875 resultados para Fezes de cabra


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En estas páginas haremos un rastreo de los orígenes, los cambios y las mutaciones del personaje y su historia hasta el modo en que lo conocimos y lo adoptamos como universal y nuestro a través de numerosos y diversos medios, como el cine, la televisión, el comic, el merchandising (por qué no), y los libros, por supuesto; pero también veremos que este niño que no quiere crecer ya nació volátil, inaprehensible, en la mente de J. M. Barrie, quien lo imaginó literario, teatral, cinematográfico, visual. ¿Quién es Peter Pan? ¿Qué imagen, idea, frase, se nos aparece apenas oímos ese nombre? ¿Será el pequeño bebé desnudo que habita los jardines de Kensington, los recorre montado en una cabra y actúa como orquesta de las hadas con la música de su flauta; o ese que se lleva a los hermanitos Darling a Nunca Jamás? ¿O será ese otro que viste de verde, como si fuera un Robin Hood niño, que todos, sin excepción, hemos visto alguna vez en la película de Disney, y/o en remeras, tazas, álbumes de figuritas, cuadernos, y un largo etcétera?


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En estas páginas haremos un rastreo de los orígenes, los cambios y las mutaciones del personaje y su historia hasta el modo en que lo conocimos y lo adoptamos como universal y nuestro a través de numerosos y diversos medios, como el cine, la televisión, el comic, el merchandising (por qué no), y los libros, por supuesto; pero también veremos que este niño que no quiere crecer ya nació volátil, inaprehensible, en la mente de J. M. Barrie, quien lo imaginó literario, teatral, cinematográfico, visual. ¿Quién es Peter Pan? ¿Qué imagen, idea, frase, se nos aparece apenas oímos ese nombre? ¿Será el pequeño bebé desnudo que habita los jardines de Kensington, los recorre montado en una cabra y actúa como orquesta de las hadas con la música de su flauta; o ese que se lleva a los hermanitos Darling a Nunca Jamás? ¿O será ese otro que viste de verde, como si fuera un Robin Hood niño, que todos, sin excepción, hemos visto alguna vez en la película de Disney, y/o en remeras, tazas, álbumes de figuritas, cuadernos, y un largo etcétera?


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The role of steroids hormones on the behavior of vertebrates have been described as organizational and activational effects. These actions occur in different periods of the ontogenetic development as fetal, early post natal and during puberty (organizational effect) or modifying the expression of behavioral patterns during time life (activational effects). Studies on brain lateralization in hand use in human and non-human primates have shown that sexual hormones seems to participate in the process of handedness strength that begins in the puberal period and is stabilized at the adult age. The aim of this study was to investigate in adult male Callithrix jacchus if the strength of use of the hand in common marmoset adult male is stable (organizational effect) or androgens variations could affect its stability (activational effect). The preferential use of one hand in 14 common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus was studied in two contexts: (1) spontaneous holding food and directing the food to mouth (feeding episodes), and (2) forced reaching food tests where the animal have to reach the food through a hole within a cover plate with a central hole that allow the use of one hand only to reach the food. The records were made during 5 sessions/20 bouts each during baseline totalizing 100 episodes before two treatments. Firstly it was used GnRH antagonist: a single subcutaneous injection of 100µg de Cetrotide – acetate of cetrorrelix (Baxter Oncology GmbH, Germany) (n=10). Secondly, a single GnRH injection of 0.2mg of GnRH (Sigma – Aldrich) (n= 8) was used. After injections 20 successful attempts of hand use episodes was recorded in the 1st , 2 nd, 7th, 15th and 30 th days, totalizing in the whole period 100 episodes for each context, after both treatments. Fecal sampling to measure extracted fecal androgens was performed in all days of data collection across the length of the basal and during the experimental periods. Statistical analysis by mixed model, Tukey test to compare mean values after the two treatments, and Levene test to compare mean variance were used, all for p-value < 0.05. In basal phase 6 animals used preferentially the right hand, 5 the left and 3 were ambidextrous. Mean handedness index in basal phase were different from that after both treatment starting at 7th day. Mean variance of handedness index for spontaneous and forced activities does not differs before and after both treatments but the mean values for GnRH index were higher than that observed for its antagonist. These findings suggested that androgens have an activational effect on handedness in adult male C. jacchus


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The objective of this research was to evaluate the production of dairy goats fed different species of cactus. Pluriparous five Saanen goats were used, with nine weeks of lactation, and average live weight of 50 kg ± 4 kg. The animals were distributed in latin square design (5x5) with 5 diets and 5 periods. No differences (P>0,05) were observed in the DM of the experimental diets by getting average values of 2.251,84 g dia-1 , 4,46 %PV e 118,91g kg0,75 . The DM contents of the diets were 50,55 to 55,92% by presenting a maximum variation of 10% between them. A significant difference (P<0,05) water consumption way tendered, between diets with different cactus species. The treatments cactus “Orelha de Elefante Mexicana” and Facheiro had lower water consumption compared to cactus “Palma Miúda. For milk yield no significant difference (P> 0,05) between diets formulated with cactus species, with an average of 1,90 kg/day treatments. The analysis of variance show a significant difference (P<0,05) among treatments for milk corrected to 4% fat and fat production. There was an effect (P<0,05) of the diets with different cactus on the crude protein (CP) and lactose in milk. All treatments with different cactus species can be used for dairy goats in view consumption have afforded sufficient to meet the nutritional requirements for milk nutrients, besides presenting the higher than levels of physical and chemical composition to minimum levels established by current legislation


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The goat and sheep industry shows up as an agricultural activity of great importance for the semiarid Northeast. However, the sheep and goats production is made with various difficulties. Among them, parasitic infections, particularly helminth infections of the gastrointestinal tract, the eimeriosis and toxoplasmosis; this one related to problems in reproduction. For this reason, the aim of this study is to to make a survey of the occurrence and some determinants of parasitic diseases that affect small ruminant flocks of the microregions Natal, Macaíba, Litoral Sul, Angicos, Vale do Açu and Borborema Potiguar. Thereunto, epidemiological tools were applied with producers, keepers or guardians of herds and also held collections of blood and feces of animals in eight properties located in seven municipalities of these microregions. The parasite load of the animals was determined through eggs and oocysts counting per gram of feces EPG and OPG, respectively. In addition, the recovery of infective larvae was made. Blood samples were used to measure the globular cell volume and the search for anti-Toxoplasma gondii IgG in sheep serum, by Enzyme Linked Immune Sorbent Assay (ELISA). For categorical variables, the statistical analysis was performed using Poisson regression, with significance level of 0.05. The analysis of the instruments showed that ivermectin is the anthelmintic used in 85,71% of properties. From the total of feces samples of the sheep (n = 179), 53,07% were positive for helminth eggs and 48,04% were positive for oocysts of Eimeria. From the samples of faeces of goats (n = 133), 72,18% were positive for helminth eggs and 96,99% for oocysts of Eimeria. The lowest EPG and OPG count was observed in the micro region of Angicos. Most of the EPG count was found in the micro region Litoral Sul and the OPG count in the micro-region Borborema Potiguar. Both cases the difference was statistically significant(p- value0,000)The most prevalent helminth genus found was Haemonchus, present in 49,87% of the sheep and 80,42% of goats. The average of hematocrit ranged from 22,91 to 33,25 in sheep and from 22,62 to 28,25 in goats. The prevalence of anti-Toxoplasma gondii IgG ranged from 63,33% to 100,00%. The goats showed to be more susceptible to infections by parasites of the gastrointestinal tract than the sheep. In all the properties was observed high prevalence of infection by T. gondii, with the lowest percentages recorded in the micro regions Angicos and Borborema Potiguar.


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The frailty syndrome is a geriatric medical condition of vulnerability resulting in the decline of physiological reserves, characterized by high-risk consequences as falls, disability, hospitalization, institutionalization and death. Although the presence of comorbidities is not always accompanied by fragility, this presence could also indicate an increased risk of adverse health events, taking the elderly to a greater likelihood of becoming brittle due to the physical limitations that may occur with emergence of diseases, which are strongly predictive of Fragility Syndrome. This study aimed to assess the prevalence of frailty syndrome in the elderly and associated factors. The specific objectives were to identify the prevalence of frailty syndrome in the elderly and their associations with demographic, economic, health, functional and psychological; identify the reasons for the prevalence of frailty syndrome with the demographic profile, health problems, use of legal drugs and problems with sleep of older people. The study was cross-sectional and composed of 385 elderly aged 65 or more. Multivariate Poisson regression models were used to check conditions associated with fragility and determine the prevalence ratio (α = 0.05). The prevalence of fragility was 8.7% and pre-fragility of 50.4%. Fragile and pre-frail elderly presented, bigger and increasing prevalence ratio for marital status, difficulty in performing instrumental activities of daily living, old age, involuntary loss of stool, depression and negative affect. Elderly people who do not work have a higher prevalence of fragility, as well as those who reported having had a stroke / stroke / ischemia, those who suffered falls in the last 12 months and those with sleep problems. It is considered that the results, together with other available in the literature, can contribute to the understanding of the fragility epidemiology and also in the implementation of specific programs aimed at reducing the prevalence of frailty, optimizing the quality of life. It is suggested that future programs have special attention to the profiles of elderly people who have not yet developed fragility, i.e., pre-fragile. This could prevent the elderly from becoming frail.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the crossbred sheep Santa Ines response to natural infections by gastrointestinal nematodes in Panicum maximum cv. pastures Massai at different times of grazing. For this it was used 36 crossbred sheep Santa Inês, divided into four groups and randomly distributed in massai-grass pickets naturally infected by gastrointestinal nematodes. In the period from October 2013 to May 2014, the animals were weekly monitored for hematology tests (packed cell volume) and parasitological (egg counts per gram of feces and fecal culture) in order to monitor the level of infection of sheep and they were assessed for weight, body condition score and staining ocular mucosa by FAMACHA© method. Furthermore infective larvae was recovery from pasture in times of pre-and post-grazing pasture. At 35 kg body weight, the animals were slaughtered and necropsied to collect the contents of the abomasum and small and large intestines to recover the adult parasites, carrying out the count and identification. The animals on pasture with a height of 40 cm pre-grazing obtained low nematode eggs in feces (1608 eggs / g) and 33 cm those in pre-grazing the highest average (2,539 eggs / g). The animals in different groups showed mean values of packed cell volume less than 23% (P> 0.05). Regarding to FAMACHA, the animals belonging to the groups 40 and 50 cm pre-grazing remained over 50% of individuals between FAMACHA 1 and 2 , and those to 33 and 45 cm pre-grazing showed mostly between FAMACHA 3, 4 and 5 (69.06% and 58.93%, respectively). In the culture of larvae in feces and recovery of pasture larvae before and after grazing the following genera were found, in order of prevalence: Haemonchus, Trichostrongylus, Oesophagostomum and Strongyloides. The pasture with 33 cm of pre-grazing provided the highest number of larvae recovered both in the pre and post-grazing (1,081 and 715 L3 / 100 g of green matter, respectively). Among the different groups, the sheep had an average weight of between 23 and 26 kg and variation between the body 1 and 3 scores with scores greater frequency of 1.5 to 2.It can be observed that the animals kept at different times of grazing got different answers on the parasite load. Animals kept in 40 cm pre-grazing expressed a satisfactory answer than the other groups (33, 45 and 50 cm), best supporting the action of endoparasites. Moreover, this same height, was recovered fewer infective larvae on pasture in pre and post-grazing.


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La trazabilidad y el correcto etiquetado de los piensos y sus ingredientes son factores esenciales para prevenir fraudes y garantizar la seguridad alimentaria. En el ámbito de la lucha contra las Encefalopatías Espongiformes Transmisibles (EETs), la prohibición de la Unión Europea (UE) de alimentar a rumiantes y otros animales de granja con harinas de carne y huesos derivadas de animales, hace necesaria la disponibilidad de metodologías que permitan identificar el origen de las materias primas e ingredientes presentes en los piensos. El método oficial de análisis microscópico tradicionalmente empleado para este fin presenta limitaciones a la hora de diferenciar entre los huesos de mamíferos y de aves, así como para determinar el origen animal específico de las partículas detectadas. Por ello, una de las prioridades de la UE en los últimos años ha sido potenciar la búsqueda y desarrollo de técnicas analíticas alternativas que permitan la detección específica de todos los componentes que integran los piensos. Teniendo en cuenta estos aspectos, en esta Tesis Doctoral se han desarrollado técnicas de PCR en tiempo real con sondas TaqMan® para el control de autenticidad y trazabilidad de ingredientes de origen animal utilizados en la fabricación de los piensos. Las especies objeto de este trabajo han sido: vaca (Bos taurus), oveja (Ovis aries), cabra (Capra hircos), grupo rumiante, cerdo (Sus scrofa), pollo (Gallus gallos), pavo (Meleagris g-allopavo), pato (Anal platyrhynchos x Cairina moschata), oca (Anser anser), grupo aviar, caballo (Equus caballus), conejo (Oryctolagus cuniculus), liebre (Lepus capensis), grupo lepórido (conejo y liebre) y pescados...


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La tuberculosis es una zoonosis bacteriana que representa un importante problema sanitario en el hombre y los animales (domésticos y silvestres), siendo en estos Mycobacterium bovis y M. caprae las especies de mayor relevancia. La enfermedad tiene un gran impacto económico ya que produce un descenso de la producción de los animales y restricciones en su movimiento, además de los costes derivados de su erradicación en el ganado bovino. Actualmente, la tuberculosis en otras especies domésticas como la cabra, comienza a tener relevancia en aquellos países con elevado censo de caprino. Por otra parte, los camélidos de Sudamérica (alpacas y llamas principalmente), se emplean cada vez con mayor frecuencia fuera de su hábitat natural como mascotas y para la producción de fibra. Además, son altamente susceptibles a la enfermedad, habiéndose notificado varios brotes de tuberculosis en estos animales en Europa. Los programas de erradicación se basan en una estrategia de “diagnóstico y sacrificio”, de tal modo que los animales positivos a las pruebas diagnósticas se eliminan de la explotación. Las técnicas diagnósticas oficiales en la Unión Europea son la prueba de la intradermotuberculinización (IDTB) y el test de detección de interferón-gamma (IFN-γ), que detectan la respuesta inmune de base celular. Existen, además, pruebas para la detección de anticuerpos, algunas disponibles comercialmente y otras en fase experimental. Con el objetivo de optimizar el diagnóstico de la tuberculosis en rumiantes (ganado bovino y caprino) y en camélidos (llamas y alpacas), se han realizado siete estudios experimentales, distribuidos en cuatro capítulos, diseñados para cumplir los cuatro objetivos de la presente tesis doctoral...


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El aprendizaje de Español Escrito en el caso de los sujetos Sordos tiene dos objetivos fundamentales: la adquisición del español como lengua franca -para la cual resultan competentes- en la sociedad mayoritaria, y la alfabetización, ya que la LS no tiene registro escrito. Este último objetivo cubre una necesidad fundamental, cual es la del acceso a la información escrita, especialmente a la lectura de medios gráficos y de la literatura académica, imprescindibles para la inclusión, además de la literatura en cuanto práctica expresiva de la subjetividad. Al mismo tiempo se le abren las puertas al mundo escrito en todos los sentidos, incluso el de la vida diaria, de ahí su importancia. Ahora bien: dado el reconocimiento, por un lado, de las diferencias culturales del Sordo, y por otro, de la entidad de la LS como su 1ra. lengua, al poner como objetivo el aprendizaje del Español Escrito como L2 -a partir del cual, con posterioridad, cabría la posibilidad de oralización (Vigotsky)-, se desprende que el marco más adecuado en el que este aprendizaje pueda realizarse sea el de la EIB (más que el de la 'educación especial'). Luego, si bien se indica al aprendizaje de lenguasel formato comunicativo, tal como lo recomienda la literatura pedagógica y como aparece en las propuestas generalizadas para el sujeto Sordo, tenemos que, apoyándonos en el planteo del Diseño Curricular de Educación Primaria para 2das. Lenguas resulta admisible y necesario recurrir a la sistematización gramatical, tanto de gramática oracional como textual. Esto es así, ya que la gramática no solo explica estructuras sino que también consiste en una guía para la producción de las mismas. Se sugieren algunas propuestas al respecto, inspiradas en los métodos de enseñanza de lenguas extranjeras


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The Cutri Formation’s, type location, exposed in the NW of Mallorca, Spain has previously been described by Álvaro et al., (1989) and further interpreted by Abbots (1989) unpublished PhD thesis as a base-of-slope carbonate apron. Incorporating new field and laboratory analysis this paper enhances this interpretation. From this analysis, it can be shown without reasonable doubt that the Cutri Formation was deposited in a carbonate base-of-slope environment on the palaeowindward side of a Mid-Jurassic Tethyan platform. Key evidence such as laterally extensive exposures, abundant deposits of calciturbidtes and debris flows amongst hemipelagic deposits strongly support this interpretation.


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Fossil associations from the middle and upper Eocene (Bartonian and Priabonian) sedimentary succession of the Pamplona Basin are described. This succession was accumulated in the western part of the South Pyrenean peripheral foreland basin and extends from deep-marine turbiditic (Ezkaba Sandstone Formation) to deltaic (Pamplona Marl, Ardanatz Sandstone and Ilundain Marl formations) and marginal marine deposits (Gendulain Formation). The micropalaeontological content is high. It is dominated by foraminifera, and common ostracods and other microfossils are also present. The fossil ichnoasssemblages include at least 23 ichnogenera and 28 ichnospecies indicative of Nereites, Cruziana, Glossifungites and ?Scoyenia-Mermia ichnofacies. Body macrofossils of 78 taxa corresponding to macroforaminifera, sponges, corals, bryozoans, brachiopods, annelids, molluscs, arthropods, echinoderms and vertebrates have been identified. Both the number of ichnotaxa and of species (e. g. bryozoans, molluscs and condrichthyans) may be considerably higher. Body fossil assemblages are comparable to those from the Eocene of the Nord Pyrenean area (Basque Coast), and also to those from the Eocene of the west-central and eastern part of South Pyrenean area (Aragon and Catalonia). At the European scale, the molluscs assemblages seem endemic from the Pyrenean area, although several Tethyan (Italy and Alps) and Northern elements (Paris basin and Normandy) have been recorded. Palaeontological data of studied sedimentary units fit well with the shallowing process that throughout the middle and late Eocene occurs in the area, according to the sedimentological and stratigraphical data.