948 resultados para unemployment recession


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Storage of water within a river basin is often estimated by analyzing recession flow curves as it cannot be `instantly' estimated with the aid of available technologies. In this study we explicitly deal with the issue of estimation of `drainable' storage, which is equal to the area under the `complete' recession flow curve (i.e. a discharge vs. time curve where discharge continuously decreases till it approaches zero). But a major challenge in this regard is that recession curves are rarely `complete' due to short inter-storm time intervals. Therefore, it is essential to analyze and model recession flows meaningfully. We adopt the wellknown Brutsaert and Nieber analytical method that expresses time derivative of discharge (dQ/dt) as a power law function of Q : -dQ/dt = kQ(alpha). However, the problem with dQ/dt-Q analysis is that it is not suitable for late recession flows. Traditional studies often compute alpha considering early recession flows and assume that its value is constant for the whole recession event. But this approach gives unrealistic results when alpha >= 2, a common case. We address this issue here by using the recently proposed geomorphological recession flow model (GRFM) that exploits the dynamics of active drainage networks. According to the model, alpha is close to 2 for early recession flows and 0 for late recession flows. We then derive a simple expression for drainable storage in terms the power law coefficient k, obtained by considering early recession flows only, and basin area. Using 121 complete recession curves from 27 USGS basins we show that predicted drainable storage matches well with observed drainable storage, indicating that the model can also reliably estimate drainable storage for `incomplete' recession events to address many challenges related to water resources. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In this article, we look at the political business cycle problem through the lens of uncertainty. The feedback control used by us is the famous NKPC with stochasticity and wage rigidities. We extend the New Keynesian Phillips Curve model to the continuous time stochastic set up with an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process. We minimize relevant expected quadratic cost by solving the corresponding Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation. The basic intuition of the classical model is qualitatively carried forward in our set up but uncertainty also plays an important role in determining the optimal trajectory of the voter support function. The internal variability of the system acts as a base shifter for the support function in the risk neutral case. The role of uncertainty is even more prominent in the risk averse case where all the shape parameters are directly dependent on variability. Thus, in this case variability controls both the rates of change as well as the base shift parameters. To gain more insight we have also studied the model when the coefficients are time invariant and studied numerical solutions. The close relationship between the unemployment rate and the support function for the incumbent party is highlighted. The role of uncertainty in creating sampling fluctuation in this set up, possibly towards apparently anomalous results, is also explored.


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Resumen: En los últimos cuatro años la Argentina creció 39% aproximadamente. Varios factores se conjugaron para permitir este crecimiento, pero sin duda, uno clave fue la existencia de una importante capacidad productiva ociosa, algo que se está diluyendo. En este contexto es importante conocer cuánto margen hay para crecer en el corto plazo, o sea, cuánto es el output gap o brecha del producto, y a qué ritmo se puede crecer en el largo plazo, o sea, la tasa de crecimiento del PBI potencial. Para ello en el presente artículo se calcula el PBI potencial en base al “método de la función de producción”. La principal conclusión es que para crecer a 4% en el largo plazo, una tasa mucho menor a la registrada recientemente, se requiere un esfuerzo inversor mayor al actual, tanto en cantidad como en calidad.


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Resumen: Empleando la teoría de la “estructura comunitaria”, un muestreo de diarios principales en 28 ciudades grandes en Estados Unidos examina la cobertura del tema “El manejo de contaminación de agua y acceso a agua potable”. Mediante el análisis de todos los artículos de más de 250 palabras publicados a través de diez años entre 01/01/2001 y 01/01/2011 (339 artículos), se compararon sistemáticamente características comunitarias y el “Vector Mediático” de Pollock (combinando en un valor dos medidas de contenido: la “prominencia” de un artículo en un periódico con la orientación o tono). Cobertura “favorable”, que apoya la mayor ayuda gubernamental para mejorar el abastecimiento de agua potable, fue vinculada con medidas de “los interesados”, por ejemplo, con el porcentaje de hispanos (r de Pearson = .349, p = .04). El análisis de las medidas y su regresión reveló dos medidas significativas asociadas con apoyo para manejo gubernamental por agua potable: porcentaje de hispanos (12.2% de la varianza), y con porcentaje de ciudadanos de 18-24 años, 16.7%. Inesperadamente, la cobertura de manejo gubernamental para mejorar las existencias de agua potable no fue vinculado ni con medidas de “vulnerabilidad” (pobreza, desempleo) ni con medidas de “estabilidad” (educación, ingreso).


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Resumen: En los últimos quince años, mientras la mayoría de los países del mundo sufrieron un aumento o estabilidad en el nivel de desempleo, algunos países han logrado mejorar significativamente su situación. Este trabajo lleva a cabo una revisión de la literatura con respecto a las políticas de empleo y del mercado laboral de esos países con el objetivo de extraer algunas lecciones de estas ‘buenas prácticas’. Cabe aclarar que el objetivo no consiste en recomendar políticas específicas para Argentina sino simplemente destacar la relevancia de algunas características comunes que presentan estos casos exitosos. Los países exitosos, además de experimentar una buena performance en términos de crecimiento económico, implementaron un conjunto de políticas que van desde políticas del mercado laboral activas a un amplio sistema de seguridad social, mayor flexibilidad laboral y políticas salariales moderadas.


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This paper analyzes the process of endogenous union formation in the context of a sequential bargaining model between a firm and several unions and tries to explain why workers may be represented by several unions of different sizes. We show that the equilibrium number of unions and their relative size depend on workers' attitudes toward the risk of unemployment and union configuration is independent of labor productivity.


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Using data from the Spanish Labor Force Survey (Encuesta de Población Activa) from 1999 through 2004, we explore the role of regional employment opportunities in explaining the increasing immigrant flows of recent years despite the limited internal mobility on the part of natives. Subsequently, we investigate the policy question of whether immigration has helped reduced unemployment rate disparities across Spanish regions by attracting immigrant flows to regions offering better employment opportunities. Our results indicate that immigrants choose to reside in regions with larger employment rates and where their probability of finding a job is higher. In particular, and despite some differences depending on their origin, immigrants appear generally more responsive than their native counterparts to a higher likelihood of informal, self, or indefinite employment. More importantly, insofar the vast majority of immigrants locate in regions characterized by higher employment rates, immigration contributes to greasing the wheels of the Spanish labor market by narrowing regional unemployment rate disparities.


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Published as an article in: Topics in Macroeconomics, 2005, vol. 5, issue 1, article 17.


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[ES] El desempleo existente entre los recién licenciados en España ha alcanzado un nivel récord comparado con el resto de los países en la Unión Europea. A su vez no hay ningún país en la Unión Europea que cuente con tantos estudiantes y licenciados como España. Este artículo no muestra los altos costes para los recién licenciados y el estado en general, sino se centra en los potenciales costes para las empresas en este país que conllevan estas circunstancias. Como base teórica este artículo aplicará los resultados de la Teoría de la agencia para hacer ver que las titulaciones tanto universitarias como no universitarias pueden sufrir una deflación permanente del valor. Con ayuda del ejemplo de la situación de los recién licenciados en Ingeniería y Empresariales en España frente a Alemania este artículo muestra como la deficiente señalización de las titulaciones puede provocar los ya mencionados costes.


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The effects of potential sea level rise on the shoreline and shore environment have been briefly examined by considering the interactions between sea level rise and relevant coastal processes. These interactions have been reviewed beginning with a discussion of the need to reanalyze previous estimates of eustatic sea level rise and compaction effects in water level measurement. This is followed by considerations on sea level effects on coastal and estuarine tidal ranges, storm surge and water level response, and interaction with natural and constructed shoreline features. The desirability to reevaluate the well known Bruun Rule for estimating shoreline recession has been noted. The mechanics of ground and surface water intrusion with reference to sea level rise are then reviewed. This is followed by sedimentary processes in the estuaries including wetland response. Finally comments are included on some probable effects of sea level rise on coastal ecosystems. These interactions are complex and lead to shoreline evolution (under a sea level rise) which is highly site-specific. Models which determine shoreline change on the basis of inundation of terrestrial topography without considering relevant coastal processes are likely to lead to erroneous shoreline scenarios, particularly where the shoreline is composed of erodible sedimentary material. With some exceptions, present day knowledge of shoreline response to hydrodynamic forcing is inadequate for long-term quantitative predictions. A series of interrelated basic and applied research issues must be addressed in the coming decades to determine shoreline response to sea level change with an acceptable degree of confidence. (PDF contains 189 pages.)


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[ES] El objetivo de este artículo es analizar el papel que desempeñan las innovaciones en la actividad económica. En este sentido, se muestra la relación que existe entre innovaciones y crecimiento económico, como objetivo esencial actual de la política económica para reducir el desempleo y aumentar el bienestar social.


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This paper considers a time varying parameter extension of the Ruge-Murcia (2003, 2004) model to explore whether some of the variation in parameter estimates seen in the literature could arise from this source. A time varying value for the unemployment volatility parameter can be motivated through several means including variation in the slope of the Phillips curve or variation in the preferences of the monetary authority.We show that allowing time variation for the coefficient on the unemployment volatility parameter improves the model fit and it helps to provide an explanation of inflation bias based on asymmetric central banker preferences, which is consistent across subsamples.


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© Este trabajo está licenciado bajo la licencia Creative Commons Attribution 3.0.


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Using a model of an optimizing monetary authority which has preferences that weigh inflation and unemployment, Ruge-Murcia (2003, 2004) finds empirical evidence that the authority has asymmetric preferences for unemployment. We extend this model to weigh inflation and output and show that the empirical evidence using these series also supports an asymmetric preference hypothesis, only in our case, preferences are asymmetric for output. We also find evidence that the monetary authority targets potential output rather than some higher output level as would be the case in an extended Barro and Gordon (1983) model.


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The paper reports on a survey on gear assessment for the three intensive fishing seasons in Lake Chad (Nigeria). These seasons coincide with the flood period (Nov-Feb), the receding (March-June)and the recession period (July-September 2001). During this year the questionnaires were requested to ten fishers in each of the selected fishing islands. In the flood season, identified fishing gears on the lake included baited and un-baited Malian traps which constituted about 35% of the total gears recorded. While Ndurutu and Heri (Kung)traps represented, each, 3.2% of the total. About 15.9% of fishers employed hook lines of various length and sizes: Another 15.9% of fishers mounted fish fences (Dumba) during the season. Those that employ seine net accounted for about 11.1% while 9.5% use gill nets.The species belonging to the Cichilidae, Claridae and Osteoglossidae families dominated fish catches. During the receding period, hook lines and fences (Dumba) (6.20%) were found to be predominantly used on the lake due to reducing water level, followed by gill net and draw net which accounted for 17.9% and 16.1 % respectively. During the lake recession only two groups of active gears were recorded. Sixty percent of fishers use combined seine net with cutlass and scoop net, while 40% use to combine only cutlass with kabara net. Fish fences (Dumma)during the flood season were mounted with giant Malian traps of abut 1.5m by 0.5m diameter, covered with net of mesh size (6.3mm-25mm).Each Dumba contained between 150 and 2000 of such traps. Larger number of species was recorded from seine net followed by gill nets and the l kilometre multi mesh fleet drift net. The use of seine net and cutlass known as Genima was predominant during the lake recession