are being built to provide an answer to privatization, an answer based on the concept of “the communal” (Grain, 2005).


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Este articulo se basa en una investigacion etnografica realizada en el barrio Diana Turbay de Bogotá. Su objetivo es analizar cietos aspectos que favorecieron la conformacion de este barrio de origen ilegal, la organización de sus habitantes en su lucha diaria por conseguir unas mejores condicones de vida y la dinamica de cambio de sus relaciones sociales como parte del proceso de integracion del barrio a la ciudad.


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Los derechos de propiedad de la tierra pueden ser comunitarios o individualizados, delimitar diferentesusos y beneficios legítimos, así como definir temporalidades para su ejercicio, y presentar o norestricciones para su enajenación. En el contexto neoliberal, sin embargo, la definición de derechosde propiedad de la tierra con dominio pleno e individualizado se considera la mejor forma paraaumentar la inversión y conseguir la equidad social. En este trabajo reflexionamos sobre el cambiode régimen de propiedad social (o de las comunidades agrarias) a privada en México. Analizamosen particular, cómo su aplicación en la periferia urbana ha transformado las relaciones sociales depropiedad entre ejidatarios y pobladores de menores ingresos y establecido condiciones para undesarrollo del mercado formal de tierra.Sin desconocer que la entrada del sector inmobiliario capitalista al mercado de tierra en la periferiaurbana, puede derivar beneficios económicos a los sujetos agrarios, los hallazgos de este trabajoindican que se trata fundamentalmente de un estado ilusorio. Los instrumentos jurídicos creadospara facilitar la individualización de la propiedad social, no cumplen con la función de capitalizar elcampo y, por el contrario, llevan a un proceso de despojo de la tierra de las comunidades vía mercado,lo que facilita los procesos de acumulación capitalista en el ámbito urbano. Adicionalmente,dificulta tanto las acciones de regularización de asentamientos informales como el acceso de lospobres al suelo urbano.


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Municipal solid waste issue has acquired a growing importance into urban management discussions, particularly in metropolitan areas. Although metropolitan regions were created for integrating public functions of common interest, it appears that the structures, in general, are limited to planning  activities. In this context, the democratization process occurred in Brazil during 1980’s led to the  strengthening of inter-municipal arrangements of voluntary cooperation, acquiring great expressiveness  in metropolitan areas, responsible for 60% of waste generated in Brazil. However, despite the  consortia emergence as an alternative management of metropolitan territory, its process of setting up and operation is not free of challenges and dilemmas. This paper starts with the hypothesis that  inter-municipal consortia in metropolitan areas have high strength asymmetry and weak regional  identity among municipalities, conditions that tend to create barriers to its concretization. In this  context, this research aim  to develop a comparative study of inter-municipal arrangements for solid  waste management in the metropolitan areas of Curitiba (pr), Belo Horizonte (bh) and Salvador  (ba), by identifying influence degree of regional identity and strength asymmetry in these arrangements. The multiple case study reveals an inverse proportionality relationship between regional  identity and strength asymmetry among the municipalities, deeply influenced by political interinstitutional  arrangement and the metropolitan area in which they are is inserted.


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In Colombia, in spite of the changes carried out with the reformes of 1994, in the sector of drinking water estructural problems persist in many municipalities. They are asociated to the quality, efficiency, continuity, coverage, and availability of the resource; resides, the goals of reducing costs, enlarging investments, promoting competition, and expanding coverage have not been achieved satisfactorily. It was thought that with the participation of the private sector there World be an enormous advance, but the results are not expected ones. 


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Ver documento.


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El articulo estudia desde un marco comparativo tres momentos de analisis territorial, buscando con ello captar los prosesos de cambio, evolucion o transformacion que se bienen dando en las ciencias ambientales en lo referido a sus lecturas de procesos territoriales y a los insumos que se generan en lo que se denomina la "imagen cartografica".


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La preocupación feminista por la ciudad surge del cuestionamiento a la distribución desigual de los espacios, a la asignación diferencial de las esferas doméstica y pública, afi rmando que es en el escenario de las ciudades donde se configura la vida cotidiana, se desarrollan procesos sociales y es allí donde la movilidad y las actividades de las mujeres responden a estereotipos “femeninos”, influenciados por una perspectiva masculina tanto de la planifi cación como de la cultura dominante. La ciudadanía se origina en las ciudades, sin embargo estas contienen patrones de desigualdad de género, la división tajante de lo público y lo privado asociado a lo femenino y masculino en las urbes, la estructura espacial que difi culta el uso y acceso a los benefi cios de la ciudad, la falta de áreas verdes e infraestructura o la inseguridad, afecta con mayor profundidad a las mujeres. Por ello, el reclamo por el derecho a la ciudad en las prácticas organizativas de mujeres urbanas populares, muestran las incongruencias, carencias y debilidades de la concepción tradicional de la ciudadanía. En este trabajo presento estas contradicciones a nivel teórico y empírico, pues entre confl ictos y negociaciones, libertades y restricciones, las mujeres cotidianamente habitan y rehabitan la ciudad, en espacios privilegiados para el ejercicio democrático. Estos temas serán refl exionados en este artículo, donde nuevos y viejos problemas implicados en el debate, serán analizados a la luz de un conjunto de evidencias empíricas de trabajo de campo en barrios urbanos populares de la ciudad de Concepción, en Chile.


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El presente artículo intenta dar cuenta del problema del crecimiento poblacional y la percepción del mismo en Bogotá, durante el período que comprende las décadas de 1890 a 1910. También profundiza en el impacto de este crecimiento en las trasformaciones urbanas que se presentaron durante tales años, y en el problema de la vivienda generado en este escenario. El período de análisis ha sido escogido por ser la etapa final de una transición entre la ciudad colonial y la ciudad burguesa.


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This article is an attempt to make an introduction, both empirical grounded and descriptive, of the dynamic that the collective action for peace shows in the Colombian society, with special emphasis in the geographical dimension. The article is developed in two main parts: firstly, the key characteristics of such social mobilization for peace are presented (an important and massive mobilization, which displays a varied repertoire of action forms and reaches a countrywide scale). Secondly, using the data of the Cinep’s collective action for peace database (Datapaz), the process of geographical expansion of those actions are showed. Tour periods of time are considered: the antecedents of the peace mobilization (1978-1985),the activation of the peace mobilization (1986-1992), the blossoming of the peace organizations and massive demonstrations (1993-1999), and, finally, the crisis of the massive demonstrations but a great dynamism at the local level (2000-2003). Summarizing, the article starts to elaborate which can be called a geography of peace; that is to say, it is an analysis that shows the geographical dynamic of the collective efforts for peace in the Colombian society. It aims to demonstrate that the Colombian reality is not only armed conflict, but also a growing confluence of initiatives and efforts towards finding alternatives to violence.


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The urban growth in Latino American cities, in a neoliberal context, has led to several population groups to having no possibilities to the access to urban land. Informal and irregular urban settlements increase, requiring attention from local governments, with actions and strategies in order to achieve both the regularization of such situation and further prevention. In the city of Córdoba different informal and irregular operations have taken place promoted by different actors. Furthermore, policies focused on regularization which have been promoted, have few intervention mechanisms, a fact that becomes critical, especially for the urban problems it causes. The main aim of this article is to present a classification over different modes of urban land acquirement taking place out of both urban and civil legislations. Afterwards, different informal settlement typologies are described, as well as the policies focused on them, together with their respective effects and impacts.