986 resultados para BALANCED SALT SOLUTION
In this research, scanometry was used as a new, simple, fast and inexpensive method for a colorimetric determination of Mn2+ ion in water samples and thermocouple wire through the use of periodate reagent in an acidic medium. The results showed the oxidization of colorless Mn2+ ion by periodate and the formation of a purplish MnO4- ion. The system had a linear range of 1.0 to 70.0 µg mL-1 Mn2+ ion with a detection limit of 0.314 µg mL-1 and a relative standard deviation of 2.77% for G color value. This method has the capability to determine low levels of Mn2+ ion in thermocouple wire and water samples.
This thesis consists of three main theoretical themes: quality of data, success of information systems, and metadata in data warehousing. Loosely defined, metadata is descriptive data about data, and, in this thesis, master data means reference data about customers, products etc. The objective of the thesis is to contribute to an implementation of a metadata management solution for an industrial enterprise. The metadata system incorporates a repository, integration, delivery and access tools, as well as semantic rules and procedures for master data maintenance. It targets to improve maintenance processes and quality of hierarchical master data in the case company’s informational systems. That should bring benefits to whole organization in improved information quality, especially in cross-system data consistency, and in more efficient and effective data management processes. As the result of this thesis, the requirements for the metadata management solution in case were compiled, and the success of the new information system and the implementation project was evaluated.
An evaluation of hydration and thermal decomposition of HAlg and its sodium salt is described using thermogravimetry (TG) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). TG curves in N2 and air, were obtained for alginic acid showed two decomposition steps attributed to loss of water and polymer decomposition respectively. The sodium alginate decomposed in three steps. The first attributed to water loss, followed by the formation of a carbonaceous residue and finally the Na2CO3. DSC curves presented peaks in agreement with the TG data. In the IR alginic acid presented bands at 1730 and 1631 cm-1, while sodium alginate presented a doublet at 1614 e 1431 cm-1, evidencing the presence of salified carboxyl groups.
The aim of this master’s thesis is to develop an algorithm to calculate the cable network for heat and power station CHGRES. This algorithm includes important aspect which has an influence on the cable network reliability. Moreover, according to developed algorithm, the optimal solution for modernization cable system from economical and technical point of view was obtained. The conditions of existing cable lines show that replacement is necessary. Otherwise, the fault situation would happen. In this case company would loss not only money but also its prestige. As a solution, XLPE single core cables are more profitable than other types of cable considered in this work. Moreover, it is presented the dependence of value of short circuit current on number of 10/110 kV transformers connected in parallel between main grid and considered 10 kV busbar and how it affects on final decision. Furthermore, the losses of company in power (capacity) market due to fault situation are presented. These losses are commensurable with investment to replace existing cable system.
The first objective of this master's thesis is to find out how the concepts solution and solution marketing are defined in the literature. In order to do so, solution marketing literature is reviewed widely. Another target is to identify the characteristics of solution marketing and to explain how solution marketing can be carried out. The final objective is to determine how well the described solution marketing practices are executed in the target company, and this will be studied with a survey. A solution can be described as a co-created and customized combination of products and services. Solution marketing aims at developing and anticipating customer's business needs and it involves close collaboration between customer and supplier. Solution marketing communication is targeted to a specific audience. It entails deep customer intimacy and is focused on understanding customer's business problem. Solution marketing also requires close collaboration between sales and marketing as well as customer focused mindset. Solution marketing can be executed by promoting thought leadership, presenting solution offering, creating close customer relationships and treating customers as individuals. Solution provider's whole organization must engage customer focus.
The pollution and toxicity problems posed by arsenic in the environment have long been established. Hence, the removal and recovery remedies have been sought, bearing in mind the efficiency, cost effectiveness and environmental friendliness of the methods employed. The sorption kinetics and intraparticulate diffusivity of As (III) bioremediation from aqueous solution using modified and unmodified coconut fiber was investigated. The amount adsorbed increased as time increased, reaching equilibrium at about 60 minutes. The kinetic studies showed that the sorption rates could be described by both pseudo-first order and pseudo-second order process with the later showing a better fit with a value of rate constant of 1.16 x 10-4 min-1 for the three adsorbent types. The mechanism of sorption was found to be particle diffusion controlled. The diffusion and boundary layer effects were also investigation. Therefore, the results show that coconut fiber, both modified and unmodified is an efficient sorbent for the removal of As (III) from industrial effluents with particle diffusion as the predominant mechanism.
An activated carbon was obtained by chemical activation with phosphoric acid, CM, from a mineral carbon. Afterwards, the carbon was modified with 2 and 5 molL-1, CMox2 and CMox5 nitric acid solutions to increase the surface acid group contents. Immersion enthalpy at pH 4 values and Pb2+ adsorption isotherms were determined by immersing activated carbons in aqueous solution. The surface area values of the adsorbents and total pore volume were approximately 560 m².g-1 and 0.36 cm³g-1, respectively. As regards chemical characteristics, activated carbons had higher acid sites content, 0.92-2.42 meq g-1, than basic sites, 0.63-0.12 meq g-1. pH values were between 7.4 and 4.5 at the point of zero charge, pH PZC. The adsorbed quantity of Pb2+ and the immersion enthalpy in solution of different pH values for CM activated carbon showed that the values are the highest for pH 4, 15.7 mgg-1 and 27.6 Jg-1 respectively. Pb2+ adsorption isotherms and immersion enthalpy were determined for modified activated carbons and the highest values were obtained for the activated carbon that showed the highest content of total acid sites on the surface.
The need to clean-up heavy metal contaminated environment can not be over emphasized. This paper describes the adsorption isotherm studies of Cd (II), Pb (II) and Zn (II) ions from aqueous solution using unmodified and EDTA-modified maize cob. Maize cob was found to be an excellent adsorbent for the removal of these metal ions. The amount of metal ions adsorbed increased as the initial concentration increased. Also, EDTA - modification enhanced the adsorption capacity of maize cob probably due to the chelating ability of EDTA. Among the three adsorption isotherm tested, Dubinin-Radushkevich gave the best fit with R² value ranging from 0.9539 to 0.9973 and an average value of 0.9819. This is followed by Freundlich isotherm (Ave. 0.9783) and then the Langmuir isotherm (Ave. 0.7637). The sorption process was found to be a physiosorption process as seen from the apparent energy of adsorption which ranged from 2.05KJ\mol to 4.56KJ\mol. Therefore, this study demonstrates that maize cob which is an environmental pollutant could be used to adsorb heavy metals and achieve cleanliness thereby abating environmental nuisance caused by the maize cob.
Many manufacturing companies have started to offer complete solutions to their customers’ unique needs due to toughening competition and customer demand. Discourse on this kind of solution business is still developing, hence, there is not an established definition for the concept of solution. The aim of the study is to profoundly identify the concept of solution and to understand how the industry’s current views differ from the theoretical concepts. The describing dimensions are identified from selected 13 theoretical notions, and from responses, that the employees of five different companies have given. The 32 interview transcripts are analyzed with thematic analysis and qualitative content analysis. According to the findings, the concept of solution is characterized by integration, customization, risk-sharing, value co-creation, long-term orientation, and desired outcomes. The industry’s insights differ in terms of them all. The results illustrate, that a solution is a bundle, and the whole solution is customized on some level for a client. A solution supplier needs to be customer-focused, in which value co-creation is only a part. The solution solves the customer’s problem, and improves both the customer’s, and the supplier’s business. Neither long-term focus nor risks-sharing were directly employed to characterize the concept of solution. Differences are mainly due to the different approaches to the definitions and inexperience of the companies.
CRM-järjestelmän avulla pyritään yleisesti tehostamaan liiketoimintaprosesseja. Yrityksestä, kuin myös toimialasta riippuen hyödyt sekä tavoitteet vaihtelevat jonkin verran. Usein CRM-järjestelmän avulla saavutettavien hyötyjen mittaaminen ja arviointi organisaatiossa koetaan hankalaksi ja täten todellinen hyötyjen arviointi jää suppeaksi. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli kartoittaa etuja, joita CRM-järjestelmän käyttöönotto on todellisuudessa tuonut yrityksille. Tutkimus kulminoituu laskentamalliin, jonka avulla CRM käytön hyödyt konvertoidaan konkreettiseksi rahasummaksi. Tutkimuksessa pyritään vastaamaan seuraaviin tutkimuskysymyksiin: 1. Kun yritys suunnitteli CRM-sovelluksen käyttöönottoa, mitkä olivat järjestelmälle asetetut tavoitteet? 2. Onko yritys saavuttanut CRM-järjestelmälle asetetut tavoitteet? 3. Onko yritys saavuttanut odottamattomia hyötyjä CRM-järjestelmän käytön avulla? 4. Mitkä ovat CRM-järjestelmän tärkeimmät kehityskohteet käyttökokemusten perusteella? Tutkimus perustuu CRM-kirjallisuuden avulla luotuun teoriaviitekehykseen. Teoriaviitekehyksen pohjalta luotiin ideaalimalli ja mallin pohjalta web-survey -kysely. Kyselyn tulosten perusteella toteutettiin haastatteluja, joilla pyrittiin saamaan tutkimustuloksiin syvyyttä.
If the mental can affect, or be affected by, the physical, then the mental must itself be physical. Otherwise the physical world would not be explanatorily closed. But it is closed. There are reasons to hold that materialism (in both its reductive and non-reductive varieties) is false. So how are we to explain the apparent responsiveness of the physical to the mental and vice versa? The only possible solution seems to be this: physical objects are really projections or isomorphs of objects whose essential properties are mental. (A slightly less accurate way of putting this would be to say: the constitutive - i.e. the non-structural and non-phenomenal - properties of physical objects are mental, i.e. are such as we are used to encountering only in "introspection".) The chair, qua thing that I can know through sense perception, and through hypotheses based strictly thereupon, is a kind of shadow of an object that is exactly like it, except that this other objects essential properties are mental. This line of thought, though radically counterintuitive, explains the apparent responsiveness of the mental to the physical, and vice versa, without being open to any of the criticisms to which materialism, dualistic interaction ism, and epiphenomenalism are open.
This MSc work was done in the project of BIOMECON financed by Tekes. The prime target of the research was, to develop methods for separation and determination of carbohydrates (sugars), sugar acids and alcohols, and some other organic acids in hydrolyzed pulp samples by capillary electrophoresis (CE) using UV detection. Aspen, spruce, and birch pulps are commonly used for production of papers in Finland. Feedstock components in pulp predominantly consist of carbohydrates, organic acids, lignin, extractives, and proteins. Here in this study, pulps have been hydrolyzed in analytical chemistry laboratories of UPM Company and Lappeenranta University in order to convert them into sugars, acids, alcohols, and organic acids. Foremost objective of this study was to quantify and identify the main and by-products in the pulp samples. For the method development and optimization, increased precision in capillary electrophoresis was accomplished by calculating calibration data of 16 analytes such as D-(-)-fructose, D(+)-xylose, D(+)-mannose, D(+)-cellobiose, D-(+)-glucose, D-(+)-raffinose, D(-)-mannitol, sorbitol, rhamnose, sucrose, xylitol, galactose, maltose, arabinose, ribose, and, α-lactose monohydratesugars and 16 organic acids such as D-glucuronic, oxalic, acetic, propionic, formic, glycolic, malonic, maleic, citric, L-glutamic, tartaric, succinic, adipic, ascorbic, galacturonic, and glyoxylic acid. In carbohydrate and polyalcohol analyses, the experiments with CE coupled to direct UV detection and positive separation polarity was performed in 36 mM disodium hydrogen phosphate electrolyte solution. For acid analyses, CE coupled indirect UV detection, using negative polarity, and electrolyte solution made of 2,3 pyridinedicarboxylic acid, Ca2+ salt, Mg2+ salts, and myristyltrimethylammonium hydroxide in water was used. Under optimized conditions, limits of detection, relative standard deviations and correlation coefficients of each compound were measured. The optimized conditions were used for the identification and quantification of carbohydrates and acids produced by hydrolyses of pulp. The concentrations of the analytes varied between 1 mg – 0.138 g in liter hydrolysate.
In this paper I am concerned with the problem of applying the notion of rigidity to general terms. In Naming and Necessity, Kripke has clearly suggested that we should include some general terms among the rigid ones, namely, those common nouns semantically correlated with natural substances, species and phenomena, in general, natural kinds -'water', 'tiger', 'heat'- and some adjectives -'red', 'hot', 'loud'. However, the notion of rigidity has been defined for singular terms; after all, the notion that Kripke has provided us with is the notion of a rigid designator. But general terms do not designate single individuals: rather, they apply to many of them. In sum, the original concept of rigidity cannot be straightforwardly applied to general terms: it has to be somehow redefined in order to make it cover them. As is known, two main positions have been put forward to accomplish that task: the identity of designation conception, according to which a rigid general term is one that designates the same property or kind in all possible worlds, and the essentialist conception, which conceives of a rigid general term as an essentialist one, namely, a term that expresses an essential property of an object. My purpose in the present paper is to defend a particular version of the identity of designation conception: on the proposed approach, a rigid general term will be one that expresses the same property in all possible worlds and names the property it expresses. In my opinion, the position can be established on the basis of an inference to the best explanation of our intuitive interpretation and evaluation, relative to counterfactual circumstances, of statements containing different kinds of general terms, which is strictly analogous to our intuitive interpretation and evaluation, relative to such circumstances, of statements containing different kinds of singular ones. I will argue that it is possible to offer a new solution to the trivialization problem that is thought to threaten all versions of the identity of designation conception of rigidity. Finally, I will also sketch a solution to the so-called 'over-generalization and under-generalization problems', both closely related to the above-mentioned one.