851 resultados para ROBUST OPERATION


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This paper presents the development of a mathematical model to optimize the management and operation of the Brazilian hydrothermal system. The system consists of a large set of individual hydropower plants and a set of aggregated thermal plants. The energy generated in the system is interconnected by a transmission network so it can be transmitted to centers of consumption throughout the country. The optimization model offered is capable of handling different types of constraints, such as interbasin water transfers, water supply for various purposes, and environmental requirements. Its overall objective is to produce energy to meet the country's demand at a minimum cost. Called HIDROTERM, the model integrates a database with basic hydrological and technical information to run the optimization model, and provides an interface to manage the input and output data. The optimization model uses the General Algebraic Modeling System (GAMS) package and can invoke different linear as well as nonlinear programming solvers. The optimization model was applied to the Brazilian hydrothermal system, one of the largest in the world. The system is divided into four subsystems with 127 active hydropower plants. Preliminary results under different scenarios of inflow, demand, and installed capacity demonstrate the efficiency and utility of the model. From this and other case studies in Brazil, the results indicate that the methodology developed is suitable to different applications, such as planning operation, capacity expansion, and operational rule studies, and trade-off analysis among multiple water users. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)WR.1943-5452.0000149. (C) 2012 American Society of Civil Engineers.


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This work presents the application of Linear Matrix Inequalities to the robust and optimal adjustment of Power System Stabilizers with pre-defined structure. Results of some tests show that gain and zeros adjustments are sufficient to guarantee robust stability and performance with respect to various operating points. Making use of the flexible structure of LMI's, we propose an algorithm that minimizes the norm of the controllers gain matrix while it guarantees the damping factor specified for the closed loop system, always using a controller with flexible structure. The technique used here is the pole placement, whose objective is to place the poles of the closed loop system in a specific region of the complex plane. Results of tests with a nine-machine system are presented and discussed, in order to validate the algorithm proposed. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In this paper, we carry out robust modeling and influence diagnostics in Birnbaum-Saunders (BS) regression models. Specifically, we present some aspects related to BS and log-BS distributions and their generalizations from the Student-t distribution, and develop BS-t regression models, including maximum likelihood estimation based on the EM algorithm and diagnostic tools. In addition, we apply the obtained results to real data from insurance, which shows the uses of the proposed model. Copyright (c) 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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During the last century, great improvements have been made in rectal cancer management regarding preoperative staging, pathologic assessment, surgical technique, and multimodal therapies. Surgically, there was a move from a strategy characterized by simple perineal excision to complex procedures performed by means of a laparoscopic approach, and more recently with the aid of robotic systems. Perhaps the most important advance is that rectal cancer is no longer a fatal disease as it was at the beginning of the 20th century. This achievement is definitely due in part to Ernest Mile's contribution regarding lymphatic spread of tumor cells, which helped clarify the natural history of the disease and the proper treatment alternatives. He advocated a combined approach with the rationale to clear "the zone of upward spread." The aim of the present paper is to present a brief review concerning the evolution of rectal cancer surgery, focusing attention on Miles' abdominoperineal excision of the rectum (APR) and its controversies and refinements over time. Although APR has currently been restricted to a small proportion of patients with low rectal cancer, recent propositions to excise the rectum performing a wider perineal and a proper pelvic floor resection have renewed interest on this procedure, confirming that Ernest Miles' original ideas still influence rectal cancer management after more than 100 years.


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In this paper, the combination of the Dynamic Threshold (DT) voltage technique with a non-planar structure is experimentally studied in triple-gate FinFETs. The drain current, transconductance, resistance, threshold voltage, subthreshold swing and Drain Induced Barrier Lowering (DIBL) will be analyzed in the DT mode and the standard biasing configuration. Moreover, for the first time, the important figures of merit for the analog performance such as transconductance-over-drain current, output conductance. Early voltage and intrinsic voltage gain will be studied experimentally and through three-dimensional (3-D) numerical simulations for different channel doping concentrations in triple-gate DTMOS FinFETs. The results indicate that the DTMOS FinFETs always yield superior characteristic; and larger transistor efficiency. In addition, DTMOS devices with a high channel doping concentration exhibit much better analog performance compared to the normal operation mode, which is desirable for high performance low-power/low-voltage applications. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The cell division cycle comprises a sequence of phenomena controlled by a stable and robust genetic network. We applied a probabilistic genetic network (PGN) to construct a hypothetical model with a dynamical behavior displaying the degree of robustness typical of the biological cell cycle. The structure of our PGN model was inspired in well-established biological facts such as the existence of integrator subsystems, negative and positive feedback loops, and redundant signaling pathways. Our model represents genes interactions as stochastic processes and presents strong robustness in the presence of moderate noise and parameters fluctuations. A recently published deterministic yeast cell-cycle model does not perform as well as our PGN model, even upon moderate noise conditions. In addition, self stimulatory mechanisms can give our PGN model the possibility of having a pacemaker activity similar to the observed in the oscillatory embryonic cell cycle.


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This work proposes a computational tool to assist power system engineers in the field tuning of power system stabilizers (PSSs) and Automatic Voltage Regulators (AVRs). The outcome of this tool is a range of gain values for theses controllers within which there is a theoretical guarantee of stability for the closed-loop system. This range is given as a set of limit values for the static gains of the controllers of interest, in such a way that the engineer responsible for the field tuning of PSSs and/or AVRs can be confident with respect to system stability when adjusting the corresponding static gains within this range. This feature of the proposed tool is highly desirable from a practical viewpoint, since the PSS and AVR commissioning stage always involve some readjustment of the controller gains to account for the differences between the nominal model and the actual behavior of the system. By capturing these differences as uncertainties in the model, this computational tool is able to guarantee stability for the whole uncertain model using an approach based on linear matrix inequalities. It is also important to remark that the tool proposed in this paper can also be applied to other types of parameters of either PSSs or Power Oscillation Dampers, as well as other types of controllers (such as speed governors, for example). To show its effectiveness, applications of the proposed tool to two benchmarks for small signal stability studies are presented at the end of this paper.


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Over the last decade, molecular phylogenetics has called into question some fundamental aspects of coral systematics. Within the Scleractinia, most families composed exclusively by zooxanthellate species are polyphyletic on the basis of molecular data, and the second most speciose coral family, the Caryophylliidae (most members of which are azooxanthellate), is an unnatural grouping. As part of the process of resolving taxonomic affinities of caryophylliids', here a new Robust' scleractinian family (Deltocyathiidae fam. n.) is proposed on the basis of combined molecular (CO1 and 28S rDNA) and morphological data, accommodating the early-diverging clade of traditional caryophylliids (represented today by the genus Deltocyathus). Whereas this family captures the full morphological diversity of the genus Deltocyathus, one species, Deltocyathus magnificus, is an outlier in terms of molecular data, and groups with the Complex coral family Turbinoliidae. Ultrastructural data, however, place D.magnificus within Deltocyathiidae fam. nov. Unfortunately, limited ultrastructural data are as yet available for turbinoliids, but D.magnificus may represent the first documented case of morphological convergence at the microstructural level among scleractinian corals. Marcelo V.Kitahara, Centro de Biologia Marinha, Universidade de SAo Paulo, SAo SebastiAo, S.P. 11600-000, Brazil. E-mail:kitahara@usp.br


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Actually, transition from positive to negative plasma current and quasi-steady-state alternated current (AC) operation have been achieved experimentally without loss of ionization. The large transition times suggest the use of MHD equilibrium to model the intermediate magnetic field configurations for corresponding current density reversals. In the present work we show, by means of Maxwell equations, that the most robust equilibrium for any axisymmetric configuration with reversed current density requires the existence of several nonested families of magnetic surfaces inside the plasma. We also show that the currents inside the nonested families satisfy additive rules restricting the geometry and sizes of the axisymmetric magnetic islands; this is done without restricting the equilibrium through arbitrary functions. Finally, we introduce a local successive approximations method to describe the equilibrium about an arbitrary reversed current density minimum and, consequently, the transition between different nonested topologies is understood in terms of the eccentricity of the toroidal current density level sets.


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The growing demands for industrial products are imposing an increasingly intense level of competitiveness on the industrial operations. In the meantime, the convergence of information technology (IT) and automation technology (AT) is showing itself to be a tool of great potential for the modernization and improvement of industrial plants. However, for this technology fully to achieve its potential, several obstacles need to be overcome, including the demonstration of the reasoning behind estimations of benefits, investments and risks used to plan the implementation of corporative technology solutions. This article focuses on the evolutionary development of planning and adopting processes of IT & AT convergence. It proposes the incorporation of IT & AT convergence practices into Lean Thinking/Six Sigma, via the method used for planning the convergence of technological activities, known as the Smarter Operation Transformation (SOT) methodology. This article illustrates the SOT methodology through its application in a Brazilian company in the sector of consumer goods. In this application, it is shown that with IT & AT convergence is possible with low investment, in order to reduce the risk of not achieving the goals of key indicators.


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Bakgrund: Redan år 1936 gjordes undersökningar i USA som visade på att oro kunde minskas genom god information inför medicinsk behandling. Syfte: Beskriva barnets behov av förberedelse inför operation. Metod: Detta är en systematisk litteraturstudie där artiklarna söktes i databaserna PubMed, Cinahl och PsycInfo. Fjorton artiklar inkluderades och som har analyserats. Tre kategorier bildades; Ångest, förberedelse och delaktighet. Resultat: Barn upplever ångest inför främmande situationer. Det finns sätt att lindra denna ångest både pre- och postoperativt, exempelvis lekterapi. Föräldrars och barns ångest står i direkt relation till varandra. Diskussion: Förberedelse inför operation är viktigt för att barnet ska kunna behålla sin integritet i en miljö som kontrolleras av vuxna. Barnen måste kunna känna trygghet och tillit för att kunna hantera den stress som uppkommer i obehagliga situationer. Mer forskning inom området behövs eftersom vården och samhället hela tiden utvecklas.


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[EN] The accuracy and performance of current variational optical ow methods have considerably increased during the last years. The complexity of these techniques is high and enough care has to be taken for the implementation. The aim of this work is to present a comprehensible implementation of recent variational optical flow methods. We start with an energy model that relies on brightness and gradient constancy terms and a ow-based smoothness term. We minimize this energy model and derive an e cient implicit numerical scheme. In the experimental results, we evaluate the accuracy and performance of this implementation with the Middlebury benchmark database. We show that it is a competitive solution with respect to current methods in the literature. In order to increase the performance, we use a simple strategy to parallelize the execution on multi-core processors.


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[EN] In this work, we describe an implementation of the variational method proposed by Brox et al. in 2004, which yields accurate optical flows with low running times. It has several benefits with respect to the method of Horn and Schunck: it is more robust to the presence of outliers, produces piecewise-smooth flow fields and can cope with constant brightness changes. This method relies on the brightness and gradient constancy assumptions, using the information of the image intensities and the image gradients to find correspondences. It also generalizes the use of continuous L1 functionals, which help mitigate the efect of outliers and create a Total Variation (TV) regularization. Additionally, it introduces a simple temporal regularization scheme that enforces a continuous temporal coherence of the flow fields.