993 resultados para Acquired hearing deficiency
This paper is a study of the effectiveness between video and toy reinforcer types to motivate infants/toddlers for hearing tests. No significant differences were found between age groups or gender. Toy reinforcers were found to produce on average two more threshold estimates compared to video reinforcers. Variety, color and animation of animals may have contributed to this difference.
A study observing the influence of siblings or lack thereof, birth order and vocabulary skills on social skills of adolescent cochlear implant recipients using ratings from their parents.
This paper studies auditory-vowel perception abilities of the hearing impaired. The study investigated the relationship among the difference limen for first formant frequencies of synthesized vowels in severe and profoundly hearing-impaired listeners, degree of hearing low, and general auditory speech perception.
This paper reviews a study to determine the applicabilty of the Wechsler-Bellevue and the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for severely hearing impaired children.
This paper presents a study investigating how informed pediatricians are about hearing loss and their ability to assist and refer parents of children with hearing loss.
This paper discusses a study to investigate how mothers of hearing impaired children talk to their children and their influence on language development.
This study will examine the effects of the SKILL Program on the social and pragmatic skills of the hearing-impaired children in the Pre-K department of the Central Institute for the Deaf. It will assess language and social skills necessary for the children to be successful in the mainstream and how having hearing peers may have contributed to their gaining of those skills.
This paper discusses a study to predict the pure tone audiogram from the results of electric response audiometry utilizing frequency-selective tone burst stimuli.
The purpose of this study is to compare three hearing aid manufacturers' recommended "First Fit" to the generic recommended fittings by DSL i/o and NAL-NL1 for a 12 month old child with varying degrees of sensorineural hearing loss.
This paper is a review of current practices in 1976 among audiologists and hearing aid dealers in fitting of hearing aids for adults.
This paper discusses a study to determine whether the use of meaningful speech in everyday situations is independent of a cochlear implant.
This paper discusses videoconferencing systems as a communication tool for the hearing impaired.
This paper contains a manual for training advocates of assistive listening devices.
This paper is a study of the phonological test, Identifying Early Phonological Needs, and determining whether it is useful to plan speech therapy for young unintelligible hearing impaired children.
This paper reviews a study of hearing aid battery drain.