933 resultados para Contemporary political thought
El presente trabajo de investigación doctoral reflexiona sobre el aporte de las prácticas artísticas contemporáneas en los procesos de diálogo entre culturas en el Mediterráneo. En las dinámicas de percepción, acercamiento y (re)conocimiento del otro y de las culturas otras, todos los medios informativos y de comunicación pueden ser, por un lado, válidos y efectivos como, por otro, pueden desviar de la verdad y difundir fácilmente numerosos prejuicios. Frente a la “síntesis” operada por los medios de comunicación tradicionales, donde “el Otro” es a menudo objeto de representaciones estereotipadas, las prácticas artísticas, en su sentido más amplio, contraponen un “análisis” que puede permitir, en diferentes casos, la eliminación de las barreras y un mayor acercamiento a la cultura otra. En la presente investigación se quiere trazar un itinerario teórico que parte de las hipótesis orientalistas, pasa por las filosofías del encuentro con el otro; los estudios sobre la participación; las actuales reflexiones sobre la estética relacional; las definiciones históricas y socio-políticas del Mediterráneo; hasta llegar a reconocer en el arte, en la creación artística, el medio de comunicación más eficaz y penetrante a la hora de refinar el conocimiento y (re)descubrir los diferentes aspectos de las culturas de los países y de los pueblos del Mediterráneo. En el espacio plural del Mediterráneo las prácticas artísticas y creativas actuales actúan como un campo de experimentación y un territorio de debate valioso e importante para el desarrollo del discurso intercultural.
La crisi i esfondrament del pensament metafísic heretat de la modernitat deixa la filosofia contemporània davant d'un nou paradigma on el coneixement s’ha de construir prescindint de tota identitat i fonamentació. El meu projecte s’estableix com un recorregut descendent que parteix d’un àmbit concret, com és el del problema de la manca de fonamentació en la filosofia política contemporània, per arribar a la veritable arrel del problema general que no és altre que la mateixa naturalesa del llenguatge filosòfic. El punt de partida és la pregunta sobre la possibilitat d’una filosofia política en termes postmetafísics. La filosofia política, atrapada entre les forces de la tirania unitària del concepte metafísic i la dissolució pràctica en pro de la realitat instrumental, traça ponts cap a l’estètica i la deconstrucció, que tenen com a corol•lari final qüestionar-nos els propis límits del pensament polític. El concepte d’impolític és una sortida deconstructiva a aquest atzucac. Des d’Esposito, Rancière, Nancy, però sobretot Massimo Cacciari, he aprofundit en el paradigma postmetafísic que origina aquesta negació política de la pròpia política, política com els seus límits, relació com a distància i identitat com a silenci. És evident que la clau de volta és l’herència i recepció contemporània de Nietzsche i la seva crítica a la transcendentalitat moderna en el sí de l’elaboració d’un coneixement en un naufragi constant pel fracàs de la síntesi que anhela. És aquesta herència la que ha possibilitat aquest pensament negatiu contemporani, el del joc wittgensteinià, la deconstrucció del valor que queda convertit en el seu propi marge (Derrida). Definim així no només una comunitat política basada en la incommensurabilitat dels seus membres alhora buits de contingut (Musil), sinó un model de llenguatge que és el seu propi silenci, un llenguatge en contínua lluita contra sí mateix. El meu projecte és una relectura d’aquesta veritat no identitària on el concepte de diàleg pren una importància cabdal. La filosofia de la música aquí es presenta com un terreny fèrtil d’eines conceptuals a l’hora de desenvolupar-ho. La música és el llenguatge negatiu que només troba possibilitat en la seva pròpia impossibilitat de contingut sintètic. Més enllà de les referències obligatòries a chönberg i Adorno entre altres, el camí iniciat per Bergson amb la introducció de la temporalitat a la discussió obra la porta al paper de l’esdveniment en aquest discurs sobre la impossibilitat. Tornant a la filosofia, on el propi llenguatge filosòfic es defineix ja com a impossible, l’esdeveniment reobre l’antiga tensió entre l’escriptura i la paraula viva, veritable fonament del problema, i vèrtex de la possibilitat d’aquesta filosofia impossible.
While regulation theory literature has made important contributions to the much-debated domain of globalisation by focusing on various aspects of post-Fordism, it has not yet fully engaged with the implications that can be drawn from critical approaches in international political economy. Recent studies have explored the transnational bases of new patterns and agents of change beyond states, firms and institutions traditionally involved in regulatory practices. Hybrid is often used as a default attribute reflecting lack of clear understanding of the breadth of this new type of influence and the opacity of the means involved. Drawing on the insights of philology and mythology, the paper argues that the notion of hybrid is relevant in elucidating the ontological ambiguity between imaginary and real aspects of globalisation. Furthermore, it specifies the categories involved in the analysis of emerging forms of hybrid regulation. Recent scholarship on globalisation tends to focus on the private-public nexus of the subjects involved in new forms of institutional arrangements and authority. Here, subjects, objects and space are analysed as joint issues. By focusing particularly on transformations affecting the role of the state, forms of competition, and their rescaling on a transnational basis, the concept of global hybrid is seen as complementary to the emancipation of regulation approaches from early emphasis on national levels of compromises.
El trabajo de investigación realizado durante los tres últimos años de beca se centra en las teorías críticas y en las prácticas artísticas contemporáneas que utilizan la traducción como mediación cultural en los procesos de transmisión y recepción de las obras de arte contemporáneo. En el contexto artistico contemporáneo la traducción es entendida como intercambio, adaptación, traslado o transacción. Tomando como referentes conceptuales las teorías nacidas en el marco interdisciplinar de los Estudios Visuales y de los Estudios de Traducción, dicha investigación se ha centrado en el análisis del fenómeno de la traducción en la producción artística. A partir de este análisis se han investigado las conexiones entre estas disciplinas humanísticas y la práctica artística, así como la problemática que éstas conllevan en la formulación de nuevos criterios y nuevas categorías de la Historia del Arte actual. En la práctica artística cuestiones relativas a la traducción se han podido integrar al arte visual: por un lado como práctica indispensable para la comprensión e interpretación de la obra de arte entre diferentes contextos geográficos o culturales, y por otro, como elemento “formal” indispensable para la realización de los artefactos artísticos que, a su vez, quieren interpretar diferentes realidades sociales, antropológicas o políticas. Sobretodo a partir de la serie On Translation del artista catalán Antoni Muntadas, así como de otros artistas de varios contextos geográficos y culturales, se han analizado las dinámicas prácticas y teóricas de la traducción que acompañan el proceso de la realización de los artefactos artísticos. Muchas de estas obras de arte contemporáneo asimilando los significantes propios del contexto cultural, social, político, económico, y utilizando elementos formales variados (sobretodo tecnológicos) necesitan de un análisis interdisciplinar.
BACKGROUND: Historically, the preoperative and postoperative care of patients with gastrointestinal cancer was provided by surgeons. Contemporary perioperative care is a truly multidisciplinary endeavour with implications for cancer-specific outcomes. METHODS: A literature review was performed querying PubMed and the Cochrane Library for articles published between 1966 to 2012 on specific perioperative interventions with the potential to improve the outcomes of surgical oncology patients. Keywords used were: fast-track, enhanced recovery, accelerated rehabilitation, multimodal and perioperative care. Specific interventions included normothermia, hyperoxygenation, surgical-site infection, skin preparation, transfusion, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, thromboembolism and antibiotic prophylaxis, laparoscopy, radiotherapy, perioperative steroids and monoclonal antibodies. Included articles had to be randomized controlled trials, prospective or nationwide series, or systematic reviews/meta-analyses, published in English, French or German. RESULTS: Important elements of modern perioperative care that improve recovery of patients and outcomes in surgical oncology include accelerated recovery pathways, thromboembolism and antibiotic prophylaxis, hyperoxygenation, maintenance of normothermia, avoidance of blood transfusion and cautious use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, promotion of laparoscopic surgery, chlorhexidine-alcohol skin preparation and multidisciplinary meetings to determine multimodal therapy. CONCLUSION: Multidisciplinary management of perioperative patient care has improved outcomes. Copyright © 2012 British Journal of Surgery Society Ltd. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
The low quality of education is a persistent problem in many developed countries. Parallel to in the last decades exists a tendency towards decentralization in many developed and developing countries. Using micro data from the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) referred to 22 countries, we test whether there exists an impact of fiscal and political decentralization on student performance in the areas of mathematics, reading skills and science. We observe that fiscal decentralization exerts an unequivocal positive effect on students’ outcomes in all areas, while the effect of political decentralization is more ambiguous. On the one hand, the capacity of the subnational governments to rule on its region has a positive effect on students’ performance in mathematics. On the other hand, the capacity to influence the country as a whole has a negative impact on mathematics achievement. As a general result, we observe that students’ performance in Mathematics is more sensible to these exogenous variations than in Sciences and reading skills. Keywords: School outcomes, PISA, fiscal decentralization, political decentralization JEL codes: H11, H77, I21
It is commonly believed that majority voting enhances parties to cluster around the centre of the political space, whereas proportional systems (PR) foster great ideological divergence. The theoretical arguments for these expectations go back to the work of Downs (1957) and Duverger (1954). More recent studies, however, produced quite contradictory empirical findings. In this paper I will test whether similar arguments hold true for the positioning of candidates campaigning in different electoral systems. The elections for the two chambers of the Swiss Parliament and the data from the Swiss Electoral Studies (SELECTS) and the Swiss Voting Advice Application (VAA) smartvote offer an excellent - almost laboratory like - opportunity to do so empirically. The analyses show clearly, the theoretical claims that majority voting necessarily fosters more moderate positions find no support. The candidates for the Council of States, elected in a majority system, are not more moderate than their fellow party candidates for the National Council which are elected in a PR system.
One of the criticisms leveled at the model of dispersed city found all over the world is its unarticulated, random, and undifferentiated nature. To check this idea in the Barcelona Metropolitan Region, we estimated the impact of the urban spatial structure (CBD, subcenters and transportation infrastructures) over the population density and commuting distance. The results are unfavorable to the hypothesis of the increasing destructuring of cities given that the explanatory capacity of both functions improves over time, both when other control variables are not included and when they are included.
This article investigates whether vote-buying and the instigation of violence in the disputed 2007 Kenyan elections were strategically motivated, and whether those affected by electoral violence changed their views towards ethno-politics and the use of violence. To answer these questions, a panel survey conducted before and after the elections is combined with external indicators of electoral violence. We find that political parties targeted vote-buying towards specific groups to weaken the support of their political rivals and to mobilize their own supporters. Furthermore, parties instigated violence strategically in areas where they were less likely to win. Although the victims of violence would prefer that parties are no longer allowed to organize in ethnic or religious lines, they are more likely to identify in ethnic terms, support the use of violence and avoid relying on the police to resolve disputes. The overall findings suggest an increased risk of electoral-violence reoccurring.
In this paper, we study the determinants of political myopia in a rational model of electoral accountability where the key elements are informational frictions and uncertainty. We build a framework where political ability is ex-ante unknown and policy choices are not perfectly observable. On the one hand, elections improve accountability and allow to keep well-performing incumbents. On the other, politicians invest too little in costly policies with future returns in an attempt to signal high ability and increase their reelection probability. Contrary to the conventional wisdom, uncertainty reduces political myopia and may, under some conditions, increase social welfare. We use the model to study how political rewards can be set so as to maximise social welfare and the desirability of imposing a one-term limit to governments. The predictions of our theory are consistent with a number of stylised facts and with a new empirical observation documented in this paper: aggregate uncertainty, measured by economic volatility, is associated to better ...scal discipline in a panel of 20 OECD countries.