908 resultados para Aspirinato of copper
1739 v. 2 #1011
This paper uses data on the world's copper mining industry to measure the impact on efficiency of the adoption of the ISO 14001 environmental standard. Anecdotal and case study literature suggests that firms are motivated to adopt this standard so as to achieve greater efficiency through changes in operating procedures and processes. Using plant level panel data from 1992-2007 on most of the world's industrial copper mines, the study uses stochastic frontier methods to investigate the effects of ISO adoption. The variety of models used in this study find that adoption either tends to improve efficiency or has no impact on efficiency, but no evidence is found that ISO adoption decreases efficiency.
Prevention of acid mine drainage (AMD) in sulfide-containing tailings requires the identification of the geochemical processes and element pathways in the early stages of tailing deposition. However, analyses of recently deposited tailings in active tailings impoundments are scarce because mineralogical changes occur near the detection limits of many assays. This study shows that a detailed geochemical study which includes stable isotopes of water (delta H-2, delta O-18), dissolved sulfates (delta S-34, delta O-18) and hydrochernical parameter (pH, Eh, DOC, major and trace elements) from tailings samples taken at different depths in rainy and dry seasons allows the understanding of weathering (oxidation, dissolution, sorption, and desorption), water and element pathways, and mixing processes in active tailings impoundments. Fresh alkaline tailings (pH 9.2-10.2) from the Cu-Mo porphyry deposit in El Teniente, Chile had low carbonate (0.8-1.1 Wt-% CaCO3 equivalent) and sulfide concentrations (0.8-1.3 wt.%, mainly as pyrite). In the alkaline tailings water, Mo and Cu (up to 3.9 mg/L Mo and 0.016 mg/L Cu) were mobile as MoO42- and Cu (OH)(2)(0). During the flotation, tailings water reached equilibrium with gypsum (up to 738 mg/L Ca and 1765 mg/ L SO4). The delta S-34 VS. delta O-18 covariations of dissolved sulfate (2.3 to 4.5% delta S-34 and 4.1 to 6.0 % delta O-18) revealed the sulfate sources: the dissolution of primary sulfates (12.0 to 13.2%. delta S-34, 7.4 to 10.9%.delta O-18) and oxidation of primary sulfides (-6.7 to 1.7%. delta S-34). Sedimented tailings in the tailings impoundment can be divided into three layers with different water sources, element pathways, and geochemical processes. The deeper sediments (> 1 m depth) were infiltrated by catchment water, which partly replaced the original tailings water, especially during the winter season. This may have resulted in the change from alkaline to near-neutral pH and towards lower concentrations of most dissolved elements. The neutral pH and high DOC (up to 99.4 mg/L C) of the catchment water mobilized Cu (up to 0.25 mg/L) due to formation of organic Cu complexes; and Zn (up to 130 mg/L) due to dissolution of Zn oxides and desorption). At I m depth, tailings pore water obtained during the winter season was chemically and isotopically similar to fresh tailings water (pH 9.8-10.6, 26.7-35.5 mg/L Cl, 2.3-6.0 mg/L Mo). During the summer, a vadose zone evolved locally and temporarily up to 1.2 m depth. resulting in a higher concentration of dissolved solids in the pore water due to evaporation. During periodical new deposition of fresh tailings, the geochemistry of the surface layer was geochemically similar to fresh tailings. In periods without deposition, sulfide oxidation was suggested by decreasing pH (7.7-9.5), enrichment of MoO42- and SO42-, and changes in the isotopic composition of dissolved sulfates. Further enrichment for Na, K, Cl, SO4, Mg, Cu, and Mo (up to 23.8 mg/L Mo) resulted from capillary transport towards the surface followed by evaporation and the precipitation of highly soluble efflorescent salts (e.g., mirabilite, syngenite) at the tailing surface during summer. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Systematic pig slurry application to crop soils may lead to the accumulation of heavy metals in regions with intensive pig raising. The aim of this study was to evaluate the accumulation of Cu, Zn and Mn in soils under systematic pig slurry application. For this purpose, soil samples were collected from two of the most representative watersheds of Santa Catarina where the predominant activity is pig raising. In each watershed, 12 properties were chosen to evaluate the different systems of pig husbandry (complete cycle (CC), farrowing (FaU) and finishing units (FiU)). Based on information of the producers, soil samples were collected in areas with and without systematic manure application. To determine the total Cu, Zn and Mn content in soils and manure, a methodology proposed by the Environmental Protection Agency of the United States (USEPA), method nº 3050B, was used. For the available heavy metal content, Cu and Zn was extracted with HCl 0.1 mol L-1 and Mn with KCl 1 mol L-1. Data were subjected to multivariate analysis, using the canonical discriminant analysis to identify the metals that best differentiate the soils studied within each swine housing system. Successive pig slurry applications cause an increase in Cu, Zn and Mn availability in the soil and this indicates the need for monitoring of the metal concentrations over time. The critical values of Cu in the soil can be reached and exceeded more rapidly than Zn. The results showed that the soil type may be one of the attribute underlying the determination of public policies in pig raising and waste management because soils such as Inceptisols were shown to be more prone to possible contamination since they may more rapidly reach total critical Cu levels.
Experiments are reported on fractal copper electrodeposits. An electrochemical cell was designed in order to obtain a potentiostatic control on the quasi-two-dimensional electrodeposition process. The aim was focused on the analysis of the growth rate of the electrodeposited phase, in particular its dependence on the electrode potential and electrolyte concentration.
Anthropogenic emissions of metals from sources such as smelters are an international problem, but there is limited published information on emissions from Australian smelters. The objective of this study was to investigate the regional distribution of heavy metals in soils in the vicinity of the industrial complex of Port Kembla, NSW, Australia, which comprises a copper smelter, steelworks and associated industries. Soil samples (n=25) were collected at the depths of 0-5 and 5-20 cm, air dried and sieved to < 2 mm. Aqua regia extractable amounts of As, Cr, Cu, Ph and Zn were analysed by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (lCP-MS) and inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES). Outliers were identified from background levels by statistical methods. Mean background levels at a depth of 0-5 cm were estimated at 3.2 mg/kg As, 12 mg/kg Cr, 49 mg/kg Cu, 20 mg/kg Ph and 42 mg/kg Zn. Outliers for elevated As and Cu values were mainly present within 4 km from the Port Kembla industrial complex, but high Ph at two sites and high Zn concentrations were found at six sites up to 23 km from Port Kembla. Chromium concentrations were not anomalous close to the industrial complex. There was no significant difference of metal concentrations at depths of 0-5 and 5-20 cm, except for Ph and Zn. Copper and As concentrations in the soils are probably related to the concentrations in the parent rock. From this investigation, the extent of the contamination emanating from the Port Kembla industrial complex is limited to 1-13 km, but most likely <4 km, depending on the element; the contamination at the greater distance may not originate from the industrial complex. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
J. Smuda: Geochemical evolution of active porphyry copper tailings impoundments Thesis abstract Mine waste is the largest volume of materials handled in the world. The oxidation of sulfidic mine waste may result in the release of acid mine drainage (AMD) rich in heavy metals and arsenic to the environment, one of the major problems the mining industry is facing today. To control and reduce this environmental impact, it is crucial to identify the main geochemical and hydrological processes influencing contaminant liberation, transport, and retention. This thesis presents the results of a geochemical, mineralogical and stable isotope study (δ2H, δ18O, δ34S) from two active porphyry copper tailings impoundments in Mediterranean (Carén tailings impoundment, El Teniente mine, Central Chile) and hyper-arid climate (Talabre tailings impoundment, Chuquicamata, Northern Chile) from the deposition in alkaline environment (pH 10.5) towards acidification after several years of exposure. The major hydrological results were the identification of vertical contaminant and water transport in the uppermost, not water-saturated zone, triggered by capillary rise due to evaporation, and infiltration downwards due to new tailings deposition, and of horizontal transport in the groundwater zone. At the surface of the sedimented tailings, evaporation of pore water led to the precipitation of Na-Ca-Mg sulfates (e.g., gypsum, tenorite), in hyper-arid climate also halite. At the Carén tailings impoundment, renewed deposition in a 4-week interval inhibited a pH decrease below neutral values and the formation of an efflorescent salt crust. At the Talabre tailings impoundment, deposition breaks of several years resulted in the formation of acidic oxidation zones in the timeframe of less than 4 years. This process enabled the transport of liberated Cu, Zn, and Fe via capillary rise to the surface, where these metals precipitated as heavy-metal sulfates (e.g., devilline, krohnkite) and chlorides (eriochalcite, atacamite). Renewed depositing may dissolve efflorescent salts and transport liberated elements towards the groundwater zone. This zone was found to be highly dynamic due to infiltration and mixing with water from different sources, like groundwater, catchment water, and infiltration from superficial waters. There, Cu was found to be partially mobile due to complexation with Cl (in Cl-rich groundwater, Talabre) and dissolved organic matter (in zones with infiltration of catchment water rich in dissolved organic matter, Carén). A laboratory study on the isotopic fractionation of sulfur and oxygen of sulfate in different minerals groups (water-soluble sulfates, low- and high-crystalline Fe(III) oxyhydroxides) contributed to the use of stable isotopes as tracer of geochemical and transport processes for environmental studies. The results highlight that a detailed geochemical, stable isotope and mineralogical study permits the identification of contamination processes and pathways already during the deposition of mine tailings. This knowledge allows the early planning of adequate actions to reduce and control the environmental impact during tailings deposition and after the closing of the impoundment. J. Smuda: Geochemical evolution of active porphyry copper tailings impoundments Résumé de these Les déchets miniers constituent les plus grands volumes de matériel gérés dans le monde. L'oxydation des déchets miniers sulfuriques peut conduire à la libération de drainages miniers acides (DMA) riches en métaux et arsenic dans l'environnement, ce qui est l'un des principaux problèmes de l'industrie minière aujourd'hui. Pour contrôler et réduire ces impacts sur l'environnement, il est crucial d'identifier les principaux processus géochimiques et hydrologiques influençant la libération, le transport et la rétention des contaminants. Cette thèse présente les résultats d'une étude géochimique, minéralogique et des isotopes stables (δ2H, δ18O, δ34S) sur des déchets miniers de 2 sites de dépôt actifs en climat méditerranéen (Dépôt de déchets de Carén, mine de El Teniente, Centre du Chili) et en climat hyper-aride (Dépôt de déchets de Talabre, mine de Chuquicamata, Nord du Chili). L'objectif était d'étudier l'évolution des déchets de la déposition en milieu alcalin (pH = 10.5) vers l'acidification après plusieurs années d'exposition. Le principal résultat hydrologique a été l'identification de 2 types de transport : un transport vertical de l'eau et des contaminants dans la zone non saturée en surface, induit par la montée capillaire due à l'évaporation et par l'infiltration subséquente de la déposition de sédiments frais ; et un transport horizontal dans la zone des eaux souterraines. À la surface des déchets, l'évaporation de l'eau interstitielle conduit à la précipitation de sulfates de Na-Ca-Mg (ex. gypse, ténorite) et halite en climat hyper-aride. Dans le site de Carén, une nouvelle déposition de déchets frais à 4 semaines intervalle a empêché la baise du pH en deçà des valeurs neutres et la formation d'une croûte de sels efflorescentes en surface. Dans le site de Talabre, les fentes de dessiccation des dépôts ont entraîné la formation d'une zone d'oxydation à pH acide en moins de 4 ans. Ce processus a permis la libération et le transport par capillarité de Cu, Zn, Fe vers la surface, où ces éléments précipitent sous forme de sulfates de métaux lourds (ex., dévilline, krohnkite) de chlorures (ex. ériochalcite, atacamite). Une nouvelle déposition de sédiments frais pourrait dissoudre ces sels et les transporter vers la zone des eaux souterraines. Cette dernière zone était très dynamique en raison du mélange d'eaux provenant de différentes sources, comme les eaux souterraines, l'eau de captage et l'infiltration des eaux superficielles. Egalement dans cette zone, le cuivre était partiellement mobile à cause de la formation de complexe avec le chlore (dans les zone riche en Cl, Talabre) et avec la matière organique dissoute (dans les zones où s'infiltre l'eau de captage riche en matière organique, Carén). Une étude en laboratoire sur le fractionnement des isotopes stables de sulfure et d'oxygène des sulfates dans différents groupes de minéraux (sulfates hydrosolubles, sulfures de oxy-hydroxyde de Fe(III) faiblement ou fortement cristallins) a permis d'apporter une contribution à leur utilisation comme traceurs dans l'étude des processus géochimiques et de transport lors d'études environnementales. Les résultats montrent qu'une étude détaillée de la géochimie, des isotopes stables et de la minéralogie permet d'identifier les processus et les voies de contamination déjà pendant la période de dépôt des déchets miniers. Cette connaissance permet de planifier, dès le début de l'exploitation, des mesures adéquates pour réduire et contrôler l'impact sur l'environnement pendant la période de dépôts de déchets miniers et après la fermeture du site.
Lusters are composite thin layers of coinage metal nanoparticles in glass displaying peculiar optical properties and obtained by a process involving ionic exchange, diffusion, and crystallization. In particular, the origin of the high reflectance (golden-shine) shown by those layers has been subject of some discussion. It has been attributed to either the presence of larger particles, thinner multiple layers or higher volume fraction of nanoparticles. The object of this paper is to clarify this for which a set of laboratory designed lusters are analysed by Rutherford backscattering spectroscopy, transmission electron microscopy, x-ray diffraction, and ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy. Model calculations and numerical simulations using the finite difference time domain method were also performed to evaluate the optical properties. Finally, the correlation between synthesis conditions, nanostructure, and optical properties is obtained for these materials.
The distribution and diversity of acidophilic bacteria of a tailings impoundment at the La Andina copper mine, Chile, was examined. The tailings have low sulfide (1.7% pyrite equivalent) and carbonate (1.4% calcite equivalent) contents and are stratified into three distinct zones: a surface (0-70-80 cm) `oxidation zone' characterized by low-pH (2.5-4), a `neutralization zone' (70-80 to 300-400 cm) and an unaltered `primary zone' below 400 cm. A combined cultivation-dependent and biomolecular approach (terminal restriction enzyme fragment length polymorphism and 16S rRNA clone library analysis) was used to characterize the indigenous prokaryotic communities in the mine tailings. Total cell counts showed that the microbial biomass was greatest in the top 125 cm of the tailings. The largest numbers of bacteria (10(9) g(-1) dry weight of tailings) were found at the oxidation front (the junction between the oxidation and neutralization zones), where sulfide minerals and oxygen were both present. The dominant iron-/sulfur-oxidizing bacteria identified at the oxidation front included bacteria of the genus Leptospirillum (detected by molecular methods), and Gram-positive iron-oxidizing acidophiles related to Sulfobacillus (identified both by molecular and cultivation methods). Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans was also detected, albeit in relatively small numbers. Heterotrophic acidophiles related to Acidobacterium capsulatum were found by molecular methods, while another Acidobacterium-like bacterium and an Acidiphilium sp. were isolated from oxidation zone samples. A conceptual model was developed, based on microbiological and geochemical data derived from the tailings, to account for the biogeochemical evolution of the Piuquenes tailings impoundment.
The plane wave electromagnetic interference (EMI) shielding properties of DC sputtered Ni79Fe16Mo5 and copper layers were studied according to ASTM D 4935-89 on frequency range of 50 MHz – 2.5 GHz and RF magnetic shielding effectiveness by shielded magnetic loop probes. Results show that Ni79Fe16Mo5 provides better RF magnetic shielding above the layer thickness of approximately 120 nm. Copper provides better plane wave shielding effectiveness. The effect of shield internal interfaces was studied by depositing thin multilayer structures with and without a dielectric spacer layer.
X-This work shows an alternative method to copper determination by X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF). Since copper concentration in natural waters is not enough to reach XRF detection limit, a liquid-solid preconcentration procedure was proposed. Glycerin was used to complex the metal increasing its adsorption on activated charcoal. The solid phase was used to XRF determination. Several parameters were evaluated, such as, the complexation pH, the charcoal adsorption limit and the glycerin concentration. The interferences are lead and bismuth and the sensitivities decreased in the order Cu2+, Bi3+ and Pb2+. The advantages of the method are its simplicity, low cost and low spectral interference.
This work reports the synthesis and characterization of adducts of general formula MCl2.ngly, where M= Mn and Cu; n= 2 and 4, and gly= glycine. The manganese adducts were synthesized by dissolution of both, manganese chloride and glycine in water, whereas the copper adducts were obtained by using an alternative solid state synthesis approach. For all adducts, the obtained infrared data shows that the coordination involves the amine nitrogen atom, as well as an oxygen atom of the COO- group. The TG curves for the synthesized adducts exhibit only one mass loss step associated with the release of glycine molecules.
Sulfonamides obtained by reaction of 8-aminoquinoline with 4-nitrobenzenesulfonylchloride and 2,4,6-triisopropylbenzenesulfonyl chloride were used to synthesize coordination compounds with CuII and ZnII with a ML2 composition. Determination of the crystal structures of the resulting zinc and copper complexes by X-ray diffraction show a distorted tetrahedral environment for the [Cu(qnbsa)2], [Cu(qibsa)2] and [Zn(qibsa)2] complexes in which the sulfonamide group acts as a bidentate ligand through the nitrogen atoms from the sulfonamidate and quinoline groups. The complex [Zn(qnbsa)2] crystallizes with a water molecule from the solvent and the Zn is five-coordinated and shows a bipyramidal-trigonal geometry. The electrochemical and electronic spectroscopy properties of the copper complexes are also discussed.