977 resultados para Pressure Sensors


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We have investigated the current-voltage characteristics of carbon nanotube arrays and shown that the current through the arrays increases rapidly with applied voltage before the breakdown occurs. Simultaneous measurements of current and temperature at one end of the arrays suggest that the rapid increase of current is due to Joule heating. The current through the array and the threshold voltage are found to increase with decreasing pressure. Copyright 2012 Author(s). This article is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.3702777]


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Metallic and other type of coatings on fiber Bragg grating (FBG) sensors alter their sensitivity with thermal and mechanical stress while protecting the fragile optical fiber in harsh sensing surroundings. The behavior of the coated materials is unique in their response to thermal and mechanical stress depending on the thickness and the mode of coating. The thermal stress during the coating affects the temperature sensitivity of FBG sensors. We have explored the thermal response of FBGs coated with Al and Pb to an average thickness of 80 nm using flash evaporation technique where the FBG sensor is mounted in a region at room temperature in an evacuated chamber having a pressure of 10(6) Torr which will minimize any thermal stress during the coating process. The coating thickness is chosen in the nanometer region with the aim to study thermal behavior of nanocoatings and their effect on FBG sensitivity. The sensitivity of FBGs is evaluated from the wavelengths recorded using an optical sensing interrogator sm 130 (Micron Optics) from room temperature to 300 degrees C both during heating and cooling. It is observed that the sensitivity of the metal coated fibers is better than the reference FBG with no coating for the entire range of temperature. For a coating thickness of 80 nm, Al coated FBG is more sensitive than the one coated with Pb up to 170 degrees C and it reverses at higher temperatures. This point is identified as a reversible phase transition in Pb monolayers as the 2-dimensional aspects of the metal layers are dominant in the nanocoatings of Pb. On cooling, the phase transition reverses and the FBGs return to the original state and for repeated cycles of heating and cooling the same pattern is observed. Thus the FBG functions as a sensor of the phase transitions of the coatings also. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The flow over a truncated cone is a classical and fundamental problem for aerodynamic research due to its three-dimensional and complicated characteristics. The flow is made more complex when examining high angles of incidence. Recently these types of flows have drawn more attention for the purposes of drag reduction in supersonic/hypersonic flows. In the present study the flow over a truncated cone at various incidences was experimentally investigated in a Mach 5 flow with a unit Reynolds number of 13.5�10 6m -1. The cone semi-apex angle is 15° and the truncation ratio (truncated length/cone length) is 0.5. The incidence of the model varied from -12° to 12° with 3° intervals relative to the freestream direction. The external flow around the truncated cone was visualised by colour Schlieren photography, while the surface flow pattern was revealed using the oil flow method. The surface pressure distribution was measured using the anodized aluminium pressure-sensitive paint (AA-PSP) technique. Both top and sideviews of the pressure distribution on the model surface were acquired at various incidences. AA-PSP showed high pressure sensitivity and captured the complicated flow structures which correlated well with the colour Schlieren and oil flow visualisation results. © 2012 Elsevier Inc.


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We revisit the assignment of Raman phonons of rare-earth titanates by performing Raman measurements on single crystals of O18 isotope-rich spin ice Dy2Ti2O718 and nonmagnetic Lu2Ti2O718 pyrochlores and compare the results with their O16 counterparts. We show that the low-wavenumber Raman modes below 250 cm-1 are not due to oxygen vibrations. A mode near 200 cm-1, commonly assigned as F2g phonon, which shows highly anomalous temperature dependence, is now assigned to a disorder-induced Raman active mode involving Ti4+ vibrations. Moreover, we address here the origin of the new Raman mode, observed below TC similar to 110 K in Dy2Ti2O7, through a simultaneous pressure-dependent and temperature-dependent Raman study. Our study confirms the new mode to be a phonon mode. We find that dTC/dP = + 5.9 K/GPa. Temperature dependence of other phonons has also been studied at various pressures up to similar to 8 GPa. We find that pressure suppresses the anomalous temperature dependence. The role of the inherent vacant sites present in the pyrochlore structure in the anomalous temperature dependence is also discussed. Copyright (c) 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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The effect of oxygen pressure (P-O2) on the Yttrium Iron Garnet (YIG) thin films were grown on silicon substrate by rf sputtering method was studied. The as-deposited films at 300K were amorphous in nature. The crystallization of these films was achieved by annealing at a temperature of 800 degrees C/1hr in air. The structural, microstructural and magnetic properties were found to be dependent on P-O2.


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We have carried out synchrotron based high-pressure x-ray diffraction study of orthorhombic EuMnO3, GdMnO3, TbMnO3 and DyMnO3 up to 54.4, 41.6, 47.0 and 50.2 GPa, respectively. The diffraction peaks of all the four manganites shift monotonically to higher diffraction angles and the crystals retain the orthorhombic structure till the highest pressure. We have fitted the observed volume versus pressure data with the Birch-Murnaghan equation of state and determined the bulk modulus to be 185 +/- 6 GPa, 190 +/- 16 GPa, 188 +/- 9 GPa and 192 +/- 8 GPa for EuMnO3, GdMnO3, TbMnO3 and DyMnO3, respectively. The bulk modulus of EuMnO3 is comparable to other manganites, in contrast to theoretical predictions.


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We report the first observation and analytical model of deformation and spreading of droplets on a vibrating surface under the influence of an ultrasonic standing pressure field. The standing wave allows the droplet to spread, and the spreading rate varies inversely with viscosity. In low viscosity droplets, the synergistic effect of radial acoustic force and the transducer surface acceleration also leads to capillary waves. These unstable capillary modes grow to cause ultimate disintegration into daughter droplets. We find that using nanosuspensions, spreading and disintegration can be prevented by suppressing the development of capillary modes and subsequent break-up. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4757567]


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A moving magnet linear motor compressor or pressure wave generator (PWG) of 2 cc swept volume with dual opposed piston configuration has been developed to operate miniature pulse tube coolers. Prelimnary experiments yielded only a no-load cold end temperature of 180 K. Auxiliary tests and the interpretation of detailed modeling of a PWG suggest that much of the PV power has been lost in the form of blow-by at piston seals due to large and non-optimum clearance seal gap between piston and cylinder. The results of experimental parameters simulated using Sage provide the optimum seal gap value for maximizing the delivered PV power.


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A molecular dynamics simulation study of aqueous solution of LiCl is reported as a function of pressure. Experimental measurements of conductivity of Li+ ion as a function of pressure shows an increase in conductivity with pressure. Our simulations are able to reproduce the observed trend in conductivity. A number of relevant properties have been computed in order to understand the reasons for the increase in conductivity with pressure. These include radial distribution function, void and neck distributions, hydration or coordination numbers, diffusivity, velocity autocorrelation functions, angles between ion-oxygen and dipole of water as well as OH vector, mean residence time for water in the hydration shell, etc. These show that the increase in pressure acts as a structure breaker. The decay of the self part of the intermediate scattering function at small wave number k shows a bi-exponential decay at 1 bar which changes to single exponential decay at higher pressures. The k dependence of the ratio of the self part of the full width at half maximum of the dynamic structure factor to 2Dk(2) exhibits trends which suggest that the void structure of water is playing a role. These support the view that the changes in void and neck distributions in water can account for changes in conductivity or diffusivity of Li+ with pressure. These results can be understood in terms of the levitation effect. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4756909]


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Two new anthracene-functionalized fluorescent tris-imidazolium salts have been synthesized, characterized, and proven to be selective sensors for picric acid, which is a common constituent of many powerful explosives. Theoretical studies revealed an unusual ground-state electron transfer from picrate anion to the sensor molecules.


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In this paper, we determine packet scheduling policies for efficient power management in Energy Harvesting Sensors (EHS) which have to transmit packets of high and low priorities over a fading channel. We assume that incoming packets are stored in a buffer and the quality of service for a particular type of message is determined by the expected waiting time of packets of that type of message. The sensors are constrained to work with the energy that they garner from the environment. We derive transmit policies which minimize the sum of expected waiting times of the two types of messages, weighted by penalties. First, we show that for schemes with a constant rate of transmission, under a decoupling approximation, a form of truncated channel inversion is optimal. Using this result, we derive optimal solutions that minimize the weighted sum of the waiting times in the different queues.


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In this paper, we study duty cycling and power management in a network of energy harvesting sensor (EHS) nodes. We consider a one-hop network, where K EHS nodes send data to a destination over a wireless fading channel. The goal is to find the optimum duty cycling and power scheduling across the nodes that maximizes the average sum data rate, subject to energy neutrality at each node. We adopt a two-stage approach to simplify the problem. In the inner stage, we solve the problem of optimal duty cycling of the nodes, subject to the short-term power constraint set by the outer stage. The outer stage sets the short-term power constraints on the inner stage to maximize the long-term expected sum data rate, subject to long-term energy neutrality at each node. Albeit suboptimal, our solutions turn out to have a surprisingly simple form: the duty cycle allotted to each node by the inner stage is simply the fractional allotted power of that node relative to the total allotted power. The sum power allotted is a clipped version of the sum harvested power across all the nodes. The average sum throughput thus ultimately depends only on the sum harvested power and its statistics. We illustrate the performance improvement offered by the proposed solution compared to other naive schemes via Monte-Carlo simulations.


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Eclogites and associated high-pressure (HP) rocks in collisional and accretionary orogenic belts preserve a record of subduction and exhumation, and provide a key constraint on the tectonic evolution of the continents. Most eclogites that formed at high pressures but low temperatures at > 10-11 kbar and 450-650 degrees C can be interpreted as a result of subduction of cold oceanic lithosphere. A new class of high-temperature (HT) eclogites that formed above 900 degrees C and at 14 to 30 kbar occurs in the deep continental crust, but their geodynamic significance and processes of formation are poorly understood. Here we show that Neoarchaean mafic-ultramafic complexes in the central granulite facies region of the Lewisian in NW Scotland contain HP/HT garnet-bearing granulites (retrogressed eclogites), gabbros, Iherzolites, and websterites, and that the HP granulites have garnets that contain inclusions of omphacite. From thermodynamic modeling and compositional isopleths we calculate that peak eclogite-facies metamorphism took place at 24-22 kbar and 1060-1040 degrees C. The geochemical signature of one (G-21) of the samples shows a strong depletion of Eu indicating magma fractionation at a crustal level. The Sm-Nd isochron ages of HP phases record different cooling ages of ca. 2480 and 2330 Ma. We suggest that the layered mafic-ultramafic complexes, which may have formed in an oceanic environment, were subducted to eclogite depths, and exhumed as HP garnet-bearing orogenic peridotites. The layered complexes were engulfed by widespread orthogneisses of tonalite-trondhjemite-granodiorite (TTG) composition with granulite facies assemblages. We propose two possible tectonic models: (1) the fact that the relicts of eclogitic complexes are so widespread in the Scourian can be taken as evidence that a >90 km x 40 km-size slab of continental crust containing mafic-ultramafic complexes was subducted to at least 70 km depth in the late Archaean. During exhumation the gneiss protoliths were retrogressed to granulite facies assemblages, but the mafic-ultramafic rocks resisted retrogression. (2) The layered complexes of mafic and ultramafic rocks were subducted to eclogite-facies depths and during exhumation under crustal conditions they were intruded by the orthogneiss protoliths (TTG) that were metamorphosed in the granulite facies. Apart from poorly defined UHP metamorphic rocks in Norway, the retrogressed eclogites in the central granulite/retrogressed eclogite facies Lewisian region, NW Scotland have the highest crustal pressures so far reported for Archaean rocks, and demonstrate that lithospheric subduction was transporting crustal rocks to HP depths in the Neoarchaean. (C) 2012 International Association for Gondwana Research. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The inverse problem in photoacoustic tomography (PAT) seeks to obtain the absorbed energy map from the boundary pressure measurements for which computationally intensive iterative algorithms exist. The computational challenge is heightened when the reconstruction is done using boundary data split into its frequency spectrum to improve source localization and conditioning of the inverse problem. The key idea of this work is to modify the update equation wherein the Jacobian and the perturbation in data are summed over all wave numbers, k, and inverted only once to recover the absorbed energy map. This leads to a considerable reduction in the overall computation time. The results obtained using simulated data, demonstrates the efficiency of the proposed scheme without compromising the accuracy of reconstruction.


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For most fluids, there exist a maximum and a minimum in the curvature of the reduced vapor pressure curve, p(r) = p(r)(T-r) (with p(r) = p/p(c) and T-r = T/T-c, p(c) and T-c being the pressure and temperature at the critical point). By analyzing National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) data on the liquid-vapor coexistence curve for 105 fluids, we find that the maximum occurs in the reduced temperature range 0.5 <= T-r <= 0.8 while the minimum occurs in the reduced temperature range 0.980 <= T-r <= 0.995. Vapor pressure equations for which d(2)p(r)/dT(r)(2) diverges at the critical point present a minimum in their curvature. Therefore, the point of minimum curvature can be used as a marker for the critical region. By using the well-known Ambrose-Walton (AW) vapor pressure equation we obtain the reduced temperatures of the maximum and minimum curvature in terms of the Pitzer acentric factor. The AW predictions are checked against those obtained from NIST data. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.