873 resultados para IBM 1130 (Computador) - Programação
系统报道黑边假龙胆(Gentianella azurea (Bunge) Holub)的胚胎发育过程,用以讨论假龙胆属长期存在争议的分类和系统发育问题。黑边假龙胆花药4室;药壁发育属双子叶型;绒毡层单型起源,细胞单核,属腺质绒毡层;花药壁表皮层宿存,药室内壁减缩。小抱子母细胞减数分裂为同时型,四分体的排列为四面体型;成熟花粉3-细胞型。子房为2心应,1室,减编的侧膜胎座,胚珠4列。薄珠心,单珠被,横生胚珠,大抱子母细胞减数分裂形成的4个大抱呈直列式排列,其中合点端的大抱子具功能。胚囊发育为蓼型。珠心冠原存在。极核在受精前融合为次生核,反足细胞宿存、分裂为8~12个、每个细胞均多核和异常膨大,反足细胞形成的吸器明显。雄蕊先熟。异花传粉,珠孔受精。花粉管进入胚囊时不破坏助细胞,助细胞宿存;一个精核和次生核的融合几乎发生在另一个精核和卵细胞核融合的同时。受精作用属于有丝分裂前配子体融合类型。胚乳为核型,胚乳核分裂同步,每核含2~3个核仁。胚胎发育为茄型酸浆Ⅰ变型。成熟种子中胚只发育至球形胚阶段。反足细胞在合子分裂之后才开始退化;在胚的发育过程中反足细胞在胚乳层之外形成一层染色深类似“外胚乳”的结构。和龙胆属比较,假龙胆属具有如下不同的特征:绒毡层单型起源,典型的腺质绒毡层,无“类胎座”和“横格”,单层;减缩侧墨胎座,胚珠4列,横生胚珠;珠心冠原存在;反足细胞异常膨大,形成内多倍体和多核,并在胚乳核之外形成一层类似“外胚乳”的结构;花粉管进入胚囊时不破坏助细胞;胚胎发育为茄型酸浆Ⅰ变型等。胚胎学研究结果表明假龙胆与龙胆属的亲缘关系较远,分类等级上作为一独立的属较合适,在系统位置上它与龙胆属可能不在同一条进化线上。
本文简要介绍了一个数控自动编程专家系统的自然语言接口的实现.该自然语言接口是以我们研制的数控自动编程专家系统为背景,运行在 SUN3/4 工作站的 UNIX 下和 IBM/AT 机的 DOS 下,用 C语言编程.该自然语言接口由词法分析、句法分析、语义语用分析、目标生成和图形仿真五个模块及相应的知识库构成.该接口能够接受数控编程系统所需的对工件的英语自然语言描述并处理一些比较简单的英语语言现象.
计算机集成制造系统开放式体系结构 CIM-OSA 是欧共体 ESPRIT 计划的 AMICE 协作体的研究成果,本文系统地介绍了 CIM-OSA 的内容及特点,并对 CIM-OSA 思想的应用实例 IMPACS(集成制造计划和控制系统)和 IBM 的 CIM 结构做了详细分析和阐述.
A dynamic model is built up by means of system dynamics method for the development offorest resources in Liaoning province.Prediction and strategy research are made for the fo-rest ecology and timber production in 2000 in Liaoning.The impactions of various designson the development of forest resources are understood by adjusting different parameters andadding disturbances to the model.Various parameters are determined according to the dataprovided by Land Dept.and Forestry Dept.of Liaoning province,the data of provincialforest statistics in 1978 is taken as the original values for running model,which is perfor-med on IBM PC/X7 computer in DYNAMO language of system dynamics.
本文简要地介绍了数控自动编程专家系统.其中包括:专家系统知识表示的形式;分层次的黑板结构;前向推理求解策略和相应的解释功能;系统针对不同类型的曲线组合,采用不同的独立的知识源(KS)进行处理.由于在知识的处理上采用编码技术,在前向推理求解策略中使用启发信息和“剪技”技术,提高了系统的时空效率.系统中的规划程序能自动规划切削路径.输出供数控车床使用的 NC 代码,并可在显示屏上进行图形显示和切削仿真.目前原型系统已经在 IBM-PC 和 Sun3/60计算机上利用FORTRAN 语言实现.
本文叙述一个采取以“统计模式识别”为主,以“结构模式识别”方法为辅的识别技术路线实现的以办公室自动化(OA)为应用环境的一级印刷汉字文本识别系统。该系统从实用化角度出发,采用页式文本图象扫描输入。输入后将图象文本分割成单个汉字,并根据汉字的结构特点,抽取了汉字的内层,外层,局部等多个特征。识别采用多级分类方法。识别结果形成一个国标区位码文件。系统软件建立了一种与用户间的友好界面。该系统是在IBM PC/XT上实现的,对印刷字样识别率>99%,对各类实际的办公行文其统计识别率>95%,识别速度为1~2字/秒。
机器人的程序设计问题是智能机器人研究的重要方面。也是自动程序设计的一个重要方面。给定一个机器人的任务描述。应该能够得一个完整的程序代码(用某种程序设计语言书写)。本文描述了一个这样的系统-LRPS。LRPS用一种比较简单的任务描述语言TOL(Task-Oriented Language)来接收用户的任务描述,然后经过分析。规划,最后生成一段用VAL语言编写的程序代码,系统能够给出机器人的宏动作序列--机器人规划。并能对若干知识库进行操作。在规划器中采用了一种新的称为插入法的方法来进行规划,整个系统在IBM-PC机上用PASCAL语言实现。
本文全面地介绍了动态定位系统的发展过程。探讨了在我所研制的水下机器人HR01上实现动态定位功能的可能性。并提出了两种新的控制方案,且在微机IBM PC-XT上做了仿真工作,给出了仿真结果。第一种方案是基于单回路技术。先用前馈解耦网络去耦,再按单回路进行综合。而后加入螺旋浆的饱和及死区非线性。针对这两种非线性提出了两种新的解决方法。理论分析及仿真结果表明,该两种方法对克服这两种非线性极为有效,达到了理想的控制效果。第二种方案则是基于滑动控制理论思想。该方法具有解耦特性,抗参数时变特性及能够对非线性系统直接设计的优点。对水平机器人来说是一种比较好的方法。本人将该方法成功地应用在水下机器人的航向控制。并对不同参数的对象进行了仿真实验。结果表明该方法对参数变化有强鲁椿性,达到了相当满意的控制效果。
VAL-II是当今世界上得到广泛应用的一种高级机器人控制系统和编程语言,尤以其卓越的管理通讯功能越来越受到广大用户的欢迎。它采用DDCMP协议的一个子集,通过计算机局部网络来支持与管理计算机的通讯,管理计算机能完全监控VAL-II系统的运行,为离线编程和面向任务型控制创造了条件。基于对PUNA 562机器人中的VAL-II系统目标代码的剖析,本文用IBM PC/AT计算机成功地开发出了VAL-II通信子系统的中层和底层,并与Unimation 公司的DDCMP 和 TESTDDC测试程序进行了联调,证实了其有效性。本文介绍了该子系统的结构,功能及其运行结果。
Compared with the conventional P wave, multi-component seismic data can markedly provide more information, thus improve the quality of reservoir evaluation like formation evaluation etc. With PS wave, better imaging result can be obtained especially in areas involved with gas chimney and high velocity formation. However, the signal-to-noise of multi-component seismic data is normally lower than that of the conventional P wave seismic data, while the frequency range of converted wave is always close to that of the surface wave which adds to the difficulty of removing surface wave. To realize common reflection point data stacking from extracted common conversion point data is a hard nut to crack. The s wave static correction of common receiver point PS wave data is not easy neither. In a word, the processing of multi-component seismic data is more complicated than P wave data. This paper shows some work that has been done, addressing those problems mentioned above. (1) Based on the AVO feature of converted wave, this paper has realized the velocity spectrum of converted waves by using Sarkar’s generalized semblance method taking into account of AVO factor in velocity analysis. (2)We achieve a method of smoothly offset division normal method.Firstly we scan the stacking velocities in different offset divisions for a t0, secondly obtain some hyperbolas using these stacking velocities, then get the travel time for every trace using these hyperbolas; in the end we interpolate the normal move out between two t0 for every trace. (3) Here realize a method of stepwise offset division normal moveout.It is similar to the method of smoothly offset division normal moveout.The main difference is using quadratic curve, sixth order curve or fraction curve to fit these hyperbolas. (4)In this paper, 4 types of travel time versus distance functions in inhomogeneous media whose velocity or slowness varies with depth and vertical travel time have been discussed and used to approximate reflection travel time. The errors of ray path and travel time based on those functions in four layered models were analyzed, and it has shown that effective results of NMO in synthetic or real data can be obtained. (5) The velocity model of converted PS-wave can be considered as that of P -wave based on the ghost source theory, thus the converted wave travel time can be approximated by calculation from 4 equivalent velocity functions: velocity or slowness vary linearly with depth or vertical travel time. Then combining with P wave velocity analysis, the converted wave data can be corrected directly to the P-wave vertical travel time. The improvements were shown in Normal Move out of converted waves with numerical examples and real data. (6) This paper introduces the methods to compute conversion point location in vertical inhomogeneous media based on linear functions of velocity or slowness versus depth or vertical travel time, and introduce three ways to choose appropriate equivalent velocity methods, which are velocity fitting, travel time approximation and semblance coefficient methods.
On 70~(th) SEG Annual meeting, many author have announced their result on the wave equation prestack depth migration. The methods of the wave-field imaging base on wave equation becomes mature and the main direction of seismic imaging. The direction of imaging the complex media has been the main one of the projects that the national "85" and "95" reservoir geophysics key projects and "Knowledge innovation key project of Chinese Academy of Science" have been supported. Furthermore, we began the study for special oil field situation of our nation with the international research groups. Under the background, the author combined the thoughts of symplectic with wave equation pre-stack depth migration, and develops and efficient wave equation pre-stack depth migration method. The purpose of this work is to find out a way to imaging the complex geological goals of Chinese oilfields and form a procedure of seismic data processing. The paper gives the approximation of one way wave equation operator, and shows the numerical results. The comparisons have been made between split-step phase method, Kirchhoff and Ray+FD methods on the pulse response, simple model and Marmousi model. The results shows that the method in this paper has an higher accuracy. Four field data examples have also be given in this paper. The results of field data demonstrate that the method can be usable. The velocity estimation is an important part of the wave equation pre-stack depth migration. A parallel velocity estimation program has been written and tested on the Beowulf clusters. The program can establish a velocity profile automatically. An example on Marmousi model has shown in the third part of the paper to demonstrate the method. Another field data was also given in the paper. Beowulf cluster is the converge of the high performance computer architecture. Today, Beowulf Cluster is a good choice for institutes and small companies to finish their task. The paper gives some comparison results the computation of the wave equation pre-stack migration on Beowulf cluster, IBM-SP2 (24 nodes) in Daqing and Shuguang 3000, and the comparison of their prize. The results show that the Beowulf cluster is an efficient way to finish the large amount computation of the wave equation pre-stack depth migration, especially for 3D.
On 70~(th) SEG Annual meeting, many author have announced their result on the wave equation pre-stack depth migration. The methods of the wave-field imaging base on wave equation becomes mature and the main direction of seismic imaging. The direction of imaging the complex media has been the main one of the projects that the national "85" and "95" reservoir geophysics key projects and "Knowledge innovation key project of Chinese Academy of Science" have been supported. Furthermore, we began the study for special oil field situation of our nation with the international research groups. Under the background, the author combined the thoughts of symplectic with wave equation pre-stack depth migration, and develops and efficient wave equation pre-stack depth migration method. The purpose of this work is to find out a way to imaging the complex geological goals of Chinese oilfields and form a procedure of seismic data processing. The paper gives the approximation of one way wave equation operator, and shows the numerical results. The comparisons have been made between split-step phase method, Kirchhoff and Ray+FD methods on the pulse response, simple model and Marmousi model. The result shows that the method in this paper has an higher accuracy. Four field data examples have also be given in this paper. The results of field data demonstrate that the method can be usable. The velocity estimation is an important part of the wave equation pre-stack depth migration. A. parallel velocity estimation program has been written and tested on the Beowulf clusters. The program can establish a velocity profile automatically. An example on Marmousi model has shown in the third part of the paper to demonstrate the method. Another field data was also given in the paper. Beowulf cluster is the converge of the high performance computer architecture. Today, Beowulf Cluster is a good choice for institutes and small companies to finish their task. The paper gives some comparison results the computation of the wave equation pre-stack migration on Beowulf cluster, IBM-SP2 (24 nodes) in Daqing and Shuguang3000, and the comparison of their prize. The results show that the Beowulf cluster is an efficient way to finish the large amount computation of the wave equation pre-stack depth migration, especially for 3D.
A maioria dos produtores de gado de corte não realiza adequadamente o controle de receitas e despesas de sua atividade. Como a lucratividade da pecuária de corte tem se reduzido pela queda no preço de seus produtos e pela alta nos custos de produção, tal função tornou-se crucial para aqueles que querem se manter no negócio. Para atender essa demanda, a Embrapa Gado de Corte desenvolveu, em ambiente Excel, o Controlpec 1.0, uma ferramenta simples e de fácil utilização pelos produtores. Com base no movimento financeiro da fazenda são gerados relatórios que consolidam despesas, receitas e margens econômicas da atividade, tendo em conta o plano de contas definido pelo usuário. Os resultados são expostos para cada mês do ano e para todo o ano.
Mensagem; Comissões; Programação; Patrocinadores; Trabalhos científicos; Workshop Bioenergia; Workshop Bioprospecção; Busca.