984 resultados para music perception


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A atenção face dada à problemática da perda auditiva induzida pelo ruído nos profissionais da música tem sido enfatizada estudos nos últimos anos. No entanto, no que respeita aos alunos de música, são ainda poucos os estudos que analisam esta problemática de modo a permitir compreender se estes poderão estar expostos a elevados níveis de ruído no decorrer da sua formação e desenvolver problemas auditivos. O presente estudo pretende caraterizar os níveis de pressão sonora a que alunos de música estão expostos no decorrer das aulas e analisar a perceção do risco dos mesmos e potenciais efeitos sobre o sistema auditivo. Foram analisadas duas Orquestras de Jazz e uma Orquestra Sinfónica de uma Escola Superior de Música (ESM) e de um Conservatório de Música (CM). No total foram selecionados 24 alunos de acordo com o seu instrumento, e medidos os níveis de pressão sonora em diversas aulas, ao longo de duas semanas com recurso a 8 dosímetros. Foi aplicado um questionário para a análise da perceção dos alunos ao ruído e realizados exames audiométricos para a avaliação auditiva dos alunos. Em geral, os resultados demostraram que os alunos estão expostos a níveis elevados de ruído no decurso das aulas de instrumento e ensaios. Foram obtidos elevados níveis de Lp,A,eqT na bateria, vibrafone, saxofone, trombone, clarinete e trompa. Nas três escolas, verificou-se valores mais baixos de exposição no contrabaixo, nomeadamente nas Aulas Individuais. Os valores de Lp,Cpico ultrapassaram o valor de ação inferior de 135 dB(C) na percussão e saxofone. Nas aulas teóricas os valores obtidos ultrapassaram recomendação de 35 dB(A). No que respeita à perceção dos alunos verificou-se que em geral consideram que a exposição a elevados níveis de pressão sonora não tem efeitos significativos na saúde. Apesar de se ter verificado que todos os alunos avaliados apresentam uma audição normal, tinnitus, hiperacusia, distorção e diplacusia foram identificados por um número significativo de alunos. Os resultados obtidos neste estudo refletem a necessidade de implementação de medidas de prevenção e controlo dos níveis de exposição dos alunos de música com vista a um aumento da sua consciencialização do risco.


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The investigation which employed the action research method (qualitative analysis)was divided into four fases. In phases 1-3 the participants were six double bass students at Nossa Senhora do Cabo Music School. Pilot exercises in creativity were followed by broader and more ambitious projects. In phase 4 the techniques were tested and amplified during a summer course for twelve double bass students at Santa Cecilia College.


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This paper presents a brief history of the western music: from its genesis to serialism and the Darmstadt school. Also some mathematical aspects of music are then presented and confronted with music as a form of art. The question is, are these two distinct aspects compatible? Can computers be of real help in automatic composition? The more appealing algorithmic approach is evolutionary computation as it offers creativity potential. Therefore, the Evolutionary Algorithms are then introduced and some results of GAs and GPs application to music generation are analysed.


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It is well recognized that professional musicians are at risk of hearing damage due to the exposure to high sound pressure levels during music playing. However, it is important to recognize that the musicians’ exposure may start early in the course of their training as students in the classroom and at home. Studies regarding sound exposure of music students and their hearing disorders are scarce and do not take into account important influencing variables. Therefore, this study aimed to describe sound level exposures of music students at different music styles, classes, and according to the instrument played. Further, this investigation attempted to analyze the perceptions of students in relation to exposure to loud music and consequent health risks, as well as to characterize preventive behaviors. The results showed that music students are exposed to high sound levels in the course of their academic activity. This exposure is potentiated by practice outside the school and other external activities. Differences were found between music style, instruments, and classes. Tinnitus, hyperacusis, diplacusis, and sound distortion were reported by the students. However, students were not entirely aware of the health risks related to exposure to high sound pressure levels. These findings reflect the importance of starting intervention in relation to noise risk reduction at an early stage, when musicians are commencing their activity as students.


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O aumento da popularidade e da diversidade dos Festivais de Verão, a que temos assistido nos últimos anos, quer a nivel nacional e internacional, explica o interesse no desenvolvimento de um estudo sobre a eficácia das marcas patrocinadoras e o impacto nos mesmos tanto a nivel de conhecimento e consumo. Quando uma marca é patrocinadora de um Festival de Verão tem como principal objetivo que os seus participantes a identifiquem como tal e, consequentemente, passem a ser consumidores dando a conhecer a essência da marca, seus produtos e serviços associados. O presente estudo visa analisar até que ponto a associação da marca ao festival e o aumento do consumo são concretizados. Neste sentido, foi desenvolvido um estudo empírico de carácter quantitativo sobre as atitudes dos consumidores face ao patrocínio de marcas a festivais de música em Portugal. Os festivais seleccionados foram: Meo Marés Vivas, Nos Primavera Sound e Vodafone Paredes de Coura. O grande objectivo consistiu na avaliação da perceção dos consumidores de festivais de Verão nas marcas patrocinadoras dos mesmos. Tendo em conta os objetivos desta dissertação concluímos que, de uma maneira geral, que estes festivais são frequentados essencialmente por estudantes, com idades compreendidas entre 16 e 22 anos. Após análise das variáveis, as marcas patrocinadoras influenciam positivamente o consumidor, no que concerne à recordação/notoriedade da marca e à lealdade na com a mesma. Relativamente à identificação dos patrocinadores, verificou-se que as marcas mais associadas são as que possuem relação semântica com o festival e são, também, as que possuem maior consumo, notoriedade e relevância no mercado. O Vodafone Paredes de Coura destaca-se por ser o festival o que provocou mais atitudes positivas por parte dos inquiridos.


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This thesis focuses on the representation of Popular Music in museums by mapping, analyzing, and characterizing its practices in Portugal at the beginning of the 21st century. Now that museums' ability to shape public discourse is acknowledged, the examination of popular music's discourses in museums is of the utmost importance for Ethnomusicology and Popular Music Studies as well as for Museum Studies. The concept of 'heritage' is at the heart of this processes. The study was designed with the aim of moving the exhibiting of popular music in museums forward through a qualitative inquiry of case studies. Data collection involved surveying pop-rock music exhibitions as a qualitative sampling of popular music exhibitions in Portugal from 2007 to 2013. Two of these exhibitions were selected as case studies: No Tempo do Gira-Discos: Um Percurso pela Produção Fonográfica Portuguesa at the Museu da Música in Lisbon in 2007 (also Faculdade de Letras, 2009), and A Magia do Vinil, a Música que Mudou a Sociedade at the Oficina da Cultura in Almada in 2008 (and several other venues, from 2009 to 2013). Two specific domains were observed: popular music exhibitions as instances of museum practice and museum professionals. The first domain encompasses analyzing the types of objects selected for exhibition; the interactive museum practices fostered by the exhibitions; the concepts and narratives used to address popular music discursively, as well as the interpretative practices they allow. The second domain, focuses museum professionals and curators of popular music exhibitions as members of a group, namely their goals, motivations and perspectives. The theoretical frameworks adopted were drawn from the fields of ethnomusicology, popular music studies, and museum studies. The written materials of the exhibitions were subjected of methods of discourse analysis methods. Semi-structured interviews with curators and museum professional were also conducted and analysed. From the museum studies perspective, the study research suggests that the practice adopted by popular music museums largely matches that of conventional museums. From the ethnomusicological and popular music studies stand point, the two case studies reveal two distinct conceptual worlds: the first exhibition, curated by an academic and an independent researcher, points to a mental configuration where popular music is explained through a framework of genres supported by different musical practices. Moreover, it is industry actors such as decision makers and gatekeepers that govern popular music, which implies that the visitors' romantic conception of the musician is to some extent dismantled; the second exhibition, curated by a record collector and specialist, is based on a more conventional process of the everyday historical speech that encodes a mismatch between “good” and “bad music”. Data generated by a survey shows that only one curator, in fact that of my first case study, has an academic background. The backgrounds of all the others are in some way similar to the curator of the second case study. Therefore, I conclude that the second case study best conveys the current practice of exhibiting Popular Music in Portugal.


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Corporate social responsibility (CSR) literature has largely neglected consumers’ perceptions in the debate regarding the role of CSR in the aftermath of the financial crisis. In that context, this study aims to test the possibility that consumers’ perceptions of CSR level, firm reputation and brand trust, might depend on the type of industry sector of a firm, the level of fit of an initiative or both. By conducting a survey on Portuguese consumers and running a two-way analysis of variance, it suggests that solely the type of industry sector has an effect on consumer perception and that consumers are less tolerable of controversial industries.


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O objectivo desta dissertação é identificar a estrutura da percepção tal como ela é desenhada por Hiérocles nos <,(#= >1!(?$%&'(). Para alcançar este objectivo focar-me-ei na análise que o filósofo estóico leva a cabo em torno da percepção. O foco começa por incindir sobre a distinção entre percepção de si e percepção do exterior, com todas as suas subtilezas. Tal análise implicará então a consideração da importância da não-indiferença nessa estrutura de percepção. O objectivo é compreender como a percepção é sempre relacional e interessada. . Centrar-me-ei então na noção de !"#$%&'(), tentanto explorar a complexidade e multiplicidade do fenómeno em causa. Será também estabalecida a relação com o fragmento de Estobeu (6.671), que é, a par da obra, a fonte mais importante do pensamento de Hiérocles. Através desta relação introduzir-se-á a estrutura circular e concêntrica de uma percepção relacional e interessada. Toda esta dissertação será levada a cabo focando-se principalmente nos textos do próprio Hiérocles.


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The purpose of this thesis is to get a consumer perspective regarding event marketing in music festivals. Event marketing is a tool used by marketers that evolved out of philanthropy and commercial sponsorship. Brands are more and more using music or other entertainment moments to create a strong relationship with their clients, and the target group at these events, the millennial generation. Brands use sponsoring and therefore event marketing for several reasons as: increase brand awareness; create brand image; re-position the brand/product in the minds of consumers; increase profit over a short period; and, achieve larger market share. Nonetheless, we wonder how is this tool seen by consumers? To understand this, a preliminary research with nine interviews was conducted to obtain basic ideas about event marketing. Afterwards the main research was developed, also using interviews, to get deeper insights. With this thesis, it is possible to conclude that some brands are able to create brand awareness on attendees through brand sponsorship. Moreover, entertainment activities in festivals are well seen by consumers, they like it and are able to describe it well, even though it is more about the activity itself than the brand promoting it. Furthermore, it was possible to understand that experiential marketing in a festival might have a positive effect on consumers as it might create a link between the event and the brand. Finally, we recommend some actions, for brands to develop in future music festivals.


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The aim of this research is to evaluate if a premium beauty brand, in this case, Lancôme, can influence positively the purchase intention from Brazilian young adults, between 18 and 29 years old, consumers of beauty products, by initiating a relationship with a local celebrity or “it” girl on social media. This hypothesis has not been tested, and this research is a first attempt of evaluating it. Additionally, the consumer behavior, brand preferences and social media activeness of this age segment in Brazil are further studied as important insights for beauty brands to conquer these consumers. Results did not confirm the positive influence of local celebrities on this age segment’s purchase intention but several suggestions are made for future research to revisit this topic. Furthermore, there is a significant brand love for M.A.C., an international Lancôme competitor, amongst this target, as well as a probable price sensitivity facing premium beauty brands.


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This study aimed to understand employees’ reactions to organizational politics in Contact Centers. Drawing from a sample of 187 supervisor-employee dyads, we studied the relationship between employees’ perceptions of organizational politics and supervisor-rated task performance and deviance, and mediation effects by authenticity at work and affective commitment. Results indicate that workers tend to react to workplace politics with deviant behavior and worse task performance. We found that the relationship between perceived politics and task performance was mediated by authenticity. The relationship between perceived politics and supervisor-rated deviance was mediated by affective commitment to the organization. Implications for management are discussed.