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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The present paper introduces a new model of fuzzy neuron, one which increases the computational power of the artificial neuron, turning it also into a symbolic processing device. This model proposes the synapsis to be symbolically and numerically defined, by means of the assignment of tokens to the presynaptic and postsynaptic neurons. The matching or concatenation compatibility between these tokens is used to decided about the possible connections among neurons of a given net. The strength of the compatible synapsis is made dependent on the amount of the available presynaptic and post synaptic tokens. The symbolic and numeric processing capacity of the new fuzzy neuron is used here to build a neural net (JARGON) to disclose the existing knowledge in natural language data bases such as medical files, set of interviews, and reports about engineering operations.


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The Brazilian Journal of Special Education was first published in 1992 and has been continuously evaluated internally by scholars of the Brazilian Association of Researchers in Special Education, and externally, by Capes and ANPEd. The last evaluation made by Capes indicated a Qualis A2 for the Brazilian Journal of Special Education. The aim of this article is to discuss these evaluations in order to improve the quality of the journal. The proposed evaluation focused on qualitative parameters presented by the Anped assessment, and statistical parameters available by SciELO. The result of this analysis is that the Brazilian Journal of Special Education has similar parameters to journals qualified as A1, and sometimes even higher than those. Discussion of quality improvement of the journal indicated: 1) the need to receive articles via internet through its peer review system; 2) assignment of coeditors to ensure the evaluation flow of submitted manuscripts; 3) investment in infrastructure, such as purchase of computers and software to improve editing and publishing.


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The Auditory Evoked Middle Latency Response is one of the most promising objective tests in audiology and in revealing brain dysfunction and neuro-audiologic findings. The main advantages of its clinical use are precision and objectivity in evaluating children. This study aimed to analyze the auditory evoked middle latency response in two patients with auditory processing disorder and relate objective and behavioral measures. This case study was conducted in 2 patients (P1 = 12 years, female, P2 = 17 years old, male), both with the absence of sensory abnormalities, neurological and neuropsychiatric disorders. Both were submitted to anamnesis, inspection of the external ear canal, hearing test and evaluation of Auditory Evoked Middle latency Response. There was a significant association between behavioral test and objectives results. In the interview, there were complaints about the difficulty in listening in a noisy environment, sound localization, inattention, and phonological changes in writing and speaking, as confirmed by evaluation of auditory processing and Auditory Evoked Middle Latency Response. Changes were observed in the right decoding process hearing in both cases on the behavioral assessment of auditory processing; auditory evoked potential test middle latency shows that the right contralateral via response was deficient, confirming the difficulties of the patients in the assignment of meaning in acoustic information in a competitive sound condition at right, in both cases. In these cases it was shown the association between the results, but there is a need for further studies with larger sample population to confirm the data.


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The study attempts to develop the concept of financial fragility and explore the advancement of their chances, since he started in 1970 until the present day with the most respected authors. The analysis focuses on the possibility of changing the cycle of economic activity that is due to the vulnerability, and so that it is related to the behavior of firms and agents. What can be done to prevent such a crisis. Thus, the authors present the factors and explain how the credit market, operating assets and investments of capital goods under the influence in that economy. It also consists in the analysis to visualize the size of the influence of credit, interest and investments made by the evaluation of a data set


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In the universities, before the start of each school year, is held the distribution of classes among available teachers. Therefore, it is necessary to consider the maximum workweek for each teacher and their preferences for each discipline, to prevent a teacher to give lessons in two separate locations at the same time and to avoid some teachers to become overloaded while others with large clearance. This process, manually performed, is time consuming and does not allow the visualization of other combinations of assignment of teachers to classes, besides being liable to error. This work aims to develop a decision support tool for the problem of assigning teachers to classes in college. The project encompasses the development of a computer program using the concepts of object orientation and a tree search algorithm of a combinatorial nature called Beam Search. The programming language used is Java and the program has a graphical interface for entering and manipulating data of the problem. Once obtained the schedule data of classes and teachers is possible, by means of the tool, perform various simulations and manual adjustments to achieve the final result. It is an efficient method of class scheduling, considering the speed of task execution and the fact that it generates only feasible results


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Direito - FCHS


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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TouCAN es una librería creada en su primera versión (v1) como Trabajos de Fin de Grado en Ingeniería Informática por John Wu Wu y Jose Lareo Domínguez bajo la tutorización de los profesores Antonio C. Domínguez Brito y Jorge Cabrera Gámez. Define un protocolo de comunicación para la interconexión de una red de microcontroladores basados en la plataforma de prototipado electrónico Arduino. Trabaja sobre el protocolo de comunicación CAN Bus (Controller Area Network), ampliamente utilizado por la industria desde la década de los 80. TouCAN destaca por ser una librería ligera, potente y amigable. El objetivo principal de este Trabajo Final de Grado en Ingeniería Informática consiste en proporcionar robustez a la librería incorporando mejoras y nuevas funcionalidades. Entre las principales mejoras destacar el control frente a fallos de comunicación, reinicio o reset de los microcontroladores, así como la caída de los mismos. Otra característica incluida en esta revisión consiste en la asignación dinámica deidentificadores de dispositivos que conforman un sistema empotrado distribuido. Permitiendo la posibilidad de “conexión en caliente” de nuevos nodos microcontroladores a la red de forma dinámica. A estos cambios, también se han añadido mejoras en la interfaz de la API que simplifica el uso y aprendizaje de la misma. Así como una nueva herramienta denominada TouCANSniffer que permite capturar y analizar todo el tráfico generado en la red. Las nuevas características y funcionalidades añadidas en TouCAN v2 proporcionan el potencial necesario para ser considerada seriamente como base de cualquier nuevo proyecto que integre una red distribuida de microcontroladores.


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This thesis is focused on the metabolomic study of human cancer tissues by ex vivo High Resolution-Magic Angle Spinning (HR-MAS) nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. This new technique allows for the acquisition of spectra directly on intact tissues (biopsy or surgery), and it has become very important for integrated metabonomics studies. The objective is to identify metabolites that can be used as markers for the discrimination of the different types of cancer, for the grading, and for the assessment of the evolution of the tumour. Furthermore, an attempt to recognize metabolites, that although involved in the metabolism of tumoral tissues in low concentration, can be important modulators of neoplastic proliferation, was performed. In addition, NMR data was integrated with statistical techniques in order to obtain semi-quantitative information about the metabolite markers. In the case of gliomas, the NMR study was correlated with gene expression of neoplastic tissues. Chapter 1 begins with a general description of a new “omics” study, the metabolomics. The study of metabolism can contribute significantly to biomedical research and, ultimately, to clinical medical practice. This rapidly developing discipline involves the study of the metabolome: the total repertoire of small molecules present in cells, tissues, organs, and biological fluids. Metabolomic approaches are becoming increasingly popular in disease diagnosis and will play an important role on improving our understanding of cancer mechanism. Chapter 2 addresses in more detail the basis of NMR Spectroscopy, presenting the new HR-MAS NMR tool, that is gaining importance in the examination of tumour tissues, and in the assessment of tumour grade. Some advanced chemometric methods were used in an attempt to enhance the interpretation and quantitative information of the HR-MAS NMR data are and presented in chapter 3. Chemometric methods seem to have a high potential in the study of human diseases, as it permits the extraction of new and relevant information from spectroscopic data, allowing a better interpretation of the results. Chapter 4 reports results obtained from HR-MAS NMR analyses performed on different brain tumours: medulloblastoma, meningioms and gliomas. The medulloblastoma study is a case report of primitive neuroectodermal tumor (PNET) localised in the cerebellar region by Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) in a 3-year-old child. In vivo single voxel 1H MRS shows high specificity in detecting the main metabolic alterations in the primitive cerebellar lesion; which consist of very high amounts of the choline-containing compounds and of very low levels of creatine derivatives and N-acetylaspartate. Ex vivo HR-MAS NMR, performed at 9.4 Tesla on the neoplastic specimen collected during surgery, allows the unambiguous identification of several metabolites giving a more in-depth evaluation of the metabolic pattern of the lesion. The ex vivo HR-MAS NMR spectra show higher detail than that obtained in vivo. In addition, the spectroscopic data appear to correlate with some morphological features of the medulloblastoma. The present study shows that ex vivo HR-MAS 1H NMR is able to strongly improve the clinical possibility of in vivo MRS and can be used in conjunction with in vivo spectroscopy for clinical purposes. Three histological subtypes of meningiomas (meningothelial, fibrous and oncocytic) were analysed both by in vivo and ex vivo MRS experiments. The ex vivo HR-MAS investigations are very helpful for the assignment of the in vivo resonances of human meningiomas and for the validation of the quantification procedure of in vivo MR spectra. By using one- and two dimensional experiments, several metabolites in different histological subtypes of meningiomas, were identified. The spectroscopic data confirmed the presence of the typical metabolites of these benign neoplasms and, at the same time, that meningomas with different morphological characteristics have different metabolic profiles, particularly regarding macromolecules and lipids. The profile of total choline metabolites (tCho) and the expression of the Kennedy pathway genes in biopsies of human gliomas were also investigated using HR-MAS NMR, and microfluidic genomic cards. 1H HR-MAS spectra, allowed the resolution and relative quantification by LCModel of the resonances from choline (Cho), phosphorylcholine (PC) and glycerolphorylcholine (GPC), the three main components of the combined tCho peak observed in gliomas by in vivo 1H MRS spectroscopy. All glioma biopsies depicted an increase in tCho as calculated from the addition of Cho, PC and GPC HR-MAS resonances. However, the increase was constantly derived from augmented GPC in low grade NMR gliomas or increased PC content in the high grade gliomas, respectively. This circumstance allowed the unambiguous discrimination of high and low grade gliomas by 1H HR-MAS, which could not be achieved by calculating the tCho/Cr ratio commonly used by in vivo 1H MR spectroscopy. The expression of the genes involved in choline metabolism was investigated in the same biopsies. The present findings offer a convenient procedure to classify accurately glioma grade using 1H HR-MAS, providing in addition the genetic background for the alterations of choline metabolism observed in high and low gliomas grade. Chapter 5 reports the study on human gastrointestinal tract (stomach and colon) neoplasms. The human healthy gastric mucosa, and the characteristics of the biochemical profile of human gastric adenocarcinoma in comparison with that of healthy gastric mucosa were analyzed using ex vivo HR-MAS NMR. Healthy human mucosa is mainly characterized by the presence of small metabolites (more than 50 identified) and macromolecules. The adenocarcinoma spectra were dominated by the presence of signals due to triglycerides, that are usually very low in healthy gastric mucosa. The use of spin-echo experiments enable us to detect some metabolites in the unhealthy tissues and to determine their variation with respect to the healthy ones. Then, the ex vivo HR-MAS NMR analysis was applied to human gastric tissue, to obtain information on the molecular steps involved in the gastric carcinogenesis. A microscopic investigation was also carried out in order to identify and locate the lipids in the cellular and extra-cellular environments. Correlation of the morphological changes detected by transmission (TEM) and scanning (SEM) electron microscopy, with the metabolic profile of gastric mucosa in healthy, gastric atrophy autoimmune diseases (AAG), Helicobacter pylori-related gastritis and adenocarcinoma subjects, were obtained. These ultrastructural studies of AAG and gastric adenocarcinoma revealed lipid intra- and extra-cellularly accumulation associated with a severe prenecrotic hypoxia and mitochondrial degeneration. A deep insight into the metabolic profile of human healthy and neoplastic colon tissues was gained using ex vivo HR-MAS NMR spectroscopy in combination with multivariate methods: Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Partial Least Squares Discriminant Analysis (PLS-DA). The NMR spectra of healthy tissues highlight different metabolic profiles with respect to those of neoplastic and microscopically normal colon specimens (these last obtained at least 15 cm far from the adenocarcinoma). Furthermore, metabolic variations are detected not only for neoplastic tissues with different histological diagnosis, but also for those classified identical by histological analysis. These findings suggest that the same subclass of colon carcinoma is characterized, at a certain degree, by metabolic heterogeneity. The statistical multivariate approach applied to the NMR data is crucial in order to find metabolic markers of the neoplastic state of colon tissues, and to correctly classify the samples. Significant different levels of choline containing compounds, taurine and myoinositol, were observed. Chapter 6 deals with the metabolic profile of normal and tumoral renal human tissues obtained by ex vivo HR-MAS NMR. The spectra of human normal cortex and medulla show the presence of differently distributed osmolytes as markers of physiological renal condition. The marked decrease or disappearance of these metabolites and the high lipid content (triglycerides and cholesteryl esters) is typical of clear cell renal carcinoma (RCC), while papillary RCC is characterized by the absence of lipids and very high amounts of taurine. This research is a contribution to the biochemical classification of renal neoplastic pathologies, especially for RCCs, which can be evaluated by in vivo MRS for clinical purposes. Moreover, these data help to gain a better knowledge of the molecular processes envolved in the onset of renal carcinogenesis.


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In questa tesi si è voluta porre l’attenzione sulla suscettibilità alle alte temperature delle resine che li compongono. Lo studio del comportamento alle alte temperature delle resine utilizzate per l’applicazione dei materiali compositi è risultato un campo di studio ancora non completamente sviluppato, nel quale c’è ancora necessità di ricerche per meglio chiarire alcuni aspetti del comportamento. L’analisi di questi materiali si sviluppa partendo dal contesto storico, e procedendo successivamente ad una accurata classificazione delle varie tipologie di materiali compositi soffermandosi sull’ utilizzo nel campo civile degli FRP (Fiber Reinforced Polymer) e mettendone in risalto le proprietà meccaniche. Considerata l’influenza che il comportamento delle resine riveste nel comportamento alle alte temperature dei materiali compositi si è, per questi elementi, eseguita una classificazione in base alle loro proprietà fisico-chimiche e ne sono state esaminate le principali proprietà meccaniche e termiche quali il modulo elastico, la tensione di rottura, la temperatura di transizione vetrosa e il fenomeno del creep. Sono state successivamente eseguite delle prove sperimentali, effettuate presso il Laboratorio Resistenza Materiali e presso il Laboratorio del Dipartimento di Chimica Applicata e Scienza dei Materiali, su dei provini confezionati con otto differenti resine epossidiche. Per valutarne il comportamento alle alte temperature, le indagini sperimentali hanno valutato dapprima le temperature di transizione vetrosa delle resine in questione e, in seguito, le loro caratteristiche meccaniche. Dalla correlazione dei dati rilevati si sono cercati possibili legami tra le caratteristiche meccaniche e le proprietà termiche delle resine. Si sono infine valutati gli aspetti dell’applicazione degli FRP che possano influire sul comportamento del materiale composito soggetto alle alte temperature valutando delle possibili precauzioni che possano essere considerate in fase progettuale.