934 resultados para Power Law Distribution


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We summarize studies of earthquake fault models that give rise to slip complexities like those in natural earthquakes. For models of smooth faults between elastically deformable continua, it is critical that the friction laws involve a characteristic distance for slip weakening or evolution of surface state. That results in a finite nucleation size, or coherent slip patch size, h*. Models of smooth faults, using numerical cell size properly small compared to h*, show periodic response or complex and apparently chaotic histories of large events but have not been found to show small event complexity like the self-similar (power law) Gutenberg-Richter frequency-size statistics. This conclusion is supported in the present paper by fully inertial elastodynamic modeling of earthquake sequences. In contrast, some models of locally heterogeneous faults with quasi-independent fault segments, represented approximately by simulations with cell size larger than h* so that the model becomes "inherently discrete," do show small event complexity of the Gutenberg-Richter type. Models based on classical friction laws without a weakening length scale or for which the numerical procedure imposes an abrupt strength drop at the onset of slip have h* = 0 and hence always fall into the inherently discrete class. We suggest that the small-event complexity that some such models show will not survive regularization of the constitutive description, by inclusion of an appropriate length scale leading to a finite h*, and a corresponding reduction of numerical grid size.


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To elucidate the mechanism of recognition of double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) by homopyrimidine polyamide ("peptide") nucleic acid (PNA) leading to the strand-displacement, the kinetics of the sequence-specific PNA/DNA binding have been studied. The binding was monitored with time by the gel retardation and nuclease S1 cleavage assays. The experimental kinetic curves obey pseudo-first-order kinetics and the dependence of the pseudo-first-order rate constant, kps, on PNA concentration, P, obeys a power law kps approximately P gamma with 2 < gamma < 3. The kps values for binding of decamer PNA to dsDNA target sites with one mismatch are hundreds of times slower than for the correct site. A detailed kinetic scheme for PNA/DNA binding is proposed that includes two major steps of the reaction of strand invasion: (i) a transient partial opening of the PNA binding site on dsDNA and incorporation of one PNA molecule with the formation of an intermediate PNA/DNA duplex and (ii) formation of a very stable PNA2/DNA triplex. A simple theoretical treatment of the proposed kinetic scheme is performed. The interpretation of our experimental data in the framework of the proposed kinetic scheme leads to the following conclusions. The sequence specificity of the recognition is essentially provided at the "search" step of the process, which consists in the highly reversible transient formation of duplex between one PNA molecule and the complementary strand of duplex DNA while the other DNA strand is displaced. This search step is followed by virtually irreversible "locking" step via PNA2/DNA triplex formation. The proposed mechanism explains how the binding of homopyrimidine PNA to dsDNA meets two apparently mutually contradictory features: high sequence specificity of binding and remarkable stability of both correct and mismatched PNA/DNA complexes.


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We study electron dynamics in a two-band δ-doped semiconductor within the envelope-function approximation. Using a simple parametrization of the confining potential arising from the ionized donors in the δ -doping layer, we are able to find exact solutions of the Dirac-type equation describing the coupling of host bands. As an application we then consider Si δ -doped GaAs. In particular we find that the ground subband energy scales as a power law of the Si concentration per unit area in a wide range of doping levels. In addition, the coupling of host bands leads to a depression of the subband energy due to nonparabolicity effects.


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The fact that fast oscillating homogeneous scalar fields behave as perfect fluids in average and their intrinsic isotropy have made these models very fruitful in cosmology. In this work we will analyse the perturbations dynamics in these theories assuming general power law potentials V(ϕ) = λ|ϕ|^n /n. At leading order in the wavenumber expansion, a simple expression for the effective sound speed of perturbations is obtained c_eff^ 2  = ω = (n − 2)/(n + 2) with ω the effective equation of state. We also obtain the first order correction in k^ 2/ω_eff^ 2 , when the wavenumber k of the perturbations is much smaller than the background oscillation frequency, ω_eff. For the standard massive case we have also analysed general anharmonic contributions to the effective sound speed. These results are reached through a perturbed version of the generalized virial theorem and also studying the exact system both in the super-Hubble limit, deriving the natural ansatz for δϕ; and for sub-Hubble modes, exploiting Floquet’s theorem.


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We show numeric evidence that, at low enough temperatures, the potential energy density of a glass-forming liquid fluctuates over length scales much larger than the interaction range. We focus on the behavior of translationally invariant quantities. The growing correlation length is unveiled by studying the finite-size effects. In the thermodynamic limit, the specific heat and the relaxation time diverge as a power law. Both features point towards the existence of a critical point in the metastable supercooled liquid phase.


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A study of archival RXTE, Swift, and Suzaku pointed observations of the transient high-mass X-ray binary GRO J1008−57 is presented. A new orbital ephemeris based on pulse arrival-timing shows the times of maximum luminosities during outbursts of GRO J1008−57 to be close to periastron at orbital phase − 0.03. This makes the source one of a few for which outburst dates can be predicted with very high precision. Spectra of the source in 2005, 2007, and 2011 can be well described by a simple power law with high-energy cutoff and an additional black body at lower energies. The photon index of the power law and the black-body flux only depend on the 15–50 keV source flux. No apparent hysteresis effects are seen. These correlations allow us to predict the evolution of the pulsar’s X-ray spectral shape over all outbursts as a function of just one parameter, the source’s flux. If modified by an additional soft component, this prediction even holds during GRO J1008−57’s 2012 type II outburst.


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We report on an outburst of the high mass X-ray binary 4U 0115+634 with a pulse period of 3.6 s in 2008 March/April as observed with RXTE and INTEGRAL. During the outburst the neutron star’s luminosity varied by a factor of 10 in the 3–50 keV band. In agreement with earlier work we find evidence of five cyclotron resonance scattering features at ~10.7, 21.8, 35.5, 46.7, and 59.7 keV. Previous work had found an anticorrelation between the fundamental cyclotron line energy and the X-ray flux. We show that this apparent anticorrelation is probably due to the unphysical interplay of parameters of the cyclotron line with the continuum models used previously, e.g., the negative and positive exponent power law (NPEX). For this model, we show that cyclotron line modeling erroneously leads to describing part of the exponential cutoff and the continuum variability, and not the cyclotron lines. When the X-ray continuum is modeled with a simple exponentially cutoff power law modified by a Gaussian emission feature around 10 keV, the correlation between the line energy and the flux vanishes, and the line parameters remain virtually constant over the outburst. We therefore conclude that the previously reported anticorrelation is an artifact of the assumptions adopted in the modeling of the continuum.


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We present an analysis of a pointed 141 ks Chandra high-resolution transmission gratings observation of the Be X-ray emitting star HD110432, a prominent member of the γ Cas analogs. This observation represents the first high-resolution spectrum taken for this source as well as the longest uninterrupted observation of any γ Cas analog. The Chandra light curve shows a high variability but its analysis fails to detect any coherent periodicity up to a frequency of 0.05 Hz. Hardness ratio versus intensity analyses demonstrate that the relative contributions of the [1.5-3] Å, [3-6] Å, and [6-16] Å energy bands to the total flux change rapidly in the short term. The analysis of the Chandra High Energy Transmission Grating (HETG) spectrum shows that, to correctly describe the spectrum, three model components are needed. Two of those components are optically thin thermal plasmas of different temperatures (kT ≈ 8-9 and 0.2-0.3 keV, respectively) described by the models vmekal or bvapec. The Fe abundance in each of these two components appears equal within the errors and is slightly subsolar with Z ≈ 0.75 Z ☉. The bvapec model better describes the Fe L transitions, although it cannot fit well the Na XI Lyα line at 10.02 Å, which appears to be overabundant. Two different models seem to describe well the third component. One possibility is a third hot optically thin thermal plasma at kT = 16-21 keV with an Fe abundance Z ≈ 0.3 Z ☉, definitely smaller than for the other two thermal components. Furthermore, the bvapec model describes well the Fe K shell transitions because it accounts for the turbulence broadening of the Fe XXV and Fe XXVI lines with a v turb ≈ 1200 km s–1. These two lines, contributed mainly by the hot thermal plasma, are significantly wider than the Fe Kα line whose FWHM < 5 mÅ is not resolved by Chandra. Alternatively, the third component can be described by a power law with a photon index of Γ = 1.56. In either case, the Chandra HETG spectrum establishes that each one of these components must be modified by distinct absorption columns. The analysis of a noncontemporaneous 25 ks Suzaku observation shows the presence of a hard tail extending up to at least 33 keV. The Suzaku spectrum is described with the sum of two components: an optically thin thermal plasma at kT ≈ 9 keV and Z ≈ 0.74 Z ☉, and a very hot second plasma with kT ≈ 33 keV or, alternatively, a power law with photon index of Γ = 1.58. In either case, each one of the two components must be affected by different absorption columns. Therefore, the kT = 8-9 keV component is definitely needed while the nature of the harder emission cannot be unambiguously established with the present data sets. The analysis of the Si XIII and S XV He-like triplets present in the Chandra spectrum points to a very dense (ne ~ 1013 cm–3) plasma located either close to the stellar surface (r < 3R *) of the Be star or, alternatively, very close (r ~ 1.5R WD) to the surface of a (hypothetical) white dwarf companion. We argue, however, that the available data support the first scenario.


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We report on the discovery of a new member of the magnetar class, SGR J1935+2154, and on its timing and spectral properties measured by an extensive observational campaign carried out between 2014 July and 2015 March with Chandra and XMM–Newton (11 pointings). We discovered the spin period of SGR J1935+2154 through the detection of coherent pulsations at a period of about 3.24 s. The magnetar is slowing down at a rate of P˙=1.43(1)×10−11 s s−1 and with a decreasing trend due to a negative P¨ of −3.5(7) × 10−19 s s−2. This implies a surface dipolar magnetic field strength of ∼2.2 × 1014 G, a characteristic age of about 3.6 kyr and a spin-down luminosity Lsd ∼1.7 × 1034 erg s−1. The source spectrum is well modelled by a blackbody with temperature of about 500 eV plus a power-law component with photon index of about 2. The source showed a moderate long-term variability, with a flux decay of about 25 per cent during the first four months since its discovery, and a re-brightening of the same amount during the second four months. The X-ray data were also used to study the source environment. In particular, we discovered a diffuse emission extending on spatial scales from about 1 arcsec up to at least 1 arcmin around SGR J1935+2154 both in Chandra and XMM–Newton data. This component is constant in flux (at least within uncertainties) and its spectrum is well modelled by a power-law spectrum steeper than that of the pulsar. Though a scattering halo origin seems to be more probable we cannot exclude that part, or all, of the diffuse emission is due to a pulsar wind nebula.


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La paridad del poder adquisitivo (PPA) es un indicador económico que permite efectuar comparaciones de manera realista sobre el nivel de vida entre países, atendiendo al producto interno bruto (PIB) de cada país. Este indicador elimina la ilusión monetaria ligada a la variación de los tipos de cambio, de tal manera que una apreciación o depreciación de una moneda no cambiará la paridad del poder adquisitivo de un país, puesto que los habitantes de ese país reciben sus salarios y hacen sus compras en la misma moneda. El PIB a paridad de poder adquisitivo (PPA) en dólares será por tanto el conjunto de bienes y servicios finales producidos en un país durante un año, pero en vez de poner los precios de ese país se toman los precios de EEUU, que servirá de base para el cálculo en todos los países. Para abordar los retos emanados de este proyecto, la CEPAL asumió el rol de coordinador para los países de América Latina y El Caribe. Durante este proceso llevó a cabo la labor de nexo entre la Oficina Global (Banco Mundial) y los países adoptando los requerimientos de la primera y adaptándolos a las características existentes en la región. Este documento detalla los lineamientos adoptados en la región para dar cumplimiento a las solicitudes efectuadas a nivel global con miras a estimar las paridades de poder adquisitivos de cada uno de los países participantes en la Ronda 2011.


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The effect of an organically surface modified layered silicate on the viscosity of various epoxy resins of different structures and different functionalities was investigated. Steady and dynamic shear viscosities of the epoxy resins containing 0-10 wt% of the organoclay were determined using parallel plate rheology. Viscosity results were compared with those achieved through addition of a commonly used micron-sized CaCO3 filler. It was found that changes in viscosities due to the different fillers were of the same order, since the layered silicate was only dispersed on a micron-sized scale in the monomer (prior to reaction), as indicated by X-ray diffraction measurements. Flow activation energies at a low frequency were determined and did not show any significant changes due to the addition of organoclay or CaCO3. Comparison between dynamic and steady shear experiments showed good agreement for low layered silicate concentrations below 7.5 wt%, i.e. the Cox-Merz rule can be applied. Deviations from the Cox-Merz rule appeared at and above 10 wt%, although such deviations were only slightly above experimental error. Most resin organoclay blends were well predicted by the Power Law model, only concentrations of 10 wt% and above requiring the Herschel-Buckley (yield stress) model to achieve better fits. Wide-angle X-ray measurements have shown that the epoxy resin swells the layered silicate with an increase in the interlayer distance of approximately 15 Angstrom, and that the rheology behavior is due to the lateral, micron-size of these swollen tactoids.


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The pumping characteristics of four Australian honey samples were investigated in a straight pipe. Six flow rates (100-500 kg h(-1)) were studied at three temperatures (35-50degreesC). The pressure loss increased with an increase in the length of the pipe, as the low rate was increased and as the temperature was reduced. In the 25.4 mm-pipe, the Reynolds number ranged from 0.2-32.0 and are substantially less than the critica value (2040-2180) for laminar condition in the system. The relationship between the wall shear stress and shear rate approximated power-law behaviour, and the power-law index was not significantly (p>0.05) different from 1.0. The honey samples exhibited Newtonian behaviour at all the temperatures and this was confirmed by rheometric studies using Couette geometry. A friction chart was generated independent of temperature and the type of honey. An equation was developed to predict the pressure loss of the honey in a typical pipeline at any temperature once the viscosity-temperature relationship had been established.


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Functional-structural plant models that include detailed mechanistic representation of underlying physiological processes can be expensive to construct and the resulting models can also be extremely complicated. On the other hand, purely empirical models are not able to simulate plant adaptability and response to different conditions. In this paper, we present an intermediate approach to modelling plant function that can simulate plant response without requiring detailed knowledge of underlying physiology. Plant function is modelled using a 'canonical' modelling approach, which uses compartment models with flux functions of a standard mathematical form, while plant structure is modelled using L-systems. Two modelling examples are used to demonstrate that canonical modelling can be used in conjunction with L-systems to create functional-structural plant models where function is represented either in an accurate and descriptive way, or in a more mechanistic and explanatory way. We conclude that canonical modelling provides a useful, flexible and relatively simple approach to modelling plant function at an intermediate level of abstraction.


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We have used the Two-Degree Field (2dF) instrument on the Anglo-Australian Telescope (AAT) to obtain redshifts of a sample of z < 3 and 18.0 < g < 21.85 quasars selected from Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) imaging. These data are part of a larger joint programme between the SDSS and 2dF communities to obtain spectra of faint quasars and luminous red galaxies, namely the 2dF-SDSS LRG and QSO (2SLAQ) Survey. We describe the quasar selection algorithm and present the resulting number counts and luminosity function of 5645 quasars in 105.7 deg(2). The bright-end number counts and luminosity functions agree well with determinations from the 2dF QSO Redshift Survey (2QZ) data to g similar to 20.2. However, at the faint end, the 2SLAQ number counts and luminosity functions are steeper (i.e. require more faint quasars) than the final 2QZ results from Croom et al., but are consistent with the preliminary 2QZ results from Boyle et al. Using the functional form adopted for the 2QZ analysis ( a double power law with pure luminosity evolution characterized by a second-order polynomial in redshift), we find a faint-end slope of beta =-1.78 +/- 0.03 if we allow all of the parameters to vary, and beta =-1.45 +/- 0.03 if we allow only the faint-end slope and normalization to vary (holding all other parameters equal to the final 2QZ values). Over the magnitude range covered by the 2SLAQ survey, our maximum-likelihood fit to the data yields 32 per cent more quasars than the final 2QZ parametrization, but is not inconsistent with other g > 21 deep surveys for quasars. The 2SLAQ data exhibit no well-defined 'break' in the number counts or luminosity function, but do clearly flatten with increasing magnitude. Finally, we find that the shape of the quasar luminosity function derived from 2SLAQ is in good agreement with that derived from Type I quasars found in hard X-ray surveys.


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We study a generalized Hubbard model on the two-leg ladder at zero temperature, focusing on a parameter region with staggered flux (SF)/d-density wave (DDW) order. To guide our numerical calculations, we first investigate the location of a SF/DDW phase in the phase diagram of the half-filled weakly interacting ladder using a perturbative renormalization group (RG) and bosonization approach. For hole doping 6 away from half-filling, finite-system density-matrix renormalizationgroup (DMRG) calculations are used to study ladders with up to 200 rungs for intermediate-strength interactions. In the doped SF/DDW phase, the staggered rung current and the rung electron density both show periodic spatial oscillations, with characteristic wavelengths 2/delta and 1/delta, respectively, corresponding to ordering wavevectors 2k(F) and 4k(F) for the currents and densities, where 2k(F) = pi(1 - delta). The density minima are located at the anti-phase domain walls of the staggered current. For sufficiently large dopings, SF/DDW order is suppressed. The rung density modulation also exists in neighboring phases where currents decay exponentially. We show that most of the DMRG results can be qualitatively understood from weak-coupling RG/bosonization arguments. However, while these arguments seem to suggest a crossover from non-decaying correlations to power-law decay at a length scale of order 1/delta, the DMRG results are consistent with a true long-range order scenario for the currents and densities. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.