923 resultados para MINI-FLYING ROBOTS


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The development of robots has shown itself as a very complex interdisciplinary research field. The predominant procedure for these developments in the last decades is based on the assumption that each robot is a fully personalized project, with the direct embedding of hardware and software technologies in robot parts with no level of abstraction. Although this methodology has brought countless benefits to the robotics research, on the other hand, it has imposed major drawbacks: (i) the difficulty to reuse hardware and software parts in new robots or new versions; (ii) the difficulty to compare performance of different robots parts; and (iii) the difficulty to adapt development needs-in hardware and software levels-to local groups expertise. Large advances might be reached, for example, if physical parts of a robot could be reused in a different robot constructed with other technologies by other researcher or group. This paper proposes a framework for robots, TORP (The Open Robot Project), that aims to put forward a standardization in all dimensions (electrical, mechanical and computational) of a robot shared development model. This architecture is based on the dissociation between the robot and its parts, and between the robot parts and their technologies. In this paper, the first specification for a TORP family and the first humanoid robot constructed following the TORP specification set are presented, as well as the advances proposed for their improvement.


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Actualmente, en los procesos de fabricación industrial los robots manipuladores son componentes esenciales, esto se debe a las diversas tareas que son capa es de realizar, tales como: ensamble, soldadura, manipulación de objetos, dispensación, entre otras. Sin embargo, di has aplicaciones son para escenarios geométricos limitados y simplificados, además la programación es compleja, por lo que se consume mucho tiempo en la programación. Entonces, cuando el volumen de producción es bajo o está en continuo cambio, sigue siendo necesaria la intervención de humanos expertos para realizar estas tareas. De acuerdo a lo anterior, en esta tesis se propone una metodología basada en sensores de unidad de medición inercial, en inglés Inertial Measurement Units (IMU), y fusión de sensores para la adquisición de las trayectorias realizadas por un humano, estimación de orientación en dos dimensiones y estimación de posición en 3 dimensiones. Además, se involucra el modelado de robots manipuladores, generación de trayectorias, control cinemático empleado en la programación del robot, y por último una evaluación de desempeño del movimiento del robot basado en índices de desempeño. Los resultados experimentales obtenidos muestran que la metodología aplicada es capaz de estimar la trayectoria (en posición y orientación) a partir de los datos adquiridos de la trayectoria realizada por un humano sin el uso de Sistemas de Visión Computacional (SVC). El propósito principal de esta investigación es el desarrollo de una metodología, en la cual los datos coordenados de las trayectorias realizadas por humanos expertos puedan ser emuladas lo más preciso posible por robots manipuladores, sin consumir demasiado tiempo en la programación manual de posición y movimiento del robot en cada punto de la trayectoria deseada.


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Resumo: Diversos surtos de Salmonella ocasionados pelo consumo de tomate contaminados com este micro-organismo têm sido relatados ultimamente, o que torna primordial a investigação sobre a presença desse patógeno nesse alimento. Métodos que permitam a avaliação rápida da presença de Salmonella em alimentos são de suma importância. O objetivo desse estudo foi comparar o método tradicional da Food and Drug Administration - Bacteriologycal Analytical Manual (FDA-BAM) com um método rápido da mini Vitek Immuno Diagnostic System Assay (Mini?Vidas-SLM)-bioMérieux, para detecção de Salmonella Brazil inoculada artificialmente na superfície de tomates. Foram analisadas 215 amostras de tomates inoculadas artificialmente com Salmonella Brazil com níveis de inóculos variando de 0,4 a 940 UFC/tomate. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que os métodos estudados apresentaram uma ótima concordância entre si, para todas as faixas de inóculo analisadas.


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Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women in Malaysia. Therefore, it is important for the public to be educated on breast cancer and to know the steps that need to be taken to detect it early. Healthcare providers are in a unique position to provide public health education due to their good knowledge of health issues and their roles in healthcare. A systematic review of studies conducted from 2008 till 2015 was undertaken to analyze the knowledge, attitudes and behavior of Malaysian healthcare providers regarding breast cancer, in an attempt to obtain an overall picture of how wellequipped the healthcare providers are to provide optimal breast cancer education, and to ascertain their perceptions and actual involvement in such education. The systematic review was conducted via a primary search of various databases and journal websites, and a secondary search of references cited in eligible studies. Criteria for eligibility include studies conducted in Malaysia and published from the year 2008 to 2015, and written in English language. A total of fifteen articles were identified and reviewed but only two studies were eligible for this review. The findings suggest that future and current Malaysian healthcare providers have moderate knowledge of breast cancer, showed a positive disposition towards involvement in breast cancer education, but displayed poor involvement.


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El presente trabajo se ha concebido bajo un carácter didáctico y con la intención de ser difundido y utilizado, dirigido a estudiantes, profesores y aquellos que sientan deseo de incursionar en este campo interesante. El baloncesto es un deporte practicado en edades tempranas, no está enfocado en la competitividad sino encausado a adquirir fundamentos: técnicos, tácticos, individuales y colectivos con una descripción detallada del proceso de aprendizaje y las destrezas básicas; iniciando de lo sencillo a lo complejo, a la iniciación del juego y sus reglas, acompañados de una disciplina deportiva de colaboración, compañerismo, responsabilidad, cooperación, alimentación, de higiene, de buenos hábitos, alejados del alcohol y las drogas, que afectan al normal desarrollo bio-psico-social-afectivo del individuo. Con la transición del minibaloncesto al baloncesto en la selección de la escuela Fiscomisional Sor Teresa Valsé en la categoría intermedia comprendida en las edades de 12 a 14 años realizado en los meses de agosto 2015 a mayo 2016, se pretendió poner al alcance de las niñas todas las ventajas y valores educativos del baloncesto, de tal manera que no se contraríe su naturaleza, posibilidades, intereses, ni exija esfuerzos incompatibles con la edad de las participantes. En consecuencia la transición del minibaloncesto al baloncesto repercute en forma positiva en el normal desarrollo de las niñas de estas edades, tanto en lo físico, técnico-táctico, psicológico y social, así como también este trabajo refleja el desarrollo y adquisición de habilidades, destrezas y el modelo sobre el cual se implementó cada uno de los mismos para alcanzar los resultados esperados de esta investigación.


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Telepresence robots have emerged as a new means of interaction in remote environments. However, the use of such robots is still limited due to safety and usability issues when operating in human-like environments. This work addresses these issues by enhancing the robot navigation through a collaborative control method that assists the user to negotiate obstacles. The method has been implemented in a commercial telepresence robot and a user study has been conducted in order to test the suitability of our approach.


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Sensor networks are becoming popular nowadays in the development of smart environments. Heavily relying on static sensor and actuators, though, such environments usually lacks of versatility regarding the provided services and interaction capabilities. Here we present a framework for smart environments where a service robot is included within the sensor network acting as a mobile sensor and/or actuator. Our framework integrates on-the-shelf technologies to ensure its adaptability to a variety of sensor technologies and robotic software. Two pilot cases are presented as evaluation of our proposal.


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Sensor failures or oversupply in wireless sensor networks (WSNs), especially initial random deployment, create spare sensors (whose area is fully covered by other sensors) and sensing holes. We envision a team of robots to relocate sensors and improve their area coverage. Existing algorithms, including centralized ones and the only localized G-R3S2 [9], move only spare sensors and have limited improvement because non-spare sensors, with area coverage mostly overlapped by neighbour sensors, are not moved, and additional sensors are deployed to fill existing small holes. We propose a localized algorithm, called Localized Ant-based Sensor Relocation Algorithm with Greedy Walk (LASR-G), where each robot may carry at most one sensor and makes decision that depends only on locally detected information. In LASRG, each robot calculates corresponding pickup or dropping probability, and relocates sensor with currently low coverage contribution to another location where sensing hole would be significantly reduced. The basic algorithm optimizes only area coverage, while modified algorithm includes also the cost of robot movement. We compare LASR-G with G-R3S2, and examine both single robot and multi robots scenarios. The simulation results show the advantages of LASR-G over G-R3S2.


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Three Flying Saucers is wall mounted set of three works which parody the iconic kitsch set of three flying ducks which inhabit the walls of many houses from the 1950’s to today. The project proposes a time in the future where contact with alien intelligent life has been established and we have finally obtained proof that Flying Saucers were real and had been visiting our world for many decades. Now these mysterious celestial forms have been adopted as the new kitsch and adorn the homes of the future.


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Given a set of events and a set of robots, the dispatch problem is to allocate one robot for each event to visit it. In a single round, each robot may be allowed to visit only one event (matching dispatch), or several events in a sequence (sequence dispatch). In a distributed setting, each event is discovered by a sensor and reported to a robot. Here, we present novel algorithms aimed at overcoming the shortcomings of several existing solutions. We propose pairwise distance based matching algorithm (PDM) to eliminate long edges by pairwise exchanges between matching pairs. Our sequence dispatch algorithm (SQD) iteratively finds the closest event-robot pair, includes the event in dispatch schedule of the selected robot and updates its position accordingly. When event-robot distances are multiplied by robot resistance (inverse of the remaining energy), the corresponding energy-balanced variants are obtained. We also present generalizations which handle multiple visits and timing constraints. Our localized algorithm MAD is based on information mesh infrastructure and local auctions within the robot network for obtaining the optimal dispatch schedule for each robot. The simulations conducted confirm the advantages of our algorithms over other existing solutions in terms of average robot-event distance and lifetime.


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In this paper, a target tracking controller based on spiking neural network is proposed for autonomous robots. This controller encodes the preprocessed environmental and target information provided by CCD cameras, encoders and ultrasonic sensors into spike trains, which are integrated by a three-layer spiking neural network (SNN). The outputs of SNN are generated based on the competition between the forward/backward neuron pair corresponding to each motor, with the weights evolved by the Hebbian learning. The application to target tracking of a mobile robot in unknown environment verifies the validity of the proposed controller.


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We consider the problem of navigating a ying robot to a specific sensor node within a wireless sensor network. This target sensor node periodically sends out beacons. The robot is capable of sensing the received signal strength of each received beacon (RSSI measurements). Existing approaches for solving the sensor spotting problem with RSSI measurements do not deal with noisy channel conditions and/or heavily depend on additional hardware capabilities. In this work we reduce RSSI uctuations due to noise by continuously sampling RSSI values and maintaining an exponential moving average (EMA). The EMA values enable us to detect significant decrease of the received signal strength. In this case it is reasoned that the robot is moving away from the sensor. We present two basic variants to decide a new moving direction when the robot moves away from the sensor. Our simulations show that our approaches outperform competing algorithms in terms of success rate and ight time. Infield experiments with real hardware, a ying robocopter successfully and quickly landed near a sensor placed in an outdoor test environment. Traces show robustness to additional environmental factors not accounted for in our simulations.


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Robots are ever increasing in a variety of different workplaces providing an array of benefits such alternative solutions to traditional human labor. While developing fully autonomous robots is the ultimate goal in many robotic applications the reality is that there still exist many situationswere robots require some level of teleoperation in order to achieve assigned goals especially when deployed in non-deterministic environments. For instance teleoperation is commonly used in areas such as search and rescue, bomb disposal and exploration of inaccessible or harsh terrain. This is due to a range of factors such as the lack of ability for robots to quickly and reliably navigate unknown environments or provide high-level decision making especially intime critical tasks. To provide an adequate solution for such situations human-in-the-loop control is required. When developing human-in-the-loop control it is important to take advantage of the complimentary skill-sets that both humans and robots share. For example robots can performrapid calculations, provide accurate measurements through hardware such as sensors and store large amounts of data while humans provide experience, intuition, risk management and complex decision making capabilities. Shared autonomy is the concept of building robotic systems that take advantage of these complementary skills-sets to provide a robust an efficient robotic solution. While the requirement of human-in-the-loop control exists Human Machine Interaction (HMI) remains an important research topic especially the area of User Interface (UI) design.In order to provide operators with an effective teleoperation system it is important that the interface is intuitive and dynamic while also achieving a high level of immersion. Recent advancements in virtual and augmented reality hardware is giving rise to innovative HMI systems. Interactive hardware such as Microsoft Kinect, leap motion, Oculus Rift, Samsung Gear VR and even CAVE Automatic Virtual Environments [1] are providing vast improvements over traditional user interface designs such as the experimental web browser JanusVR [2]. This combined with the introduction of standardized robot frameworks such as ROS and Webots [3] that now support a large number of different robots provides an opportunity to develop a universal UI for teleoperation control to improve operator efficiency while reducing teleoperation training.This research introduces the concept of a dynamic virtual workspace for teleoperation of heterogeneous robots in non-deterministic environments that require human-in-the-loop control. The system first identifies the connected robots through the use kinematic information then determines its network capabilities such as latency and bandwidth. Given the robot type and network capabilities the system can then provide the operator with available teleoperation modes such as pick and place control or waypoint navigation while also allowing them to manipulate the virtual workspace layout to provide information from onboard camera’s or sensors.