990 resultados para Nadir Shah, Sha de Persia 1688-1747
The compressively strained InGaAs/InGaAsP quantum well distributed feedback laser with ridge-wave- guide is fabricated at 1.74μm. It is grown by low-pressure metal organic chemical vapor deposition(MOCVD). A strain buffer layer is used to avoid indium segregation. The threshold current of the device uncoated with length of 300μm is 11.5mA. The maximum output power is 14mW at 100mA. A side mode suppression ratio of 35.5dB is obtained.
生物多样性的研究极其广泛,生物多样性的形成、维持机制和分布格局也一直是生物学和环境科学等研究的重要内容,植物作为生物总体中的重要组分,其种类组成、各个种的历史和现时分布及数量等历来是分析研究的重要对象。本文以中国长白山区为研究区域,通过植物多样性数据、地理及地形因子、能量因子、水分因子以及采集量和采集频度等其他因子资料,利用ArcGIS 9.2地理信息系统软件和SPSS等统计学软件,将长白山区按照行政区划分为74个小区,搜集各小区的环境因子数据,统计了各小区的生物多样性的数量,包括种子植物科、属、种,蕨类植物种丰富度状况及采集状况,对长白山区维管束植物分布格局与环境因子的关系进行了研究。 通过SPSS软件等统计学软件的分析,研究了中国长白山区植物多样性分布格局及其与环境因子的关系。研究结果表明,维管束植物的分布格局与年均温、年均降水、1月平均温度和温暖指数(WI)呈显著正相关(P<0.01),与经度、纬度和寒冷指数(CI)呈显著负相关(P<0.01),其中,影响植物分布格局的最主要的两个因子是年均降水量和1月温度(P<0.01, t测验),地理地形因子、热量因子和水分因子与植物多样性分布格局相关性非常显著。长白山区是人们已经开展了大量工作并基本完成了维管束植物普遍采集调查的区域,植物本底资料积累很好,有大量植物信息储存于植物标本之中。植物标本本身和标本为载体所记载的标本采集时间、地点、生境、该植物种在当地的丰富度等相关资料是生物多样性研究中丰富的原始数据源。 长白山区维管束植物包括150科729属1747种。其中蕨类植物22科44属100种,裸子植物5科11属33种,被子植物123科674属1614种。在此基础上,分析长白山区域植物标本采集状况,结果显示植物物种丰富度较高的地区有安图、桓仁、本溪县、凤城、抚松、鞍山市、清原、丹东市、尚志等,而丰富度较低的区域有双鸭山市、延寿、宾县、七台河、双阳、图们、木兰、通河等。长白山区维管植物多样性资源丰富,但各个区域的物种采集状况多寡不均,采集工作比较好的多集中在植物多样性资源保护较好的山区和自然保护区内。
Oxidative damage is an important mechanism in X-ray-induced cell death. Radiolysis of water molecules is a source of reactive oxygen species (ROS) that contribute to X-ray-induced cell death. In this study, we showed by ROS detection and a cell survival assay that NADPH oxidase has a very important role in X-ray-induced cell death. Under X-ray irradiation, the upregulation of the expression of NADPH oxidase membrane Subunit gp91(phox) was dose-dependent. Meanwhile, the cytoplasmic subunit p47(phox) was translocated to the cell membrane and localized with p22(phox) and gp91(phox) to form reactive NADPH oxidase. Our data Suggest, for the first time, that NADPH oxidase-mediated generation of ROS is an important contributor to X-ray-induced cell death. This suggests a new target for combined gene transfer and radiotherapy.
DNA damage and cell reproductive death determined by alkaline comet and clonogenic survival assays were examined in Lewis lung carcinoma cells after exposure to 89.63 MeV/u carbon ion and 6 MV X-ray irradiations, respectively. Based on the survival data, Lewis lung carcinoma cells were verified to be more radiosensitive to the carbon ion beam than to the X-ray irradiation. The relative biological effectiveness (RBE) value, which was up to 1.77 at 10% survival level, showed that the DNA damage induced by the high-LET carbon ion beam was more remarkable than that induced by the low-LET X-ray irradiation. The dose response curves of '' Tail DNA (%)'' (TD) and "Olive tail moment" (OTM) for the carbon ion irradiation showed saturation beyond about 8 Gy. This behavior was not found in the X-ray curves. Additionally, the carbon ion beam produced a lower survival fraction at 2 Gy (SF2) value and a higher initial Olive tail moment 2 Gy (OTM2) than those for the X-ray irradiation. These results suggest that carbon ion beams having high-LET values produced more severe cell reproductive death and DNA damage in Lewis lung carcinoma cells in comparison with X-rays and comet assay might be an effective predictive test even combining with clonogenic assay to assess cellular radio sensitivity
Employing the recoil ion momentum spectroscopy we investigate the collision between He2+ and argon atoms. By measuring the recoil longitudinal momentum the energy losses of projectile are deduced for capture reaction channels. It is found that in most cases for single- and double-electron capture, the inner electron in the target atom is removed, the recoil ion is in singly or multiply excited states (hollow ion is formed), which indicates that electron correlation plays an important role in the process. The captured electrons prefer the ground states of the projectile. It is experimentally demonstrated that the average energy losses are directly related to charge transfer and electronic configuration.
State-selective single electron capture cross sections are measured by recoil ion momentum spectroscopy technique for He2+ on He at 30 keV incident energy. The cross sections for capture into ground and excited states are obtained and compared to classical model calculations as well as to the quantum mechanical calculations. The experimental results are in good agreement with quantum mechanical results.
During the past. decades, large-scale national neutron sources have been developed in Asia, Europe, and North America. Complementing such efforts, compact hadron beam complexes and neutron sources intended to serve primarily universities and industrial institutes have been proposed, and some have recently been established. Responding to the demand in China for pulsed neutron/proton-beam platforms that are dedicated to fundamental and applied research for users in multiple disciplines from materials characterization to hadron therapy and radiography to accelerator-driven sub-critical reactor systems (ADS) for nuclear waste transmutation, we have initiated the construction of a compact, yet expandable, accelerator complex-the Compact Pulsed Hadron Source (CPHS). It consists of an accelerator front-end (a high-intensity ion source, a 3-MeV radio-frequency quadrupole linac (RFQ), and a 13-MeV drift-tube linac (DTL)), a neutron target station (a beryllium target with solid methane and room-temperature water moderators/reflector), and experimental stations for neutron imaging/radiography, small-angle scattering, and proton irradiation. In the future, the CPHS may also serve as an injector to a ring for proton therapy and radiography or as the front end to an ADS test facility. In this paper, we describe the design of the CPHS technical systems and its intended operation.
The multi-photon dissociative photoionization dynamics of CF3I has been studied with femtosecond two-color pump-probe time-of-flight mass spectra at a pump pulse of 265 nm and a probe pulse of 398 nn. This enables the A band and 5ppi(3)7ssigma((2)Pi(1/2)) Rydberg state to be accessed with the pump beam. The observed fast and slow decay components of CF3+ and I+ reflect the fast repulsive A band and some higher lying ion-pair states may be responsible for the decay of the 5ppi(3)7ssigma((2)Pi(1/2)) Rydberg state. The results provide information on the different multi-photon pathways producing these ions and the de-excitation mechanism of the 5ppi(3)7ssigma((2)Pi(1/2)) Rydberg state. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.