939 resultados para Fishes Physiology
The emergence and maintenance of maternal behavior are under the influence of environmental cues such as light and dark periods. This article discusses the characteristic neurobiology of the behavioral patterns of lactating rats. Specifically, the hormonal basis and neurocircuits that determine whether mother rats show typical sequential patterns of behavioral responses are discussed. During lactation, rats express a sequential pattern of behavioral parameters that may be determined by hormonal variations. Sensorial signals emitted by pups, as well as environmental cues, are suggested to serve as conditioned stimuli for these animals. Finally, the expression of maternal behavior is discussed under neuroeconomic and evolutionary perspectives.
[ES]Durante la campaña La Bocaina 0497 se llevaron a cabo una serie de 14 lances con una red de arrastre pelágico de tipo comercial entre 20 y 700 m. de profundidad y una porspección acústica con una ecosonda SIMRAD EK-500 en aguas neríticas y oceánicas adyacentes a Lanzarote, Fuerteventura y Gran Canaria. Además se obtuvieron imágenes SST para obtener información de las condiciones hidrológicas en el área de estudio. Los resultados mostraron que la caballa Scomber japonicus presentaba gran variabilidad espacial en biomasa entre las diferentes localidades muestreadas.
[EN] Diel Vertical Migrants (DVMs) are mainly zooplankton and micronekton which migrate upward from 400-500 m depth every night to feed on the productive epipelagic zone, coming back at dawn to the mesopelagic zone, where they defecate, excrete, and respire the ingested carbon. DVMs should contribute to the biological pump in the ocean and, accordingly, to the global CO2 balance. Although those migrants are mainly small fishes, cephalopods and crustaceans, the lanternfishes (myctophidae) usually contribute up to 80% of total DVMs biomass. Thus, myctophids may represent a pathway accounting for a substantial export of organic carbon to the deep ocean. However, the magnitude of this transport is still poorly known. In order to assess this active flux of carbon, we performed a preliminary study of mesopelagic organisms around the Canary Islands. Here we present the results of diet, daily rations and feeding chronology of Lobianchia dofleini, Hygophum hygomii and Ceratoscopelus maderensis, 3 dominant species of myctophids performing diel vertical migrations in the Subtropical Eastern North Atlantic Ocean. Samples were obtained on board the RV La Bocaina during June 2009. Myctophids were sorted and fixed in 4% buffered formalin and the stomach contents of target species were examined and weighted. Feeding chronology was approached by studying stomach fullness and state of digestion of prey items in individuals from hauls performed at different times and depths. Our results provide further information about lanternfishes feeding ecology in relation to their vertical migration patterns as well as their contribution to the biological carbon pump.
[EN] Ammonium (NH4+) release by bacterial remineralization and heterotrophic grazers determines the regenerated fraction of phytoplankton productivity, so the measurement of NH4+ excretion in marine organisms is necessary to characterize both the magnitude and the efficiency of the nitrogen cycle. Glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) is largely responsible for NH4+ formation in crustaceans and consequently should be useful in estimating NH4+ excretion by marine zooplankton.
Here, we address body size and starvation as sources of variability on the GDH to NH4+ excretion ratio (GDH/RNH4+). We found a strong correlation between the RNH4+ and the GDH activity (r2 = 0.87, n = 41) during growth. Since GDH activity maintained a linear relation (b = 0.93) and RNH4+ scaled exponentially (b =0.55) in well fed mysids, the GDH/RNH4+ ratio increased with size. However, the magnitude of its variation increased even more when adult mysids were starved. In this case, the GDH/RNH4+ ratio ranged from 11.23 to 102.41.
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Introduction 1.1 Occurrence of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) in the environment Worldwide industrial and agricultural developments have released a large number of natural and synthetic hazardous compounds into the environment due to careless waste disposal, illegal waste dumping and accidental spills. As a result, there are numerous sites in the world that require cleanup of soils and groundwater. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are one of the major groups of these contaminants (Da Silva et al., 2003). PAHs constitute a diverse class of organic compounds consisting of two or more aromatic rings with various structural configurations (Prabhu and Phale, 2003). Being a derivative of benzene, PAHs are thermodynamically stable. In addition, these chemicals tend to adhere to particle surfaces, such as soils, because of their low water solubility and strong hydrophobicity, and this results in greater persistence under natural conditions. This persistence coupled with their potential carcinogenicity makes PAHs problematic environmental contaminants (Cerniglia, 1992; Sutherland, 1992). PAHs are widely found in high concentrations at many industrial sites, particularly those associated with petroleum, gas production and wood preserving industries (Wilson and Jones, 1993). 1.2 Remediation technologies Conventional techniques used for the remediation of soil polluted with organic contaminants include excavation of the contaminated soil and disposal to a landfill or capping - containment - of the contaminated areas of a site. These methods have some drawbacks. The first method simply moves the contamination elsewhere and may create significant risks in the excavation, handling and transport of hazardous material. Additionally, it is very difficult and increasingly expensive to find new landfill sites for the final disposal of the material. The cap and containment method is only an interim solution since the contamination remains on site, requiring monitoring and maintenance of the isolation barriers long into the future, with all the associated costs and potential liability. A better approach than these traditional methods is to completely destroy the pollutants, if possible, or transform them into harmless substances. Some technologies that have been used are high-temperature incineration and various types of chemical decomposition (for example, base-catalyzed dechlorination, UV oxidation). However, these methods have significant disadvantages, principally their technological complexity, high cost , and the lack of public acceptance. Bioremediation, on the contrast, is a promising option for the complete removal and destruction of contaminants. 1.3 Bioremediation of PAH contaminated soil & groundwater Bioremediation is the use of living organisms, primarily microorganisms, to degrade or detoxify hazardous wastes into harmless substances such as carbon dioxide, water and cell biomass Most PAHs are biodegradable unter natural conditions (Da Silva et al., 2003; Meysami and Baheri, 2003) and bioremediation for cleanup of PAH wastes has been extensively studied at both laboratory and commercial levels- It has been implemented at a number of contaminated sites, including the cleanup of the Exxon Valdez oil spill in Prince William Sound, Alaska in 1989, the Mega Borg spill off the Texas coast in 1990 and the Burgan Oil Field, Kuwait in 1994 (Purwaningsih, 2002). Different strategies for PAH bioremediation, such as in situ , ex situ or on site bioremediation were developed in recent years. In situ bioremediation is a technique that is applied to soil and groundwater at the site without removing the contaminated soil or groundwater, based on the provision of optimum conditions for microbiological contaminant breakdown.. Ex situ bioremediation of PAHs, on the other hand, is a technique applied to soil and groundwater which has been removed from the site via excavation (soil) or pumping (water). Hazardous contaminants are converted in controlled bioreactors into harmless compounds in an efficient manner. 1.4 Bioavailability of PAH in the subsurface Frequently, PAH contamination in the environment is occurs as contaminants that are sorbed onto soilparticles rather than in phase (NAPL, non aqueous phase liquids). It is known that the biodegradation rate of most PAHs sorbed onto soil is far lower than rates measured in solution cultures of microorganisms with pure solid pollutants (Alexander and Scow, 1989; Hamaker, 1972). It is generally believed that only that fraction of PAHs dissolved in the solution can be metabolized by microorganisms in soil. The amount of contaminant that can be readily taken up and degraded by microorganisms is defined as bioavailability (Bosma et al., 1997; Maier, 2000). Two phenomena have been suggested to cause the low bioavailability of PAHs in soil (Danielsson, 2000). The first one is strong adsorption of the contaminants to the soil constituents which then leads to very slow release rates of contaminants to the aqueous phase. Sorption is often well correlated with soil organic matter content (Means, 1980) and significantly reduces biodegradation (Manilal and Alexander, 1991). The second phenomenon is slow mass transfer of pollutants, such as pore diffusion in the soil aggregates or diffusion in the organic matter in the soil. The complex set of these physical, chemical and biological processes is schematically illustrated in Figure 1. As shown in Figure 1, biodegradation processes are taking place in the soil solution while diffusion processes occur in the narrow pores in and between soil aggregates (Danielsson, 2000). Seemingly contradictory studies can be found in the literature that indicate the rate and final extent of metabolism may be either lower or higher for sorbed PAHs by soil than those for pure PAHs (Van Loosdrecht et al., 1990). These contrasting results demonstrate that the bioavailability of organic contaminants sorbed onto soil is far from being well understood. Besides bioavailability, there are several other factors influencing the rate and extent of biodegradation of PAHs in soil including microbial population characteristics, physical and chemical properties of PAHs and environmental factors (temperature, moisture, pH, degree of contamination). Figure 1: Schematic diagram showing possible rate-limiting processes during bioremediation of hydrophobic organic contaminants in a contaminated soil-water system (not to scale) (Danielsson, 2000). 1.5 Increasing the bioavailability of PAH in soil Attempts to improve the biodegradation of PAHs in soil by increasing their bioavailability include the use of surfactants , solvents or solubility enhancers.. However, introduction of synthetic surfactant may result in the addition of one more pollutant. (Wang and Brusseau, 1993).A study conducted by Mulder et al. showed that the introduction of hydropropyl-ß-cyclodextrin (HPCD), a well-known PAH solubility enhancer, significantly increased the solubilization of PAHs although it did not improve the biodegradation rate of PAHs (Mulder et al., 1998), indicating that further research is required in order to develop a feasible and efficient remediation method. Enhancing the extent of PAHs mass transfer from the soil phase to the liquid might prove an efficient and environmentally low-risk alternative way of addressing the problem of slow PAH biodegradation in soil.
The hydrogen production in the green microalga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii was evaluated by means of a detailed physiological and biotechnological study. First, a wide screening of the hydrogen productivity was done on 22 strains of C. reinhardtii, most of which mutated at the level of the D1 protein. The screening revealed for the first time that mutations upon the D1 protein may result on an increased hydrogen production. Indeed, productions ranged between 0 and more than 500 mL hydrogen per liter of culture (Torzillo, Scoma et al., 2007a), the highest producer (L159I-N230Y) being up to 5 times more performant than the strain cc124 widely adopted in literature (Torzillo, Scoma, et al., 2007b). Improved productivities by D1 protein mutants were generally a result of high photosynthetic capabilities counteracted by high respiration rates. Optimization of culture conditions were addressed according to the results of the physiological study of selected strains. In a first step, the photobioreactor (PBR) was provided with a multiple-impeller stirring system designed, developed and tested by us, using the strain cc124. It was found that the impeller system was effectively able to induce regular and turbulent mixing, which led to improved photosynthetic yields by means of light/dark cycles. Moreover, improved mixing regime sustained higher respiration rates, compared to what obtained with the commonly used stir bar mixing system. As far as the results of the initial screening phase are considered, both these factors are relevant to the hydrogen production. Indeed, very high energy conversion efficiencies (light to hydrogen) were obtained with the impeller device, prooving that our PBR was a good tool to both improve and study photosynthetic processes (Giannelli, Scoma et al., 2009). In the second part of the optimization, an accurate analysis of all the positive features of the high performance strain L159I-N230Y pointed out, respect to the WT, it has: (1) a larger chlorophyll optical cross-section; (2) a higher electron transfer rate by PSII; (3) a higher respiration rate; (4) a higher efficiency of utilization of the hydrogenase; (5) a higher starch synthesis capability; (6) a higher per cell D1 protein amount; (7) a higher zeaxanthin synthesis capability (Torzillo, Scoma et al., 2009). These information were gathered with those obtained with the impeller mixing device to find out the best culture conditions to optimize productivity with strain L159I-N230Y. The main aim was to sustain as long as possible the direct PSII contribution, which leads to hydrogen production without net CO2 release. Finally, an outstanding maximum rate of 11.1 ± 1.0 mL/L/h was reached and maintained for 21.8 ± 7.7 hours, when the effective photochemical efficiency of PSII (ΔF/F'm) underwent a last drop to zero. If expressed in terms of chl (24.0 ± 2.2 µmoles/mg chl/h), these rates of production are 4 times higher than what reported in literature to date (Scoma et al., 2010a submitted). DCMU addition experiments confirmed the key role played by PSII in sustaining such rates. On the other hand, experiments carried out in similar conditions with the control strain cc124 showed an improved final productivity, but no constant PSII direct contribution. These results showed that, aside from fermentation processes, if proper conditions are supplied to selected strains, hydrogen production can be substantially enhanced by means of biophotolysis. A last study on the physiology of the process was carried out with the mutant IL. Although able to express and very efficiently utilize the hydrogenase enzyme, this strain was unable to produce hydrogen when sulfur deprived. However, in a specific set of experiments this goal was finally reached, pointing out that other than (1) a state 1-2 transition of the photosynthetic apparatus, (2) starch storage and (3) anaerobiosis establishment, a timely transition to the hydrogen production is also needed in sulfur deprivation to induce the process before energy reserves are driven towards other processes necessary for the survival of the cell. This information turned out to be crucial when moving outdoor for the hydrogen production in a tubular horizontal 50-liter PBR under sunlight radiation. First attempts with laboratory grown cultures showed that no hydrogen production under sulfur starvation can be induced if a previous adaptation of the culture is not pursued outdoor. Indeed, in these conditions the hydrogen production under direct sunlight radiation with C. reinhardtii was finally achieved for the first time in literature (Scoma et al., 2010b submitted). Experiments were also made to optimize productivity in outdoor conditions, with respect to the light dilution within the culture layers. Finally, a brief study of the anaerobic metabolism of C. reinhardtii during hydrogen oxidation has been carried out. This study represents a good integration to the understanding of the complex interplay of pathways that operate concomitantly in this microalga.
Weaning is a crucial period in the management of piglets. In modern piggeries economic interest make weaning age decrease more and more and the detrimental consequences of weaning have as much importance as earlier the weaning occurs. The risk of development of post-weaning diarrhea (PWD) in piglets is high and PWD is the cause of serious economic losses in pig herds. In the past the supplementation of the feed given after weaning with growth promoters antibiotics, in order to keep PWD under control, used to be a common practice, but their usage has been banned in EU since 2006. This measure led to the investigation of alternative suitable feed supplements that would be reasonably efficient in protecting and sustaining animal health and performance. Aim of this thesis was to evaluate the effect of some different alternatives to growth-promoters antibiotics on weaning piglets and to assess if some of them could be considered as valuables options to replace auxinic in animal feeding. The study is composed by four experimental trials. The first one aims to identify mechanisms involved in the auxinic effects of antibiotics in the diets; the following three evaluate the addition butyric acid, tryptophan, and nitrate as alternative to in-feed antimicrobials. Although some results are controversial, it appears from the data presented that the alternatives to in-feed antibiotics considered may exert positive effects on some zootechnical and health parameters on piglet in the post-weaning period. Anyway, the mechanism of action and the interaction with microbiota of such additives should be investigated inside out because many effects remains poorly understood.
Pharmaceutical residues contaminate aquatic ecosystems as a result of their widespread human and veterinary usage. Since continuously released and not efficiently removed, certain pharmaceuticals exhibit pseudo-persistence thus generating concerns for the health of aquatic wildlife. This work aimed at assessing on mussels Mytilus galloprovincialis, under laboratory conditions, the effects of three pharmaceuticals, carbamazepine (antiepileptic), propranolol (β-blocker) and oxytetracycline (antibiotic), to evaluate if the human-based mode of action of these molecules is conserved in invertebrates. Furthermore, in the framework of the European MEECE Programme, mussels were exposed to oxytetracycline and copper at increasing temperatures, simulating variations due to climate changes. The effects of these compounds were assessed evaluating a battery of biomarkers, the expression of HSP70 proteins and changes in cAMP-related parameters. A decrease in lysosomal membrane stability, induction of oxidative stress, alterations of cAMP-dependent pathway and the induction of defense mechanisms were observed indicating the development of a stress syndrome, and a worsening in mussels health status. Data obtained in MEECE Programme confirmed that the toxicity of substances can be enhanced following changes in temperature. The alterations observed were obtained after exposure to pharmaceuticals at concentrations sometimes lower than those detected in the aquatic environment. Hence, further research is advisable regarding subtle effects of pharmaceuticals on non-target organisms. Furthermore, results obtained during a research stay in the laboratories of Cádiz University (Spain) are presented. The project aimed at measuring possible effects of polluted sediments in Algeciras Bay (Spain) and in Cádiz Bay, by assessing different physiological parameters in caged crabs Carcinus maenas and clams Ruditapes decussatus exposed in situ for 28 days. The neutral red retention assay was adapted to these species and proved to be a sensitive screening tool for the assessment of sediment quality.
In the central nervous system (CNS), oligodendrocytes form the multilamellar and compacted myelin sheath by spirally wrapping around defined axons with their specialised plasma membrane. Myelin is crucial for the rapid saltatory conduction of nerve impulses and for the preservation of axonal integrity. The absence of the major myelin component Myelin Basic Protein (MBP) results in an almost complete failure to form compact myelin in the CNS. The mRNA of MBP is sorted to cytoplasmic RNA granules and transported to the distal processes of oligodendrocytes in a translationally silent state. A main mediator of MBP mRNA localisation is the trans-acting factor heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein (hnRNP) A2 which binds to the cis-acting A2 response element (A2RE) in the 3’UTR of MBP mRNA. A signalling cascade had been identified that triggers local translation of MBP at the axon-glial contact site, involving the neuronal cell adhesion molecule (CAM) L1, the oligodendroglial plasma membrane-tethered Fyn kinase and Fyn-dependent phosphorylation of hnRNP A2. This model was confirmed here, showing that L1 stimulates Fyn-dependent phosphorylation of hnRNP A2 and a remodelling of A2-dependent RNA granule structures. Furthermore, the RNA helicase DDX5 was confirmed here acting together with hnRNP A2 in cytoplasmic RNA granules and is possibly involved in MBP mRNA granule dynamics.rnLack of non-receptor tyrosine kinase Fyn activity leads to reduced levels of MBP and hypomyelination in the forebrain. The multiadaptor protein p130Cas and the RNA-binding protein hnRNP F were verified here as additional targets of Fyn in oligodendrocytes. The findings point at roles of p130Cas in the regulation of Fyn-dependent process outgrowth and signalling cascades ensuring cell survival. HnRNP F was identified here as a novel constituent of oligodendroglial cytoplasmic RNA granules containing hnRNP A2 and MBP mRNA. Moreover, it was found that hnRNP F plays a role in the post-transcriptional regulation of MBP mRNA and that defined levels of hnRNP F are required to facilitate efficient synthesis of MBP. HnRNP F appears to be directly phosphorylated by Fyn kinase what presumably contributes to the initiation of translation of MBP mRNA at the plasma membrane.rnFyn kinase signalling thus affects many aspects of oligodendroglial physiology contributing to myelination. Post-transcriptional control of the synthesis of the essential myelin protein MBP by Fyn targets is particularly important. Deregulation of these Fyn-dependent pathways could thus negatively influence disorders involving the white matter of the nervous system.rnrn
In this study we provide a baseline data on semidemersal fish assemblages and biology in a heterogeneous and yet less studied portion of the shelf of Antalya Gulf. The distribution of fish abundance in three transects subjected to different fisheries regulations (fishery vs non fishery areas), and including depths of 10, 25, 75, 125, 200 m, was studied between May 2014 and February 2015 in representative months of winter, spring, summer and autumn seasons. A total of 76 fish species belonging to 40 families was collected and semidemersal species distribution was analyzed in comparison with the whole community. Spatial distribution of fish was driven mainly by depth and two main assemblages were observed: shallow waters (10-25; 75 m) and deep waters (125-200 m). Significant differences among transects were found for the whole community but not for the semidemersal species. Analysis showed that this was due to a strong relation of these species with local environmental characteristics rather than to a different fishing pressure over transects. Firstly all species distribute according to the bathymetrical gradient and secondly to the bottom type structure. Semidemersal species were then found more related to zooplankton and suspended matter availability. The main morphological characteristics, sex and size distribution of the target semidemersal species Spicara smaris (Linnaeus, 1758), Saurida undosquamis (Richardson, 1848), Pagellus acarne (Risso, 1827) were also investigated.