892 resultados para Absorción acústica
No momento em que o jornalismo na web enfrenta o desafio de lidar com o fenômeno da desterritorialização da audiência, e ao mesmo tempo com a manutenção de sua marca identitária territorial, esta tese explora a relação da cultura social local com o habitus profissional considerando que o jornalismo é uma atividade social de produção simbólica. No interior dessa temática procura responder se existe diferença significativa do webjornalismo praticado em cidades de culturas sociais distintas, ou se o habitus profissional sobrepujaria essa diferença. Para esse intento foi realizado um estudo comparativo multicasos com jornalistas brasileiros e portugueses de quatro webjornais - Folha Online (São Paulo-SP), Tribuna do Norte (Natal-RN), Jornal de Notícias (Cidade do Porto) e Correio do Minho (Braga). O instrumental metodológico contou com: entrevistas, questionário, mapeamento das características e levantamento de manchetes das home pages. A tese se concentra em compreender o cenário e as inter-relações dos fatores envolvidos no fenômeno da imbricação: prática do webjornalismo e cultura da sociedade. Resultados da pesquisa revelaram, entre outros pontos, que a maioria dos profissionais concorda que a prática do jornalismo na web é muito afeita ao journaliste assis que não vai a campo, permanecendo na redação para tratar apenas o material recebido. Apontou ainda que e as matérias alinhadas ao valor notícia proximidade são pouco presentes nos webjornais considerados de perfil nacional. A principal conclusão é que, embora o webjornalismo siga em alguns pontos os padrões técnicos da cibercomunicação, sua prática diferencia-se ao absorver as características próprias da cultura social da cidade/região onde está situada a sede da empresa jornalística detentora do produto.
The reverse time migration algorithm (RTM) has been widely used in the seismic industry to generate images of the underground and thus reduce the risk of oil and gas exploration. Its widespread use is due to its high quality in underground imaging. The RTM is also known for its high computational cost. Therefore, parallel computing techniques have been used in their implementations. In general, parallel approaches for RTM use a coarse granularity by distributing the processing of a subset of seismic shots among nodes of distributed systems. Parallel approaches with coarse granularity for RTM have been shown to be very efficient since the processing of each seismic shot can be performed independently. For this reason, RTM algorithm performance can be considerably improved by using a parallel approach with finer granularity for the processing assigned to each node. This work presents an efficient parallel algorithm for 3D reverse time migration with fine granularity using OpenMP. The propagation algorithm of 3D acoustic wave makes up much of the RTM. Different load balancing were analyzed in order to minimize possible losses parallel performance at this stage. The results served as a basis for the implementation of other phases RTM: backpropagation and imaging condition. The proposed algorithm was tested with synthetic data representing some of the possible underground structures. Metrics such as speedup and efficiency were used to analyze its parallel performance. The migrated sections show that the algorithm obtained satisfactory performance in identifying subsurface structures. As for the parallel performance, the analysis clearly demonstrate the scalability of the algorithm achieving a speedup of 22.46 for the propagation of the wave and 16.95 for the RTM, both with 24 threads.
Dar a ver Sertão e Sevilha: matizes hispânicas na poética cabralina is a study on the lyric reading possibilities of Cabralian poetry, from the work of the poet from Pernambuco, that shows the intercultural dialogue and the Spanish poetical approach absorbed by João Cabral de Melo Neto during his Andalusian experience. Hispanic interfaces incorporated by the Cabralian poetry through literature or through the direct contact with the culture are registered on the 133 poems that have Spain as theme, in which we can see the matrix of Hispanic tradition, rich in its diversity, was the preponderant element for the poet João Cabral to discover the core of his lyric backwards. From Hispanic corpus, it will be explored the aesthetical assimilation of Spanish poetry in the work of João Cabral de Melo Neto, with the objective of demystifying the issues of lyrical dullness and anti musicality on Cabralian poetics in which, from the appropriation of Hispanic elements investigated as a signal of lyrics and musicality, originates a reading unattached from the constructivist signal, tessitura evidenced by the critic Antonio Candido since the origin of JCMN poetry with the poem Pedra do sono (1942). The mentioned aesthetics was adopted later on by the literary critics that named it as “brain poetry” for its hermetical configuration, tessitura of rigor, concreteness of language and stiff metrics. The results obtained from this study aim to induce a reading that favors the lyrical acoustic of the Cabralian poetry in the effort to ease the aspects of the arid construction.
The study of birds represents an important tool for the understanding of the processes involved in behavioral and morphological patterns. The species we have studied belongs to Thamnophilidae family, the third largest family restricted to the Neotropic ecozone. They are popularly known as antbirds and comprise 209 species. A large portion of the species has cryptic behavior, making the acoustic communication an important tool for maintaining contact among birds. Herpsilochmus pectoralis Sclater 1857 has evident sexual dimorphism, measured between 10 and 12 cm height and it is found in forest fragments in the Northeast and it is also categorized as vulnerable to extinction process. This study was conducted in three sandbank fragments on the east coast of the state of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. With the help of tape recordings between 2006 and 2012 it was possible to describe and characterize the sing of H. pectoralis. The sing from male birds has more and longer length than the female sing (16% of dimorphism). No differences were found in the dominant frequency between the sexes. We describe four types of calls from this species repertoire. Through capturing with ornithological nets between 2009 and 2012 it was possible to describe and compare the morphology of H. pectoralis. The species have shown lower corporal mass in the dry season. The young birds showed morphometric similarities in comparison to adults. The species has no accentuated dimorphism in their morphometric characteristics. The young ones with flying capabilities have morphometric characteristics of adults, even though they do not show a characteristic adult plumage. The moult pattern in the species is a characteristic of tropical birds, but it shows short reproductive period, typical of temperate species. Even being in the tropical region, the species suffers with seasonal rainfall, which influences their reproductive phenology and moult (remex and rectrix) cycle. Thus, this dissertation provides information on the biology of H. pectoralis to support the understanding of the relationship of this species to the environment and also to know the variations of morphology and vocal aspects, in order to understand patterns and general characteristics of Thamnophilidae.
Currently, the diagnostic ultrasound is inserted in various areas of medical action and carried out by many medical professionals, from which militate directly in the image area, such as radiologists and sonographers, but also by gynecologists, pediatricians, neurologists, general practitioners, endocrinologists, angiologists, orthopedists, rheumatologists, urologists, general and vascular surgeons. It is well known that the medical professional, for the exercise of its mission, requires a broad set of skills, competencies and attitudes developed and exercised during their training period. Living with medical students over nearly 20 years in hospital environment, I noticed gaps in the learning process by the students about what is diagnostic ultrasound and its applications, demonstrating failures as understanding the basic acoustic ultrasound, difficulties in identifying of anatomical structures in ultrasound images and inability in requests examinations and interpretations of images and reports. Based on these findings, it was developed in this Professional Masters a multimedia digital book that exposes what the ultrasound as a diagnostic modality imaging, dealing with its historiography and its physical/acoustic concepts, relating the process of formation of the ultrasound image, discussing about the features of sonographic equipments and their embedded technologies and highlighting its diagnostic applications , the latter presented through videos which will be described aspects of captured ultrasound images. This book will be available for access in digital format, serving as a teaching tool in medical education since the beginning of the course, so that can be used in conjunction with the discipline of Gross Anatomy, offered in the basic cycle of the Medicine Undergraduate Course of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN).
The maned wolf (Chrysocyon brachyurus Illiger 1815) is the biggest canid in South America and it is considered a “near threatened” species by IUCN. Because of its nocturnal, territorial and solitary habits, there are still many understudied aspects of their behavior in natural environments, including acoustic communication. In its vocal repertoire, the wolf presents a longdistance call named “roar-bark” which, according to literature, functions for spacing maintenance between individuals and/or communication between members of the reproductive pair inside the territory. In this context, this study aimed: 1) to compare four methods for detecting maned wolf’s roar-barks in recordings made in a natural environment, in order to elect the most efficient one for our project; 2) to understand the night emission pattern of these vocalizations, verifying possible weather and moon phases influences in roarbark’s emission rates; and 3) to test Passive Acoustic Monitoring as a tool to identify the presence of maned wolves in a natural environment. The study area was the Serra da Canastra National Park (Minas Gerais, Brazil), where autonomous recorders were used for sound acquisition, recording all night (from 06pm to 06am) during five days in December/2013 and every day from April to July/2014. Roar-barks’ detection methods were tested and compared regarding time needed to analyze files, number of false positives and number of correctly identified calls. The mixed method (XBAT + manual) was the most efficient one, finding 100% of vocalizations in almost half of the time the manual method did, being chosen for our data analysis. By studying roarbarks’ temporal variation we verified that the wolves vocalize more in the early hours of the evening, suggesting an important social function for those calls at the beginning of its period of most intense activity. Average wind speed negatively influenced vocalization rate, which may indicate lower sound reception of recorders or a change in behavioral patterns of wolves in high speed wind conditions. A better understanding of seasonal variation of maned wolves’ vocal activity is required, but our study already shows that it is possible to detect behavioral patterns of wild animals only by sound, validating PAM as a tool in this species’ conservation.
With the emergence of new technologies, has grown the need to use new materials, and this has intensified research on the collection and use of materials from renewable sources, is to reduce production costs and / or environmental impact. In this context, it was found that the sheath coconut straw, can be utilized as raw material for the production of a eco-composite that can be used as a thermal and acoustic insulator. After selected from the coconut sheaths were subjected to treatment with aqueous 2 % sodium hydroxide (NaOH). The composite study was produced with the sheath and coconut natural latex, with coconut sheath percentage in the proportions 15%, 25% and 35% of the total compound volume. Physical, thermal and acoustic properties of the composites were analyzed in order to obtain data on the use of viability as thermoacoustic insulation. The CP15 composites, CP25 and CP35 showed thermal conductivity 0.188 W/m.K, 0.155 W/m.K and 0.150 W/m.K, respectively. It can be applied as thermal insulation in hot systems to 200 ° C. The CP35 composite was more efficient as a thermal and acoustic insulation, providing 20% noise reduction, 31% and 34% for frequencies of 1 kHz, 2 kHz and 4 kHz, respectively. The analyzes were based on ABNT, ASTM, UL. Based on these results, it can be concluded that the eco-composite produced the hem of coconut can be used as thermal and acoustic insulation. Thus, it gives a more noble end to this material, which most often is burned or disposed of improperly in the environment.
With the emergence of new technologies, has grown the need to use new materials, and this has intensified research on the collection and use of materials from renewable sources, is to reduce production costs and / or environmental impact. In this context, it was found that the sheath coconut straw, can be utilized as raw material for the production of a eco-composite that can be used as a thermal and acoustic insulator. After selected from the coconut sheaths were subjected to treatment with aqueous 2 % sodium hydroxide (NaOH). The composite study was produced with the sheath and coconut natural latex, with coconut sheath percentage in the proportions 15%, 25% and 35% of the total compound volume. Physical, thermal and acoustic properties of the composites were analyzed in order to obtain data on the use of viability as thermoacoustic insulation. The CP15 composites, CP25 and CP35 showed thermal conductivity 0.188 W/m.K, 0.155 W/m.K and 0.150 W/m.K, respectively. It can be applied as thermal insulation in hot systems to 200 ° C. The CP35 composite was more efficient as a thermal and acoustic insulation, providing 20% noise reduction, 31% and 34% for frequencies of 1 kHz, 2 kHz and 4 kHz, respectively. The analyzes were based on ABNT, ASTM, UL. Based on these results, it can be concluded that the eco-composite produced the hem of coconut can be used as thermal and acoustic insulation. Thus, it gives a more noble end to this material, which most often is burned or disposed of improperly in the environment.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
En la presente Tesis Doctoral, se estudió la obtención e identificación de péptidos alimentarios mediante el uso de hidrólisis enzimática y sus efectos sobre la salud gastrointestinal. La secuenciación y cuantificación de los péptidos se realizó mediante cromatografía de líquidos de alta eficacia en fase inversa acoplada a espectrometría de masas en tándem (RP-HPLC-MS/MS). Se analizaron distintos hidrolizados y digeridos gastrointestinales de caseínas, proteínas de suero de leche y lunasina. Inicialmente, se propone la producción de caseinofosfopéptidos (CPPs) mediante la hidrólisis con tripsina de un subproducto de caseína generado durante la fabricación de un ingrediente funcional con actividad antihipertensiva. La identificación y la semi-cuantificación de CPPs revelaron algunos cambios cualitativos y cuantitativos en los CPPs generados en los hidrolizados con distintas condiciones de tiempo de hidrólisis y precipitación selectiva. Una vez realizada la identificación de CPPs en los hidrolizados trípticos, el subproducto también se sometió a un proceso de digestión gastrointestinal simulando las condiciones fisiológicas. La comparación de los péptidos resultantes mostró gran homología en las secuencias de CPPs formados por la hidrólisis con tripsina y la digestión gastrointestinal simulada. Se observó que algunas regiones de αS1-caseína, concretamente las comprendidas entre los residuos (43-59) y (60-74), de la αs1-caseína y los residuos (1-25) y (30-50) de β-caseína, fueron capaces de resistir tanto a la hidrólisis con tripsina como a la digestión gastrointestinal. Por lo tanto, se demuestra que el subproducto industrial puede ser empleado como fuente de CPPs para favorecer la absorción de minerales a nivel intestinal...
El uso de fuentes de Zn (orgánicas e inorgánicas) en el pienso de cerdos prepúberes se ha mostrado indispensable, ya que este mineral ha evidenciado beneficios relacionados con aspectos reproductivos, respuesta inmunitaria, estado de salud, ganancia de peso, consumo de pienso. Los primeros estudios que identificaron al Zn como componente fundamental en la reproducción fueron en la década de los 40´s, en donde se estableció la importancia de este mineral en el desarrollo de las células de Leydig, a partir de estos descubrimientos se recomienda la utilización del mineral en el pienso de los cerdos. Sin embargo, las recomendaciones que se han hecho para apoyar el efecto del Zn en la reproducción, fueron identificadas hace 30 años, y poco se ha estudiado desde entonces con respecto al nivel de Zn que habría que incluir en el pienso. Por otra parte, la industria alimenticia animal ha desarrollado fuentes minerales con mayor biodisponibilidad, por un lado para que el organismo pueda utilizarlo más rápida y eficientemente (>biodisponibilidad) y por otra parte para evitar que el mineral consumido por el animal, se pierda a través de las deyecciones, asegurando con ello no solo la reducción de las pérdidas económicas, sino la minimización del impacto ambiental que el Zn ejerce negativamente. De esta manera, se decidió realizar una investigación que proporcionara información sobre el efecto de las fuentes y niveles de Zn, en la eficiencia de crecimiento y desarrollo de cerdos prepúberes y verracos jóvenes, en el desarrollo de los testículos y sus estructuras celulares, así como en el comportamiento sexual de los verracos jóvenes. Para lo anterior se utilizaron 50 cerdos de la línea genética York x Landrace, con un peso medio inicial de 35±1.25, estos animales se distribuyeron en siete tratamientos, los cuales correspondieron a dietas formuladas con y sin la adición de fuente de Zn (ZnSO4, ZnO, ZnMet) , y a dos niveles (150ppm y 200ppm de Zn). La dieta base fue formulada utilizando la tabla de necesidades nutritivas del FEDNA (2006). Todos los cerdos fueron colocados en jaulas individuales, con comedero y bebedero individual. Se les dio un periodo de adaptación de 15 días, posteriormente se inició la fase experimental en la que se midió el consumo de pienso (CDP), conversión alimenticia (CA), ganancia de peso (GDP), al finalizar el periodo de crianza (Crecimiento, Desarrollo y Finalización) y los cerdos llegaron a un peso mayor a 100Kg, se sacrificaron tres cerdos, de los cuales se obtuvieron los testículos, epidídimos, bazo, páncreas, hueso (fémur), hígado y riñones, para analizar a través de Espectrofotometría de Absorción Atómica la concentración de Zn...
This research investigated the nasality of vowels in the spontaneous speech of inhabitants of the quilombola communities of Brejo dos Crioulos and Poções (MG). As a theoretical framework, we based on the assumptions of Phonetics and Phonology, in renowned scholars on the investigation of nasality (CAGLIARI, 1977; CÂMARA JR., 1984, 2013; BISOL, 2013; ABAURRE; PAGOTTO, 1996; SILVA, 2015), with subsidies of the Corpus Linguistics. Its general goal was to investigate the occurrence of nasality, in the dialect of these quilombola communities, and their linguistic behavior, considering the linguistic factors that can interfere in the phenomenon. Specifically it was aimed to a) detect the occurrence of nasalized vowels with the help of the resources that the Corpus Linguistics provides (Praat and WorldSmith Tolls); b) discriminate the different types of occurring contexts of nasalized vowels; c) make quantitative and qualitative analyzes of the nasalized vowels in the study corpus; d) describe and analyze the behavior of nasalized vowels and; e) contrast the values of F1 and F2 of the oral and nasalized vowels. It was hypothesized that the nasality happens because it is conditioned by the nasal segment following the nasalized vowel - phonological process of “assimilation” - its position as the primary stress and grammatical category. It was believed that the quilombolas communities of Brejo dos Crioulos and Poções produce nasalized vowels in their speech and this linguistic phenomenon is favored by the adjacent presence of consonants or nasal vowels. Furthermore, it was hypothesized that the values of F1 and F2 of oral and nasalized vowels in these communities are distinct. The following research questions were elaborated: (i) is the presence of nasalized vowels in the speech of these quilombola communities conditioned to the presence of a nasal sound segment? (ii) does the nasal sound segment following the nasalized vowel favor the occurrence of the nasality phenomenon? is there a difference between the values of F1 and F2 of the oral and nasalized vowels in both quilombola communities considered? To compose our corpus, 24 interviews recordings were used (12 female speakers and 12 male speakers), a total of 24 participants. It was found that the following nasal sound segment tends to condition the nasalized vowel. In general, it assimilates the lowering of the soft palate of nasal consonant segment immediately following, but there are cases of nasal vowel segment - regressive assimilation; the stressed syllable tends to favor the nasality, but it occurs in pretonic and postonic position as well; F1 and F2 values of oral and nasalized vowels in the quilombola communities of Poções and Brejo dos Crioulos are distinct: the group of Brejo dos Crioulos tends to produce the F1 of oral and nasalized vowels more lowered than the group of Poções and the F2, in a more anterior position. The nasality tends to occur in verbs and nouns, although it is not specific to a grammatical category. This research found cases of spurious nasalization, confirming previous studies. In turn, it revealed cases of lexical items with favorable context for nasalization, but with its non-occurrence. This last case, considered as the lowering of the uniform soft palate in PB, presented pronounced vowels without the soft palate lowering. That is, it was detected variation in the phenomenon of nasalization in PB. With this work, it was promoted the discussion about nasality, in order to contribute to the linguistic studies about the functioning of Brazilian Portuguese in this geographical context.
The aim of this study was to determine the haematological value and biochemical blood in baby alpacas with enteric disorder. A total of 30 blood and serum samples were collected from alpacas of 1 month old with diarrhoea and 5 blood samples of clinically healthy baby alpacas (controls). The animals were from communities in the central Andes from Peru. About haematology were determined haematocrit, haemoglobin concentration, red blood count and white blood count that were not significantly different between control animals and animals with diarrhoea. Moreover, biochemical blood parameters as total protein, albumin and calcium decrease significantly (p<0.05). We conclude that our results could be considered as factors in the mortality of baby alpaca by infectious diarrhoea.
Las etapas del cambio fonético-fonológico han sido descritas desde hace décadas, especialmente desde un punto de vista articulatorio y casi siempre partiendo de los testimonios escritos de que se podía disponer. No obstante, recientemente han ido surgiendo nuevas teorías que defienden que el cambio puede ser explicado a través del estudio de la variación y los procesos fonéticos propios del habla actual, puesto que ambos están relacionados con fenómenos de hipo (e hiper) articulación y, a la postre, de coarticulación. Una de ellas es la Fonología Evolutiva (Blevins 2004), aun cuando no ofrece una explicación satisfactoria para la difusión del cambio. En este estudio, se ha recurrido a estas teorías para esclarecer las causas de la evolución de dos contextos de yod segunda: /nj/ y /lj/, que llevaron a la fonologización de // y //, en un primer estadio de la historia del español.