898 resultados para tumour staging


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The identification of molecular networks at the system level in mammals is accelerated by next-generation mammalian genetics without crossing, which requires both the efficient production of whole-body biallelic knockout (KO) mice in a single generation and high-performance phenotype analyses. Here, we show that the triple targeting of a single gene using the CRISPR/Cas9 system achieves almost perfect KO efficiency (96%–100%). In addition, we developed a respiration-based fully automated noninvasive sleep phenotyping system, the Snappy Sleep Stager (SSS), for high-performance (95.3% accuracy) sleep/wake staging. Using the triple-target CRISPR and SSS in tandem, we reliably obtained sleep/wake phenotypes, even in double-KO mice. By using this system to comprehensively analyze all of the N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor family members, we found Nr3a as a short-sleeper gene, which is verified by an independent set of triple-target CRISPR. These results demonstrate the application of mammalian reverse genetics without crossing to organism-level systems biology in sleep research.


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Suusyöpä Teheranissa, Iranissa 1993-2003 Tämän väitöskirjan tavoitteena oli kuvata suusyövän yleisyyttä ja siihen vaikuttavia tekijöitä Teheranissa, Iranissa tutkimalla suusyöpäpotilaita, suusyöpäkasvainten ominaisuuksia, potilaille tehtyjä diagnooseja ja niiden viivästymistä sekä heidän selviytymistä sairaudestaan. Suusyöpäkasvainten tietoja kerättiin 1042 suusyöpäpotilaalta. Nämä tiedot kerättiin 30 suurimman Teheranilaissairaalan potilaskortistoista vuosien 1993-2003 ajalta. Eloonjäämisanalyysiä varten tiedot kerättiin vuosien 1996-2003 arkistoista 470 suusyöpä- ja 82 huulisyöpäpotilaan osalta ja heitä seurattiin vuoden 2005 loppuun. Potilaan kokemien ensioireiden ja lopullisen syöpädiagnoosin välistä viivettä varten kerättiin tiedot Teheranilaisista sairaaloista 100 peräkkäisen suusyöpäpotilaan tiedoista vuosien 2004-2006 välillä. Ns diagnostinen viive jaettiin kahteen osaan: 1) ensioireiden ja ensimmäisen sitä seuranneen lääkärikäynnin väli ja 2) ensimmäisen lääkärikäynnin ja lopullisen diagnoosin välinen ero. Useimmat suusyövät olivat pitkälle edenneitä diagnoosin tekemisen hetkellä, kasvain oli siis yli 4 senttimetriä halkaisijaltaan ja/tai kaulan alueen imusolmukkeissa oli jo etäpesäkkeitä. Eloonjäämistodennäköisyys viiden vuoden aikavälillä oli suusyöpäpotilaille 30% ja huulisyöpäpotilaille 62%, mitkä olivat merkittävästi alempia kuin yleisesti länsimaissa vastaavat luvut. Tämä tutkimus osoitti, että keskimääräinen diagnostinen viive oli korkea (7,2 kk, SD 7,5), erityisesti kun niitä verrataan kehittyneimpien terveydenhuoltojärjestelmien vastaaviin tietoihin. Yleensä potilaasta aiheutuva viive oli huomattavan suuri ensioireiden ja lopullisen diagnoosin välisestä ajasta. Tässä tutkimuksessa tehtyjen havaintojen pohjalta on perusteltua esittää kehitettäväksi ennaltaehkäisevä tiedotusohjelma, jossa kansalaiset voisivat saada enemmän tietoa suusyövästä, sen ensioireista jotta he hakeutuisivat aikaisemmin hoitoon. Lisäksi terveydenhoitohenkilöstöä, erityisesti hammaslääkärejä ja suuhygienistejä tulisi kouluttaa varhaisen diagnoosin tekemiseksi, jotta Iranissa tehtävien suusyöpähoitojen lopputulokset paranisivat.


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Neurofibromatosis 2 (NF2) is a dominantly inherited disorder, which predisposes to multiple tumours of the nervous system, typically schwannomas and meningiomas. Biallelic inactivation of the NF2 gene occurs both in sporadic and NF2-related schwannomas and in most meningiomas. The NF2 gene product merlin (or schwannomin) is structurally related to the ERM proteins, ezrin, radixin and moesin, which act as molecular linkers between the actin cytoskeleton and the plasma membrane. Merlin is a tumor suppressor that participates in cell cycle regulation. Merlin s phosphorylation status appears to be associated with its tumour suppressor activity, i.e. non-phosphorylated merlin functions as a tumour suppressor, whereas protein phosphorylation results in loss of functional activity. This thesis study was initiated to investigate merlin s role as a tumor suppressor and growth inhibitor. These studies show, that like many other tumor suppressors, also merlin is targeted to the nucleus at some stages of the cell cycle. Merlin s nuclear localization is regulated by cell cycle phase, contact inhibition and adhesion. In addition, a potential nuclear binding partner for merlin was identified, Human Enhancer of Invasion 10 (HEI10), a cyclin B interacting protein. Many tumor suppressors interact with microtubules and this thesis work shows that also merlin colocalizes with microtubules in mitotic structures. Merlin binds microtubules directly, and increases their polymerization in vitro and in vivo. In addition, primary mouse Schwann cells lacking merlin displays disturbed microtubule cytoskeleton. Fourth part of this thesis work began from the notion that PKA phosphorylates an unidentified site from the merlin N-terminus. Our studies show that serine 10 is a target for PKA and modulation of this residue regulates cytoskeletal organization, lamellipodia formation and cell migration. In summary, this thesis work shows that merlin s role is much more versatile than previously thought. It has a yet unidentified role in the nucleus and it participates in the regulation of both microtubules and the actin cytoskeleton. These studies have led to a better understanding of this enigmatic tumor suppressor, which eventually will aid in the design of specific drugs for the NF2 disease.


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Previous microarray analyses identified 22 microRNAs (miRNAs) differentially expressed in paired ectopic and eutopic endometrium of women with and without endometriosis. To investigate further the role of these miRNAs in women with endometriosis, we conducted an association study aiming to explore the relationship between endometriosis risk and single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in miRNA target sites for these differentially expressed miRNAs. A panel of 102 SNPs in the predicted miRNA binding sites were evaluated for an endometriosis association study and an ingenuity pathway analysis was performed. Fourteen rare variants were identified in this study. We found SNP rs14647 in the Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome candidate gene1 (WHSC1) 3'UTR (untranslated region) was associated with endometriosis-related infertility presenting an odds ratio of 12.2 (95% confidence interval = 2.4-60.7, P = 9.03 x 10(-5)). SNP haplotype AGG in the solute carrier family 22, member 23 (SLC22A23) 3'UTR was associated with endometriosis-related infertility and more severe disease. With the individual genotyping data, ingenuity pathways analysis identified the tumour necrosis factor and cyclin-dependant kinase inhibitor as major factors in the molecular pathways. Significant associations between WHSC1 alleles and endometriosis-related infertility and SLC22A23 haplotypes and the disease severe stage were identified. These findings may help focus future research on subphenotypes of this disease. Replication studies in independent large sample sets to confirm and characterize the involvement of the gene variation in the pathogenesis of endometriosis are needed.


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Hereditary leiomyomatosis and renal cell cancer (HLRCC) is a recently characterized cancer syndrome which predisposes to cutaneous and uterine leiomyomas as well as renal cell carcinoma (RCC). Uterine leiomyosarcoma (ULMS) has also been observed in certain Finnish HLRCC families. The predisposing gene for this syndrome, fumarate hydratase (FH), was identified in 2002. The well-known function of FH is in the tricarboxylic acid cycle (TCAC) in the energy metabolism of cells. As FH is a novel cancer gene, the role of FH mutations in tumours is in general unknown. Similarly, the mechanisms through which defective FH is associated with tumourigenesis are unclear. The loss of a wild type allele has been observed in virtually all HLRCC patients tumours and the FH enzyme activities are either totally lost or remarkably reduced in the tissues of mutation carrier patients. Therefore, FH is assumed to function as a tumour suppressor. Mutations in genes encoding subunits of other TCAC enzyme SDH have also been reported recently in tumours: mutations in SDHB, SDHC, and SDHD genes predispose to paraganglioma and pheochromocytoma. In the present study, mutations in the SDHB gene were observed to predispose to RCC. This was the first time that mutations in SDHB have been detected in extra-paraganglial tumours. Two different SDHB mutations were observed in two unrelated families. In the first family, the index patient was diagnosed with RCC at the age of 24 years. Additionally, his mother with a paraganglioma (PGL) of the heart and his maternal uncle with lung cancer were both carriers of the mutation. The RCC of the index patient and the PGL of his mother showed LOH. In the other family, an SDHB mutation was detected in two siblings who were both diagnosed with RCC at the ages of 24 and 26 years. Both of the siblings also suffered PGL. All these tumours showed LOH. Therefore, we concluded that mutations in SDHB predispose also for RCC in certain families. Several tumour types were analysed for FH mutations to define the role of FH mutations in these tumour types. In addition, patients with a putative cancer phenotype were analysed to identify new HLRCC families. Three FH variants were detected, of which two were novel. One of the variants was observed in a patient diagnosed with ULMS at the age of 41 years. However, LOH was not detected in the tumour tissue. The FH enzyme activity of the mutated protein was clearly reduced, being 43% of the activity of the normal protein. Together with the results from an earlier study we calculated that the prevalence of FH mutations in Finnish non-syndromic ULMS is around 2.4%. Therefore, FH mutations seem to have a minor role in the pathogenesis on non-syndromic ULMS. Two other germline variants were detected in a novel tumour type, ovarian mucinous cystadenoma. However, tumour tissues of the patients were not available for LOH studies and therefore LOH status remained unclear. Therefore, it is possible that FH mutations predispose also for ovarian tumours but further studies are needed to verify this result. A novel variant form of the FH gene (FHv) was identified and characterized in more detail. FHv contains an alternative first exon (1b), which appeared to function as 5 UTR sequence. The translation of FHv is initiated in vitro from exons two and three. The localization of FHv is both cytosolic and nuclear, in contrast to the localization of FH in mitochondria. FHv is expressed at low levels in all human tissues. Interestingly, the expression was induced after heat shock treatment and in chronic hypoxia. Therefore, FHv might have a role e.g. in the adaptation to unfavourable growth conditions. However, this remains to be elucidated.


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Paracrine regulation between the components of the tumour microenvironment cancer cells, activated fibroblasts, immune and endothelial cells is under intense investigation. The signals between the different cell types are mediated by soluble factors, such as growth factors, proinflammatory cytokines and proteolytic enzymes. Nemosis is an experimental in vitro model of fibroblast activation, leading to increased production of such mediators. Nemotic activation of fibroblasts occurs as they are forced to cluster thereby forming a multicellular spheroid. The aim of the present studies was to elucidate the mechanisms underlying the nemotic response of cancer-associated fibroblasts (CAF) and the role of nemosis in paracrine regulation between activated fibroblasts and benign and malignant epithelial cells. The results presented in this thesis demonstrate that the nemotic response of CAFs and normal fibroblasts differs, and inter-individual variations exist between fibroblast populations. In co-culture experiments, fibroblasts increased colony formation of squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) cells, and CAFs further augmented this, highlighting the tumour-evolving properties of CAFs. Furthermore, fibroblast monolayers in those co-cultures started to cluster spontaneously. This kind of spontaneous nemosis response might take place also in vivo, although more direct evidence of this still needs to be obtained. The HaCaT skin carcinoma progression model was used to study the effects of benign and malignant keratinocytes on fibroblast nemosis. Benign HaCaT cells inhibited fibroblast nemosis, observed as inhibition of cyclooxygenase 2 (COX-2) induction in nemotic spheroids. In contrast, malignant HaCaTs further augmented the nemotic response by increasing expression of COX-2 and the growth factors hepatocyte growth factor / scatter factor (HGF/SF) and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), as well as causing a myofibroblastic differentiation of nemotic fibroblasts into fibroblasts resembling CAFs. On the other side of this reciprocal signalling, factors secreted into conditioned medium by the nemotic fibroblasts promoted proliferation and motility of the HaCaT cell lines. Notably, the nemotic fibroblast medium increased the expression of p63, a transcription factor linked to carcinogenesis, also in the highly metastatic HaCaT cells. These results emphasize the paracrine role of factors secreted by activated fibroblasts in driving tumour progression. We also investigated the epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) of the HaCaT clones in response to transforming growth factor β (TGF-β), which is a well-characterized inducer of EMT. TGF-β caused growth arrest and loss of epithelial cell junctions in the HaCaT derivatives, but mesenchymal markers were not induced, suggesting a partial, but not complete EMT response. Inflammation induced by COX-2 has been proposed to be a key mechanism in EMT of benign cells. Corroborating this notion, COX-2 was induced only in benign, not in malignant HaCaT derivatives. Furthermore, in cells in which TGF-β caused COX-2 induction, migration was clearly augmented. The concept of treating cancer is changing from targeting solely the cancer cells to targeting the whole microenvironment. The results of this work emphasise the role of activated fibroblasts in cancer progression and that CAFs should also be taken into consideration in the treatment of cancer. The results from these studies suggests that nemosis could be used as a diagnostic tool to distinguish in vitro activated fibroblasts from tumour stroma and also in studying the paracrine signalling that is mediated to other cell types via soluble factors.


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Hereditary Leiomyomatosis and Renal Cell Cancer (HLRCC) is a hereditary tumour predisposition syndrome. Its phenotype includes benign cutaneous and uterine leiomyomas (CLM, ULM) with high penetrance and rarer renal cell cancer (RCC), most commonly of papillary type 2 subtype. Over 130 HLRCC families have been identified world-wide but the RCC phenotype seems to concentrate in families from Finland and North America for unknown reasons. HLRCC is caused by heterozygous germline mutations in the fumarate hydratase (FH) gene. FH encodes the enzyme fumarase from mitochondrial citric acid cycle. Fumarase enzyme activity or type or site of the FH mutation are unassociated with disease phenotype. The strongest evidence for tumourigenesis mechanism in HLRCC supports a hypoxia inducible factor driven process called pseudohypoxia resulting from accumulation of the fumarase substrate fumarate. In this study, to assess the importance of gene- or exon-level deletions or amplifications of FH in patients with HLRCC-associated phenotypes, multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification (MLPA) method was used. One novel FH mutation, deletion of exon 1, was found in a Swedish male patient with an evident HLRCC phenotype with CLM, RCC, and a family history of ULM and RCC. Six other patients with CLM and 12 patients with only RCC or uterine leiomyosarcoma (ULMS) remained FH mutation-negative. These results suggest that copy number aberrations of FH or its exons are an infrequent cause of HLRCC and that only co-occurrence of benign tumour types justifies FH-mutation screening in RCC or ULMS patients. Determination of the genomic profile of 11 HLRCC-associated RCCs from Finnish patients was performed by array comparative genomic hybridization. The most common copy number aberrations were gains of 2, 7, and 17 and losses of 13q12.3-q21.1, 14, 18, and X. When compared to aberrations of sporadic papillary RCCs, HLRCC-associated RCCs harboured a distinct DNA copy number profile and lacked many of the changes characterizing the sporadic RCCs. The findings suggest a divergent molecular pathway for tumourigenesis of papillary RCCs in HLRCC. In order to find a genetic modifier of RCC risk in HLRCC, genome-wide linkage and identical by descent (IBD) analysis studies were performed in Finnish HLRCC families with microsatellite marker mapping and SNP-array platforms. The linkage analysis identified only one locus of interest, the FH gene locus in 1q43, but no mutations were found in the genes of the region. IBD analysis yielded no convincing haplotypes shared by RCC patients. Although these results do not exclude the existence of a genetic modifier for RCC risk in HLRCC, they emphasize the role of FH mutations in the malignant tumourigenesis of HLRCC. To study the benign tumours in HLRCC, genome-wide DNA copy number and gene expression profiles of sporadic and HLRCC ULMs were defined with modern SNP- and gene-expression array platforms. The gene expression array suggests novel genes involved in FH-deficient ULM tumourigenesis and novel genes with putative roles in propagation of sporadic ULM. Both the gene expression and copy number profiles of HLRCC ULMs differed from those of sporadic ULMs indicating distinct molecular basis of the FH-deficient HLRCC tumours.


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Germline mutations in fumarate hydratase (FH) cause hereditary leiomyomatosis and renal cell cancer (HLRCC). FH is a nuclear encoded enzyme which functions in the Krebs tricarboxylic acid cycle, and homozygous mutation in FH lead to severe developmental defects. Both uterine and cutaneous leiomyomas are components of the HLRCC phenotype. Most of these tumours show loss of the wild-type allele and, also, the mutations reduce FH enzyme activity, which indicate that FH is a tumour suppressor gene. The renal cell cancers associated with HLRCC are of rare papillary type 2 histology. Other genes involved in the Krebs cycle, which are also implicated in neoplasia are 3 of the 4 subunits encoding succinate dehydrogenase (SDH); mutations in SHDB, SDHC, and SDHD predispose to paraganglioma and phaeochromocytoma. Although uterine leiomyomas (or fibroids) are very common, the estimations of affected women ranging from 25% to 77%, not much is known about their genetic background. Cytogenetic studies have revealed that rearrangements involving chromosomes 6, 7, 12 and 14 are most commonly seen in fibroids. Deletions on the long arm of chromosome 7 have been reported to be involved in about 17 to 34 % of leiomyomas and the small commonly deleted region on 7q22 suggests that there might be an underlying tumour suppressor gene in that region. The purpose of this study was to investigate the genetic mechanisms behind the development of tumours associated with HLRCC, both renal cell cancer and uterine fibroids. Firstly, a database search at the Finnish cancer registry was conducted in order to identify new families with early-onset RCC and to test if the family history was compatible with HLRCC. Secondly, sporadic uterine fibroids were tested for deletions on 7q in order to define the minimal deleted 7q-region, followed by mutation analysis of the candidate genes. Thirdly, oligonucleotide chips were utilised to study the global gene expression profiles of uterine fibroids in order to test whether 7q-deletions and FH mutations significantly affected fibroid biology. In the screen for early-onset RCC, 214 families were identified. Subsequently, the pedigrees were constructed and clinical data obtained. One of the index cases (RCC at the age of 28) had a mother who had been diagnosed with a heart tumour, which in further investigation turned out to be a paraganglioma. This lead to an alternative hypothesis that SDH, instead of FH, could be involved. SDHA, SDHB, SDHC and SDHD were sequenced from these individuals; a germline SDHB R27X mutation was detected with loss of the wild-type allele in both tumours. These results suggest that germline mutations in the SDHB gene predispose to early-onset RCC establishing a novel form of hereditary RCC. This has immediate clinical implications in the surveillance of patients suffering from early-onset RCC and phaeochromocytoma/paraganglioma. For the studies on sporadic uterine fibroids, a set of 166 fibroids from 51 individuals were collected. The 7q LOH mapping defined a commonly deleted region of about 3.2 mega bases in 11 of the 166 tumours. The deletion was consistent with previously reported allelotyping studies of leiomyomas and it therefore suggested the presence of a tumour suppressor gene in the deleted region. Furthermore, the high-resolution aCGH-chip analysis refined the deleted region to only 2.79Mb. When combined with previous data, the commonly deleted region was only 2.3Mb. The mutation screening of the known genes within the commonly deleted region did not reveal pathogenic mutations, however. The expression microarray analysis revealed that FH-deficient fibroids, both sporadic and familial, had their distinct gene expression profile as they formed their own group in the unsupervised clustering. On the other hand, the presence or absence of 7q-deletions did not significantly alter the global gene expression pattern of fibroids, suggesting that these two groups do not have different biological backgrounds. Multiple differentially expressed genes were identified between FH wild-type and FH-mutant fibroids, and the most significant increase was seen in the expression of carbohydrate metabolism-related and hypoxia inducible factor (HIF) target genes.


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The von Hippel-lindau (VHL) disease is a dominantly inherited neoplastic disorder which predisposes patients to multiple tumours including capillary haemangioblastomas (CHBs), pheochromocytomas (PCCs), renal cell carcinomas (RCCs). CHBs are the most common manifestations of VHL disease, occurring sporadically or as a manifestation of VHL disease. Inactivation of the VHL gene at 3p25-26 is believed to cause both familial and sporadic VHL-associated tumours and germ-line mutation of the VHL gene have been detected in 100% of the CHBs studied. However, a limited number of sporadic CHBs, PCCs display VHL inactivation. Other molecular alterations involved in tumourigenesis of sporadic CHBs, PCCs remain largely unknown. The purpose of the present work was to search for genetic alterations, or other mechanisms of inactivation, in addition to the VHL gene, that may be important in the development of VHL-associated tumours. Though less satisfactory than cure, prevention and early detection are the most promising and feasible means reducing cancer morbidity and mortality. This work is based on the view that increasing knowledge about the molecular events underlying tumour development will eventually aid in early detection and lead to improved treatment. We evaluated a large set of VHL-associated patients, searched for a clinical and radiologic signs of the disease. We succesfully performed a germ-line mutation analysis and characterised three patient groups, VHL, suspect VHL and sporadic, a germ-line mutation analysis revealed a 50% mutation rate only in the VHL groups, no sporadic or suspect cases displayed any mutation. We also utilized comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) to screen for DNA copy number changes in both sporadic and VHL-associated CHB. Our analysis revealed (27%) DNA copy number losses. The most common finding was loss of chromosomal arm 6q, seen in (23%) cases, No differences were noted between VHL-associated and sporadic tumours. Furthermore a loss of heterozygosity (LOH) study on chromosome 3p and 6q was done with the purpose to determine allele losses not observable by CGH, and to uncover the location of putative tumour suppressor genes important in CHB and PCC tumourigenesis. We identified loss of chromosome 6q and a minimal deleted area at 6q23-24 in CHBs. We also showed LOH at 6q23-24 in PCCs and identified the ZAC1 (6q24-25) as a candidate gene, ZAC1 is a maternally imprinted tumour suppressor gene with anti proliferative properties. To study further the role of ZAC inactivation in CHBs, we investigated LOH, promoter hypermethylation and expression status of the ZAC1 gene in mainly sporadic CHBs. Our LOH analysis revealed that the majority of the tumours with allele loss. The gene promoter methylation analysis similarly detected predominance of the methylated ZAC sequence in almost all tumours. Immunohistochemistry exhibited a strongly reduced expression of ZAC in stromal cells of all CHBs studied. Our current results indicate that the absence of the unmethylated, ZAC1 promoter sequence was highly concurrent with LOH for the ZAC1 region or 6q loss. This observation together with lack of ZAC expression, points to preferential loss of the non imprinted, expressed ZAC allele in CHB, in summary, our series of studies reveal a new chromosomal region 6q, emphasizes the importance of ZAC1 gene in the development of CHB and PCC, particularly in non-VHL associated cases.


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Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune disease characterized by synovitis, progressive joint destruction, and disability. Reactive arthritis (ReA) is a sterile joint inflammation following a distant mucosal infection. The clinical course of these diseases is variable and cannot be predicted with reasonable accuracy by clinical and laboratory markers. The predictive value of circulating soluble interleukin-2 receptor (sIL-2R), a marker of lymphocyte activation, measured by Immulite® automated immunoassay analyzer, was evaluated in two cohorts of RA patients. In 175 patients with active early RA randomized to treatment with either on disease-modifying antirheumatic drug (DMARD) or a combination of 3 DMARDs and prednisolone, low baseline sIL-2R level predicted remission after 6 months in patients treated with a single DMARD. In 24 patients with active RA refractory to DMARDs, low baseline sIL-2R level predicted rapid clinical response to treatment with infliximab, an anti-tumour necrosis factor antibody. Furthermore, in a cohort of 26 patients with acute ReA, high baseline sIL-2R level predicted remission after 6 months. Levels of circulating soluble E-selectin (sE-selectin), a marker of endothelial activation, were measured annually by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) in a cohort of 85 patients with early RA. During a five-year follow-up, sE-selectin levels were associated with activity and outcome of RA. The levels of neutrophil and monocyte CD11b/CD18 expression measured by flow cytometry, and circulating levels of sE-selectin measured by ELISA, and procalcitonin by immunoluminometric assay, were compared in 28 patients with acute ReA and 16 patients with early RA. The levels of the markers were comparable in ReA, RA, and healthy control subjects. In conlusion, sIL-2R may provide a new predictive marker in early RA treated with a single DMARD and refractory RA treated with infliximab. In addition, sIL-2R level predicts remission in acute ReA.


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Malignant mesothelioma (MM) is a rare, usually incurable, disease mainly caused by former exposure to asbestos. Even though MM has a strong etiological link, genetic factors may play a role, since not all cases can be linked to former asbestos exposure. This thesis focuses on lung diseases, mainly malignant mesothelioma (MM), and idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF), which resembles asbestosis. The specific asbestos-related pathways associated with malignant as well as non-malignant lung diseases, still need to be clarified. Since most patients diagnosed with MM or asbestosis/fibrosis have a dismal prognosis and few therapeutic options are available, early diagnosis and better understanding of the disease pathogenesis are of the utmost importance. The first objective of this thesis was to identify asbestos specific differentially expressed genes. This was approached by using high-resolution gene expression arrays, and three different human lung cell lines, as well as with three different bioinformatics approaches. Since the first study aimed to elucidate potential early changes, the second study was used to screen DNA copy number changes in MM tumour samples. This was performed using genome wide microarrays for identification of DNA copy number changes characterstic for MM. Study III focused on the role of gremlin in the regulation of bone morphogenetic protein (BMPs) in IPF. Further studies were conducted in asbestos-exposed cell cultures as well as in an asbestos-induced mouse model. Furthermore, GATA-6 was studied in MM and metastatic pleural adenocarcinoma. The GATA transcription factors are important during embryonic development, but their role in cancer is still unclear. GATA-6 is a co-factor/target of thyroid transcription factor 1 (TTF-1), which is used in differential diagnostics of pleural MM and adenocarcinoma. Bioinformatics probed the genes and biological processes ordered in terms of significance, clusters, and highly enriched chromosomal regions. The study revealed several already identified targets, produced new ideas about genes which are central for asbestos exposure, as well as provided supplementary data for researchers to check their own novel findings or ideas. The analysis revealed DNA copy number changes characteristic for MM tumors. The most common regions of loss were detected in 1p, 3p, 6q, 9p, 13, 14, and 22, and gains at 17q. The histological features in asbestosis and IPF are very similar, wherefore IPF can be studied in asbestos models. The BMP antagonist gremlin was up-regulated by asbestos exposure in human epithelial cell lines, which was also observed in Study I. The transforming growth factor (TGF) -β and BMP expression and signaling activities were measured from murine and human fibrotic lungs. BMP-7 signaling was down-regulated in response to up-regulation of gremlin, and restoration of BMP-7 signaling prevented progression of fibrosis in mice. Therefore, the study suggests that the restoration of BMP-7 signaling in fibrotic lung could potentially aid in the treatment of IPF patients. Study IV revealed that GATA-6 was strongly expressed in the majority of the MM cases, and correlated statistically significant with longer survival in subgroups of MM.


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Gas discharge plasmas formed at atmospheric pressure and near room temperature have recently been shown as a promising tool for cancer treatment. The mechanism of the plasma action is attributed to generation of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species, electric fields, charges, and photons. The relative importance of different modes of action of atmospheric-pressure plasmas depends on the process parameters and specific treatment objects. Hence, an in-depth understanding of biological mechanisms that underpin plasma-induced death in cancer cells is required to optimise plasma processing conditions. Here, the intracellular factors involved in the observed anti-cancer activity in melanoma Mel007 cells are studied, focusing on the effect of the plasma treatment dose on the expression of tumour suppressor protein TP73. Over-expression of TP73 causes cell growth arrest and/or apoptosis, and hence can potentially be targeted to enhance killing efficacy and selectivity of the plasma treatment. It is shown that the plasma treatment induces dose-dependent up-regulation of TP73 gene expression, resulting in significantly elevated levels of TP73 RNA and protein in plasma-treated melanoma cells. Silencing of TP73 expression by means of RNA interference inhibited the anticancer effects of the plasma, similar to the effect of caspase inhibitor z-VAD or ROS scavenger N-acetyl cysteine. These results confirm the role of TP73 protein in dose-dependent regulation of anticancer activity of atmospheric-pressure plasmas.


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Colorectal cancer is among the major cancers and one of the leading causes of cancer-related deaths in Western societies. Its occurrence is strongly affected by environmental factors such as diet. Thus, for preventative strategies it is vitally important to understand the mechanisms that stimulate adenoma growth and development towards accelerated malignancy or, in contrast, attenuate them to remain in quiescence for periods as long as decades. The main objective of this study was to investigate whether diet is able to modulate β-catenin signalling related to the promotion or prevention of intestinal tumourigenesis in an animal model of colon cancer, the Min/+ mouse. A series of dietary experiments with Min/+ mice were performed where fructo-oligosaccharide inulin was used for tumour promotion and four berries, bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus), lingonberry (Vaccinium vitis-idaea), cloudberry (Rubus chamaemorus) and white currant (Ribes x pallidum), were used for tumour prevention. The adenomas (Apc-/-) and surrounding normal-appearing mucosa (Apc+/-) were investigated separately due to their mutational and functional differences. Tumour promotive and preventive diets had opposite effects on β-catenin signalling in the adenomas that was related to the different adenoma growth effects of dietary inulin and berries. The levels of nuclear β-catenin and cyclin D1 combined with size of the adenomas in the treatment groups suggests that diets induced differences in the cancerous process. Adenomas progressing to malignant carcinomas are most likely found in the sub-groups having the highest levels of β-catenin. On the other hand, adenomas staying quiescent for a long period of time are most probably found in the cloudberry or white currant diet groups. The levels of membranous E-cadherin and β-catenin increased as the adenomas in the inulin diet group grew, which could be a result of the overall increase in the protein levels of the cell. Therefore, the increasing levels of membranous β-catenin in Min/+ mice adenomas would be undesirable, due to the simultaneous increase in oncogenic nuclear β-catenin. We propose that the decreased amount of membranous β-catenin in benign adenomas of berry groups also means a decrease in the nuclear pool of β-catenin. Tumour promotion, but not the tumour prevention, influenced β-catenin signalling already in the normal appearing mucosa. Inulin-induced tumour promotion was related to β-catenin signalling in Min/+ mice, and in WT mice changes were also visible. The preventative effects of berries in the initiation phase were not mediated by β-catenin signalling. Our results suggest that, in addition to the number, size, and growth rate of adenomatous polyps, the signalling pattern of the adenomas should be considered when evaluating preventative dietary strategies.


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The incidence of colon cancer is high in Western societies, and in Finland it is among the three most common cancer types in both females and males. Environmental factors, including diet, affect colon cancer development. During the last few years, a vast amount of new, functional foods have been introduced to the consumers. Several products are already available that are marketed as promoting intestinal health. To be able to reliably call a dietary compound a chemopreventive substance it is of fundamental importance to understand the mechanism by which it affects tumour formation and the integrity of the epithelial cells. In this thesis, three different dietary compounds were studied in an experimental model of colon cancer. Inulin is a non-digestible fibre found naturally in chicory roots, artichokes and onions, amongst others. Nowadays it is widely used as an added dietary fibre in several food products. Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) is a conjugated form of the fatty acid linoleic acid. CLA is formed by bacterial fermentation of linoleic acid in the rumen of cows and other ruminants. Concomitantly, it can naturally be found in milk and meat of ruminants. White currant is a colourless berry low in phenolic compounds that are believed to prevent cancer formation. Contrary to what was expected, inulin and the conjugated linoleic acid isomer trans-10, cis-12, were tumour growth promoting dietary constituents when fed to Min mice. Both diets decreased the NF-kappaB levels in the mucosa, but physiological adenoma development did not affect NF-kappaB. Diet altered beta-catenin and p53 signalling in the adenomas, confirming their involvement in adenoma growth. White currant, on the other hand, was chemopreventive, despite its low contents of phenolic compounds. The chemopreventive effect was accompanied by increased p53 levels in the mucosa, and decreased beta-catenin and NF-kappaB levels in the adenoma. This could explain the reduced adenoma number and size. The results underline the importance of carefully testing new dietary compounds in different settings to reliably confirm their health benefits. In this study two compounds that are consumed and believed to add to our health proved to be cancer promotive. A berry with low phenolic contents, on the other hand, was chemopreventive.


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Circulating tumor cells (CTCs) are the seeds for cancer metastases development, which is responsible for >90% of cancer-related deaths. Accurate quantification of CTCs in human fluids could be an invaluable tool for understanding cancer prognosis, delivering personalized medicine to prevent metastasis and finding cancer therapy effectiveness. Although CTCs were first discovered more than 200 years ago, until now it has been a nightmare for clinical practitioners to capture and diagnose CTCs in clinical settings. Our society needs rapid, sensitive, and reliable assays to identify the CTCs from blood in order to help save millions of lives. Due to the phenotypic EMT transition, CTCs are undetected for more than one-third of metastatic breast cancer patients in clinics. To tackle the above challenges, the first volume in “Circulating Tumor Cells (CTCs): Detection Methods, Health Impact and Emerging Clinical Challenges discusses recent developments of different technologies, which have the capability to target and elucidate the phenotype heterogenity of CTCS. It contains seven chapters written by world leaders in this area, covering basic science to possible device design which can have beneficial applications in society. This book is unique in its design and content, providing an in-depth analysis to elucidate biological mechanisms of cancer disease progression, CTC detection challenges, possible health effects and the latest research on evolving technologies which have the capability to tackle the above challenges. It describes the broad range of coverage on understanding CTCs biology from early predictors of the metastatic spread of cancer, new promising technology for CTC separation and detection in clinical environment and monitoring therapy efficacy via finding the heterogeneous nature of CTCs. (Imprint: Nova Biomedical)