965 resultados para Death in literature


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Background. Hydatidiform mole (HM) is characterized by abnormal proliferation of human trophoblast with producers functioning tissues of human chorionic gonadotropin. It can evolve with ovarian cysts tecaluteínicos, hypertension of pregnancy or hyperthyroidism. The incidence of HM is variable and its etiology poorly known, associated with nutritional factors, environmental, age, parity, history of HM, oral contraceptives, smoking, consanguinity or defects in germ cells. There is no reference in literature on HM resulting from sexual violence, objective of this report. Method. Description of two cases of HM among 1146 patients with pregnancy resulting from sexual violence treated at Hospital Pérola Byington, São Paulo, from July 1994 to August 2011. Results. The cases affected young, white, unmarried, low educated and low parity women. Sexual violence was perpetrated by known offenders unrelated to the victims, under death threat. Ultrasound and CT of the pelvis showed bulky uterus compatible with HM without myometrial invasion. One case was associated with theca lutein cysts. The two cases were diagnosed in the second trimester of pregnancy and evolved with hyperthyroidism. There was no hypertension, disease recurrence, metastasis or sexually transmitted infection. Conclusion. The incidence of HM was 1:573 pregnancies resulting from rape, within the range estimated for Latin American countries. Trophoblastic material can be preserved to identify the violence perpetrator, considering only the paternal HM chromosomes. History of sexual violence should be investigated in cases of HM in the first half of adolescence and women in a vulnerable condition. © 2012 Drezzet et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.


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Objectives. To identify factors associated with death in visceral leishmaniasis (VL) cases. Patients and Methodology. We evaluated prognostic factors for death from VL in São Paulo state, Brazil, from 1999 to 2005. A prognostic study nested in a clinical cohort was carried out by data analysis of 376 medical files. A comparison between VL fatal cases and survivors was performed for clinical, laboratory, and biological features. Association between variables and death was assessed by univariate analysis, and the multiple logistic regression model was used to determine adjusted odds ratio for death, controlling confounding factors. Results. Data analysis identified 53 fatal cases out of 376 patients, between 1999 and 2005 in São Paulo state. Lethality was 14.1 (53/376), being higher in patients older than fifty years. The main causes of death were sepsis, bleeding, liver failure, and cardiotoxicity due to treatment. Variables significantly associated with death were severe anemia, bleeding, heart failure, jaundice, diarrhea, fever for more than sixty days, age older than fifty years, and antibiotic use. Conclusion. Educational health measures are needed for the general population and continuing education programs for health professionals working in the affected areas with the purpose of identifying and treating early cases, thus preventing the disease evolution towards death. © 2012 Geraldine Madalosso et al.


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For those of us who shared many years of friendship and professional collaboration with Pedro Vuskovic, the news of his recent death in Mexico has been the cause of great sorrow, not only because of the circumstances of his death, following a cruel disease that gradually sapped his physical -but not intellectual- strength, but also because it signifies the loss of a great Latin American, of a teacher who helped shape so many generations of young people in our region, and of a companion during so many days of intellectual strivings and political struggle. Pedro joined the Commission in 1950, shortly after its birth as an institution. For nearly 20 years he served it brilliantly in a professional capacity, with his career in ECLAC culminating in the position of Director of the Development Division. He played a crucial role in structuring and disseminating the thinking of ECLAC during a time when the very air teemed with the ideas and concerns of a pleiad of gifted economists and social scientists. These were the post-war years, the 1950s and 1960s, when we all had to "construct" Latin America. Pedro Vuskovic laid many of the bricks in that collective theoretical and political edifice which has been of such importance to the countries of the region. Concurrently, he served as a professor in ECLAC and ILPES training programmes while at the same time teaching classes at the schools of economics and sociology at the University of Chile and the School of Economics at the University of Concepción. When he left ECLAC, Pedro plunged wholeheartedly into the academic world, serving as the Director of the Institute of Economics of the University of Chile, and then went on to claim a position at the forefront of Chilean politics. In November 1970 he was named Minister of Economic Affairs by President Salvador Allende and in June 1972, took over the cabinet-level position of Executive Vice President of the Production Development Corporation (CORFO);, where he served until September 1973. When political events carried him into exile in Mexico, which generously welcomed him as it did so many other Latin Americans who faced similar problems, Pedro carried on his valuable academic work, first at the Economic Research and Teaching Centre (CIDE);, where he directed the Institute of Economic Studies of Latin America, and later at the Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in the Humanities at the National University of Mexico (UNAM);, where he was named to the position of Coordinator for a programme on poverty and development options in various countries of Latin America. Although he will be remembered for his important political role, Pedro's work as a scholar and as an economist deserve special mention. He was a brilliant speaker, at the same time both methodical and incisive, who mastered his subjects with great wisdom and intellectual breadth, and he derived a special joy from being with young people, from providing them with intellectual stimulation and receiving it from them in turn. The many generations of Latin American students who were fortunate enough to have him as a teacher can attest to this. Pedro Vuskovic brought to his work as a researcher and teacher a deep sense of political and social responsibility which moved him to espouse the cause of Latin America 's poor and dispossessed, whose position he had come to understand very early on in his life through the many studies he carried out in this area while at ECLAC. He was tenacious in upholding his ideas and principles, he lived in accordance with them, and he championed them in all the forums open to him, in both the political and academic worlds, to the end of his days. His friends and colleagues also remember his geniality, his sense of humour and great personal warmth -traits which were coupled with an unshakable loyalty to his principles and values. Our farewell is deeply felt; Pedro Vuskovic has left us a legacy of memories and lessons that we will always hold close to our hearts. On behalf of his friends and colleagues, Jacobo Schatan, former Director of the Joint ECLAC/FAO, Agriculture Division


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Background: The relationship between the immune response and red and white blood cell homeostasis is cited in literature, but no studies regarding the balance of these cell populations following maxillary bone-graft surgeries can be found. Aim: The aim of this study was to evaluate the possible impairments in the blood cell balance following fresh-frozen allogeneic bone-graft augmentation procedures in patients who needed maxillary reconstruction prior to implants. Material and Methods: From 33 patients elected to onlay bone grafting procedures, 20 were treated with fresh-frozen bone allografts and 13 with autologous bone grafts. Five blood samples were collected from each patient in a 6-month period (baseline: 14, 30, 90, and 180 days postsurgery), and the hematological parameters (erythrogram, leukogram, and platelets count) were accessed. Results: All evaluated parameters were within the reference values accepted as normal, and significant differences were found for the eosinophils count when comparing the treatments (30 days, p=.035) and when comparing different periods of evaluation (allograft-treated group, baseline×180 days, p≤.05 and 90×180 days, p≤.01; autograft-treated group, 30×90 days, p≤.05 and 30×180 days, p≤.05). Conclusions: Both autologous and fresh-frozen allogeneic bone grafts did not cause any impairment in the red and white blood cell balance, based on quantitative hemogram analysis, in patients subjected to maxillary reconstruction. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Background: Birth weight (BW) is an economically important trait in beef cattle, and is associated with growth- and stature-related traits and calving difficulty. One region of the cattle genome, located on Bos primigenius taurus chromosome 14 (BTA14), has been previously shown to be associated with stature by multiple independent studies, and contains orthologous genes affecting human height. A genome-wide association study (GWAS) for BW in Brazilian Nellore cattle (Bos primigenius indicus) was performed using estimated breeding values (EBVs) of 654 progeny-tested bulls genotyped for over 777,000 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs).Results: The most significant SNP (rs133012258, PGC = 1.34 × 10-9), located at BTA14:25376827, explained 4.62% of the variance in BW EBVs. The surrounding 1 Mb region presented high identity with human, pig and mouse autosomes 8, 4 and 4, respectively, and contains the orthologous height genes PLAG1, CHCHD7, MOS, RPS20, LYN, RDHE2 (SDR16C5) and PENK. The region also overlapped 28 quantitative trait loci (QTLs) previously reported in literature by linkage mapping studies in cattle, including QTLs for birth weight, mature height, carcass weight, stature, pre-weaning average daily gain, calving ease, and gestation length.Conclusions: This study presents the first GWAS applying a high-density SNP panel to identify putative chromosome regions affecting birth weight in Nellore cattle. These results suggest that the QTLs on BTA14 associated with body size in taurine cattle (Bos primigenius taurus) also affect birth weight and size in zebu cattle (Bos primigenius indicus). © 2013 Utsunomiya et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.


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Despite the improvements in neoadjuvant chemotherapy, the outcome of patients with advanced bladder cancer has changed very little over the past 30 years. In the present study we tested and compared the in vitro antitumor activities of four different inhibitors of Polo-like kinase 1 (PLK1) (BI 2536, BI 6727, GW843682X, and GSK461364), against 3 bladder carcinoma cell lines RT4, 5637 and T24. The impact on radiosensitivity and drug interactions in simultaneous treatments with cisplatin, methotrexate, and doxorubicin were also investigated. Our results showed that PLK1 inhibition prevented cell proliferation and clonogenicity, causing significant inhibition of invasion of tumor cells, though modest differences were observed between drugs. Moreover, all PLK1 inhibitors induced G2/M arrest, with the subsequent induction of death in all 3 cell lines. Drug interactions studies showed auspicious results for all PLK1 inhibitors when combined with the commonly used cisplatin and methotrexate, though combinations with doxorubicin showed mostly antagonistic effects. Comparably, the four PLK1 inhibitors efficiently sensitized cells to ionizing radiation. Our findings demonstrate that irrespective of the inhibitor used, the pharmacological inhibition of PLK1 constrains bladder cancer growth and dissemination, providing new opportunities for future therapeutic intervention. However, further laboratorial and preclinical tests are still needed to corroborate the usefulness of using them in combination with other commonly used chemotherapeutic drugs. © 2013 Landes Bioscience.


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Among the most important diseases affecting Eucalyptus is Mycosphaerella Leaf Disease (MLD) caused by Mycosphaerella spp. and Teratosphaeria spp. MLD has led to significant losses in eucalypt plantations in the South and Southeast Region of Brazil, as well as in several countries such as Portugal, Spain, South Africa and Australia. Symptoms of MLD include localized necrotic spots, early defoliation in juvenile plants, stem cankers, early death of branches, and in some cases, atrophy and death. In the present study, single spore isolations from leaves of E. globulus from five locations in Brazil allowed the differentiation of species of Mycosphaerella and Teratosphaeria based on ascospore germination and growth in culture. These isolates were also subjected to sequence analysis of the ribosomal RNA internal transcribed spacer regions, which allowed their identification to species level. The results of this study showed that six species of Mycosphaerella and four species of Teratosphaeria were associated with leaves showing symptoms of MLD in E. globulus plantations in various locations of Brazil. © 2013 KNPV.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Infant mortality has unquestionably declined throughout Latin America over the last decade, even under conditions of low and unstable economic growth and a meagre overall reduction of poverty in the region. The declines in infant mortality vary from one country to another. The persistence of high infant mortality rates is related to low income, teenage pregnancy and lack of access to basic services, as well as to the lack of appropriate health care infrastructure. At the same time, both the rural population as a whole, and the indigenous and Afro-descendent population in particular, has fallen markedly behind, with overall infant mortality rates much higher than among the rest of the population. Moreover, the cause and incidence of death in this age group have been changing according with the changes in neonatal and post-neonatal deaths. Our editorial line-up has created space for opinions from adolescents and youth, as well as from policy experts on the problem, its causes, and approaches to dealing with infant mortality. We also offer succinct information on a broad range of programmes—utilizing various interventions—in different countries of the region regarding maternal and infant care, in an attempt to bring about a reduction in mortality.


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Pós-graduação em Letras - IBILCE


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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A neoplasia maligna da mama é uma das principais causa de mortalidade feminina, considerada como problema de saúde pública. Neste trabalho pesquisamos a presença do Papilomavírus Humano (HPV) nos tumores mamários benignos e malignos e em amostras de tecido mamário normal. Foi utilizada a técnica da Reação em Cadeia de Polimerase (PCR) para detecção molecular do DNA HPV em 63 pacientes, assim distribuídas: 28 tumores malignos, 17 tumores benignos e 18 amostras de tecido retro areolar de mamas normais. Os nossos resultados revelaram positividade para a seqüência do DNA HPV em 11 amostras, todas pertencentes às portadoras de tumores malignos: 17,4% de todas as amostras e 39,2% dos tumores malignos. Todos os tumores positivos revelaram DNA HPV para os tipos oncogênicos 16 e/ou 18, não foi detectado DNA HPV 06 e 11. Os resultados demonstraram elevada positividade para os receptores hormonais nas amostras positivas examinadas e apresentaram um seguimento com prevalência de eventos desfavoráveis como recidivas loco-regionais, metástases e óbito nas portadoras de DNA HPV. Os achados ratificam os dados encontrados na literatura, mostrando uma possível participação deste vírus no desenvolvimento do câncer de mama e possível contribuição desfavorável na evolução clínica.