905 resultados para Dutch Auction


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This study deals with immigrants’ political participation in Sweden and the Netherlands. Scholars have recognized low level of political participation of immigrants in Sweden compared to the Netherlands. The main goal of this study is to analyze the institutional influence, mainly from political parties over immigrants’ motivation for active electoral participation. The modified actor-context model uses here as the main theoretical framework. In addition, social capital theory employs to analyze immigrants’ voluntary organizational membership. This study confirms that, Swedish immigrants have the lower participation rate in the political sphere, at lest to a certain extent, than its counterparts the Dutch immigrants. This study also confirms the argument that contextual factors can influence actor’s motivations in integration-oriented action, and similarly it validates the necessity of enlargement of the actor-context model.


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Thesis is to Introduce an Intelligent cross platform architecture with Multi-agent system in order to equip the simulation Models with agents, having intelligent behavior, reactive and pro-active nature and rational in decision making.


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Different shapes of asymmetric awnings for east and west windows are investigated mathematically as well as by measurement in a model. A box with 90 cm side and a 30x30 cm window was placed outdoor in overcast weather and the daylight factor was measured at the bottom of the box when the window was unshaded or equipped with different awnings. The average daylight factor in the box decreased from 4.6% for the unshaded window to 1.0% when a full awning was used. With “the best” asymmetrical awning, the average daylight factor was 80% larger than with the full awing. Using Dutch climate, calculation of the energy from direct radiation transmitted through the window during the cooling season showed that this was decreased from 100% as an annual mean for the unshaded window down 22% with a full awing. With “the best” asymmetrical awning, 26% of the energy was transmitted. Calculation of the indoor temperature in a hypothetical row house in Netherlands show that the use of either normal or asymmetrical awnings considerable decrease the indoor temperature during the hot season. Therefore the use of asymmetrical awnings for east or west faced windows considerable can increase the daylight in buildings, with almost no change in overheating, compared to if traditional awnings are used.


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Sarah Ida Levine was born in 1872 and died on June 12, 1934. This scrapbook contains photographs, obituary, a story of Sarah's life by her great-great-granddaughter, scans of various documents, deeds, bills of sale, and also includes biographical information on Sarah's brother, Johnny "Dutch" Levine (1876[?] or 1881[?] - 1950), on their father "Tati" and his sister, Annie Henki Cook, on the Abraham Philip branch of the Levine family, on some Shiro family history, as well as some Wolman/Rosenthal/Saperstein history.


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A newsletter published periodically to keep the faculty, students, staff, and community informed about the activities taking place on the campus of LaGuardia Community College. Cover article: GOVERNOR CAREY APPOINTS PRESIDENT SHENKER TO HIGHER ED. TASK FORCE. Other entries include: COLLEGE'S FIRST MUSIC FESTIVAL TO HONOR CASTELNUOVO-TEDESCO; WNET TV AUCTION; CHANNEL 9 TO SHOW CO-OP SPOTS.


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In the field of operational water management, Model Predictive Control (MPC) has gained popularity owing to its versatility and flexibility. The MPC controller, which takes predictions, time delay and uncertainties into account, can be designed for multi-objective management problems and for large-scale systems. Nonetheless, a critical obstacle, which needs to be overcome in MPC, is the large computational burden when a large-scale system is considered or a long prediction horizon is involved. In order to solve this problem, we use an adaptive prediction accuracy (APA) approach that can reduce the computational burden almost by half. The proposed MPC scheme with this scheme is tested on the northern Dutch water system, which comprises Lake IJssel, Lake Marker, the River IJssel and the North Sea Canal. The simulation results show that by using the MPC-APA scheme, the computational time can be reduced to a large extent and a flood protection problem over longer prediction horizons can be well solved.


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Making It Official: Colby and Kipp Charter Schools from partnership A Half Century of Jan Plan: A bold experiment in 1962, it remains a "defining characteristic" of Colby Author Uncovered: Raffael Scheck traces POW narrative to key African figure Q&A: Gregory White Smith '73 discusses challenges of Van Gogh: The Life, including the effort to get readers "inside [Van Gogh's] skin" and the disadvantages of not speaking Dutch Nation Builder: An important period in America's history, illuminated through the life of key but overlooked player Joseph Holt A Small-Town Tale, Affectionately Told Recent Releases Getting Centered, Finding Strength: Male athletes turn to yoga for a competitive edge Sports Shorts


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A principal contribuição deste trabalho consiste na descoberta de uma evidência, na bolsa de valores de São Paulo, muito semelhante ao caso da Royal Dutch/Shell analisado por Froot e Dabora (1999): após o lançamento das ADRs por parte da Gerdau S.A, o desconto da Metalúrgica Gerdau em relação à Gerdau S.A passou a ser fortemente correlacionado tanto com a NYSE, quanto com a Bovespa, mesmo na presença do efeito tributário. Em outras palavras, após este divisor de águas, o preço relativo das duas empresas passou a ser afetado pelo local aonde elas são relativamente mais transacionadas, independentemente dos seus fundamentos.


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Atualmente, o leilão de espectro tem sido evento de considerável relevância para o mercado de telecomunicações. As cifras alcançadas nos leilões, a oportunidade que eles representam para as empresas interessadas em explorar o mercado de telecomunicações, e o interesse do governo em alocar de forma eficiente este recurso, trouxeram notoriedade e magnitude para este mecanismo de seleção. Com o advento de novas tecnologias de comunicação móvel, detentoras de características inovadoras que permitem preencher cada vez mais a cesta de necessidades do consumidor, e a partir da alocação destas tecnologias a distintas faixas de espectro, tornou-se necessário, a determinação do mecanismo de escolha mais adequado daquele que será o gestor do recurso que permitirá a oferta desses serviços ao mercado: o espectro de freqüência. Com o intuito de se avaliar esse cenário, e os distintos papéis de seus participantes, busca-se nesse trabalho, através da análise do mais recente conjunto de leilões realizados para alocação deste recurso, o leilão das licenças 3G na Europa, compreender os pormenores envolvidos desde a elaboração até o desfecho deste processo. Objetiva-se, por fim, enriquecer o debate sobre esse tema ao discutir-se o cenário brasileiro. O trabalho ao analisar os leilões europeus nos permite identificar que as regras do leilão, como comentado por diversos autores, não são diretamente transplantáveis entre diferentes ambientes. Afinal dentro do ambiente homogêneo caracterizado pelo continente europeu, apesar da semelhança entre os diversos modelos de leilão utilizados, o sucesso obtido em países como Reino Unido e Alemanha, não foi repassado aos demais, ao compararmos o preço pago per capta. Entretanto, o espectro tem seu valor altamente conectado à disponibilidade tecnológica de sua utilização, logo, espectro sem tecnologia adequada para seu uso é observado como de valor privado aproximadamente zero pelos participantes. Esse fenômeno foi caracterizado pelo baixo valor atribuído ao espectro não pareado. Apesar de valor ser relativamente nulo, não é zero, pois a aquisição do direito de uso do espectro pode representar um "hedge" para ser utilizado, senão hoje, quando a tecnologia estiver disponível. Porém sendo o espectro recurso escasso, a alocação deste para tecnologia ainda indisponível pode ser considerado ineficiente. Observa-se, também, que o "incumbent" tende a valorizar mais uma licença, porém não se conseguiu determinar se isso ocorre devido a maior quantidade de informação que este detém sobre o mercado, ou devido à tentativa de manter o "status quo" do oligopólio atual. Baseado no comentado anteriormente e nos resultados dos leilões torna-se evidente que caso o entrante não seja protegido, como o "incumbent" valoriza mais a licença este sempre pagará mais por esta. E caso, o entrante tenha esta certeza, este não virá participar do leilão, o que na maior parte dos casos inviabilizaria o leilão pois haveriam tantas licenças quanto participantes. Ao analisar-se o caso brasileiro identifica-se a presença de um jogo nacional e um subjogo regional, onde os participantes podem ser simultaneamente "incumbents" para uma região, porém entrantes em outra.


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Within the context of a single-unit, independent private values auction model, we show that if bidder types are multidimensional, then under the optimal auction exclusion of some bidder types will occur. A second contribution of the paper is methodological in nature. In particular, we identify conditions under which an auction model with multidimensional types can be reduced to a model with one dimensional types without loss of generality. Reduction results of this type have achieved the status of folklore in the mechanism design literature. Here, we provide a proof of the reduction result for auctions.


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In this note, in an independent private values auction framework, I discuss the relationship between the set of types and the distribution of types. I show that any set of types, finite dimensional or not, can be extended to a larger set of types preserving incentive compatibility constraints, expected revenue and bidder’s expected utilities. Thus for example we may convexify a set of types making our model amenable to the large body of theory in economics and mathematics that relies on convexity assumptions. An interesting application of this extension procedure is to show that although revenue equivalence is not valid in general if the set of types is not convex these mechanism have underlying distinct allocation mechanism in the extension. Thus we recover in these situations the revenue equivalence.


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We give necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of symmetric equilibrium without ties in interdependent values auctions, with multidimensional independent types and no monotonic assumptions. In this case, non-monotonic equilibria might happen. When the necessary and sufficient conditions are not satisfied, there are ties with positive probability. In such case, we are still able to prove the existence of pure strategy equilibrium with an all-pay auction tie-breaking rule. As a direct implication of these results, we obtain a generalization of the Revenue Equivalence Theorem. From the robustness of equilibrium existence for all-pay auctions in multidimensional setting, an interpretation of our results can give a new justification to the use of tournaments in practice.


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Nos países em desenvolvimento há uma tendência à sobrevalorização da taxa de câmbio. Existem duas causas estruturais: a doença holandesa e a atração que altos lucros e taxas de juros nos países em desenvolvimento exercem sobre capitais externos, e quatro causas políticas: a política do crescimento com poupança externa, o controle da inflação através de uma “âncora”, cambial, a política de “aprofundamento de capital”, e o populismo cambial. O país deverá neutralizar esta tendência para poder ter um crescimento rápido, ou sofrerá crises cíclicas de balanço de pagamento


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O processo de reforma que ocorreu na indústria petrolífera a partir da década de 1990, associada à transferência de serviços de utilidade pública para o setor privado, trouxe mudanças importantes para a economia. Neste contexto, a intensificação do uso de leilões, para a privatização das empresas públicas e para a concessão de direitos de exploração de seus serviços assumiu um papel de grande relevância na economia brasileira. A discussão sobre o desenho de leilão adotado para a venda de blocos petrolíferos é fundamental, pois representa o ponto inicial desta nova política. Sendo assim, este trabalho aborda os principais aspectos que fundamentam a escolha de um formato apropriado de leilão, detalhando as peculiaridades da indústria petrolífera e, finalmente, discutindo os resultados obtidos.


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This study analyses the bids¿ dispersion in fixed income government securities auctions issued by the National Treasury of Brazil. We try to estimate the bids¿ variance based on factors that may forecast its movement. We hope to help the security issuer by offering more data before the auction. The basic idea is to relate the market uncertainty with the primary auction of government securities. Results indicates the importance of uncertainty on the bidding decisions. It shows also the need for a liquid secondary market to the selling of long-term fixed income securities.